Bedwyr Williams
Liverpool School of Art and Design
Faculty of Arts Professional and Social Studies
Email: B.E.Williams@ljmu.ac.uk
Books (authored)
Williams B. 2021. This is Everything 1
Williams B, Shani T, Fox D, Beasley M, Beasley S. 2014. ECHT/70º Williams B. Sally O'Reilly Dente-De-Leone 9781907908217 Author Url Publisher Url
Williams B, MacKinnon K. 2012. Bedwyr Williams My Bad Ikon Gallery 9781904864776
Williams B. 2011. Bedwyr, I'm Sorry I Missed Your Performance Sbellcheck 9780956831804
Williams B. 2005. BASTA Wales Arts International 9780954513061
Williams B. 2002. Operation Ferrule Ffotogallery 9781872771168
Williams B. Chydig Bach yn Too Much Oriel Mosyn Gallery 9780906860625
Williams B. 2019. 'Morden' Tube Map/Poster Commission for Art on the Underground Author Url
Williams BE. The Gulch
williams B. Fourth Documentary Exhibition of Fine Arts: 'Stress Field', hosted by the Hubei Museum of Art and the Fine Arts Literature Art Centre Publisher Url
Williams BE. Echt - The Institute of Things to Come Publisher Url
Williams BE. ECHT (at Vestjyllands Kunstpavillon, DK) Publisher Url
Williams BE. ECHT (at Visual Centre For Contemporary Art, Carlow) Publisher Url
Williams BE. The Starry Messenger ( shown at G39 Cardiff) Publisher Url
Williams BE. Echt Publisher Url
Williams BE. Hotel 70º Publisher Url
williams B. Primal Architecture Publisher Url
Colin A, Yee L. British Art Show 8 (LEEDS) Publisher Url
Williams B. Huuuuuge Thanks Publisher Url
Williams B. The Starry Messenger Publisher Url
Williams B. MY BAD Publisher Url
Williams B. DEAR BOTH Publisher Url
Williams B. Nimrod Publisher Url
Williams B. The Jinx Publisher Url
Williams B. Methodist to my Madness, Annet Gelink, Amsterdam Publisher Url
Williams B. Le Welsh Man's 24 hour Publisher Url
Williams B. Nimrod Publisher Url
Williams B. Phizogs Publisher Url
Shonibare Y. Criminal Ornamentation: Yinka Shonibare MBE curates the Arts Council Collection
Williams B. Adjunct Curator
Williams B. Milquetoast -Southwark Park Galleries, London Publisher Url
Williams B. The See Wall Publisher Url
Carr A. 'This is Your Replacement', Curated by Adam Carr, Sies + Hōke, Dusseldorf, Germany Publisher Url
Williams B. Der Dinghy Koenig
Williams B. No More Mr Nice Guy
Williams B. Bedwyr Williams (Chydig Bach Yn Too Much)
Williams B. Chydig Bach yn Too Much, Oriel Mostyn
Williams B. Tyranny of the Meek
Williams B. Tyranny of The Meek, Chapter, Cardiff
Williams B. Box Clever, de fabriek, Eindhoven
Willaims B, Williams B. Older Artist Author Url Publisher Url
Media Coverage:
Featured in in episode 3 of the BBC's The Story of Welsh Art 2021
hdclump.com (opens in a new tab)
www.bbc.co.uk (opens in a new tab)
wildflameproductions.com (opens in a new tab)
Five Artists to Follow on Instagram Now - The New York Times (opens in a new tab) 2020
Review of Frieze Art by Hettie Judah - The Guardian (opens in a new tab) 2019
The 50 Most Exciting Artists in Europe Right Now Artnet (opens in a new tab) 2016
Artist Mundi Review - Adrian Searle - The Guardian (opens in a new tab) 2016
My Last Supper - Dale Berning Sawa - The Guardian (opens in a new tab) 2016