Kathryn Smith
Liverpool School of Art and Design
Faculty of Arts Professional and Social Studies
Email: K.A.Smith@ljmu.ac.uk
Practice-based research; visual practices in forensic science; postmortem identification; craniofacial analysis and reconstruction; facial depiction; photographies; curatorial and archival practices; art and science; restitution; social justice
Academic appointments
Research Assistant, Face Lab, Liverpool John Moores University, 2019 - 2019
Journal article
Gibbon VE, Feris L, Gretzinger J, Smith K, Hall S, Penn N, Mutsvangwa TEM, Heale M, Finaughty DA, Karanja YW, Esterhuyse J, Kotze D, Barnes N, Gunston G, May J, Krause J, Wilkinson CM, Schiffels S, Februarie D, Alves S, Sealy JC. 2023. Confronting historical legacies of biological anthropology in South Africa-Restitution, redress and community-centered science: The Sutherland Nine Nikita E. PLoS One, 18 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Omran A, Wertheim D, Smith K, Liu CYJ, Naini FB. 2020. Mandibular shape prediction using cephalometric analysis: applications in craniofacial analysis, forensic anthropology and archaeological reconstruction. Maxillofacial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, 42 :37-37 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Smith K, Roughley M, Harris S, Wilkinson C, Palmer E. 2020. From Ta-Kesh to Ta-Kush: the affordances of digital, haptic visualisation for heritage accessibility Digital Applications in Archaeology and Cultural Heritage, 19 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Irwin J, Roughley M, Smith K. 2020. To Donate or Not to Donate? That is the Question!’ - an organ and body donation comic Journal of Visual Communication in Medicine, 43 :103-118 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Roughley M, Smith K, Wilkinson C. 2019. Investigating new areas of art-science practice-based research with the MA Art in Science programme at Liverpool School of Art and Design Higher Education Pedagogies, 4 :226-243 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Wilkinson CM, Mackenzie S, Smith K. 2019. Faces of Merseyside: Exploring cognitive bias through facial averages Leonardo, DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Smith K. 2020. Laws of the Face: Re-Staging Forensic Art as a counter-forensic device Wilkinson C, Fisher S, Fallows C. Public Url
Liu CY, Shrimpton S, Roughley M, Smith K, Wilkinson C. 2020. Facial depiction of two Mesolithic individuals from Norway (3D printed replicas) on display at Bergen City Museum
Smith KA, Roughley MA, Liu CYJ, Hengelhaupt ID, Wilkinson CM. 2018. Facial depiction (3D printed replica) of a 17th Century Scottish Soldier known as SK22 for the exhibition “Bodies of Evidence”, Palace Green, Durham Author Url Publisher Url
Wilkinson CM, Shrimpton SL, SMITH K, LIU C, Roughley MA. 2017. Facial depiction of George Lister and Elizabeth Dibb (3D printed replicas) on display at Washburn Heritage Centre Publisher Url
Internet publication
Smith K, Wilkinson C. 2019. How art and technology helped bring faces of the dead to life Author Url Publisher Url
Wilkinson C, Smith K, Roughley M. 2018. Who Am I? Remembering the Dead Through Facial Reconstruction: The Facial Reconstruction Process Publisher Url
Roughley MA. 2017. Investigating new areas of Art/Science practice based research with the MA Art in Science postgraduate program at Liverpool School of Art and Design Author Url Publisher Url
Smith K. 2016. Under the Influence of … Paul Stopforth’s Biko painting called ‘Elegy’ Author Url Publisher Url
Smith K, Wilkinson C. 2019. Facial depictions of 8 individuals from Sutherland, Northern Cape, as part of Sutherland Reburial Project Author Url Publisher Url
Smith K, Roughley M, Shrimpton S, Wilkinson C. 2018. Facial Depiction of "The Rider of Hemmaberg" - a 5/6th century man with a wooden leg prosthesis from the Migration Period in Carinthia, on display at the Archaeological Pilgrim Museum in Globasnitz Author Url
Smith K, Roughley M, Wilkinson C. 2018. Facial Depictions of The Goucher Mummy and Amenirdis, two ancient Egyptian women for the Johns Hopkins Archaeological Museum, Baltimore Author Url Publisher Url
Wilkinson CM, Liu C, Smith K, Roughley MA. 2017. Illustrations for the article "Three individuals, three stories, three burials from medieval Trondheim, Norway" Author Url
wilkinson CM, smith K, liu C, Roughley MA. 2016. Facial depictions of 3 medieval Norwegians for the exhibition "Hvor kommer du fra?/From where do you hail?" at Bryggens Museum, Bergen, Norway 01 Oct 2016 - 13 Aug 2017 Author Url Publisher Url
Smith K, Wilkinson C, Roughley M, Balachandran S, Swaney M, Garcia JR. 2019. One of Us? Navigating ‘rehumanisation’ questions in the depiction and display of two ancient Egyptians from the Johns Hopkins Archaeological Museum International Association of Craniofacial Identification Author Url
Rappert B, Smith K, Gould C. 2018. Opening Spaces through Exhibiting Absences: Representing Secretive Pasts Mankoo A, Rappert B. Chemical Bodies: The Techno-Politics of Control Rowman & Littlefield 9781786605863 Publisher Url Public Url
Smith K. 2018. Portraits, Likenesses, Composites? Facial Difference in Forensic Art Skinner P, Cock E. Approaches to Facial Difference: Past and Present. Bloomsbury. London, UK 9781350028296 Publisher Url Public Url
Wilkinson C, Mackenzie S, Smith KA, Roughley MA. Faces of Merseyside (2016) 7th International Conference on the Image: Face Value – Personification and Identity in a Post-Digital Age at Liverpool School of Art and Design, 01/09/2016-02/09/2016 Author Url Publisher Url
Roughley MA, Smith K. The Perception Machine: Can we think of artworks as sensing machines? (2018) at Tate Liverpool, 02/07/2018-08/07/2018 Author Url Publisher Url
Balachandran S, Wilkinson C, Smith K, Roughley M. Who am I? Remembering the Dead through Facial Reconstruction (2018-2020) Johns Hopkins Archaeological Museum, 07/11/2018-31/07/2020 Author Url Publisher Url
Liverpool John Moores University's Vice-Chancellor's Award for Excellence- Impact Story (2022) - Presented to Professor Caroline Wilkinson and the Face Lab team., Liverpool John Moores University. 2022
Research Team of the Year (awarded to Face Lab, LJMU) - Educate North Awards 2019, Educate North, https://www.educatenorth.co.uk/2019-winners. 2019
Liverpool John Moores University's Vice-Chancellor's Excellence Award for Excellence in Social and Economic Engagement (2016) - Presented to Professor Caroline Wilkinson and the Face Lab team, Liverpool John Moores University. 2016
Conference presentation:
‘Extreme forensics’ in South Africa: exploring new post-mortem visual identification protocols, The International Association of Craniofacial Identification, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, Louisiana USA, Oral presentation. 2019
Smith, K.A., Roughley, M. And Wilkinson, C. (2019). One of Us? Navigating ‘rehumanisation’ questions in the depiction and display of two ancient Egyptians from the Johns Hopkins Archaeological Museum, The International Association of Craniofacial Identification, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, Louisiana, USA, Poster presentation. 2019
Smith, K. A., Wilkinson, C. W., Roughley, M. A. (2018), Death Futures?, Encountering Corpses IV - ‘Post-Human Corpse, Death and Digital Technology’, No 70 Oxford Street, Manchester, Oral presentation. 2018
Smith, K. A., Balachandran, S., Wilkinson, C. M., Swaney, M., Garcia, J. R., Roughley, M. A., (2018), One of Us? Navigating ‘rehumanisation’ questions in the depiction and display of ancient Egyptians from the Johns Hopkins Archaeological Museum, Art, Materiality and Representation - Royal Anthropological Institute Conference 2018, British Museum, SOAS, Oral presentation. 2018
Smith, K. A., Roughley, M. A., Harris, S., Wilkinson, C. M., Palmer, E., (2018), From Ta-Kesh to Ta-Kush: the affordances of digital, haptic visualisation for heritage accessibility, Extraordinary World Congress on Mummy Studies, Santa Cruz, Tenerife, Oral presentation. 2018
Roughley, M. A., Smith, K. A., Wilkinson, C. M., (2018), Investigating new areas of Art/Science practice-based research with the MA Art in Science postgraduate programme at Liverpool School of Art and Design - a reflective summary https://www.heacademy.ac.uk/system/files/downloads/Programme%20with%20abstract%20detail%20-%20Day%202_1.pdf, Higher Education Academy (HEA) Annual STEM Conference 2018 Creativity in Teaching, Learning and Student Engagement, Newcastle Centre for LIFE, Oral presentation. 2018
Media Coverage:
Faces of Merseyside' exhibition