Other Professional Activity:
External Examiner at University of Hertfordshire from May 2019 to May 2023. 2023
Fellow of The Higher Education Academy, The Higher Education Academy. 2013
Teaching qualification:
FHEA. 2013
External collaboration:
Castle Borl, Ptuj, Slovenia, InhollandUniversity Haarlem
University of Applied Sciences Dresden
ChalmersTechnical UniversityGothenburg
University of Applied Sciences Graz FH Joanneum
University of Pécs Pollack Mihály Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology
Department of Architecture and Visual Studies. 2012
ERASMUS IP : Neuberg an der Mürz, Styria, Austria, InhollandUniversity Haarlem
University of Applied Sciences Dresden
ChalmersTechnical UniversityGothenburg
University of Applied Sciences Graz FH Joanneum. 2010
Places Matter, Jo Harrop. 2010
Other invited event:
Alice Culture: The Endurance of Wonderland, Tate Liverpool, Attendance of Postgraduate Research Forum. 2011
The Wonder Of Alice, Tate Liverpool, Conference attendance. 2011
Industrial connections:
FINSA, Competition liaison and organisation. 2011
Conference organisation:
The Art of Architecture : Le Corbusier Exhibition, Organisation of LJMU student invigilation for Exhibition. 2008