Dr Andrew Sherlock
Liverpool Screen School
Faculty of Arts Professional and Social Studies
Email: A.Sherlock@ljmu.ac.uk
Telephone: 0151 904 6559
Andrew Sherlock is an award winning professional dramatist and academic. As a writer, director and producer his extensive work for stage, screen and radio has been produced locally, nationally and internationally. He is also an internationally published academic, speaker and practitioner. His specialist teaching includes Directing, Scriptwriting and all aspects of Making New Drama. He is resident Literary Manager for LJMU Drama.
Andrew is an international LJMU Link Tutor for the Institute of the Arts Barcelona.
Andrew is a specialist in creating new drama, engaging professional creative partnerships and in creative, dynamic and dramatic thinking, strategies and joined-up solutions.
Further information at:
2015, Liverpool John Moores University, United Kingdom, PhD
1998, Liverpool John Moores University, United Kingdom, MA, Screenwriting
1987, Cardiff University, United Kingdom, Post Graduate Diploma, Theatre Studies
1985, Leeds, United Kingdom, BA Hons, English
Academic appointments
Senior Lecturer in Drama, Drama, Liverpool John Moores University, 1997 - present
Books (authored)
Various . 2021. The Lost Letters of Flann O'Brien Sherlock A, McGowan G. :1-192 The Pen and Pencil Gallery. Wirral UK
Sherlock A. 2015. Re-Representing the City Merkin R, Spargo T. LJMU
Sherlock A. Re-Presenting the City, A Dramatist's Contextualisatioon of his Works on Liverpool, Post 1990 Merkin ROS, Spargo TAMSIN. Public Url
2010. The Shankly Show
2009. Enterprising St Helens - Changing Culture
2008. The Girls of Belarus
Sherlock A. 2007. Son et Lumiere, scripted giant open air history of Liverpool projected on to St Georges Hall
2006. The Girls Who Came To Stay,
2006. ‘Who Are You?’
2006. ‘My Six Objects’
2006. Excluded
2005. 79 Journeys
2004. Way To Go
2003. On Patrol
2001. Closer
2000. Outside the School Gates
1997. The Representative
Sherlock A. ‘On the Out’,
Sherlock A. ‘Capture the Moment’
Sherlock A. 2004. Road To Nowhere - Road Safety Drama Assessment Report
Sherlock A, Birkinshaw N, Wills H. 2000. Outside the School Gates Report to accompany the film drama project with case studies and strategies for dealing with traunacy Outside The School Gates Case Studies
Sherlock A. Epstein - The Man Who Made The Beatles
Sherlock A. The Shankly Show
Sherlock A. The Judgement of Hakim
Sherlock A. Watching the Detectives
Sherlock A. Goodnight
Sherlock A. Sweeney.
Sherlock A. Stand–Up Comedy.
Sherlock A. Sting in the Tale
Sherlock A. Whirlwind History of Gas
Sherlock . Road to Nowhere
Sherlock A. Sex&Drugs&…
Sherlock A. Wall Talks
Sherlock A. Them’s The Breaks -
Sherlock A. Fall From Grace
Sherlock A. Tunellers’ Tales
Sherlock A. Ballad of the Sea,
Sherlock A. Loco Salsa
Sherlock A. The Weather People
Sherlock A. Kiss My Blues
Sherlock A. Shotgun Wedding,
Sherlock A. Epstein - The Man Who Made The Beatles
Sherlock A. King of The North - The Story of the Great North South Divide
Sherlock A. Epstein - The Man Who Made The Beatles
Sherlock A. The Judgement of Hakim
Sherlock A. The Judgement of Hakim
Sherlock A. The Pool of Blood
Sherlock A. City of the Sea - A History of the Port of Liverpool
Sherlock A. Pool of Blood
Sherlock A. Fall From Grace
Sherlock A. The Shankly Show
Sherlock A. The Shankly Show
Sherlock A. Road To Nowhere
Sherlock A. Around The Pool In 800 Years
Sherlock A. Around The Pool In 800 Years
Sherlock A. The Third Grace
Sherlock A. Best of Order BBC Radio Series
Sherlock A. Jimmy's Letters
Sherlock A. The Digging of the Tunnel
Sherlock A. Tunnellers Tales
Sherlock A. Walltalks
Sherlock A. Driving Ambition
Sherlock A. Gangsta Town - Five Gold Rings. Stage Play Script.
Sherlock A, Smyth G. A Drink With Brendan Behan. Stage Play
Sherlock A. The Judgement Of Hakim
Sherlock A. Here Comes The Sun - An Epic Story of the Workers' Struggle and the Will to Win - Making It Happen! Author Url Publisher Url
Sherlock A, Hogarth S. A Night At The Iron Door Club
Journal article
Sherlock A. 2013 ‘Staging Flann - The Brother’ International Flann O’Brien review magazine ‘The Parish’,
Conference publication
Sherlock A. 'Whither Political Theatre' Conference Whither Political Theatre
Sherlock A. Make A Move International Independent Theatre Conference Make A Move
Sherlock A. Talking Heads
Sherlock A. The World in One City
Sherlock A. Echoes of Ireland
Internet publication
Sherlock A. Sleepover Planet, www.bbc.co.uk/northernireland/schools/4_11/sleepover/
Sherlock A. Best of Order BBC Radio Interviews
Research Grants Awarded:
LJMU- QR funding via the Archives and Clusters route, The novelisation of the stage play Fall From Grace. West Ireland civic records and libraries, Grant value (£): 450, Duration of research project: 4 Days. 2022
WR Foundation, Liverpool New Drama Festival Seed Funding, Grant value (£): 5000, Duration of research project: 10 months. 2020
LJMU, A Drink With Brendan Behan - Playreading and round table discussion. Royal Court Liverpool., Prof Gerry Smyth, Grant value (£): 1000, Duration of research project: 1 month. 2018
LJMU, Uniglobal World Congress Opening Ceremony - 10 Level 5 and 7 Graduate Internships, Grant value (£): 25,500, Duration of research project: 6 Months. 2017
Arts Council England/Liverpool Culture Company, The Shankly Show - Research/Development/Creation., Grant value (£): 50,000, Duration of research project: 10 months. 2007
LJMU Aimhigher, Way To Go - Pathways to First Generation into H.E. DVD, Grant value (£): 35, 000, Duration of research project: 6 Months. 2004
European Social Fund, Way To Go, LJMU Recruitment Team, Grant value (£): 25,000. 2004
LJMU, Staged Feature Film Reading of the Representative at The Unity Theatre Liverpool with a public and invited audience Q&A., Grant value (£): 1000. 2000
Uniglobal, Uniglobal World Congress Opening Ceremony - teaching remission., Grant value (£): 150,000, Duration of research project: Jan-June 2018.
Conference presentation:
Keynote: The Challenges of Drama Production, International Independent Theatre and Physical Theatre Studies, Institute of the Arts Barcelona, Oral presentation. 2019
Why Flann Loves a Drama..., Acting Out: IV Flann O'Brien International Conference 2017, Saltzburg University, Oral presentation. 2018
Popular Politicised Drama, Rediscovering the Radical, Liverpool Hope University/LIPA, Oral presentation. 2016
Re-Presenting the City A Dramatist's View, Out of Practice - Showing Practice-Led Research, Birmingham University, Oral presentation. 2016
A Drama Practitioner's Popular Politics, Whither Political Theatre?, St John's College, Cambridge, Oral presentation. 2014
Football in Theatre - The Shankly Show, a Case Study., Performance Studies International - PSI#18., Leeds University, Oral presentation. 2012
My Liverpool 08, So What DId You Think Of 2008? TUC, Liverpool, Oral presentation. 2009
Outside The School Gates Dramatising Truancy, Outside The School Gates, The Unity Theatre LIverpool, Oral presentation. 2000
Conference organisation:
A Drink With Brendan Behan - playreading and panel discussion., Organiser/Director/Chair. 2018
External collaboration:
UNIGLOBAL/Culture Liverpool, Artistic Director UNIGLOBAL World Congress Opening Ceremony.. 2017
Liverpool Hope University/Royal Court theatre Liverpool/Liverpool Echo, Liverpool Hope Playwriting Prize - reader/assessor/judge.. 2015
Institute of the Arts Barcelona, LInk Tutor. 2014
The Liverpool Everyman and Playhouse, Teachers' Education Forum. 2008
ITV/Granada, ITV Drama.
The Royal Court Theatre Liverpool, Partnership Co-ordinator.
The Unity Theatre Liverpool, Departmental Partnership Co-ordinator.
Membership of professional bodies:
Drama UK Departmental Member, Drama UK. 2012
Member of the Writers' Guild of Great Britain, The Writers' Guild. 2000
SCUDD Member, SCUDD - The Standing Conference of University Drama Departments.
The Royal Televison Society Award for Best Regional Programme for On the Out, The Royal Television Society. 2003
Vivian Ellis National Musical Theatre Prize, The Performing Rights Society. 1996
Media Coverage:
As writer of Epstein - The Man Who Made the Beatles (opens in a new tab)
Writer of: The GIrls Who Came to Stay - ITV Feature Drama (opens in a new tab)
Liverpool Echo Feature Profile. (opens in a new tab)
Ken Bigley Special Report From Liverpool - contributed as interviewee to BBC Radio 4 discussion of the city's reaction to the death of Ken Bigley
Other Professional Activity:
2015 In Conversation With Willy Russell: Behind The Scenes Launch. LJMU John Lennon Auditorium. ‘’ LJMU Researcher/Interviewer/Host..
2015 to Date Liverpool Hope Playwriting Prize. Reader/Assessor/Judge..
2016 In Conversation With Pauline Daniels. LJMU John Lennon Auditorium. LJMU Researcher/Interviewer/Host..
An Evening with John Godber - Play Reading and Interview.