Dr Dror Dayan
Liverpool Screen School
Faculty of Arts Professional and Social Studies
Email: D.Dayan@ljmu.ac.uk
Dror Dayan is a documentary filmmaker, cinematographer and editor. He studied cinematography in the "Konrad Wolf" Film University in Germany, and has worked on many various productions in different roles, mostly in the camera department. Since his graduation he focuses his practice on documentaries as well as short video productions, especially for social campaigns and activists groups. His research interests are the political elements and readings of documentary film, participatory and collaborative filmmaking and the potential of media production for social change. He teaches media production and documentary film.
2018, Bournemouth University, United Kingdom, PhD
2014, "Konrad Wolf" Film University, Germany, "Meisterschüler" Postgraduate Degree
2012, "Konrad Wolf" Film University, Germany, Diploma
2021, Liverpool John Moores University, United Kingdom, PGCert
Academic appointments
Senior Lecturer, Liverpool Screen School, Liverpool John Moores University, 2019 - present
Lecturer, Film and Media, Bournemouth University, 2017 - 2019
Highlighted publications
Dayan D, Paq A. 2020. Not Just Your Picture (Co-Director) Publisher Url
Dayan D. 2016. Even Though My Land is Burning Public Url
Dayan D. 2025. "Dividends and Dissidents" (Working Title) - Republican views on the Good Friday Agreement in the North of Ireland (in production)
Dayan D, McDaid M. 2023. "The Troops Out Movement 50 Years on" (Working Title - In Production)
Dayan D. 2023. Untitled Altun Animated Docuemntary (In Production)
Dayan D, Witt-Stahl S. 2021. Time of the Slanderers (Zeit der Verleumder) Publisher Url
Dayan D, Paq A. 2020. Not Just Your Picture (Co-Director) Publisher Url
2017. Mich rettet die Poesie - Konstantin Wecker in politischer Nahaufnahme (Co-Director)
2017. Losgelöst von allen Wurzeln ... Eine Wanderung zwischen den jüdischen Welten. (Co-Director)
Dayan D. 2016. Even Though My Land is Burning Public Url
Books (authored)
Dayan D. 2020. The Manifestations of Political Power Structures in Documentary Film Stutterheimn K, Schuegraf M. 8 Peter Lang. Berlin 978-3-631-81453-6 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Dayan D. 2018. Eine radikale Synthese Melodie und Rhythmus, Publisher Url
Dayan D. 2017. Die Leinwand als Manifest Melodie und Rhythmus, Publisher Url
Dayan D. 2017. Das Revolutionäre Auge Melodie und Rhythmus, Publisher Url
Dayan D. 2017. Liberté Toujours Melodie und Rhythmus, Publisher Url
Dayan D. The manifestations of political power structures in documentary film Stutterheim K, Yates C.
Dayan D. Teaching Documentary Filmmaking as Liberating Pedagogy Stutterheim K. Teaching and Learning Documentary Cinema for the 21st Century NECS - European Network for Cinema and Media Studies
Dayan D. Approaches and dilemmas in using documentary filmmaking to empower affected voices challenging mainstream narratives Morrison J, Pedersen S. Silenced Voices and the Media: Who Gets to Speak? Palgrave Macmillan
Conference publication
Dayan D. Using documentary filmmaking to empower affected voices challenging mainstream narratives MeCCSA 2022
Dayan D. Not Just Your Picture (Screening and Discussion) FilmForum 2023 - XXX International Film and Media Studies Conference
Dayan D. Not Just Your Picture (Screening and Discussion) IIPPE 13th Annual Conference in Political Economy
Dayan D. “I Want to Live” - a collaborative multi-platform documentary project MeCCSA2024
Public engagement:
Public talk or lecture, EU Parliament members and staff, Director and invited speaker, European Parliament, Brussels, Screening of "Not Just Your Picture" in the European Parliament, Screening of "Not Just Your Picture" in the European Parliament, https://www.ljmu.ac.uk/about-us/news/articles/2023/6/21/palestine. 2023
Other Professional Activity:
Screening on "Not Just Your Picture" as part of the Peloponnisos Doc Festival and interview on festival website https://www.peloponnisosdocfestival.com/en/the-festival/festival-2021/online-festival/claiming-freedom/director/91. 2021
Media Coverage:
"Palestine documentary stirs controversy in Germany" - Interview in Electronic Intifada