Jackie Newton
Liverpool Screen School
Faculty of Arts Professional and Social Studies
Email: J.Newton1@ljmu.ac.uk
Telephone: 0151 231 4835
Senior Lecturer Jackie Newton has extensive experience as a staff journalist on regional publications, and has also freelanced for national newspapers and lifestyle magazines.
She spent a large section of her career at the Liverpool Daily Post and Echo, working as a designer, senior sub-editor, feature writer and features editor.
She is currently researching comparative ethics in the reporting of tragedy and media relations with the bereaved and has authored a number of publications, including work on death reporting written with Dr Sallyanne Duncan of Strathclyde University. Their book, Reporting Bad News, was published in 2017 by Peter Lang. They have also written a chapter in the book The Phone-Hacking Scandal: Journalism on Trial.
A qualified lecturer, Jackie holds a BSc (Hons) degree in Applied Psychology and a Masters in Educational Management.
Highlighted publications
Duncan S, Newton J. 2018. Reporting Bad News: negotiating the boundaries between intrusion and fair representation in media coverage of death Peter Lang. New York 978-1433125645 Publisher Url
Newton J. 2023. Sources: the lifeblood of journalism Duncan S. Ethics for Journalists Taylor & Francis 9780429999734 DOI Publisher Url
Newton J, Duncan S. 2021. Ethical approaches to reporting death and trauma affecting ordinary people Trifonova Price L, Sanders K, Wyatt WN. The Routledge Companion to Journalism Ethics Routledge 9780367206475 DOI Publisher Url
Newton J, Brennodden L. 2015. Victims At The Margins? A Comparative Analysis Of The Use Of Primary Sources In Reporting Personal Tragedy In Norway And The UK Thorsen E, Jackson D, Savigny H. Media, Margins and Civic Agency Palgrave Macmillan. Basingstoke 9781137512635 DOI Publisher Url
Newton J, Duncan S. 2012. Hacking into Tragedy: The ethics of death reporting in the social media age Keeble RL, Mair J. The Phone Hacking Scandal: Journalism on Trial :208-219 Abramis. Uk 978 1 84549 533 6 Publisher Url
Books (authored)
Duncan S, Newton J. 2018. Reporting Bad News: negotiating the boundaries between intrusion and fair representation in media coverage of death Peter Lang. New York 978-1433125645 Publisher Url
Editorial/letter to the editor
Duncan S, Newton J. 2017. Giving Voice to the Vulnerable Ethical Space: the international journal of communication ethics, 14 :2-4 Publisher Url
Journal article
Duncan S, Newton J. 2013. A better death in a digital age: post-Leveson indicators for more responsible reporting of the bereaved Ethical Space: the international journal of communication ethics, 10 :22-28 Publisher Url
Newton J, Duncan S. 2012. Journalists and the Bereaved: Constructing a positive approach to the teaching of death reporting Journalism Education, 1 :59-65 Publisher Url
Newton J. 2011. The knock at the door: Considering bereaved families’ varying responses to news media intrusion Ethical Space: the international journal of communication ethics, 8 :7-13 Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Duncan S, Newton J. 2010. How do you feel? Preparing novice reporters for the death knock Journalism Practice, 4 :439-453 DOI Publisher Url
Duncan S, Newton J. 2010. How do you feel? Preparing novice reporters for the death knock Journalism Practice, 4 :439-453 DOI Publisher Url
Conference publication
Newton J, Duncan S. 2008. Preparing students for the death knock Association for Journalism Education conference
Newton J. Considering bereaved families’ varying responses to news media intrusion: Early indications Journalism and Emotions Research Group conference
Newton J, Duncan S. The Dowler effect: could Hackgate and the use of social media transform the relationship between journalists and the bereaved? Institute of Communication Ethics Annual Conference
Newton J, Duncan S. Journalists and the bereaved: constructing a positive approach to the teaching of death reporting AJE Innovation in Journalism Education Conference
Duncan S, Newton J. A better death in a digital age: Post Leveson proposals for more responsible reporting of the bereaved Institute of Communication Ethics Annual Conference
Newton J, Brennodden L. Who speaks for the victims? A comparative analysis of the reporting of personal tragedy in Norway and the UK MeCCSA Annual Conference
Newton J, Duncan S. Talking to People in Crisis Crisis Reporting: European Journalism Training Association Teachers' Conference
Conference organisation:
Reporting Poverty, LJMU, Co-organiser. 2017
Conflict, Media and Trauma Conference, Organiser, http://royalhistsoc.org/calendar/cfp-conflict-trauma-and-the-media-deadline-1-december-2015/. 2016
Media Coverage:
Other Professional Activity:
Guest editor with Dr Sallyanne Duncan, Ethical Space Special Issue: Ethics of Covering Vulnerable People Vol. 14 Nos 2/3 Double issue of The International Journal of Communication Ethics.