Image of Dr Freya O'Brien

Dr Freya O'Brien

School of Justice Studies

Faculty of Arts Professional and Social Studies

See My Tutor


Freya O’Brien is a Chartered Psychologist and an internationally recognised expert in missing people research (e.g., invited to Chair 4th International Conference in Children and Adults at the University of Liverpool in 2019, member of National Police Chief’s Council’s Missing Persons Expert Reference Group, Editor for International Journal of Missing Persons).

Freya specialises in applying fundamental research (e.g., Cognitive/Social Psychology, Environmental Criminology) to applied contexts (e.g., examining factors that influence memory for missing people appeals, modelling the spatial behaviour of missing people), and increasing scientific rigour in this field (e.g., using regression analysis to examine relationships between missing persons’ spatial behaviour and their circumstances). Freya has over years’ experience working in partnership with regional and national law enforcement agencies and charities (including the Metropolitan Police Service, National Crime Agency, Missing People UK) to conduct research and evaluation. She has an extensive track record of to provide an evidence base for missing investigations, including examining harm prediction whilst missing, the impact of the pandemic on missing people, risk assessment, modelling spatial behaviour whilst missing, and memory for missing people appeals. Freya’s work has shaped policy and practice and she has the skills to measure impact (e.g., led evaluation of ITOK for Missing People and NSPCC Childline).

Freya has also generated income & opportunities for Early Career Researchers [e.g., Emotional expression and memorability for missing persons (BPS internship), multi-agency responses to children missing from residential care (ESRC CASE award)] and has disseminated her work to the wider community via international public engagement outlets (The Conversation) and media appearances (e.g., The ‘I’, BBC Radio Merseyside). Freya has previous PhD supervision experience and has acted as an external and internal examiner for PhDs and Professional Doctorates.

Freya is the Programme Director for the Professional Doctorate in Policing and Criminal Justice and supervises seven PhD candidates (two as an External Supervisor), and four Professional Doctorate candidates.
