Dr Giles Barrett
School of Justice Studies
Faculty of Arts Professional and Social Studies
Email: G.A.Barrett@ljmu.ac.uk
Telephone: 0151 231 5931
Giles is a Reader in Criminology within the School of Justice Studies. He is a past recipient of an LJMU visiting fellowship to Hunter College, City of New York University to further pursue his comparative research interest in Caribbean American business enterprises and UK African-Caribbean enterprises. He has also been a member of a European funded global network of researchers on issues relating to immigrant entrepreneurship and international migration. Giles’ doctoral research and subsequent research activity has focused on the economic and regulatory challenges facing small businesses owned by persons of Caribbean and South Asian descent. Giles’ other research interests include active ageing in poor neighbourhoods, BAME groups' perceptions of police and law enforcement agencies, and pedagogical research linked to students' research efficacy via international fieldwork experiences.
Giles is the author of a number of published papers on ethnic minority business issues and is a recipient of an Emerald Literati Prize. He has a wealth of experience in evaluation research derived from practical applications through research and consultancy on issues as varied as befriending schemes for older people to counteract isolation and loneliness through to cannabis use and cultivation. He has also lead an LJMU team in a major EU funded project around 'Reducing Reoffending' with local and international partners that include Knowsley MBC, HMP Liverpool, Merseyside Police, The City of The Hague government and the European Research Institute in Turin. Most recently, he was the principal investigator on a major national evaluation of the Royal British Legion Breaks Services. With its annual Poppy Appeal dating back to 1921, the Royal British Legion is one of the UK’s best known charities. In addition to being the Nation’s custodian of remembrance, the Legion supports the UK Armed Forces community through welfare services, companionship and representation. LJMU was commissioned to help the Legion assess its holiday services and inform on future development. In delivering on this project brief, Giles led a research team of seven.
Giles' teaching interests centre on research methods and methodologies, the links between crime, social harm and place, and international fieldwork within Criminology. Giles is a winner of a British Society of Criminology teaching award related to his work on internationalising the curriculum via overseas fieldwork research opportunities.
1997, Liverpool John Moores University, United Kingdom, PhD
1989, Liverpool Polytechnic, United Kingdom, BA (Hons) Social Studies
2013, Higher Education Academy, FHEA
Academic appointments
Reader in Criminology, School of Justice Studies, Liverpool John Moores University, 2019 - present
Highlighted publications
Barrett GA, Hayes A, Hollinshead J. 2019. Study Abroad and Developing Reflective Research Practice Through Blogs A Preliminary Study from the United Kingdom Journal of Criminal Justice Education, DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Taylor S, Beckett Wilson H, Barrett GA, Jamieson J, Grindrod L. 2018. Cannabis Use in an English Community: Acceptance, Anxieties and the Liminality of Drug Prohibition Contemporary Drug Problems, 45 :401-424 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Beckett Wilson H, Taylor S, Barrett GA, Jamieson J, Grindrod L. 2017. Propagating the Haze? Community and professional perceptions of cannabis cultivation and the impacts of prohibition International Journal of Drug Policy, 48 :72-80 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Mcgoldrick C, Barrett GA, Cook IG. 2017. Befriending and Re-ablement Service: A better alternative in an age of austerity International Journal of Sociology and Social Policy, 37 :51-68 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Barrett G, McEvoy D. 2013. An emerging African business quarter amid urban decline Journal of Enterprising Communities: People and Places in the Global Economy, 7 :274-292 DOI Publisher Url
Barrett G, McGoldrick, CM . 2013. Narratives of (in)active ageing in poor deprived areas of Liverpool, UK International Journal of Sociology and Social Policy, 33 :347-366 DOI Publisher Url
Barrett G, Fletcher, MG , Patel, TG . 2013. Black and minority ethnic communities and levels of satisfaction with policing: Findings from a study in the north of England Criminology & Criminal Justice, :1-20 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Dummer TJB, Cook IG, Parker SL, Barrett GA, Hull AP. 2008. Promoting and assessing 'deep learning' in geography fieldwork: An evaluation of reflective field diaries JOURNAL OF GEOGRAPHY IN HIGHER EDUCATION, 32 :459-479 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Barrett GA, Jones TP, McEvoy D. 1996. Ethnic minority business: Theoretical discourse in Britain and North America URBAN STUDIES, 33 :783-809 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Journal article
Barrett GA, Currin H. 2023. Mind Force Retreat: Improving the Subjective Well-being of Military Veterans Through Alternative Mental Health Therapies Illness, Crisis & Loss, DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Barrett GA, Hayes A, Hollinshead J. 2019. Study Abroad and Developing Reflective Research Practice Through Blogs A Preliminary Study from the United Kingdom Journal of Criminal Justice Education, DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Taylor S, Beckett Wilson H, Barrett GA, Jamieson J, Grindrod L. 2018. Cannabis Use in an English Community: Acceptance, Anxieties and the Liminality of Drug Prohibition Contemporary Drug Problems, 45 :401-424 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Beckett Wilson H, Taylor S, Barrett GA, Jamieson J, Grindrod L. 2017. Propagating the Haze? Community and professional perceptions of cannabis cultivation and the impacts of prohibition International Journal of Drug Policy, 48 :72-80 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Mcgoldrick C, Barrett GA, Cook IG. 2017. Befriending and Re-ablement Service: A better alternative in an age of austerity International Journal of Sociology and Social Policy, 37 :51-68 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Worrall A, Corcoran M, Barrett GA, Beckett Wilson H, Burke L, Millings MN. 2015. Integrated Offender Management: Evaluation research in Merseyside and North Staffordshire Probation Quarterly, :28-30 Publisher Url Public Url
Barrett G, McEvoy D. 2013. An emerging African business quarter amid urban decline Journal of Enterprising Communities: People and Places in the Global Economy, 7 :274-292 DOI Publisher Url
Barrett G, McGoldrick, CM . 2013. Narratives of (in)active ageing in poor deprived areas of Liverpool, UK International Journal of Sociology and Social Policy, 33 :347-366 DOI Publisher Url
Barrett G, Fletcher, MG , Patel, TG . 2013. Black and minority ethnic communities and levels of satisfaction with policing: Findings from a study in the north of England Criminology & Criminal Justice, :1-20 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Barrett G, McEvoy D. 2010. Ethnic Minorities in the British Labour Market Migration Citizenship Education, Publisher Url
Dummer TJB, Cook IG, Parker SL, Barrett GA, Hull AP. 2008. Promoting and assessing 'deep learning' in geography fieldwork: An evaluation of reflective field diaries JOURNAL OF GEOGRAPHY IN HIGHER EDUCATION, 32 :459-479 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Barrett G, Jones T, McEvoy D, Mcgoldrick C. 2002. The economic embeddedness of immigrant enterprise in Britain International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behaviour & Research, 8 :11-31 DOI Publisher Url
Barrett GA, Jones TP, McEvoy D. 2001. Socio-economic and policy dimensions of the mixed embeddedness of ethnic minority business in Britain Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 27 :241-258 DOI Publisher Url
Barrett GA. 1999. Overcoming the obstacles? Access to bank finance for African-Caribbean enterprise Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 25 :303-322 DOI Publisher Url
Barrett GA, Jones TP, McEvoy D. 1996. Ethnic minority business: Theoretical discourse in Britain and North America URBAN STUDIES, 33 :783-809 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Jones T, Mcevoy D, Barrett G. 1994. Success or just survival? New Economy, 1 :51-56 DOI Publisher Url
Jones T, McEvoy D, Barrett G. 2022. Labour intensive practices in the ethnic minority firm Routledge Library Editions: Small Business 1 :172-205
Barrett G, Ram M, Jones T. 2012. Ethnicity and Entrepreneurship Carter S, Jones-Evans D. Enterprise and Small Business: Principles, Practice and Policy :199-217 Pearson Education Limited. Harlow 9780273726104
Barrett G, Jones T, McEvoy D. 2008. Ethnic Minority Business Support: Theoretical Discourse in Britain and North America Blackburn R, Brush CG. Small Business and Entrepreneurship 1 :421-452 Sage
Barrett GA, McEvoy D. 2007. Temporal and Geographical Variations in Ethnic Minority Business: Thirty Years of Research in the United Kingdom Handbook of Research on Ethnic Minority Entrepreneurship Edward Elgar Publishing 9781845427337 DOI Publisher Url
Barrett GA, Jones TP, McEvoy D. 2003. United Kingdom: Severely Constrained Entrepreneurialism Bloomsbury Publishing plc 9781859736395 DOI Publisher Url
Currin H, Barrett G, Marshall D, Murray E. 2020. 'Doing' wellbeing in the midst of a global pandemic Publisher Url
Barrett GA, Marshall D, Murray ET. 2019. Action Learning Report 2019: A follow-up to the National Evaluation of The Royal British Legion’s Break Services Public Url
Barrett GA, Murray ET, Marshall DJ. 2019. The National Evaluation of The Royal British Legion (TRBL) Breaks Services 2017-2018 Public Url
Barrett GA, Murray ET, Marshall DJ. 2019. The National Evaluation of The Royal British Legion (TRBL) Breaks Services 2017-2018 (Executive Summary) Public Url
Barrett GA, Beckett Wilson H, Burke L, Millings MN. 2015. Working Together to Reduce Reoffending: Reducing Reoffending Project 2012-2015 Publisher Url Public Url
Barrett GA, Beckett Wilson H, Burke L, Millings MN. 2015. Reducing Reoffending Project: Action Learning Set 6 Publisher Url Public Url
Barrett GA, Beckett Wilson H, Burke L, Millings MN. 2015. Reducing Reoffending Research Project: Action Learning Set 5 Publisher Url Public Url
Barrett G, McGoldrick C, McEvoy D. 2014. Evaluation of the Befriending and Re-ablement Service (BARS) in Sefton
Barrett GA, Beckett Wilson H, Burke L, Millings MN. 2014. Reducing Reoffending Research Project: Action Learning Set 4 Publisher Url Public Url
Barrett GA, Beckett Wilson H, Burke L, Millings MN. 2014. Reducing Reoffending Research Project: Action Learning Set 3 Public Url
Barrett GA, Beckett-Wilson H, Grinrod L, Jamieson J, Taylor S. 2013. Cannabis Use and Cultivation. Public Url
Barrett GA, Beckett Wilson H, Burke L, Millings MN. 2013. European Reoffending Research Project: Action Learning Set 1 Publisher Url Public Url
Springett J, Barrett GA, Elliott I, Greenop DT, Lawless A, Newman A, Richards A. Pacesetters Workforce Development Evaluation Public Url
Barrett GA, Beckett Wilson H, Burke L, Millings MN. European Reoffending Research Project: Action Learning Set 2 Publisher Url Public Url
Barrett G, Currin H. Evaluation of the Mind Force Retreat Evaluation of the Mind Force Retreat Author Url
Conference publication
Jones T, Barrett G, McEvoy D. 2000. Market potential as a decisive influence on the performance of ethnic minority business Rath J. IMMIGRANT BUSINESS, Workshop on Immigrant Business :37-53 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Barrett GA. Multiple disadvantage and black enterprise : aspects of African-Caribbean and South Asian small business. Public Url
Conference presentation:
Wellbeing & harm reduction research and its impacts: some personal reflections, Global Majority Researcher Conference, Liverpool John Moores University, Liverpool, Oral presentation. 2024
Criminology students and their sense of community: a student-driven assessment of community-building, Students at the Heart Conference, Liverpool John Moores University, Oral presentation. 2024
International study visits: learning and employability gains for students, Students at the Heart 2023, Liverpool John Moores University, Oral presentation. 2023
How can we get students to attend, engage in and enjoy seminars?, Students at the Heart (SaTH) Conference 2022, Liverpool John Moores University, Oral presentation. 2022
How far does Capital of Culture status aid regeneration? The case of Liverpool European Capital of Culture 2008, Annual Conference of the Royal Geographical Society (with the Institute of British Geographers), London, Oral presentation. 2018
International fieldwork and building research self-efficacy among students, LJMU Learning and Teaching Conference, Liverpool, Oral presentation. 2018
Blog Off-Campus: benefits of using blogs as an assessment tool in international field work settings, LJMU Learning and Teaching Conference, LJMU, Oral presentation. 2016
Reducing Reoffending in the EU, EU funded Reducing Reoffending Project End of Award Conference, Liverpool, Oral presentation. 2015
Black and Minority Ethnic Satisfaction with Policing, 42nd International Conference for the European Group for Study of Deviance and Social Control, Liverpool, Oral presentation. 2014
What works and in what context when it comes to mentoring, 3rd International Meeting of the EU Project Group on Reducing Reoffending, Turin, Oral presentation. 2014
Black and Minority Ethnic Satisfaction with Policing, Black History Month Colloquium, Salford University, Oral presentation. 2013
“I say fieldwork, you say international study visit” Reflecting on off-site activities within Humanities and Social Science, LJMU Learning and Teaching Conference, Liverpool, Oral presentation. 2013
Using Action Learning to capture Knowledge and Best Practice, 2nd International Meeting of the EU Project Group on Reducing Reoffending, The Hague, Oral presentation. 2013
Gendered dimension of reflective field diaries, LJMU Learning and Teaching Conference, LJMU, Oral presentation. 2010
Culture and regeneration: Liverpool ECoC 2008, AAG Annual Conference, Washington D.C, Oral presentation. 2010
The emergence of ethnic retail quarters in Manchester, Royal Geographical Society and IBG Annual Conference, Manchester, Oral presentation. 2009
The impact of Liverpool European Capital of Culture 2008 on Merseyside tourism businesses, Creative Industries and Creative Communities Conference, Staffordshire University, Oral presentation. 2009
The World in One City? The representations and participation of ethnic minorities in European Capital of Culture, Liverpool, European Capital of Culture, Liverpool, Oral presentation. 2008
Using reflective diaries in Geography fieldwork, LJMU Teaching and Learning Conference, Liverpool John Moores University, Oral presentation. 2005
Aftermath: reactions to the Bradford riot of July 7 2001, Fear: critical geopolitics and everyday life, University of Durham, Oral presentation. 2005
Ethnic Minorities and the British Selection for Capital of Culture 2008, European Science Foundation Workshop, University of Amsterdam, Oral presentation. 2003
South Asian business networking in the United Kingdom, European Science Foundation workshop on Asian Immigrants and Entrepreneurs, Nijmegen, NL, Oral presentation. 2001
Ethnic minorities and (de)regulation: retailing and consumer services in the United Kingdom, Third Conference of the TSER Thematic Network: Working on the Fringes, Liverpool, Oral presentation. 2001
International Perspectives on Ethnic Minority Enterprise: The Work of the EU Fourth Framework Network on Immigrant Businesses, 4th Annual Ethnic Minority Business Conference, University of Paisley, Oral presentation. 2001
Ethnic Minority Business in the United Kingdom: The Current State of Knowledge, TSER Network ‘Working on the Fringes: Immigrant BusinessEconomic Integration and Informal Practices, University of Amsterdam, Oral presentation. 1999
Universalism versus Particularism in Ethnic Minority Business Studies, South Asian Entrepreneurship Conference, University of Reading, Oral presentation. 1997
Ethnic Solidarity and the Nature of South Asian Enterprise in Contrasting Contexts, Canadian Association of Geographers Annual Meeting, University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, Oral presentation. 1996
Aspects of African-Caribbean Business in England, Paper to Association of American Geographers Annual Meeting, Charlotte, North Carolina, Oral presentation. 1996
Raising Finance for the Ethnic Minority Firm, Paper to ESRC Small Business Initiative, University of Warwick, Oral presentation. 1992
Labour Intensive Practices in the Ethnic Minority Firm, Labour Intensive Practices in the Ethnic Minority Firm, Paper to ESRC Small Business Initiative, Oral presentation. 1992
Ethnic Identity and Entrepreneurial Predisposition: Business Entry Motives of Asians, Afro-Caribbeans and Whites, Paper to ESRC Small Business Initiative, University of Warwick, Oral presentation. 1992
Criminology Students and Cohort Identity: A Student Driven Assessment of Cohort-Building Best Practice, LJMU Curriculum Enhancement Fund. 2024
National Award for Excellence in Teaching Criminology 2012, British Society of Criminology, http://www.britsoccrim.org/teachingaward/. 2012
Literati Club - Award for Excellence for Most Outstanding Paper in the Journal of Entrepreneurial Behaviour and Research, Emerald Publishers, https://www.emeraldinsight.com/doi/full/10.1108/ijebr.2003.16009eaa.002. 2003
Other Professional Activity:
Curriculum Enhancement Fund Award "An exploration of how can we get BA (Hons) Criminology students to attend, engage in and enjoy seminars?". 2022
External Advisor at the Open University. 2021
Other invited event:
Financing Needs of Ethnic Minority Businesses, British Bankers Association, Participant in a round-table discussion at the British Bankers’ Association. The discussion was part of a scoping exercise for a project focusing on the financing needs of ethnic minority businesses. This event was a direct response to the Governor of the Bank of England’s Annual Seminar in January of that year during which the Governor called for more ‘hard’ data on the financing of ethnic minority businesses. 2018
The Royal British Legion (Organisational Management Group), Liverpool TRBL office, Research leads for the TRBL Breaks Services Evaluation were invited to present key research findings at a highly significant meeting of The Legion's Organisational Management Group which is constituted of all the most senior heads of services across The Legion's organisational structure.. 2018
Some ethnic transitions in Manchester’s business landscape, University of Liverpool, Invited speaker to present public seminar. 2010
European Migration Network, Home Office UK Borders Agency, London, European Migration Network - National network first meeting. 2008
The Financing of Ethnic Minority Firms in the UK, Bank of England, Participant in ‘The Financing of Ethnic Minority Firms in the UK’ consultative workshop, at Bank of England, London, UK. The knowledge shared in this workshop fed directly into the publication of the landmark document "The Financing of Ethnic Minority Firms in the UK", produced by the Bank of England, London. 1998
Ethnic Minority Entrepreneurship: New Directions in Policy and Research, University of Central England, Invited conference discussant. 1998
Research Grants Awarded:
Impacts08, Young Liverpool Project, Pauline Marne, Sara Parker, Grant value (£): 13950, Duration of research project: 3 months. 2018
The Royal British Legion, National Evaluation of TRBL Breaks Scheme, Emma Murray, Grant value (£): 220, 251, Duration of research project: 1 year. 2017
Knowsley Metropolitan Borough Council, Cannabis Research in Knowsley, Taylor S, Barrett G, Jamieson J, Grindrod L., Grant value (£): 25, 740, Duration of research project: 6 months. 2013
European Commission, Reducing Reoffending in the European Union, Giles Barrett; Helen Beckett Wilson, Lol Burke, Matthew Millings (all LJMU), Grant value (£): 345,000, Duration of research project: 3 years. 2012
European Commission: HOME/2011/ISEC/AG Prevention of and Fight against Crime 2007-13, Reducing Reoffending, Knowsley MBC, MALS Merseyside, Merseyside Police, Municipality of the Hague, European Research Institute, Busoleno, Italy, Grant value (£): 365,000, Duration of research project: 3 years. 2012
Merseyside Police, BAME Victims Satisfaction Study, Joe Yates, David Tyrer, Jim Hollinshead, Vickie Cooper, Grant value (£): 18437, Duration of research project: 6 months. 2010
Impacts08, Evaluation of the effect of Capital of Culture 2008 on the SME sector in Liverpool, Andrew Hull, Grant value (£): 5000, Duration of research project: 3 months. 2007
AimHigher Cheshire and Warrington, Creative Industries Evaluation, Andrew Hull, Grant value (£): 4042, Duration of research project: 5 months. 2006
European Union, TSER Research Network: Working on the Fringes: Immigrant businesses, economic integration and informal practices, Trevor Jones, David McEvoy, Grant value (£): 29300, Duration of research project: 1 year. 1999
LJMU, Asian and African-Caribbean small firms and business support provision in Kirklees, West Yorkshire, Christine McGoldrick; David McEvoy, Grant value (£): 1500, Duration of research project: 3 months. 1999
Conference organisation:
EU Reducing Reoffending Project Conference, co-organiser, http://reducingreoffending.co.uk/conference/. 2015
3rd meeting of the Thematic Network ‘Working on the Fringes: immigrant Businesses, Economic Integration and Informal Practices’: Public Policy and the Institutional Context of Immigrant Businesses. Sponsored by the European Union under the Targeted Socio-Economic Research programme, Co-organiser.
42nd International Conference for the European Group for the Study of Deviance and Social Control, Co-organiser, http://www.europeangroup.org/?q=node/18.
Teaching qualification:
Fellowship of the Higher Education Academy. 2012
Membership of professional bodies:
Member, Centre for the Study of Crime, Criminalisation and Social Exclusion, https://www.ljmu.ac.uk/research/centres-and-institutes/the-centre-for-the-study-of-crime-criminalisation-and-social-exclusion. 2009
Member, European Migration Network, https://ec.europa.eu/home-affairs/what-we-do/networks/european_migration_network_en. 2007
Emerald Publishers Literati Club, Emerald Publishers.
Enterprise Fellow, LJMU. 2000
Visiting Research Fellow at Hunter College, New York, NY, LJMU.
External committees:
Financing Needs of Ethnic Minority Owned Businesses, British Bankers Association, Round-table participant. 1999
Financing Ethnic Minority Firms in the UK, Bank of England, Round-table participant. 1998
Media Coverage:
Coverage of the award of TRBL's National Evaluation of Breaks Services