Image of Prof Lawrence Burke

Prof Lawrence Burke

School of Justice Studies

Faculty of Arts Professional and Social Studies


Telephone: 0151 231 3721

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Lol Burke is Professor in Criminal Justice at Liverpool John Moore’s University and specialises in the areas of probation research, policy and practice. He has an extensive publication record in CJ/Probation. These include co-authored monographs ‘Delivering Rehabilitation’ (Routledge 2014) and ‘Redemption, Rehabilitation and Risk Management’ (Routledge 2011), chapters in 7 edited collections, and over thirty published outputs in refereed journals and professional publications. He has an outstanding record of research and external income generation, being part of a team that secured a major ESRC grant (2014) and a European Commission award (2012). He has nationally/internationally recognised external engagement activities and achievements across a wide range of professional and governmental bodies, including especially: NAPO, The Howard League; and Probation Institute. Lol has impressive links with probation work in Europe, has represented NAPO at an event in the House of Lords, provided evidence to the Justice Committee, and has given keynote speeches across Europe and to the American Society of Criminology. He was editor of the leading Probation Journal from 2007-2016 and is on the editorial board of the European Journal of Probation. He is a Fellow of the HEA.


2016, Liverpool John Moores University, United Kingdom, PhD
1982, University of Liverpool, United Kingdom, BA History and English


1988, Cert of Qualification in Social Work (CQSW), CQSW

Academic appointments

Professor in Criminal Justice, School of Law, Liverpool John Moores University, 2018 - present
Reader in Criminal Justice, Law, Liverpool John Moores University, 2015 - present
Lecturer in Criminology and Criminal Justice, Sociology, Social Work & Social Policy, University of Liverpool, 2003 - 2005
Course Leader BA Hons Community Justice/Senior Staff Development Officer, Sociology, Social Policy and Social Work, University of Liverpool, 1997 - 2003

Postgraduate training

MA Welfare, Organisation and Management, United Kingdom, University of Liverpool, 1994 - 1996
Post Graduate Diploma in Management, United Kingdom, Liverpool John Moores University, 1983 - 1986
