Image of Dr Christina Phillips

Dr Christina Phillips

Liverpool Business School

Faculty of Business and Law

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Business Analytics Educators Forum


Senior Lecturer Business Analytics, Liverpool Business School, Liverpool John Moores University

Dr Christina J. Phillips has an eclectic background from tutoring in physics and statistics to running her own art and design company and business analytics consulting. Her specialism has always been in mathematical modelling but through in-industry research this has been extended to include ways to facilitate and maximise benefit from participative modelling and design.

Recent work has included workshops on Human Centric Analytics (HCA) design at the Making and Impact (MaI) session at OR65 Bath - a practice oriented session. Also, the human centred development of AI using Natural Language Processing (NLP) to investigate misinformation and language use to aid the NHS during the Covid19 pandemic. This was undertaken with researchers from University of Leeds and representatives of YHAHSN to collaborate with patient groups in the development of AI.

Dr Phillips' research into reducing uncertainty in human processes via analytics has led to the development of an analytics design paradigm called Human Centric Analytics (HCA) © . Providing a structure for bringing people and data together she has illuminated how participative analytics development has the power to facilitate change and alter perceptions as well as provide decision tools. By putting humans at the centre of analytics development we can augment their work, enhancing productivity and increasing efficiency. Using this HCA approach in a complex semi-process industry, during a longitudinal case study, Christina was able to augment lean development and facilitate an iterative process of production smoothing. This led to productivity savings and a shift in perceptions enabling a more inquisitive and data enabled culture. It also provided insights into the use of lean in non-discrete environments.

Christina is moving her HCA work into the space of collaborative metric/process design for ESG reporting and the improved design of health systems. She is an active member of the Cambridge led Health Systems Design Group, and leads workshops on integrating HCA into analytics design in practice. She has led design workshops to look at bike sharing development in partnership with the UN, and the future of car manufacturing and sustainable cities with Sunderland Council and The NAA. She has also organised many events for the OR Society and presented at numerous international conferences (Euro-K, POMS) and national/international events (ICAEW Analytics Live, INFORMS Analytics).

Co-chair Analytics Network, The Operational Research Society Trustee/Director and SIG representative on General Council.

Chair Business Analytics Educators Forum

Open to supervise PhD's in OR/OM/SCM/HCA

Previous positions

Lecturer Business Analytics/Statistics, University of Leeds

Business Analyst, Siemens Healthineers, Gwynedd

R&D Manager, forLAB, Bangor Business School (

Awarded a fully funded PhD Studentship (private partnership with Bangor University)
