Image of Dr Fragkoulis Papagiannis

Dr Fragkoulis Papagiannis

Liverpool Business School

Faculty of Business and Law

Dr Akis (Fragkoulis) Papagiannis as the managing director of an international consulting group, delivered successfully for many years several national and international EU-funded projects (e.g., business and strategic plans, innovative business redesigns and M&As). Most of these business projects are geographically dispersed in South Eastern European Countries. As a researcher, he is undertaking research on an independent basis (SRIS) for the upcoming REF. Research publications relate to entrepreneurship and innovation, sustainability and corporate social responsibility, semantic AI and ontologies. Other international activities include organisation of conferences/workshops and reviewing for ABS listed journals. In addition, as a visiting professor/scholar, he is delivering internationally a series of activities primarily relating to entrepreneurship. As an academic supervisor and external examiner, he examines business modules at graduate and undergraduate level. Teaching activities include module leadership at corporate, postgraduate and undergraduate level for entrepreneurial planning and innovation modules.


Greek, Modern (1453-)


2010, City, University of London, United Kingdom, PhD
1993, Western International University, United States, MBA
1991, Kent State University, United States, BBA
1988, School of Business Administration and Liberal Arts, Anatolia, Greece, Cerificate in Business Administration
Liverpool John Moores University, United Kingdom, Post Graduate Certification In Higher Education (PG Cert)


2014, Liverpool John Moores University, United Kingdom, Associate Fellow in Higher Education

Academic appointments

Bilingual moderator/External Examiner, Innovation and entrepreneurship, Oxford Brookes University, 2020 - present
Visiting professor and senior researcher, Business and Economics, University of Vareze, 2017 - present
External examiner, Business, Bedfordshire University, 2016 - 2022
Visiting Lecturer, Science, Engineering and Computing, Kingston University, London, 2009 - present
Associate Professor, Business Management, Athens Laboratory of Business Administration, 2006 - 2009
Associate Professor, Business Management, The American College of Thessaloniki, 1995 - 2012

Postgraduate training

Technological Tools for Strategic Business Planning, United Kingdom, Oracle ERP, 2014 - present
Budgeting: using an Oracle ERP, United Kingdom, Oracle, 2007 - 2019
Enterprise Resource Planning with Oracle, United Kingdom, Oracle ERP, 2005 - 2021
CRM: using an Oracle ERP, United Kingdom, Oracle ERP, 2004 - 2020

Highlighted publications

Papagiannis F, Gazzola P, Burak O, Pokutsa I. 2021. A European household waste management approach: Intelligently clean Ukraine Journal of Environmental Management, 294 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Papagiannis F, Gazzola P, Pokutsa I, Burak O. 2020. An Intelligent Environmental Plan for Sustainable Regionalisation Policies: The Case of Ukraine Environmental Science and Policy, 108 :77-84 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Papagiannis F, Gazzola P, Grechi D, Marrapodi C. 2020. The Sharing Economy in a Digital Society: Youth Consumer Behavior in Italy Kybernetes, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Gazzola P, Amelio S, Papagiannis F, Michaelides Z. 2019. Sustainability reporting practices and their social impact to NGO funding in Italy Critical Perspectives On Accounting, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Papagiannis F, Gazzola P, Pokutsa I. 2018. Overhauls in Water Supply Systems in Ukraine: A Hydro-Economic Method of Socially Responsible Planning and Cost Management Journal of Cleaner Production, 183 :358-369 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Papagiannis F. 2016. An Ontologically Innovative Design of CSR Strategies: Enabling Value Added Institutional Collaborations Theofilou A, Grigore G, Stancu A. Corporate Social Responsibility in the Post-Financial Crisis: CSR Conceptualisations and International Practices in Times of Uncertainty Palgrave Macmillan. Basingstoke 9783319400952 DOI Public Url

Conference publication

Papagiannis F. 2023. Procuring Socially Responsible Services Within Sustainability-Driven Thessaloniki Bem AGNIESZKA, Daszynska-Zygadlo KAROLINA, Hajdíková TATANA, Jáki ERIKA, Ryszawska . BOOK CHAPTER, ISBN 9 DOI Publisher Url Public Url

Michaelides ZFA, Michaelides R, Frickie J, Papagiannis F, Bishop B. 2017. Social Value Procurement in Policy Creation: Development of a social value framework for public procurement systems Working Papers Series on Social Responsibility, 6

Michaelides Z, Michaelides R, Papagiannis F. 2017. Big Data for logistics and Supply chain Management 28th Annual POMS conference

Papagiannis F. 2017. The Marketing value of Social Media Tools at Business Level Strategy Journal of Media Critiques, 3rd International Conference on Communication and Management (ICCM2017) 3 :97-108 DOI Publisher Url Public Url

Papagiannis F, Kok SK, Michaelides Z. 2016. The case of Thessaloniki's branding: Constructing social networking and CSE The 5th International Conference on Social Responsibility, Ethics, and Sustainable Business, The 5th International Conference on Social Responsibility, Ethics, and Sustainable Business DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Papagiannis F. 2016. Internationalising the Curriculum in Liverpool Business School: A Review for International Student Engagement Teaching and Learning 2016

Papagiannis F. 2015. An Ontologically Innovative Design of CSR Strategies i-CSR 2015

Papagiannis F. 2011. An Ontological Patient-Oriented Flow Process Redesign 15th International Symposium on Health Information Management Research, Conference Proceedings,

Papagiannis F. 2005. “The Minimization of the Time to Market Ratio Using A Supply – Demand Algorithm: A Case Study,” 2nd Supply Chain Management and Information Systems Management International Conference, Conference Proceedings,

Papagiannis F. 2005. “Restructuring of The Health Care Sector: A Patient-oriented Approach,” Proceedings of the 10th ISIMR 2005, Thessaloniki, Greece,

Papagiannis F. “Ontology Based Structure of an Elective Patient Oriented Performance Flow” 13th International Symposium on Health Information Management Research, Conference Proceedings, 13th International Symposium on Health Information Management Research Public Url

Zenon M, Roula M, Papagiannis F. Big data for logistics and supply chain management Productions and Operations and Management Science (POMS)

Papagiannis F, Gallagher EM. Internationalising the Curriculum: A Review of the Main Teaching and Learning Approaches and Activities undertaken by Leading Business Management Programs in the UK and US Learning , Teaching and Student Experiece -LTSE 2019 Public Url

Papagiannis F. The Marketing value of Social Media Tools at Business Level Strategy the 3rd International Conference on Communication and Management (ICCM2017)

Papagiannis F, Dos A, Grechi D, Montemerlo D, Gazzola P. DIVERSITY CHALLENGES FOR A SUSTAINABLE FINTECH 2nd Workshop on Environmental Finance for the Common Good 2023 DIVERSITY CHALLENGES FOR A SUSTAINABLE FINTECH

Gazzola P, Papagiannis F, Dos A, Grechi D. Antecedents of women CEO appointment: towards gender equality in Poland Gazzola P. Research Conference on International Business

Anna D, Papagiannis F, Gazzola P, Grechi D. The effects of family ownership on gender diversity in upper echelons: Institutional perspective evidence from a masculine society Finance and the Challenges of the New Economy

Journal article

Iliashenko I, Papagiannis F, Gazzola P, Cherkas N, Grechi D. 2023. Entrepreneurial Behaviour and Organisational Propensity to Innovate in a Public Sector Context Journal of Entrepreneurship, DOI Publisher Url Public Url

Papagiannis F, Gazzola P, Burak O, Pokutsa I. 2021. A European household waste management approach: Intelligently clean Ukraine Journal of Environmental Management, 294 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Papagiannis F, Gazzola P, Slavata D, Grechi D. 2021. Designing Successful Business Strategies for Public Private Partnerships. An ontological approach Kybernetes, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Gazzola P, Amelio S, Grechi D, Papagiannis F. 2020. NPO Funding in Italy: The Role and the Contribution of Corporate Governance International Journal of Business and Management, 15 DOI Publisher Url Public Url

Gazzola P, Amelio S, Papagiannis F, Vătămănescu EM. 2020. Financial Reporting in European Football Teams: A Disclosure Analysis of Player Registrations International Journal of Academic Research in Accounting, Finance and Management Sciences, 9 :182-206 DOI Publisher Url Public Url

Papagiannis F, Gazzola P, Pokutsa I, Burak O. 2020. An Intelligent Environmental Plan for Sustainable Regionalisation Policies: The Case of Ukraine Environmental Science and Policy, 108 :77-84 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Papagiannis F, Gazzola P, Grechi D, Marrapodi C. 2020. The Sharing Economy in a Digital Society: Youth Consumer Behavior in Italy Kybernetes, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Gazzola P, Amelio S, Papagiannis F, Michaelides Z. 2019. Sustainability reporting practices and their social impact to NGO funding in Italy Critical Perspectives On Accounting, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Papagiannis F, Gazzola P, Pokutsa I. 2018. Overhauls in Water Supply Systems in Ukraine: A Hydro-Economic Method of Socially Responsible Planning and Cost Management Journal of Cleaner Production, 183 :358-369 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Papagiannis F, Roudsari A, Danas K. 2011. National patient flow framework: An ontological patient-oriented redesign Studies in Health Technology and Informatics, 164 :305-310 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Papagiannis F, Michaelides Z. Procuring Socially Responsible Consulting Services: The Case of Thessaloniki, Greece International Journal of Public Sector Management,


Papagiannis F, Gazzola P, Kok S, Romanelli M. 2022. Procuring Socially Responsible Services Within Sustainability-Driven Thessaloniki Bem A, Daszynska-Zygadlo K, Hajdíková T, Jáki E, Ryszawska B. :139-151 Springer International Publishing 9783030816629 DOI Publisher Url Public Url

Papagiannis F, Gazzola P, Kok S, Romanelli M. 2022. Procuring Socially Responsible Services Within Sustainability-Driven Thessaloniki Sustainable Finance in the Green Economy :139-151 Springer Nature DOI

Papagiannis F, Kok SK, Michaelides ZM. 2017. The Case of Thessaloniki’s Branding: Constructing Social Networking and CSR in the Digital Era Corporate Responsibility and Digital Communities :165-184 Palgrave DOI Publisher Url Public Url

Papagiannis F. 2017. Chapter Title: An Ontologically innovative Design of CSR Strategies: Enabling Value added Institutional Collaborations :83-96 Palgrave Macmillan, Cham 978-3-319-40095-2 DOI Publisher Url

Papagiannis FA. 2017. An Ontologically Innovative Design of CSR Strategies: Enabling Value Added Institutional Collaborations Palgrave Studies in Governance, Leadership and Responsibility Part F1750 :83-96 DOI Publisher Url

Papagiannis F. 2016. An Ontologically Innovative Design of CSR Strategies: Enabling Value Added Institutional Collaborations Theofilou A, Grigore G, Stancu A. Corporate Social Responsibility in the Post-Financial Crisis: CSR Conceptualisations and International Practices in Times of Uncertainty Palgrave Macmillan. Basingstoke 9783319400952 DOI Public Url

Papagiannis F. 2004. Public Private Partnerships and Entrepreneurship: Travel Plazas and Welcome Centers, A manual for South European Cooperative initiative Trade and Transport Facilitation, U.S. State Department U.S. State Deparment

Books (edited)

2018. Corporate Responsibility and Digital Communities Grigore G, Stancu A, McQueen D. Springer International Publishing 9783319634791 DOI Publisher Url


Papagiannis F. 2015. The Socratic Method in Entrepreneurial Dynamics and Business Modelling: A Curriculum Innovation

Papagiannis F. 2005. A Virtual Restructuring Of The Health Care Sector: A Patient Oriented Approach ISHMIR, UNIVERSITY OF SHEFFIELD


Akis Papagiannis AP, Papagiannis F. 2010. POMRS


Papagiannis F. 2004. Enterprise Resource Planning Systems: Technological tools for Strategic Business Planning, A manual for the 1st Corporate Workshop in ERP Technologies


Papagiannis F. 1993. ATT and The Global Telecommunications Market

Papagiannis F. National Patient Flow Framework: An Ontological Patient-Oriented Redesign City University London

Highlighted activities

External collaboration:

University of Vareze, Italy, Guest professor and researcher. 2017

Kingston University, UK, The Department of Science, Engineering and Computing. 2009

Editorial boards:

I-CSR International Conference on Corporate Social Responsibility, 2015, Publication Reviewer. 2015


Placed 5th in European Awards 2013 for Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) for Innovation and Impact. 2013

Other invited event:

The Rebranding of Thessaloniki, Greece, Municipal Building, Thessaloniki, Greece, Thessaloniki 2012-2014 Open Ideas Implementation. The activities and workshops for enhancing strategic entrepreneurship and cultural profile of the town were implemented under the auspices of Thessaloniki’s Municipality.. 2012

Private Plazas & Welcome Centres in SE Europe, Belgrade Chamber of Commerce, Former Yugoslavian Republic, Business Plan Module presenter of the Private Plazas & Welcome Centres Manual presentation to the University of Belgrade academics and managers. 2005

Industrial connections:

Lexicon S.A., Project leader. Funding Public Private Partnerships. A road show for small and medium enterprises. Placed 5th in European Awards 2013 for Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) for Innovation and Impact. 2012

Thessaloniki Development Agency S.A., General Director. 2011

World Bank and SECI Project (The American College of Thessaloniki), Public Private Partnership and Entrepreneurship Project. Team Member. 2004

External committees:

Thessaloniki 2012. Entrepreneurial Ideas., The Municipality of Thessaloniki and Thessaloniki Metropolitan Development Agency S.A., Head of innovation and change projects. Including planning and implementation. 2011

Conference organisation:

Enterprise Resource Planning Systems: Technological tools for Strategic Business Planning. The American College of Thessaloniki, Thessaloniki Greece, Head of the Organising Committee. 2006

Professional activities

External collaboration:


Oxford Brookes University, International Moderator, Msc in Entrepreneurship and Innovation. 2020

SAGE, Reviewer. 2019

University of Vareze, Italy, Guest professor and researcher. 2017

University of Bedfordshire, External Examiner. 2016

University of Liverpool, The Management School, in the area: business informatics, ERP systems. 2015

ALPEGO HELLAS, Bard of Directors (Non-executive member / pro bono). 2014

Municipality of Thessaloniki, Greece, NGO advisor (pro bono). 2013

Kingston University, UK, The Department of Science, Engineering and Computing. 2009

Other invited event:

SMARTER RESEARCH CENTRE, Vareze, Italy, An expert member of the SMARTER Research Centre. An multidisciplinary research body exploiting SMART Technologies. 2020

SMARTER RESEARCH CENTRE, Vareze, Italy, An expert member of the SMARTER Research Centre. An multidisciplinary research body exploiting SMART Technologies. 2019

SMARTER RESEARCH CENTRE, Vareze, Italy, An expert member of the SMARTER Research Centre. An multidisciplinary research body exploiting SMART Technologies. 2018

The Rebranding of Thessaloniki, Greece, Municipal Building, Thessaloniki, Greece, Thessaloniki 2012-2014 Open Ideas Implementation. The activities and workshops for enhancing strategic entrepreneurship and cultural profile of the town were implemented under the auspices of Thessaloniki’s Municipality.. 2012

Venture Capital: The Greek Reality, Thessaloniki, Greece, Entrepreneurs, academics and ministers of the government discussing about the venture capital activities in Greece.. 2006

Private Plazas & Welcome Centres in SE Europe, Belgrade Chamber of Commerce, Former Yugoslavian Republic, Business Plan Module presenter of the Private Plazas & Welcome Centres Manual presentation to the University of Belgrade academics and managers. 2005

Managing Products and Services in SE Europe, Scopjie, FYROM, A Hellenic Aid seminar aiming towards the growth of exporting activities in SE Europe. 2004

Redesigning the Balkan Corporations, Trimontium Princess, Plovdiv, Bulgaria, Presentation Theme: Business Process Reengineering. 2004

Applied Business Planning and Processing Using ERP Systems, The American College of Thessaloniki, The Budgeting Process and planning. 2004

Hellenic Institute of Marketing, The American College of Thessaloniki, Managing and Branding. 2004

The Money show International, Hyatt Hotel, Thessaloniki Greece, Enterprise Resource Planning systems. 2003

Money show International, Hyatt Hotel, Thessaloniki Greece, A keynote speaker for Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. Theme: Entrepreneurship.. 2002

The Money Show International, Hyattt Hotel, Thessaloniki, Greece, Keynote speaker. Theme: Small business management and customer relationship management. 2002

The Money show International, Hyatt Hotel, Thessaloniki, Greece, Business Process Reengineering. 2001


Amazing Teacher ( University finalist), Liverpool Student Union. 2017

Amazing Teacher and Tutor, Liverpool Student Union. 2016

Amazing teacher, Liverpool Student Union. 2015

Best Teaching Team, Liverpool Student Union. 2014

Placed 5th in European Awards 2013 for Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) for Innovation and Impact. 2013

External PGR Supervision - completed students:

American College of Thessaloniki, MBA, The Renewable Sources of Energy in EU and its Applications. 2016

American College of Thessaloniki, MBA, The Greek Agricultural Industry and its Potential. 2013

American College of Thessaloniki, MBA, The Tourist Industry in Greece. 2006

Editorial boards:

Book: Corporate Social Responsibility in the Post Financial Crisis - CSR conceptualisations and international practices in times of uncertainty, Publication Reviewer. 2015

I-CSR International Conference on Corporate Social Responsibility, 2015, Publication Reviewer. 2015

Manual/ Book :Public Private Partnerships and Entrepreneurship: Travel Plazas and Welcome Centers, A manual for South European Cooperative initiative Trade and Transport Facilitation, U.S. State Department, Publication Reviewer. 2004

Membership of professional bodies:

Associate Fellow in Higher Education, The Higher Education Academy. 2015

Member, Hellenic Management Association. 1996

Member, The Hellenic Chamber of Industry and Commerce, http://ebeth/.gr. 1995


Fellowship in Higher Education, The Higher Education Academy. 2015

Teaching qualification:

Associate Fellowship in Higher Education. 2015

Post Graduate Certification in Higher Education (PG Cert). 2015

Industrial connections:

Alp. Hellas S.A., President of the Board (pro bono). 2013

Lexicon S.A., Project leader. Funding Public Private Partnerships. A road show for small and medium enterprises. Placed 5th in European Awards 2013 for Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) for Innovation and Impact. 2012

Thessaloniki Development Agency S.A., General Director. 2011

The Municipality of Thessaloniki, Project Leader for Thessaloniki 2012. 2011

Reform S.A., IT Consulting for healthcare projects. Project leader for innovation and change. 2010

Malamatina Winery S.A., Project leader for International growth and promotion. 2009

Bau Logistics S.A., Project leader for Developmental Law in Logistics. 2008

Maxim Kaltsides Corp., Project leader for Developmental Law in Logistics. 2008

Fena S.A., Project leader. Budgeting. 2006

Kolios S.A., Project leader for the business redesign study. 2004

World Bank and SECI Project (The American College of Thessaloniki), Public Private Partnership and Entrepreneurship Project. Team Member. 2004

Eskiades S.A., Project Leader for Developmental law and National Strategic Reference Framework Projects. 2003

Thessaloniki Yarns S.A., Project leader. Business consulting for Developmental law and NSRF projects.. 2002

Logismos S.A., Project Leader in a series of Business and IT projects. 2000

Elegance S.A., Project leader. Budgeting. 1999

International Consulting Ltd, Managing Director. 1995

Unitrade Recycle Group S.A., Project leader. New markets penetration ( Greece and Romania).

External committees:

Thessaloniki 2012. Entrepreneurial Ideas., The Municipality of Thessaloniki and Thessaloniki Metropolitan Development Agency S.A., Head of innovation and change projects. Including planning and implementation. 2011

Thessaloniki 2012. Organisational Committee for the Consultation of cultural PPPs in Thessaloniki, The Municipality of Thessaloniki, Greece, Member. 2011

John Pappajohn Entrepreneurial Funding Committee, The American College of Thessaloniki, Acting member of the Committee, http://www.act/edu. 2005

Conference organisation:

Careers Day International ( Organising institutions: The American College of Thessaloniki and Athens Laboratory of Business Administration), Member of the Organisation Committee, Keynote speaker. 2007

The Money show International, Member of the organising committee and Keynote speaker. 2006

Enterprise Resource Planning Systems: Technological tools for Strategic Business Planning. The American College of Thessaloniki, Thessaloniki Greece, Head of the Organising Committee. 2006

Applied Business Planning and Processing Using ERP Systems, Head of the Organising Committee. 2004

The ACT Career Fair, Member of the organising committee. 2002

The Money show International, Member of the organising committee and keynote speaker. 2001

Entrepreneurship. The American College of Thessaloniki, Greece, Head of the organising committee. 2001

Conference on Globalisation. Organising Institution: American College of Thessaloniki., Member of the organising committee. 2000
