Image of Helen Collins

Helen Collins

Liverpool Business School

Faculty of Business and Law

See My Tutor


An HRM professional with several years experience in academia as well as on HRM and OD projects in the public and private sector. Experience of managing and implementing EU bids and programmes, for instance and Objective 2 funded Equaliser project that increased opportunity for young people considered to be At Risk Of Disengagement (AROD).

Recent projects have focused on raising educational aspiration and outcome for Roma. Funded by the MHCLG the REAP project is a joint project between ourselves at LJMU and a community partner, Granby Toxteth Development Trust. REAP (Roma Educational Aspiration Project) is working alongside the LREN (Liverpool Roma Employability Network) project to address long held discrimination in the labour market that prevents Roma from reaching their potential. Evaluation of the impact of REAP led to further funding from MHCLG.


