Dr Victoria Jackson
Liverpool Business School
Faculty of Business and Law
Email: V.L.Jackson@ljmu.ac.uk
Dr Victoria Jackson is the Programme Leader for the MSc Management programmes within Liverpool Business School. Victoria teaches on the MSc Management programmes and her teaching interests align to Research Methods and Strategic Management. In addition to her Programme Leadership and teaching responsibilities, Victoria is also research active in the areas of student experience and success, pedagogy and employability, with a particular interest in international student perspectives.
2013, University of Liverpool, United Kingdom, PhD
2008, University of Central Lancashire, United Kingdom, Postgraduate Certificate in Research Methods for Business and Management
2003, Leeds Beckett University, United Kingdom, MA Business Studies
2002, University of Central Lancashire, United Kingdom, BSc Forensic Psychology
Academic appointments
Programme Leader, Liverpool Business School, Liverpool John Moores University, 2021 - present
Ogden J, Jackson V, O'Brien V, Montague S. 2024. Exploring the impact of micro-internships: Insights from Students and Employers to Enhance Future Work-Based Learning Opportunities ASET - Research Bursary Outputs Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Internet publication
Jackson V, O'Brien V, Montague S. 2024. Micro-internships: An inclusive way to increase student participation in work based and placement learning Publisher Url Public Url
Jackson V, Harrison R, Lui A. 2024. International student arrival: the impact of week -1 Publisher Url Public Url
Jackson V, Ong C, Kayas O. 2024. Introducing immersive virtual reality into an MSc Management programme Publisher Url Public Url
Fatokun B, Jackson V. 2023. “I’m an international student… get me out of here!” Cultivating a positive learning experience through additional study support and inclusive curriculum design. Publisher Url Public Url
Jackson V, Boswell F. 2023. Perceptions of Men's Mental Health in the Workplace: A Case Study of Construction Workers in North-West England Publisher Url Public Url
Jackson V, O'Brien V. 2021. Developing employability skills from an experiential learning residential. Publisher Url
Jackson V, Adcock N. 2016. English: The long view from A-Level to Graduation Publisher Url
Haj Youssef M, Jackson V, Houlden N. Is Cyber Security Being Taught Correctly? DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Journal article
Jackson V, O'Brien V, Richards A. 2023. Investigating the impact of experiential learning on employability skill development and employment outcomes: a UK case study of MBA students from the Indian Subcontinent Journal of Education and Work, DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Belal H, Saha P, Talapatra S, Jackson V, Mason A, Durowoju O. 2023. Examining the Viability of Lean Production Practices in the Industry 4.0 era: An Empirical Evidence Based on B2B Garment Manufacturing Sector Journal of Business and Industrial Marketing, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Houlden N, Jackson V, Haj Youssef M. 2023. Is cyber security being taught correctly? ITNOW: The Magazine for the IT Professional, 65 :46-47 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Belal HM, Saha P, Talapatra S, Jackson V. 2022. Unleashing the potential of the TQM and Industry 4.0 to achieve sustainability performance in the context of a developing country Global Journal of Flexible Systems Management, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Jackson V. 2014. Free coffee and cake! A retention initiative to promote first year business school students’ social interaction with their peers and staff. UCLan Journal of Pedagogic Research, 5 Publisher Url Public Url
Jackson V. 2013. The use of a social networking site with pre-enrolled Business School students to enhance their first year experience at university, and in doing so, improve retention Widening Participation and Lifelong Learning, 14 :25-41 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Tariq VN, Jackson V. 2008. Biomathtutor: evaluation of a new multimedia e-learning resource to support mathematics in the biosciences International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology, 39 :1003-1021 DOI Publisher Url
Nguyen C, Tien H, Jackson V. 2023. Enhancing students' digital skills through promotion relationship between business and university to digital era integration Yearbook Scientific Seminar, 20th Anniversary of Establishment :7-20 Phu Xuan University Publishing House. Ho Chi Minh City Publisher Url Public Url
Jackson V, O'Brien V. 2021. Enhancing Indian MBA students’ employability through an experiential learning residential: an accessible and inclusive approach. Norton S, Dalrymple R. Employability: breaking the mould. A case study compendium :54-60 Advance HE 978-1-9163593-4-5 Publisher Url Public Url
Saha P, Talapatra S, Belal HM, Jackson V. 2022. Examining the Role of Tqm and Industry 4.0 on Sustainability Performance: An Empirical Study on Bangladesh's Ready-Made Garment Sector SSRN Electronic Journal DOI Publisher Url
Media Coverage:
Research Grants Awarded:
ASET (the work based and placement learning association), Examining the use of micro-internships as an effective way to engage UG and PG students in work-based learning., Vicki O'Brien; Simon Montague, Grant value (£): 3,800, Duration of research project: 5 months. 2024
Academy of Marketing, Investigating the use of a social networking site with pre-enrolled Business School students to enhance the first-year experience at university and to improve retention, Grant value (£): 1865.00, Duration of research project: 1 year. 2012
Editorial boards:
Postgraduate Journal of Management Research, Member of the Editorial Team, https://openjournals.ljmu.ac.uk/PJMR/issue/view/166. 2023
Other Professional Activity:
Liverpool Business School case study written by Selby, M., Wall, T. & Jackson, V, pp. 25 in Newman, T. & Gulliver, M. 2023. International Students’ Digital Experience. Phase one: a review of policy, academic literature and views from UK higher education. JISC Report Published 19 April 2023, available from: https://repository.jisc.ac.uk/9102/1/international-students-digital-experience-a-review-of-policy-academic-literature-and-views-from-uk-he.pdf. 2023
Conference presentation:
A call for responsible management and compassionate leadership for building a sustainable post-pandemic higher education system, British Academy of Management conference, Oral presentation. 2021
Responsible Management in university strategic plans: explicit, implied or omitted?, PRME Conference, Oral presentation. 2021
The roles of compassionate leadership and responsible management in building a sustainable post-pandemic Higher Education system, British Educational Leadership, Management & Administration Society (BELMAS) conference, Oral presentation. 2021
Enhancing Indian MBA students’ employability through an experiential and inclusive learning residential: A study on student self-development outside of the classroom, Chartered Association of Business Schools (CABS) Annual Conference, Oral presentation. 2020
Gendered attitudes towards experiential learning on the MBA, Chartered Association of Business Schools) Learning, Teaching & Student Experience conference, Oral presentation. 2019
Accounting Students’ Perceptions of a new Professional Skills Development Module, British Accounting and Finance Association Annual Conference (BAFA), Oral presentation. 2015
Membership of professional bodies:
Annual Membership to the British Academy of Management, British Academy of Management, https://www.bam.ac.uk/membership.html. 2021