Timothy Nichol
Pro Vice Chancellor BUS
Faculty of Business and Law
Email: T.J.Nichol@ljmu.ac.uk
Telephone: 0151 231 4779
Prof Nichol has a degree in Jurisprudence from Oxford University and joined academia after a professional accounting career with Coopers and Lybrand. He is a chartered accountant (ICAEW) , a Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Taxation, a Fellow of the Chartered Management Institute and a Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts.
He joined the Newcastle Business School in 1992 and held positions as an Associate Dean Undergraduate and Associate Dean Teaching and Learning in the Business School and in the Faculty of Business and Law. In 1997 was seconded to the British Government Know How Fund and worked in Kyiv as a Resident Advisor at the Ukrainian central bank as part of a multi-agency team advising on the implementation of banking reform measures In 2014 was appointed as Director, Northumbria London Campus and launched the new campus.
Prof Nichol joined Liverpool John Moores University in August 2015 as Dean, Liverpool Business School and was subsequently appointed Pro Vice Chancellor( Faculty of Business and Law)
External appointments include editorial and review responsibilities, a former Panel member for EFMD’s EPAS accreditation, non-executive directorship, school governorship and Trustee positions.
2022, University of York, United Kingdom, PhD, Management
1982, University of Oxford, United Kingdom, BA, Jurisprudence
Dinning TM, Brown J, McGrath L, Nichol T, Shore A, Nixon S. 2024. Developing Global Best Practice for Business Clinics at Universities: Practice guidance report Publisher Url Public Url
Howorth C, Kemp M, Nichol T. 2023. Codes of Governance for Family Business Carney M, Dieleman M. De Gruyter Handbook for Business Families De Gruyter. Berlin DOI Publisher Url
Wang T, Qu Z, Nichol T, Yang Z, Dimitriu D, Clarke G, Bowden D. 2018. Impacts of climate change on rail systems Safety and Reliability – Safe Societies in a Changing World :2771-2779 CRC Press DOI Publisher Url
Nichol TJ. 2012. Board Power Relations and the Impact of the U.K.'s Combined Code on Corporate Governance International Corporate Governance After Sarbanes‐Oxley :297-317 Wiley DOI
Nichol TJ. 2011. Board Power Relations and the Impact of the UK's Combined Code on Corporate Governance Ali U, Gregoriou GN. International Corporate Governance After Sarbanes-Oxley John Wiley & Sons 9781118161128 DOI Publisher Url
Nichol T. Corporate Governance Howorth C, Discua Cruz A. Elgar Encyclopedia of Family Business DOI Publisher Url
Journal article
Wang T, Qu Z, Yang Z, Nichol T, Clarke G, Ge Y. 2020. Climate Change Research on Transportation Systems: Climate Risks, Adaptation and Planning Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, 88 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Wang T, Qu Z, Yang Z, Nichol T, Dimitriu D, Clarke G, Bowde D, Lee P. 2020. Impact analysis of climate change on rail systems for adaptation planning: A UK case Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, 83 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Wang T, Qu Z, Yang Z, Nichol T, Dimitriu D, Clarke G, Bowden D. 2019. How can the UK road system be adapted to the impacts posed by climate change? By creating a climate adaptation framework Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Adegbite E, Shrives P, Nichol T. 2011. Title of manuscript: The role of government in corporate governance: Perspectives from the UK Corporate Ownership and Control, 9 :283-293 DOI Publisher Url
Conference publication
Wang T, Qu Z, Nichol T, Yang Z, Dimitriu D, Clarke G, Bowden D. 2018. Impacts of climate change on rail systems: A new climate risk analysis model Haugen S, Barros A, VanGulijk C, Kongsvik T, Vinnem JE. SAFETY AND RELIABILITY - SAFE SOCIETIES IN A CHANGING WORLD, 28th Annual International European Safety and Reliability Conference (ESREL) :2771-2779 Author Url
Wang T, Qu Z, Yang Z, Nichol T, Dimitrio D, Clarke G, Bowden D. How Can the UK Road System be Adapted to the Impacts Posed by Climate Change? By Creating a Climate Adaptation Framework PROLOG 2018 conference
Other invited event:
Newcastle University Faculty of humanities Education Development Day, Newcastle University, Newcastle, UK, Gen AI and the Student Experience: Presentation and discussion. 2024
Guest Lecture, Galatasaray University, Turkey, Decision Making in Family Owned Companies. 2021
Guest Lecture, Galatasaray University, Turkey, The Economic Impact of Brexit. 2020
Liverpool City Council: Employment and Skills Committee, Liverpool Town Hall, Presentation of the role of the Liverpool Business School in the city region. 2019
Roundtable Discussion on Leadership and Managament Skills, Liverpool Combined Authority, Chair. 2018
Liverpool & Sefton Chamber of Commerce/ IoD: Economic Business Breakfast, Merseyrail, Liverpool, Panel member for discussion titled 'Is Education helping or hindering business growth?'. 2016
Conference presentation:
Engaging with local and small business, Chartered Association of Business Schools : PMAC, Online, Presentation and Panel discussion. 2024
The impact of AI on Assessment, UNIwise/JISC Campfire Session, On-line, Presentation and round table discussion. 2024
Generative AI: Student Experience Perspective, Education Stratgy Forum, Cirencester, UK, Oral presentation. 2024
What is clinical practice, Global Symposium on Student Led Business Clinics, On-line, Discussion Track Chair. 2024
Industry 4.0: The potential skills deficit across Indo-Pacific, Horasis India Meeting 2023, Adelaide, Australia, Panel Member. 2023
Financial Sustainability in Business Schools, Chartered Association of Business Schools, London, UK, Oral presentation. 2023
The role of senior academic leaders in shaping the next generation of female leaders, Global Women Leadership Summit, Liverpool, UK, Oral presentation. 2023
The Granting of Leadership, Horasis Global Meeting, Virtual Conference, Panel Chair. 2022
The puzzle of new urbanisation, Horasis USA Meeting, Virtual Conference, Panel Chair. 2022
Global Trends, Opportunities and Challenges in Global Higher Education, Global University President Forum 2021, Virtual, Oral presentation. 2021
Innovation post Covid, Horasis India Meeting, Online Conference, Oral presentation. 2021
Test Results of UK Pilot Events Programme, Institute of Event Management: Online Webinar, ACC, Liverpool, Webinar Chair. 2021
The Economic Impact of Brexit, Guest Lecture, Galatasaray University, Turkey, Oral presentation. 2020
HR in a new Age, Horasis General Meeting, Virtual Meeting, Oral presentation. 2020
Thought Leadership in Events Management, Institute of Event Management Conference, Virtual : UK, Oral presentation. 2020
Embracing Innovation, Chinese Students and Scholars Association UK/ASOSAUK/CAMOT, Virtual, Oral presentation. 2020
Urbanization and Smart Cities, Horasis China Meeting, Law Vegas, Oral presentation. 2019
Innovating Globally, Horasis Global Meeting, Cascais, Portugal, Oral presentation. 2019
e-commerce expnsion, Horasis China Meeting, Kiev, Ukraine, Oral presentation. 2018
Creativity in the Unkown, Horasis Global Meetuing, Cascais, Oral presentation. 2018
Educating for a New Age, Horasis China Meeting, Sheffield, UK, Oral presentation. 2017
The future of Work, Horasis Global Meeting, Portugal, Other. 2017
A view from the Top, Chartereed Business Schools Association: Leaders in Learning and Teaching, Manchester Metropolitan University, Oral presentation. 2017
Innovative work-based degrees in Business: experience from the UK, Annula EFMD Management Education Conference, Madrid, Oral presentation. 2016
What's wrong with business education, European Association for International Education, Liverpool, Round Table Discussion. 2016
Corporate Governance and governance interventions: Evidence form the USA, UK, Russia and Malayasia, Northumbria Reserach Conference, Northumbria University, Oral presentation. 2016
Auditor Independence: The Impact of Director's Shareholdings, British Accounting Association NAG Conference, Leeds Metropolitan University, Leeds., Oral presentation. 2016
Leading the Accreditation Challenge, CABS : Leaders in Learning and Teaching Programme, Manchester Metroploitan University, Oral presentation. 2016
Standard 8 and Assurance of Learning, AACSB Accreditation Seminar, Bournemouth University, Oral presentation. 2015
Linking relevance and International Perspectives: Offering home student workplace learning opportunities abroad, EPAS Advisory Semiminar, EFMD, Brussels, Oral presentation. 2010
Student Mobility to and From the UK, Nice Network Conference, Universities Degli Studi di Genoa, Italy, Oral presentation. 2010
Governance and the role of non-executive directors, Institutte of Directors Briefing, Newcastle, Oral presentation. 2009
Working with Parents, Decision at 18 2009, Lancaster University, UK, Oral presentation. 2009
Institutional Change in Russian Corporate Governance: AnaAnalysis of Corporate Disputes, International Conference on Corporate Governance Research, Royal Holloway, University of London, Oral presentation. 2007
Institutional Change in Russian Corporate Governance: An Analysis of Corporate Disputes, The Financial Reporting and Business Communication Conference, Cardiff, Poster presentation. 2007
The Impact of Bologna and Tuning on Programme Design, Annual International Science and Methodology Conference, The Finance Academy under the Government of the Russian Federatiopn, Moscow, Oral presentation. 2007
The changing business model for Universities in the UK, International Summer School, Erfurt Applied Sciences University, Germany, Oral presentation. 2005
Refrom in Ukrainian Financial Reporting, Annual Conference of the Anglo-Ukrainian Accounting Association, Kiev, Oral presentation. 1995
Tax Treatment of Payments made on the Termination of Employment, Chartered Institute of Taxation Conference, Newcastle, Oral presentation. 1995
Media Coverage:
Global Visionary Woman Magazine: Article based on an interview discussing female empowerment and leadership 2024
itsliverpool First Take : Timothy J Nichol (opens in a new tab)
Liverpool Business Post: A Coffee with ...Tim Nichol : 2018
Press Article : Reducing the Three Months Gap. UK Guide to Skills and Learning , 2007
Press Article: Top Tips for Clearing. Guardian.co.uk, August 2008
The best things you haven't seen in Liverpool - Yet. Article - My kind of Culture. Invest Liverpool
Times Higher Education 8 September 2016. Interviewed for article entitled Business schools at risk of 'operating in a vacuum'
External committees:
Education Practice Awards 2021, British Academy of Management, Judge. 2021
Trustee Committee, Liverpool Commonwealth Association, Trustee. 2021
Education Practice Awards 2020, British Academy of Management, Judge. 2020
Access to Justice Steering Group, Liverpool City Council/Law Society/Liverpool University, Board Member. 2019
Education Practice Award 2019, British Academy of Management, Judge. 2019
Professional Services Board, Liverpool Enterprise Partnership, Member. 2018
Citywide Strategy Group for Fairness and Tackling Poverty, Liverpool Council/Anglican Church, Member. 2018
Digital and Creative Board, Liverpool City Region Local Enterprise Partnership, Board Member. 2016
Membership of professional bodies:
Fellow, Royal Society of Arts. 2018
Fellow, Chartered Management Institute. 2016
Academic Member, European Corporate Governance Institute. 2003
Fellow, Chartered Institute of Taxation. 1995
Associate Member, Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales. 1985
Industrial connections:
UK Know How Fund, Accounting Reform in Polish Universities. 2016
Justships Limited, Non Executive Director. 2012
Justships Limited, Non-Executive Director. 2012
DFID, National Bank Accounting Reform : Resident Advisor. 1997
UK Know How Fund, Accounting Reform : Central Bank Accounting Reform. 1996
UK Know How Fund, Accounting Reform : HE Syllabus Design. 1994
UK Know How Fund, Ukrainian Accounting Reform : University Sector. 1994
Editorial boards:
Business, Management and Education, Reviewer. 2016
European Journal of Economics and Management, Reviewer. 2014
Conference organisation:
European Conference on Management, Leadership and Governance, Conference Programme Committee member. 2007
Teaching qualification:
SEDA accreditation. 1994
Other Professional Activity:
Chair: King Edward VI Foundation.
Deputy Chair of Governors, Liverpool College.
European Foundation for Management: Panel member for the EPAS accreditation system.
Treasurer : Liverpool College PTA.