Prof Chris Collins
Astrophysics Research Institute
Faculty of Engineering and Technology
Email: C.A.Collins@ljmu.ac.uk
Telephone: 0151 231 2918
I am Professor of Cosmology (now Emeritus) within the Astrophysics Research Institute (ARI) of LJMU and was Head of Institute between November 2016 and December 2019. I was also Acting Director in the years 2004-2007 and again between 2014-2016. I have a long established record in collaborative research with institutes worldwide. My research covers topics in observational cosmology focussing on studies of the evolution of galaxies and clusters of galaxies over cosmic time and their large-scale distribution in space. These interests probe theories of how galaxies develop from seed density perturbations in the very early Universe and also provide constraints on cosmological parameters such as the amount of dark matter and dark energy. On average my150+ peer reviewed publications attract around 100 citations per paper. Much of my work involves the analyses and publication of large astronomical surveys and has been consistently externally funded with both PDRA and PhD student support by the Science and Technology Facilities Council (STFC) and the EU. I have supervised more than 20 PhD students, many of whom are successful career astronomers. In 2009 I was a recipient of the Royal Astronomical Society Group Achievement Award (as part of the 2dF Galaxy Redshift Survey Team). My current projects focus on the baryonic content of clusters of galaxies and analyses of both the brightest cluster galaxies and the low surface brightness emission from clusters. I am a UK Associate PI of the Large Synoptic Survey Telescope (Vera C. Rubin Observatory) examining optimum extraction techniques for low surface brightness emission . I have represented LJMU at both international and national levels on many boards and committees of leading organisations and agencies, such as NASA, ESA, EU Commission and STFC. I was Chair of the SoC for the European Week of Astronomy and Space Science held in Liverpool in April 2018, which attracted 1,400 delegates and was the largest ever gathering of European astronomers and space scientists. I regularly give outreach talks to widen the subject’s popularity amongst the public. Recently, these have included: Heswall Science and Arts Festival; University of the Third Age; Chester Astronomical Society and.various other astronomical societies, cubs, scouts and faith groups; and the Liverpool-based Leg it Podcast.
1985, Imperial College London, United Kingdom, PhD
1982, Imperial College London, United Kingdom, B.Sc. 1st class honours
Academic appointments
Science Board Member, Science and Technology Facilities Council, 2014 - present
ESA XMM Observing Time Allocation Committee, European Space Agency, 2013 - present
Grants Panel, Science and Technology Facilities Council, 2009 - 2011
Various Chair/Membership, Telescope Allocation Committees, 1998 - 2021
Postgraduate training
PPARC Advanced Research Fellow, United Kingdom, Durham University, 1992 - 1994
Research Fellow, United Kingdom, University of Edinburgh, 1985 - 1992
Journal article
Brough S, Ahad SL, Bahé YM, Ellien A, Gonzalez AH, Jiménez-Teja Y, Kimmig LC, Martin G, Martínez-Lombilla C, Montes M, Pillepich A, Ragusa R, Remus RS, Collins CA, Knapen JH, Mihos JC. 2023. Preparing for low surface brightness science with the Vera C. Rubin Observatory: a comparison of observable and simulated intracluster light fractions Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 528 :771-795 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Damsted S, Finoguenov A, Clerc N, Davalgaitae I, Kirkpatrick CC, Mamon GA, Ider Chitham J, Kiiveri K, Comparat J, Collins C. 2023. CODEX: Role of velocity substructure in the scaling relations of galaxy clusters Astronomy and Astrophysics, 676 :A127-A127 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Upsdell EW, Giles PA, Romer AK, Wilkinson R, Turner DJ, Hilton M, Rykoff E, Farahi A, Bhargava S, Jeltema T, Klein M, Bermeo A, Collins CA, Ebrahimpour L, Hollowood D, Mann RG, Manolopoulou M, Miller CJ, Rooney PJ, Sahlén M, Stott JP, Viana PTP, Allam S, Alves O, Bacon D, Bertin E, Bocquet S, Brooks D, Burke DL, Kind MC, Carretero J, Costanzi M, da Costa LN, Pereira MES, De Vicente J, Desai S, Diehl HT, Dietrich JP, Everett S, Ferrero I, Frieman J, García-Bellido J, Gerdes DW, Gutierrez G, Hinton SR, Honscheid K, James DJ, Kuehn K, Kuropatkin N, Lima M, Marshall JL, Mena-Fernández J, Menanteau F, Miquel R, Mohr JJ, Ogando RLC, Pieres A, Raveri M, Rodriguez-Monroy M, Sanchez E, Scarpine V, Sevilla-Noarbe I, Smith M, Suchyta E, Swanson MEC, Tarle G, To C, Weaverdyck N, Weller J, Wiseman P. 2023. The XMM cluster survey: exploring scaling relations and completeness of the dark energy survey year 3 redMaPPer cluster catalogue Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 522 :5267-5290 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Watkins AE, Salo H, Kaviraj S, Collins CA, Knapen JH, Venhola A, Román J. 2023. A possible signature of the influence of tidal perturbations in dwarf galaxy scaling relations Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 521 :2012-2029 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Turner DJ, Giles PA, Romer AK, Wilkinson R, Upsdell EW, Klein M, Viana PTP, Hilton M, Bhargava S, Collins CA, Mann RG, Sahlén M, Stott JP. 2022. The XMM Cluster Survey: An independent demonstration of the fidelity of the eFEDS galaxy cluster data products and implications for future studies Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 517 :657-674 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Giles PA, Romer AK, Wilkinson R, Bermeo A, Turner DJ, Hilton M, Upsdell EW, Rooney PJ, Bhargava S, Ebrahimpour L, Farahi A, Mann RG, Manolopoulou M, Mayers J, Vergara C, Viana PTP, Collins CA, Hollowood D, Jeltema T, Miller CJ, Nichol RC, Noorali R, Splettstoesser M, Stott JP. 2022. The XMM Cluster Survey analysis of the SDSS DR8 redMaPPer catalogue: implications for scatter, selection bias, and isotropy in cluster scaling relations Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 516 :3878-3899 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Wetzell V, Jeltema TE, Hegland B, Everett S, Giles PA, Wilkinson R, Farahi A, Costanzi M, Hollowood DL, Upsdell E, Saro A, Myles J, Bermeo A, Bhargava S, Collins CA, Cross D, Eiger O, Gardner G, Hilton M, Jobel J, Kelly P, Laubner D, Liddle AR, Mann RG, Martinez V, Mayers J, McDaniel A, Romer AK, Rooney P, Sahlen M, Stott J, Swart A, Turner DJ, Viana PTP, Abbott TMC, Aguena M, Allam S, Andrade-Oliveira F, Annis J, Asorey J, Bertin E, Burke DL, Calcino J, Carnero Rosell A, Carollo D, Carrasco Kind M, Carretero J, Choi A, Crocce M, Da Costa LN, Pereira MES, Davis TM, De Vicente J, Desai S, Diehl HT, Dietrich JP, Doel P, Evrard AE, Ferrero I, Fosalba P, Frieman J, García-Bellido J, Gaztanaga E, Glazebrook K, Gruen D, Gruendl RA, Gschwend J, Gutierrez G, Hinton SR, Honscheid K, James DJ, Kuehn K, Kuropatkin N, Lahav O, Lewis GF, Lidman C, Lima M, Maia MAG, Marshall JL, Melchior P, Menanteau F, Miquel R, Morgan R, Palmese A, Paz-Chinchón F, Plazas Malagón AA, Sanchez E, Scarpine V, Serrano S, Sevilla-Noarbe I, Smith M, Soares-Santos M, Suchyta E, Tarle G, Thomas D, Tucker BE, Tucker DL, Varga TN, Weller J. 2022. Velocity dispersions of clusters in the Dark Energy Survey Y3 redMaPPer catalogue Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 514 :4696-4717 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Martin G, Bazkiaei AE, Spavone M, Iodice E, Mihos JC, Montes M, Benavides JA, Brough S, Carlin JL, Collins CA, Duc PA, Gómez FA, Galaz G, Hernández-Toledo HM, Jackson RA, Kaviraj S, Knapen JH, Martínez-Lombilla C, McGee S, O'Ryan D, Prole DJ, Rich RM, Román J, Shah EA, Starkenburg TK, Watkins AE, Zaritsky D, Laigle C, Pichon C, Armus L, Bianconi M, Buitrago F, Busá I, Davis F, Demarco R, Desmons A, García P, Graham AW, Holwerda B, Hon DS-H, Khalid A, Klehammer J, Klutse DY, Lazar I, Nair P, Noakes-Kettel EA, Rutkowski M, Saha K, Sahu N, Sola E, Vázquez-Mata JA, Vera-Casanova A, Yoon I. 2022. Preparing for low surface brightness science with the Vera C. Rubin Observatory: characterisation of tidal features from mock images Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 513 :1458-1487 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
COVID-19 Host Genetics Initiative , Collins CA. 2021. Mapping the human genetic architecture of COVID-19 Nature, 600 :472-+ DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Kirkpatrick CC, Clerc N, Finoguenov A, Damsted S, Ider Chitham J, Kukkola AE, Gueguen A, Furnell KE, Rykoff E, Comparat J, Saro A, Capasso R, Padilla N, Erfanianfar G, Mamon GA, Collins CA, Merloni A, Brownstein JR, Schneider DP. 2021. SPIDERS: An overview of the largest catalogue of spectroscopically confirmed x-ray galaxy clusters Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 503 :5763-5777 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Turner S, Siudek M, Salim S, Baldry IK, Pollo A, Longmore SN, Małek K, Collins CA, Lisboa PJ, Krywult J, Moutard T, Vergani D, Fritz A. 2021. Synergies between low- and intermediate-redshift galaxy populations revealed with unsupervised machine learning Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 503 :3010-3031 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Mpetha CT, Collins CA, Clerc N, Finoguenov A, Peacock JA, Comparat J, Schneider D, Capasso R, Damsted S, Furnell K, Merloni A, Padilla ND, Saro A. 2021. Gravitational redshifting of galaxies in the SPIDERS cluster catalogue Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 503 :669-678 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Lindholm V, Finoguenov A, Comparat J, Kirkpatrick CC, Rykoff E, Clerc N, Collins CA, Damsted S, Ider Chitham J, Padilla N. 2021. Clustering of CODEX clusters Astronomy and Astrophysics, 646 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Sedgwick TM, Collins CA, Baldry IK, James PA. 2020. The effects of peculiar velocities in SN Ia environments on the local H0 measurement Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 500 :3728-3742 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Bhargava S, Giles PA, Romer AK, Jeltema T, Mayers J, Bermeo A, Hilton M, Wilkinson R, Vergara C, Collins CA, Manolopoulou M, Rooney PJ, Rosborough S, Sabirli K, Stott JP, Swann E, Viana PTP. 2020. The XMM Cluster Survey: New evidence for the 3.5-keV feature in clusters is inconsistent with a dark matter origin Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 497 :656-671 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Clerc N, Kirkpatrick CC, Finoguenov A, Capasso R, Comparat J, Damsted S, Furnell K, Kukkola AE, Ider Chitham J, Merloni A, Salvato M, Gueguen A, Dwelly T, Collins C, Saro A, Erfanianfar G, Schneider DP, Brownstein J, Mamon GA, Padilla N, Jullo E, Bizyaev D. 2020. SPIDERS: Overview of the X-ray galaxy cluster follow-up and the final spectroscopic data release Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 497 :3976-3992 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Capasso R, Mohr JJ, Saro A, Biviano A, Clerc N, Finoguenov A, Klein M, Grandis S, Collins C, Damsted S, Kirkpatrick C, Kukkola A. 2020. Mass calibration of the CODEX cluster sample using SPIDERS spectroscopy - II. The X-ray luminosity-mass relation Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 494 :2736-2746 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Palmese A, Annis J, Burgad J, Farahi A, Soares-Santos M, Welch B, Pereira MDS, Lin H, Bhargava S, Hollowood DL, Wilkinson R, Giles P, Jeltema T, Romer AK, Evrard AE, Hilton M, Cervantes CV, Bermeo A, Mayers J, DeRose J, Gruen D, Hartley WG, Lahav O, Leistedt B, McClintock T, Rozo E, Rykoff ES, Varga TN, Wechsler RH, Zhang Y, Avila S, Brooks D, Buckley-Geer E, Burke DL, Rosell AC, Kind MC, Carretero J, Castander FJ, Collins C, da Costa LN, Desai S, De Vicente J, Diehl HT, Dietrich JP, Doel P, Flaugher B, Fosalba P, Frieman J, Garcia-Bellido J, Gerdes DW, Gruendl RA, Gschwend J, Gutierrez G, Honscheid K, James DJ, Krause E, Kuehn K, Kuropatkin N, Liddle A, Lima M, Maia MAG, Mann RG, Marshall JL, Menanteau F, Miquel R, Ogando RLC, Plazas AA, Roodman A, Rooney P, Sahlen M, Sanchez E, Scarpine V, Schubnell M, Serrano S, Sevilla-Noarbe I, Sobreira F, Stott J, Suchyta E, Swanson MEC, Tarle G, Thomas D, Tucker DL, Viana PTP, Vikram V, Walker AR. 2020. Stellar mass as a galaxy cluster mass proxy: application to the Dark Energy Survey redMaPPer clusters Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 493 :4591-4606 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Böhringer H, Chon G, Collins CA. 2020. Observational evidence for a local underdensity in the Universe and its effect on the measurement of the Hubble constant Astronomy and Astrophysics, 633 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Farahi A, Chen X, Evrard AE, Hollowood DL, Wilkinson R, Bhargava S, Giles P, Romer AK, Jeltema T, Hilton M, Bermeo A, Mayers J, Cervantes CV, Rozo E, Rykoff ES, Collins C, Costanzi M, Everett S, Liddle AR, Mann RG, Mantz A, Rooney P, Sahlen M, Stott J, Viana PTP, Zhang Y, Annis J, Avila S, Brooks D, Buckley-Geer E, Burke DL, Carnero Rosell A, Kind MC, Carretero J, Castander FJ, da Costa LN, De Vicente J, Desai S, Diehl HT, Dietrich JP, Doel P, Flaugher B, Fosalba P, Frieman J, Garcia-Bellido J, Gaztanaga E, Gerdes DW, Gruen D, Gruendl RA, Gschwend J, Gutierrez G, Honscheid K, James DJ, Krause E, Kuehn K, Kuropatkin N, Lima M, Maia MAG, Marshall JL, Melchior P, Menanteau F, Miquel R, Ogando RLC, Plazas AA, Sanchez E, Scarpine V, Schubnell M, Serrano S, Sevilla-Noarbe I, Smith M, Sobreira F, Suchyta E, Swanson MEC, Tarle G, Thomas D, Tucker DL, Vikram V, Walker AR, Weller J. 2019. Mass variance from archival X-ray properties of Dark Energy Survey Year-1 galaxy clusters Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 490 :3341-3354 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Erfanianfar G, Finoguenov A, Furnell K, Popesso P, Biviano A, Wuyts S, Collins CA, Mirkazemi M, Comparat J, Khosrashahi H, Nandra K, Capasso R, Rykoff E, Wilman D, Merloni A, Clerc N, Salvato M, Chitham JI, Kelvin LS, Gozaliasl G, Weijmans A, Brownstein J, Egami E, Pereira MJ, Schneider DP, Kirkpatrick C, Damsted S, Kukkola A. 2019. Stellar mass -- halo mass relation for the brightest central galaxies of X-ray clusters since z~0.65 Astronomy and Astrophysics, 631 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Zhang Y, Miller CJ, Rooney P, Bermeo A, Romer AK, Cervantes CV, Rykoff ES, Hennig C, Das R, Mckay T, Song J, Wilcox H, Bacon D, Bridle SL, Collins C, Conselice C, Hilton M, Hoyle B, Kay S, Liddle AR, Mann RG, Mehrtens N, Mayers J, Nichol RC, Sahlen M, Stott J, Viana PTP, Wechsler RH, Abbott T, Abdalla FB, Allam S, Benoit-Levy A, Brooks D, Buckley-Geer E, Burke DL, Carnero Rosell A, Kind MC, Carretero J, Castander FJ, Crocce M, Cunha CE, D'Andrea CB, da Costa LN, Diehl HT, Dietrich JP, Eifler TF, Flaugher B, Fosalba P, Garcia-Bellido J, Gaztanaga E, Gerdes DW, Gruen D, Gruendl RA, Gschwend J, Gutierrez G, Honscheid K, James DJ, Jeltema T, Kuehn K, Kuropatkin N, Lima M, Lin H, Maia MAG, March M, Marshall JL, Melchior P, Menanteau F, Miquel R, Ogando RLC, Plazas AA, Sanchez E, Schubnell M, Sevilla-Noarbe I, Smith M, Soares-Santos M, Sobreira F, Suchyta E, Swanson MEC, Tarle G, Walker AR. 2019. Galaxies in X-ray selected clusters and groups in Dark Energy Survey data - II. Hierarchical Bayesian modelling of the red-sequence galaxy luminosity function Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 488 :1-17 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Zhang Y, Yanny B, Palmese A, Gruen D, To C, Rykoff ES, Leung Y, Collins C, Hilton M, Abbott TMC, Annis J, Avila S, Bertin E, Brooks D, Burke DL, Carnero Rosell A, Kind MC, Carretero J, Cunha CE, D'Andrea CB, da Costa LN, De Vicente J, Desai S, Diehl HT, Dietrich JP, Doel P, Drlica-Wagner A, Eifler TF, Evrard AE, Flaugher B, Fosalba P, Frieman J, Garcia-Bellido J, Gaztanaga E, Gerdes DW, Gruendl RA, Gschwend J, Gutierrez G, Hartley WG, Hollowood DL, Honscheid K, Hoyle B, James DJ, Jeltema T, Kuehn K, Kuropatkin N, Li TS, Lima M, Maia MAG, March M, Marshall JL, Melchior P, Menanteau F, Miller CJ, Miquel R, Mohr JJ, Ogando RLC, Plazas AA, Romer AK, Sanchez E, Scarpine V, Schubnell M, Serrano S, Sevilla-Noarbe I, Smith M, Soares-Santos M, Sobreira F, Suchyta E, Swanson MEC, Tarle G, Thomas D, Wester W. 2019. Dark Energy Survey Year 1 Results: Detection of Intracluster Light at Redshift similar to 0.25 Astrophysical Journal, 874 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Capasso R, Mohr JJ, Saro A, Biviano A, Clerc N, Finoguenov A, Grandis S, Collins CA, Erfanianfar G, Damsted S, Kirkpatrick C, Kukkola A. 2019. Mass calibration of the CODEX cluster sample using SPIDERS spectroscopy - I. the richness-mass relation Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 486 :1594-1607 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Burns E, Goldstein A, Hui CM, Blackburn L, Briggs MS, Connaughton V, Hamburg R, Kocevski D, Veres P, Wilson-Hodge CA, Bissaldi E, Cleveland WH, Giles MM, Mailyan B, Meegan CA, Paciesas WA, Poolakkil S, Preece RD, Racusin JL, Roberts OJ, von Kienlin A, Abbott BP, Abbott R, Abbott TD, Acernese F, Ackley K, Adams C, Adams T, Addesso P, Adhikari RX, Adya VB, Affeldt C, Agarwal B, Agathos M, Agatsuma K, Aggarwal N, Aguiar OD, Aiello L, Ain A, Ajith P, Allen B, Allen G, Allocca A, Aloy MA, Altin PA, Amato A, Ananyeva A, Anderson SB, Anderson WG, Angelova SV, Antier S, Appert S, Arai K, Araya MC, Areeda JS, Arene M, Arnaud N, Arun KG, Ascenzi S, Ashton G, Ast M, Aston SM, Astone P, Atallah DV, Aubin F, Aufmuth P, Aulbert C, AultONeal K, Austin C, Avila-Alvarez A, Babak S, Bacon P, Badaracco F, Bader MKM, Bae S, Baker PT, Baldaccini F, Ballardin G, Ballmer SW, Banagiri S, Barayoga JC, Barclay SE, Barish BC, Barker D, Barkett K, Barnum S, Barone F, Barr B, Barsotti L, Barsuglia M, Barta D, Bartlett J, Bartos I, Bassiri R, Basti A, Batch JC, Bawaj M, Bayley JC, Bazzan M, Becsy B, Beer C, Bejger M, Belahcene I, Bell AS, Beniwal D, Bensch M, Berger BK, Bergmann G, Bernuzzi S, Bero JJ, Berry CPL, Bersanetti D, Bertolini A, Betzwieser J, Bhandare R, Bilenko IA, Bilgili SA, Billingsley G, Billman CR, Birch J, Birney R, Birnholtz O, Biscans S, Biscoveanu S, Bisht A, Bitossi M, Bizouard MA, Blackburn JK, Blackman J, Blair CD, Blair DG, Blair RM, Bloemen S, Bock O, Bode N, Boer M, Boetzel Y, Bogaert G, Bohe A, Bondu F, Bonilla E, Bonnand R, Booker P, Boom BA, Booth CD, Bork R, Boschi V, Bose S, Bossie K, Bossilkov V, Bosveld J, Bouffanais Y, Bozzi A, Bradaschia C, Brady PR, Bramley A, Branchesi M, Brau JE, Briant T, Brighenti F, Brillet A, Brinkmann M, Brisson V, Brockill P, Brooks AF, Brown DD, Brunett S, Buchanan CC, Buikema A, Bulik T, Bulten HJ, Buonanno A, Buskulic D, Buy C, Byer RL, Cabero M, Cadonati L, Cagnoli G, Cahillane C, Bustillo JC, Callister TA, Calloni E, Camp JB, Canepa M, Canizares P, Cannon KC, Cao H, Cao J, Capano CD, Capocasa E, Carbognani F, Caride S, Carney MF, Diaz JC, Casentini C, Caudill S, Cavaglia M, Cavalier F, Cavalieri R, Cella G, Cepeda CB, Cerda-Duran P, Cerretani G, Cesarini E, Chaibi O, Chamberlin SJ, Chan M, Chao S, Charlton P, Chase E, Chassande-Mottin E, Chatterjee D, Cheeseboro BD, Chen HY, Chen X, Chen Y, Cheng H-P, Chia HY, Chincarini A, Chiummo A, Chmiel T, Cho HS, Cho M, Chow JH, Christensen N, Chu Q, Chua AJK, Chua S, Chung KW, Chung S, Ciani G, Ciobanu AA, Ciolfi R, Cipriano F, Cirelli CE, Cirone A, Clara F, Clark JA, Clearwater P, Cleva F, Cocchieri C, Coccia E, Cohadon P-F, Cohen D, Colla A, Collette CG, Collins CA, Cominsky LR, Constancio M, Conti L, Cooper SJ, Corban P, Corbitt TR, Cordero-Carrion I, Corley KR, Cornish N, Corsi A, Cortese S, Costa CA, Cotesta R, Coughlin MW, Coughlin SB, Coulon J-P, Countryman ST, Couvares P, Covas PB, Cowan EE, Coward DM, Cowart MJ, Coyne DC, Coyne R, Creighton JDE, Creighton TD, Cripe J, Crowder SG, Cullen TJ, Cumming A, Cunningham L, Cuoco E, Dal Canton T, Dalya G, Danilishin SL, D'Antonio S, Danzmann K, Dasgupta A, Costa CFDS, Dattilo V, Dave I, Davier M, Davis D, Daw EJ, Day B, DeBra D, Deenadayalan M, Degallaix J, De Laurentis M, Deleglise S, Del Pozzo W, Demos N, Denker T, Dent T, De Pietri R, Derby J, Dergachev V, De Rosa R, De Rossi C, DeSalvo R, de Varona O, Dhurandhar S, Diaz MC, Di Fiore L, Di Giovanni M, Di Girolamo T, Di Lieto A, Ding B, Di Pace S, Di Palma I, Di Renzo F, Dmitriev A, Doctor Z, Dolique V, Donovan F, Dooley KL, Doravari S, Dorrington I, Alvarez MD, Downes TP, Drago M, Dreissigacker C, Driggers JC, Du Z, Dupej P, Dwyer SE, Easter PJ, Edo TB, Edwards MC, Effler A, Eggenstein H-B, Ehrens P, Eichholz J, Eikenberry SS, Eisenmann M, Eisenstein RA, Essick RC, Estelles H, Estevez D, Etienne ZB, Etzel T, Evans M, Evans TM, Fafone V, Fair H, Fairhurst S, Fan X, Farinon S, Farr B, Farr WM, Fauchon-Jones EJ, Favata M, Fays M, Fee C, Fehrmann H, Feicht J, Fejer MM, Feng F, Fernandez-Galiana A, Ferrante I, Ferreira EC, Ferrini F, Fidecaro F, Fiori I, Fiorucci D, Fishbach M, Fisher RP, Fishner JM, Fitz-Axen M, Flaminio R, Fletcher M, Fong H, Font JA, Forsyth PWF, Forsyth SS, Fournier J-D, Frasca S, Frasconi F, Frei Z, Freise A, Frey R, Frey V, Fritschel P, Frolov VV, Fulda P, Fyffe M, Gabbard HA, Gadre BU, Gaebel SM, Gair JR, Gammaitoni L, Ganija MR, Gaonkar SG, Garcia A, Garcia-Quiros C, Garufi F, Gateley B, Gaudio S, Gaur G, Gayathri V, Gemme G, Genin E, Gennai A, George D, George J, Gergely L, Germain V, Ghonge S, Ghosh A, Ghosh A, Ghosh S, Giacomazzo B, Giaime JA, Giardina KD, Giazotto A, Gill K, Giordano G, Glover L, Goetz E, Goetz R, Goncharov B, Gonzalez G, Castro JMG, Gopakumar A, Gorodetsky ML, Gossan SE, Gosselin M, Gouaty R, Grado A, Graef C, Granata M, Grant A, Gras S, Gray C, Greco G, Green AC, Green R, Gretarsson EM, Groot P, Grote H, Grunewald S, Gruning P, Guidi GM, Gulati HK, Guo X, Gupta A, Gupta MK, Gushwa KE, Gustafson EK, Gustafson R, Halim O, Hall BR, Hall ED, Hamilton EZ, Hamilton HF, Hammond G, Haney M, Hanke MM, Hanks J, Hanna C, Hannam MD, Hannuksela OA, Hanson J, Hardwick T, Harms J, Harry GM, Harry IW, Hart MJ, Haster C-J, Haughian K, Healy J, Heidmann A, Heintze MC, Heitmann H, Hello P, Hemming G, Hendry M, Heng IS, Hennig J, Heptonstall AW, Hernandez FJ, Heurs M, Hild S, Hinderer T, Hoak D, Hochheim S, Hofman D, Holland NA, Holt K, Holz DE, Hopkins P, Horst C, Hough J, Houston EA, Howell EJ, Hreibi A, Huerta EA, Huet D, Hughey B, Hulko M, Husa S, Huttner SH, Huynh-Dinh T, Iess A, Indik N, Ingram C, Inta R, Intini G, Isa HN, Isac J-M, Isi M, Iyer BR, Izumi K, Jacqmin T, Jani K, Jaranowski P, Johnson DS, Johnson WW, Jones DI, Jones R, Jonker RJG, Ju L, Junker J, Kalaghatgi CV, Kalogera V, Kamai B, Kandhasamy S, Kang G, Kanner JB, Kapadia SJ, Karki S, Karvinen KS, Kasprzack M, Katolik M, Katsanevas S, Katsavounidis E, Katzman W, Kaufer S, Kawabe K, Keerthana NV, Kefelian F, Keitel D, Kemball AJ, Kennedy R, Key JS, Khalili FY, Khamesra B, Khan H, Khan I, Khan S, Khan Z, Khazanov EA, Kijbunchoo N, Kim C, Kim JC, Kim K, Kim W, Kim WS, Kim Y-M, King EJ, King PJ, Kinley-Hanlon M, Kirchhoff R, Kissel JS, Kleybolte L, Klimenko S, Knowles TD, Koch P, Koehlenbeck SM, Koley S, Kondrashov V, Kontos A, Korobko M, Korth WZ, Kowalska I, Kozak DB, Kramer C, Kringel V, Krishnan B, Krolak A, Kuehn G, Kumar P, Kumar R, Kumar S, Kuo L, Kutynia A, Kwang S, Lackey BD, Lai KH, Landry M, Lang RN, Lange J, Lantz B, Lanza RK, Lartaux-Vollard A, Lasky PD, Laxen M, Lazzarini A, Lazzaro C, Leaci P, Leavey S, Lee CH, Lee HK, Lee HM, Lee HW, Lee K, Lehmann J, Lenon A, Leonardi M, Leroy N, Letendre N, Levin Y, Li J, Li TGF, Li X, Linker SD, Littenberg TB, Liu J, Liu X, Lo RKL, Lockerbie NA, London LT, Longo A, Lorenzini M, Loriette V, Lormand M, Losurdo G, Lough JD, Lousto CO, Lovelace G, Luck H, Lumaca D, Lundgren AP, Lynch R, Ma Y, Macas R, Macfoy S, Machenschalk B, MacInnis M, Macleod DM, Hernandez IM, Magana-Sandoval F, Zertuche LM, Magee RM, Majorana E, Maksimovic I, Man N, Mandic V, Mangano V, Mansell GL, Manske M, Mantovani M, Marchesoni F, Marion F, Marka S, Marka Z, Markakis C, Markosyan AS, Markowitz A, Maros E, Marquina A, Martelli F, Martellini L, Martin IW, Martin RM, Martynov DV, Mason K, Massera E, Masserot A, Massinger TJ, Masso-Reid M, Mastrogiovanni S, Matas A, Matichard F, Matone L, Mavalvala N, Mazumder N, McCann JJ, McCarthy R, McClelland DE, McCormick S, McCuller L, McGuire SC, McIver J, McManus DJ, McRae T, McWilliams ST, Meacher D, Mehmet M, Meidam J, Mejuto-Villa E, Melatos A, Mendell G, Mendoza-Gandara D, Mercer RA, Mereni L, Merilh EL, Merzougui M, Meshkov S, Messenger C, Messick C, Metzdorff R, Meyers PM, Miao H, Michel C, Middleton H, Mikhailov EE, Milano L, Miller AL, Miller A, Miller BB, Miller J, Millhouse M, Mills J, Milovich-Goff MC, Minazzoli O, Minenkov Y, Ming J, Mishra C, Mitra S, Mitrofanov VP, Mitselmakher G, Mittleman R, Moffa D, Mogushi K, Mohan M, Mohapatra SRP, Montani M, Moore CJ, Moraru D, Moreno G, Morisaki S, Mours B, Mow-Lowry CM, Mueller G, Muir AW, Mukherjee A, Mukherjee D, Mukherjee S, Mukund N, Mullavey A, Munch J, Muniz EA, Muratore M, Murray PG, Nagar A, Napier K, Nardecchia I, Naticchioni L, Nayak RK, Neilson J, Nelemans G, Nelson TJN, Nery M, Neunzert A, Nevin L, Newport JM, Ng KY, Ng S, Nguyen P, Nguyen TT, Nichols D, Nielsen AB, Nissanke S, Nitz A, Nocera F, Nolting D, North C, Nuttall LK, Obergaulinger M, Oberling J, O'Brien BD, O'Dea GD, Ogin GH, Oh JJ, Oh SH, Ohme F, Ohta H, Okada MA, Oliver M, Oppermann P, Oram RJ, O'Reilly B, Ormiston R, Ortega LF, O'Shaughnessy R, Ossokine S, Ottaway DJ, Overmier H, Owen BJ, Pace AE, Pagano G, Page J, Page MA, Pai A, Pai SA, Palamos JR, Palashov O, Palomba C, Pal-Singh A, Pan H, Pan H-W, Pang B, Pang PTH, Pankow C, Pannarale F, Pant BC, Paoletti F, Paoli A, Papa MA, Parida A, Parker W, Pascucci D, Pasqualetti A, Passaquieti R, Passuello D, Patil M, Patricelli B, Pearlstone BL, Pedersen C, Pedraza M, Pedurand R, Pekowsky L, Pele A, Penn S, Perez CJ, Perreca A, Perri LM, Pfeiffer HP, Phelps M, Phukon KS, Piccinni OJ, Pichot M, Piergiovanni F, Pierro V, Pillant G, Pinard L, Pinto IM, Pirello M, Pitkin M, Poggiani R, Popolizio P, Porter EK, Possenti L, Post A, Powell J, Prasad J, Pratt JWW, Pratten G, Predoi V, Prestegard T, Principe M, Privitera S, Prodi GA, Prokhorov LG, Puncken O, Punturo M, Puppo P, Purrer M, Qi H, Quetschke V, Quintero EA, Quitzow-James R, Raab FJ, Rabeling DS, Radkins H, Raffai P, Raja S, Rajan C, Rajbhandari B, Rakhmanov M, Ramirez KE, Ramos-Buades A, Rana J, Rapagnani P, Raymond V, Razzano M, Read J, Regimbau T, Rei L, Reid S, Reitze DH, Ren W, Ricci F, Ricker PM, Riles K, Rizzo M, Robertson NA, Robie R, Robinet F, Robson T, Rocchi A, Rolland L, Rollins JG, Roma VJ, Romano R, Romel CL, Romie JH, Rosinska D, Ross MP, Rowan S, Rudiger A, Ruggi P, Rutins G, Ryan K, Sachdev S, Sadecki T, Sakellariadou M, Salconi L, Saleem M, Salemi F, Samajdar A, Sammut L, Sampson LM, Sanchez EJ, Sanchez LE, Sanchis-Gual N, Sandberg V, Sanders JR, Sarin N, Sassolas B, Sathyaprakash BS, Saulson PR, Sauter O, Savage RL, Sawadsky A, Schale P, Scheel M, Scheuer J, Schmidt P, Schnabel R, Schofield RMS, Schonbeck A, Schreiber E, Schuette D, Schulte BW, Schutz BF, Schwalbe SG, Scott J, Scott SM, Seidel E, Sellers D, Sengupta AS, Sentenac D, Sequino V, Sergeev A, Setyawati Y, Shaddock DA, Shaffer TJ, Shah AA, Shahriar MS, Shaner MB, Shao L, Shapiro B, Shawhan P, Shen H, Shoemaker DH, Shoemaker DM, Siellez K, Siemens X, Sieniawska M, Sigg D, Silva AD, Singer LP, Singh A, Singhal A, Sintes AM, Slagmolen BJJ, Slaven-Blair TJ, Smith B, Smith JR, Smith RJE, Somala S, Son EJ, Sorazu B, Sorrentino F, Souradeep T, Spencer AP, Srivastava AK, Staats K, Stachie C, Steinke M, Steinlechner J, Steinlechner S, Steinmeyer D, Steltner B, Stevenson SP, Stocks D, Stone R, Stops DJ, Strain KA, Stratta G, Strigin SE, Strunk A, Sturani R, Stuver AL, Summerscales TZ, Sun L, Sunil S, Suresh J, Sutton PJ, Swinkels BL, Szczepanczyk MJ, Tacca M, Tait SC, Talbot C, Talukder D, Tanner DB, Tapai M, Taracchini A, Tasson JD, Taylor JA, Taylor R, Tewari SV, Theeg T, Thies F, Thomas EG, Thomas M, Thomas P, Thorne KA, Thrane E, Tiwari S, Tiwari V, Tokmakov KV, Toland K, Tonelli M, Tornasi Z, Torres-Forne A, Torrie CI, Toyra D, Travasso F, Traylor G, Trinastic J, Tringali MC, Trozzo L, Tsang KW, Tse M, Tso R, Tsuna D, Tsukada L, Tuyenbayev D, Ueno K, Ugolini D, Urban AL, Usman SA, Vahlbruch H, Vajente G, Valdes G, van Bakel N, van Beuzekom M, van den Brand JFJ, Van den Broeck C, Vander-Hyde DC, van der Schaaf L, van Heijningen JV, van Veggel AA, Vardaro M, Varma V, Vass S, Vasuth M, Vecchio A, Vedovato G, Veitch J, Veitch PJ, Venkateswara K, Venugopalan G, Verkindt D, Vetrano F, Vicere A, Viets AD, Vinciguerra S, Vine DJ, Vinet J-Y, Vitale S, Vo T, Vocca H, Vorvick C, Vyatchanin SP, Wade AR, Wade LE, Wade M, Walet R, 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Abbott BP, Ackley K, Adams C, Adams T, Addesso P, Adhikari RX, Adya VB, Affeldt C, Agathos M, Agatsuma K, Aggarwal N, Aguiar OD, Aiello L, Ain A, Ajith P, Allen B, Allocca A, Altin PA, Anderson SB, Anderson WG, Arai K, Araya MC, Arceneaux CC, Areeda JS, Arnaud N, Arun KG, Ascenzi S, Ashton G, Ast M, Aston SM, Astone P, Aufmuth P, Aulbert C, Babak S, Bacon P, Bader MKM, Baker PT, Baldaccini F, Ballardin G, Ballmer SW, Barayoga JC, Barclay SE, Barish BC, Barker D, Barone F, Barr B, Barsotti L, Barsuglia M, Barta D, Barthelmy S, Bartlett J, Bartos I, Bassiri R, Basti A, Batch JC, Baune C, Bavigadda V, Bazzan M, Behnke B, Bejger M, Bell AS, Bell CJ, Berger BK, Bergman J, Bergmann G, Berry CPL, Bersanetti D, Bertolini A, Betzwieser J, Bhagwat S, Bhandare R, Bilenko IA, Billingsley G, Birch J, Birney R, Biscans S, Bisht A, Bitossi M, Biwer C, Bizouard MA, Blackburn JK, Blair CD, Blair DG, Blair RM, Bloemen S, Bock O, Bodiya TP, Boer M, Bogaert G, Bogan C, Bohe A, Bojtos P, Bond C, Bondu F, Bonnand R, Boom BA, Bork R, Boschi V, Bose S, Bouffanais Y, Bozzi A, Bradaschia C, Brady PR, Braginsky VB, Branchesi M, Brau JE, Briant T, Brillet A, Brinkmann M, Brisson V, Brockill P, Brooks AF, Brown DA, Brown DD, Brown NM, Buchanan CC, Buikema A, Bulik T, Bulten HJ, Buonanno A, Buskulic D, Buy C, Byer RL, Cadonati L, Cagnoli G, Cahillane C, Bustillo JC, Callister T, Calloni E, Camp JB, Cannon KC, Cao J, Capano CD, Capocasa E, Carbognani F, Caride S, Diaz JC, Casentini C, Caudill S, Cavaglià M, Cavalier F, Cavalieri R, Cella G, Cepeda CB, Baiardi LC, Cerretani G, Cesarini E, Chakraborty R, Chalermsongsak T, Chamberlin SJ, Chan M, Chao S, Charlton P, Chassande-Mottin E, Chen HY, Chen Y, Cheng C, Chincarini A, Chiummo A, Cho HS, Cho M, Chow JH, Christensen N, Chu Q, Chua S, Chung S, Ciani G, Clara F, Clark JA, Cleva F, Coccia E, Cohadon P-F, Colla A, Collette CG, Cominsky L, Jr MC, Conte A, Conti L, Cook D, Corbitt TR, Cornish N, Corsi A, Cortese S, Costa CA, Coughlin MW, Coughlin SB, Coulon J-P, Countryman ST, Couvares P, Cowan EE, Coward DM, Cowart MJ, Coyne DC, Coyne R, Craig K, Creighton JDE, Cripe J, Crowder SG, Cumming A, Cunningham L, Cuoco E, Canton TD, Danilishin SL, D'Antonio S, Danzmann K, Darman NS, Dattilo V, Dave I, Daveloza HP, Davier M, Davies GS, Daw EJ, Day R, DeBra D, Debreczeni G, Degallaix J, Laurentis MD, Deléglise S, Pozzo WD, Denker T, Dent T, Dereli H, Dergachev V, DeRosa RT, Rosa RD, DeSalvo R, Dhurandhar S, Díaz MC, Fiore LD, Giovanni MD, Lieto AD, Pace SD, Palma ID, Virgilio AD, Dojcinoski G, Dolique V, Donovan F, Dooley KL, Doravari S, Douglas R, Downes TP, Drago M, Drever RWP, Driggers JC, Du Z, Ducrot M, Dwyer SE, Edo TB, Edwards MC, Effler A, Eggenstein H-B, Ehrens P, Eichholz J, Eikenberry SS, Engels W, Essick RC, Etzel T, Evans M, Evans TM, Everett R, Factourovich M, Fafone V, Fair H, Fairhurst S, Fan X, Fang Q, Farinon S, Farr B, Farr WM, Favata M, Fays M, Fehrmann H, Fejer MM, Ferrante I, Ferreira EC, Ferrini F, Fidecaro F, Fiori I, Fiorucci D, Fisher RP, Flaminio R, Fletcher M, Fournier J-D, Franco S, Frasca S, Frasconi F, Frei Z, Freise A, Frey R, Frey V, Fricke TT, Fritschel P, Frolov VV, Fulda P, Fyffe M, Gabbard HAG, Gair JR, Gammaitoni L, Gaonkar SG, Garufi F, Gatto A, Gaur G, Gehrels N, Gemme G, Gendre B, Genin E, Gennai A, George J, Gergely L, Germain V, Ghosh A, Ghosh S, Giaime JA, Giardina KD, Giazotto A, Gill K, Glaefke A, Goetz E, Goetz R, Gondan L, González G, Castro JMG, Gopakumar A, Gordon NA, Gorodetsky ML, Gossan SE, Gosselin M, Gouaty R, Graef C, Graff PB, Granata M, Grant A, Gras S, Gray C, Greco G, Green AC, Groot P, Grote H, Grunewald S, Guidi GM, Guo X, Gupta A, Gupta MK, Gushwa KE, Gustafson EK, Gustafson R, Hacker JJ, Hall BR, Hall ED, Hammond G, Haney M, Hanke MM, Hanks J, Hanna C, Hannam MD, Hanson J, Hardwick T, Harms J, Harry GM, Harry IW, Hart MJ, Hartman MT, Haster C-J, Haughian K, Heidmann A, Heintze MC, Heitmann H, Hello P, Hemming G, Hendry M, Heng IS, Hennig J, Heptonstall AW, Heurs M, Hild S, Hoak D, Hodge KA, Hofman D, Hollitt SE, Holt K, Holz DE, Hopkins P, Hosken DJ, Hough J, Houston EA, Howell EJ, Hu YM, Huang S, Huerta EA, Huet D, Hughey B, Husa S, Huttner SH, Huynh-Dinh T, Idrisy A, Indik N, Ingram DR, Inta R, Isa HN, Isac J-M, Isi M, Islas G, Isogai T, Iyer BR, Izumi K, Jacqmin T, Jang H, Jani K, Jaranowski P, Jawahar S, Jiménez-Forteza F, Johnson WW, Jones DI, Jones R, Jonker RJG, Ju L, K H, Kalaghatgi CV, Kalogera V, Kandhasamy S, Kang G, Kanner JB, Karki S, Kasprzack M, Katsavounidis E, Katzman W, Kaufer S, Kaur T, Kawabe K, Kawazoe F, Kéfélian F, Kehl MS, Keitel D, Kelley DB, Kells W, Kennedy R, Key JS, Khalaidovski A, Khalili FY, Khan I, Khan S, Khan Z, Khazanov EA, Kijbunchoo N, Kim C, Kim J, Kim K, Kim N, Kim N, Kim Y-M, King EJ, King PJ, Kinzel DL, Kissel JS, Kleybolte L, Klimenko S, Koehlenbeck SM, Kokeyama K, Koley S, Kondrashov V, Kontos A, Korobko M, Korth WZ, Kowalska I, Kozak DB, Kringel V, Królak A, Krueger C, Kuehn G, Kumar P, Kuo L, Kutynia A, Lackey BD, Landry M, Lange J, Lantz B, Lasky PD, Lazzarini A, Lazzaro C, Leaci P, Leavey S, Lebigot EO, Lee CH, Lee HK, Lee HM, Lee K, Lenon A, Leonardi M, Leong JR, Leroy N, Letendre N, Levin Y, Levine BM, Li TGF, Libson A, Littenberg TB, Lockerbie NA, Logue J, Lombardi AL, Lord JE, Lorenzini M, Loriette V, Lormand M, Losurdo G, Lough JD, Lück H, Lundgren AP, Luo J, Lynch R, Ma Y, MacDonald T, Machenschalk B, MacInnis M, Macleod DM, Magaña-Sandoval F, Magee RM, Mageswaran M, Majorana E, Maksimovic I, Malvezzi V, Man N, Mandel I, Mandic V, Mangano V, Mansell GL, Manske M, Mantovani M, Marchesoni F, Marion F, Márka S, Márka Z, Markosyan AS, Maros E, Martelli F, Martellini L, Martin IW, Martin RM, Martynov DV, Marx JN, Mason K, Masserot A, Massinger TJ, Masso-Reid M, Matichard F, Matone L, Mavalvala N, Mazumder N, Mazzolo G, McCarthy R, McClelland DE, McCormick S, McGuire SC, McIntyre G, McIver J, McManus DJ, McWilliams ST, Meacher D, Meadors GD, Meidam J, Melatos A, Mendell G, Mendoza-Gandara D, Mercer RA, Merilh E, Merzougui M, Meshkov S, Messenger C, Messick C, Meyers PM, Mezzani F, Miao H, Michel C, Middleton H, Mikhailov EE, Milano L, Miller J, Millhouse M, Minenkov Y, Ming J, Mirshekari S, Mishra C, Mitra S, Mitrofanov VP, Mitselmakher G, Mittleman R, Moggi A, Mohan M, Mohapatra SRP, Montani M, Moore BC, Moore CJ, Moraru D, Moreno G, Morriss SR, Mossavi K, Mours B, Mow-Lowry CM, Mueller CL, Mueller G, Muir AW, Mukherjee A, Mukherjee D, Mukherjee S, Mukund N, Mullavey A, Munch J, Murphy DJ, Murray PG, Mytidis A, Nardecchia I, Naticchioni L, Nayak RK, Necula V, Nedkova K, Nelemans G, Neri M, Neunzert A, Newton G, Nguyen TT, Nielsen AB, Nissanke S, Nitz A, Nocera F, Nolting D, Normandin MEN, Nuttall LK, Oberling J, Ochsner E, O'Dell J, Oelker E, Ogin GH, Oh JJ, Oh SH, Ohme F, Oliver M, Oppermann P, Oram RJ, O'Reilly B, O'Shaughnessy R, Ottaway DJ, Ottens RS, Overmier H, Owen BJ, Pai A, Pai SA, Palamos JR, Palashov O, Palliyaguru N, Palomba C, Pal-Singh A, Pan H, Pankow C, Pannarale F, Pant BC, Paoletti F, Paoli A, Papa MA, Paris HR, Parker W, Pascucci D, Pasqualetti A, Passaquieti R, Passuello D, Patricelli B, Patrick Z, Pearlstone BL, Pedraza M, Pedurand R, Pekowsky L, Pele A, Penn S, Perreca A, Phelps M, Piccinni O, Pichot M, Piergiovanni F, Pierro V, Pillant G, Pinard L, Pinto IM, Pitkin M, Poggiani R, Popolizio P, Post A, Powell J, Prasad J, Predoi V, Premachandra SS, Prestegard T, Price LR, Prijatelj M, Principe M, Privitera S, Prodi GA, Prokhorov L, Puncken O, Punturo M, Puppo P, Pürrer M, Qi H, Qin J, Quetschke V, Quintero EA, Quitzow-James R, Raab FJ, Rabeling DS, Radkins H, Raffai P, Raja S, Rakhmanov M, Rapagnani P, Raymond V, Razzano M, Re V, Read J, Reed CM, Regimbau T, Rei L, Reid S, Reitze DH, Rew H, Reyes SD, Ricci F, Riles K, Robertson NA, Robie R, Robinet F, Rocchi A, Rolland L, Rollins JG, Roma VJ, Romano R, Romanov G, Romie JH, Rosińska D, Rowan S, Rüdiger A, Ruggi P, Ryan K, Sachdev S, Sadecki T, Sadeghian L, Salconi L, Saleem M, Salemi F, Samajdar A, Sammut L, Sanchez EJ, Sandberg V, Sandeen B, Sanders JR, Sassolas B, Sathyaprakash BS, Saulson PR, Sauter O, Savage RL, Sawadsky A, Schale P, Schilling R, Schmidt J, Schmidt P, Schnabel R, Schofield RMS, Schönbeck A, Schreiber E, Schuette D, Schutz BF, Scott J, Scott SM, Sellers D, Sentenac D, Sequino V, Sergeev A, Serna G, Setyawati Y, Sevigny A, Shaddock DA, Shah S, Shahriar MS, Shaltev M, Shao Z, Shapiro B, Shawhan P, Sheperd A, Shoemaker DH, Shoemaker DM, Siellez K, Siemens X, Sigg D, Silva AD, Simakov D, Singer A, Singh A, Singh R, Singhal A, Sintes AM, Slagmolen BJJ, Smith JR, Smith ND, Smith RJE, Son EJ, Sorazu B, Sorrentino F, Souradeep T, Srivastava AK, Staley A, Steinke M, Steinlechner J, Steinlechner S, Steinmeyer D, Stephens BC, Stone R, Strain KA, Straniero N, Stratta G, Strauss NA, Strigin S, Sturani R, Stuver AL, Summerscales TZ, Sun L, Sutton PJ, Swinkels BL, Szczepańczyk MJ, Tacca M, Talukder D, Tanner DB, Tápai M, Tarabrin SP, Taracchini A, Taylor R, Theeg T, Thirugnanasambandam MP, Thomas EG, Thomas M, Thomas P, Thorne KA, Thorne KS, Thrane E, Tiwari S, Tiwari V, Tokmakov KV, Tomlinson C, Tonelli M, Torres CV, Torrie CI, Töyrä D, Travasso F, Traylor G, Trifirò D, Tringali MC, Trozzo L, Tse M, Turconi M, Tuyenbayev D, Ugolini D, Unnikrishnan CS, Urban AL, Usman SA, Vahlbruch H, Vajente G, Valdes G, Bakel NV, Beuzekom MV, Brand JFJVD, Broeck CVD, Vander-Hyde DC, Schaaf LVD, Heijningen JVV, Veggel AAV, Vardaro M, Vass S, Vasúth M, Vaulin R, Vecchio A, Vedovato G, Veitch J, Veitch PJ, Venkateswara K, Verkindt D, Vetrano F, Viceré A, Vinciguerra S, Vine DJ, Vinet J-Y, Vitale S, Vo T, Vocca H, Vorvick C, Voss D, Vousden WD, Vyatchanin SP, Wade AR, Wade LE, Wade M, Walker M, Wallace L, Walsh S, Wang G, Wang H, Wang M, Wang X, Wang Y, Ward RL, Warner J, Was M, Weaver B, Wei L-W, Weinert M, Weinstein AJ, Weiss R, Welborn T, Wen L, Weßels P, Westphal T, Wette K, Whelan JT, White DJ, Whiting BF, Williams RD, Williamson AR, Willis JL, Willke B, Wimmer MH, Winkler W, Wipf CC, Wittel H, Woan G, Worden J, Wright JL, Wu G, Yablon J, Yam W, Yamamoto H, Yancey CC, Yap MJ, Yu H, Yvert M, Zadrożny A, Zangrando L, Zanolin M, Zendri J-P, Zevin M, Zhang F, Zhang L, Zhang M, Zhang Y, Zhao C, Zhou M, Zhou Z, Zhu XJ, Zucker ME, Zuraw SE, Zweizig J, Collaboration FTLIGOS, Allison TVCJ, Bannister K, Bell ME, Chatterjee S, Chippendale AP, Edwards PG, Harvey-Smith L, Heywood I, Hotan A, Indermuehle B, Marvil J, McConnell D, Murphy T, Popping A, Reynolds J, Sault RJ, Voronkov MA, Whiting MT, Pathfinder FTASKA, Castro-Tirado CAJ, Cunniffe R, Jelínek M, Tello JC, Oates SR, Zhang B-B, Hu Y-D, Kubánek P, Guziy S, Castellón A, García-Cerezo A, Muñoz VF, Pulgar CPD, Castillo-Carrión S, Cerón JMC, Hudec R, Caballero-García MD, Páta P, Vitek S, Adame JA, Konig S, Rendón F, Sanguino TDJM, Fernández-Muñoz R, Yock PC, Rattenbury N, Allen WH, Querel R, Jeong S, Park IH, Bai J, Cui C, Fan Y, Wang C, Hiriart D, Lee WH, Claret A, Sánchez-Ramírez R, Pandey SB, Mediavilla T, Sabau-Graziati L, Abbott FTBOOTESCTMC, Abdalla FB, Allam S, Annis J, Armstrong R, Benoit-Lévy A, Berger E, Bernstein RA, Bertin E, Brout D, Buckley-Geer E, Burke DL, Capozzi D, Carretero J, Castander FJ, Chornock R, Cowperthwaite PS, Crocce M, Cunha CE, D'Andrea CB, Costa LND, Desai S, Diehl HT, Dietrich JP, Doctor Z, Drlica-Wagner A, Drout MR, Eifler TF, Estrada J, Evrard AE, Fernandez E, Finley DA, Flaugher B, Foley RJ, Fong W-F, Fosalba P, Fox DB, Frieman J, Fryer CL, Gaztanaga E, Gerdes DW, Goldstein DA, Gruen D, Gruendl RA, Gutierrez G, Herner K, Honscheid K, James DJ, Johnson MD, Johnson MWG, Karliner I, Kasen D, Kent S, Kessler R, Kim AG, Kind MC, Kuehn K, Kuropatkin N, Lahav O, Li TS, Lima M, Lin H, Maia MAG, Margutti R, Marriner J, Martini P, Matheson T, Melchior P, Metzger BD, Miller CJ, Miquel R, Neilsen E, Nichol RC, Nord B, Nugent P, Ogando R, Petravick D, Plazas AA, Quataert E, Roe N, Romer AK, Roodman A, Rosell AC, Rykoff ES, Sako M, Sanchez E, Scarpine V, Schindler R, Schubnell M, Scolnic D, Sevilla-Noarbe I, Sheldon E, Smith N, Smith RC, Soares-Santos M, Sobreira F, Stebbins A, Suchyta E, Swanson MEC, Tarle G, Thaler J, Thomas D, Thomas RC, Tucker DL, Vikram V, Walker AR, Wechsler RH, Wester W, Yanny B, Zhang Y, Zuntz J, Survey FTDE, Connaughton TDECGW-EMCV, Burns E, Goldstein A, Briggs MS, Zhang B-B, Hui CM, Jenke P, Wilson-Hodge CA, Bhat PN, Bissaldi E, Cleveland W, Fitzpatrick G, Giles MM, Gibby MH, Greiner J, Kienlin AV, Kippen RM, McBreen S, Mailyan B, Meegan CA, Paciesas WS, Preece RD, Roberts O, Sparke L, Stanbro M, Toelge K, Veres P, Yu H-F, Blackburn L, Ackermann FTFGBMCM, Ajello M, Albert A, Anderson B, Atwood WB, Axelsson M, Baldini L, Barbiellini G, Bastieri D, Bellazzini R, Bissaldi E, Blandford RD, Bloom ED, Bonino R, Bottacini E, Brandt TJ, Bruel P, Buson S, Caliandro GA, Cameron RA, Caragiulo M, Caraveo PA, Cavazzuti E, Charles E, Chekhtman A, Chiang J, Chiaro G, Ciprini S, Cohen-Tanugi J, Cominsky LR, Costanza F, Cuoco A, D'Ammando F, Palma FD, Desiante R, Digel SW, Lalla ND, Mauro MD, Venere LD, Domínguez A, Drell PS, Dubois R, Favuzzi C, Ferrara EC, Franckowiak A, Fukazawa Y, Funk S, Fusco P, Gargano F, Gasparrini D, Giglietto N, Giommi P, Giordano F, Giroletti M, Glanzman T, Godfrey G, Gomez-Vargas GA, Green D, Grenier IA, Grove JE, Guiriec S, Hadasch D, Harding AK, Hays E, Hewitt JW, Hill AB, Horan D, Jogler T, Jóhannesson G, Johnson AS, Kensei S, Kocevski D, Kuss M, Mura GL, Larsson S, Latronico L, Li J, Li L, Longo F, Loparco F, Lovellette MN, Lubrano P, Magill J, Maldera S, Manfreda A, Marelli M, Mayer M, Mazziotta MN, McEnery JE, Meyer M, Michelson PF, Mirabal N, Mizuno T, Moiseev AA, Monzani ME, Moretti E, Morselli A, Moskalenko IV, Negro M, Nuss E, Ohsugi T, Omodei N, Orienti M, Orlando E, Ormes JF, Paneque D, Perkins JS, Pesce-Rollins M, Piron F, Pivato G, Porter TA, Racusin JL, Rainò S, Rando R, Razzaque S, Reimer A, Reimer O, Salvetti D, Parkinson PMS, Sgrò C, Simone D, Siskind EJ, Spada F, Spandre G, Spinelli P, Suson DJ, Tajima H, Thayer JB, Thompson DJ, Tibaldo L, Torres DF, Troja E, Uchiyama Y, Venters TM, Vianello G, Wood KS, Wood M, Zhu S, Zimmer S, Brocato FTFLATCE, Cappellaro E, Covino S, Grado A, Nicastro L, Palazzi E, Pian E, Amati L, Antonelli LA, Capaccioli M, D'Avanzo P, D'Elia V, Getman F, Giuffrida G, Iannicola G, Limatola L, Lisi M, Marinoni S, Marrese P, Melandri A, Piranomonte S, Possenti A, Pulone L, Rossi A, Stamerra A, Stella L, Testa V, Tomasella L, Yang S, TeAm FTGWI, Bazzano A, Bozzo E, Brandt S, Courvoisier TJ-L, Ferrigno C, Hanlon L, Kuulkers E, Laurent P, Mereghetti S, Roques JP, Savchenko V, Ubertini P, Kasliwal FTINTEGRALCMM, Singer LP, Cao Y, Duggan G, Kulkarni SR, Bhalerao V, Miller AA, Barlow T, Bellm E, Manulis I, Rana J, Laher R, Masci F, Surace J, Rebbapragada U, Cook D, Sistine AV, Sesar B, Perley D, Ferreti R, Prince T, Kendrick R, Horesh A, Factory FTIPT, Hurley CK, Golenetskii SV, Aptekar RL, Frederiks DD, Svinkin DS, Rau A, Kienlin AV, Zhang X, Smith DM, Cline T, Krimm H, Abe FTINF, Doi M, Fujisawa K, Kawabata KS, Morokuma T, Motohara K, Tanaka M, Ohta K, Yanagisawa K, Yoshida M, Baltay FTJ-GEMCC, Bersier D, Bode MF, Collins CA, Copperwheat CM, Darnley MJ, Galloway DK, Gomboc A, Kobayashi S, Mazzali PA, Mundell CG, Piascik AS, Pollacco D, Steele IA, Ulaczyk K, Jonker PG, Rowlinson A, Stappers BW, Wijers RAMJ, Array FTLF, Lipunov CV, Gorbovskoy E, Tyurina N, Kornilov V, Balanutsa P, Kuznetsov A, Buckley D, Rebolo R, Serra-Ricart M, Israelian G, Budnev NM, Gress O, Ivanov K, Poleshuk V, Tlatov A, Yurkov V, Kawai FTMASTERCN, Serino M, Negoro H, Nakahira S, Mihara T, Tomida H, Ueno S, Tsunemi H, Matsuoka M, Croft FTMAXICS, Feng L, Franzen TMO, Gaensler BM, Johnston-Hollitt M, Kaplan DL, Morales MF, Tingay SJ, Wayth RB, Williams A, Array FTMW-F, Smartt CSJ, Chambers KC, Smith KW, Huber ME, Young DR, Wright DE, Coughlin M, Schultz A, Denneau L, Flewelling H, Magnier EA, Primak N, Rest A, Sherstyuk A, Stalder B, Stubbs CW, Tonry J, Waters C, Willman M, for TP-SCFOE, Campbell H, Kotak R, Sollerman J, Smith M, Dennefeld M, Anderson JP, Botticella MT, Chen T-W, Valle MD, Elias-Rosa N, Fraser M, Inserra C, Kankare E, Kupfer T, Harmanen J, Galbany L, Guillou LL, Lyman JD, Maguire K, Mitra A, Nicholl M, Razza A, Terreran G, Valenti S, Gal-Yam A, Ćwiek FTPESSTOCA, Ćwiok M, Mankiewicz L, Opiela R, Zaremba M, Żarnecki AF, Scalzo FTPOTSCRA, Schmidt BP, Wolf C, Yuan F, Evans FTSCPA, Kennea JA, Burrows DN, Campana S, Cenko SB, Giommi P, Marshall FE, Nousek J, O'Brien P, Osborne JP, Palmer D, Perri M, Racusin J, Siegel M, Tagliaferri G, Klotz FTSCA, Turpin D, Laugier R, TAROT FT, Zadko , Observatory AN, Beroiz CCM, Peñuela T, Macri LM, Oelkers RJ, Lambas DG, Vrech R, Cabral J, Colazo C, Dominguez M, Sanchez B, Gurovich S, Lares M, Marshall JL, DePoy DL, Padilla N, Pereyra NA, Benacquista M, Key JS, Tanvir FTTOROSCNR, Wiersema K, Levan AJ, Steeghs D, Hjorth J, Fynbo JPU, Malesani D, Milvang-Jensen B, Watson D, Greiner J, Irwin M, Fernandez CG, McMahon RG, Banerji M, Gonzalez-Solares E, Schulze S, Postigo ADU, Thoene CC, Cano Z, Rosswog S, Collaboration FTVISTA. 2016. Localization and broadband follow-up of the gravitational-wave transient GW150914 ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL LETTERS, 826 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Abbott BP, Abbott R, Abbott TD, Abernathy MR, Acernese F, Ackley K, Adams C, Adams T, Addesso P, Adhikari RX, Adya VB, Affeldt C, Agathos M, Agatsuma K, Aggarwal N, Aguiar OD, Aiello L, Ain A, Ajith P, Allen B, Allocca A, Altin PA, Anderson SB, Anderson WG, Arai K, Araya MC, Arceneaux CC, Areeda JS, Arnaud N, Arun KG, Ascenzi S, Ashton G, Ast M, Aston SM, Astone P, Aufmuth P, Aulbert C, Babak S, Bacon P, Bader MKM, Baker PT, Baldaccini F, Ballardin G, Ballmer SW, Barayoga JC, Barclay SE, Barish BC, Barker D, Barone F, Barr B, Barsotti L, Barsuglia M, Barta D, Barthelmy S, Bartlett J, Bartos I, Bassiri R, Basti A, Batch JC, Baune C, Bavigadda V, Bazzan M, Behnke B, Bejger M, Bell AS, Bell CJ, Berger BK, Bergman J, Bergmann G, Berry CPL, Bersanetti D, Bertolini A, Betzwieser J, Bhagwat S, Bhandare R, Bilenko IA, Billingsley G, Birch J, Birney R, Biscans S, Bisht A, Bitossi M, Biwer C, Bizouard MA, Blackburn JK, Blair CD, Blair DG, Blair RM, Bloemen S, Bock O, Bodiya TP, Boer M, Bogaert G, Bogan C, Bohe A, Bojtos P, Bond C, Bondu F, Bonnand R, Boom BA, Bork R, Boschi V, Bose S, Bouffanais Y, Bozzi A, Bradaschia C, Brady PR, Braginsky VB, Branchesi M, Brau JE, Briant T, Brillet A, Brinkmann M, Brisson V, Brockill P, Brooks AF, Brown DA, Brown DD, Brown NM, Buchanan CC, Buikema A, Bulik T, Bulten HJ, Buonanno A, Buskulic D, Buy C, Byer RL, Cadonati L, Cagnoli G, Cahillane C, Bustillo JC, Callister T, Calloni E, Camp JB, Cannon KC, Cao J, Capano CD, Capocasa E, Carbognani F, Caride S, Diaz JC, Casentini C, Caudill S, Cavaglià M, Cavalier F, Cavalieri R, Cella G, Cepeda CB, Baiardi LC, Cerretani G, Cesarini E, Chakraborty R, Chalermsongsak T, Chamberlin SJ, Chan M, Chao S, Charlton P, Chassande-Mottin E, Chen HY, Chen Y, Cheng C, Chincarini A, Chiummo A, Cho HS, Cho M, Chow JH, Christensen N, Chu Q, Chua S, Chung S, Ciani G, Clara F, Clark JA, Cleva F, Coccia E, Cohadon P-F, Colla A, Collette CG, Cominsky L, Jr MC, Conte A, Conti L, Cook D, Corbitt TR, Cornish N, Corsi A, Cortese S, Costa CA, Coughlin MW, Coughlin SB, Coulon J-P, Countryman ST, Couvares P, Cowan EE, Coward DM, Cowart MJ, Coyne DC, Coyne R, Craig K, Creighton JDE, Cripe J, Crowder SG, Cumming A, Cunningham L, Cuoco E, Canton TD, Danilishin SL, D'Antonio S, Danzmann K, Darman NS, Dattilo V, Dave I, Daveloza HP, Davier M, Davies GS, Daw EJ, Day R, DeBra D, Debreczeni G, Degallaix J, Laurentis MD, Deléglise S, Pozzo WD, Denker T, Dent T, Dereli H, Dergachev V, DeRosa RT, Rosa RD, DeSalvo R, Dhurandhar S, Díaz MC, Fiore LD, Giovanni MD, Lieto AD, Pace SD, Palma ID, Virgilio AD, Dojcinoski G, Dolique V, Donovan F, Dooley KL, Doravari S, Douglas R, Downes TP, Drago M, Drever RWP, Driggers JC, Du Z, Ducrot M, Dwyer SE, Edo TB, Edwards MC, Effler A, Eggenstein H-B, Ehrens P, Eichholz J, Eikenberry SS, Engels W, Essick RC, Etzel T, Evans M, Evans TM, Everett R, Factourovich M, Fafone V, Fair H, Fairhurst S, Fan X, Fang Q, Farinon S, Farr B, Farr WM, Favata M, Fays M, Fehrmann H, Fejer MM, Ferrante I, Ferreira EC, Ferrini F, Fidecaro F, Fiori I, Fiorucci D, Fisher RP, Flaminio R, Fletcher M, Fournier J-D, Franco S, Frasca S, Frasconi F, Frei Z, Freise A, Frey R, Frey V, Fricke TT, Fritschel P, Frolov VV, Fulda P, Fyffe M, Gabbard HAG, Gair JR, Gammaitoni L, Gaonkar SG, Garufi F, Gatto A, Gaur G, Gehrels N, Gemme G, Gendre B, Genin E, Gennai A, George J, Gergely L, Germain V, Ghosh A, Ghosh S, Giaime JA, Giardina KD, Giazotto A, Gill K, Glaefke A, Goetz E, Goetz R, Gondan L, González G, Castro JMG, Gopakumar A, Gordon NA, Gorodetsky ML, Gossan SE, Gosselin M, Gouaty R, Graef C, Graff PB, Granata M, Grant A, Gras S, Gray C, Greco G, Green AC, Groot P, Grote H, Grunewald S, Guidi GM, Guo X, Gupta A, Gupta MK, Gushwa KE, Gustafson EK, Gustafson R, Hacker JJ, Hall BR, Hall ED, Hammond G, Haney M, Hanke MM, Hanks J, Hanna C, Hannam MD, Hanson J, Hardwick T, Haris K, Harms J, Harry GM, Harry IW, Hart MJ, Hartman MT, Haster C-J, Haughian K, Heidmann A, Heintze MC, Heitmann H, Hello P, Hemming G, Hendry M, Heng IS, Hennig J, Heptonstall AW, Heurs M, Hild S, Hoak D, Hodge KA, Hofman D, Hollitt SE, Holt K, Holz DE, Hopkins P, Hosken DJ, Hough J, Houston EA, Howell EJ, Hu YM, Huang S, Huerta EA, Huet D, Hughey B, Husa S, Huttner SH, Huynh-Dinh T, Idrisy A, Indik N, Ingram DR, Inta R, Isa HN, Isac J-M, Isi M, Islas G, Isogai T, Iyer BR, Izumi K, Jacqmin T, Jang H, Jani K, Jaranowski P, Jawahar S, Jiménez-Forteza F, Johnson WW, Jones DI, Jones R, Jonker RJG, Ju L, Kalaghatgi CV, Kalogera V, Kandhasamy S, Kang G, Kanner JB, Karki S, Kasprzack M, Katsavounidis E, Katzman W, Kaufer S, Kaur T, Kawabe K, Kawazoe F, Kéfélian F, Kehl MS, Keitel D, Kelley DB, Kells W, Kennedy R, Key JS, Khalaidovski A, Khalili FY, Khan I, Khan S, Khan Z, Khazanov EA, Kijbunchoo N, Kim C, Kim J, Kim K, Kim N, Kim N, Kim Y-M, King EJ, King PJ, Kinzel DL, Kissel JS, Kleybolte L, Klimenko S, Koehlenbeck SM, Kokeyama K, Koley S, Kondrashov V, Kontos A, Korobko M, Korth WZ, Kowalska I, Kozak DB, Kringel V, Królak A, Krueger C, Kuehn G, Kumar P, Kuo L, Kutynia A, Lackey BD, Landry M, Lange J, Lantz B, Lasky PD, Lazzarini A, Lazzaro C, Leaci P, Leavey S, Lebigot EO, Lee CH, Lee HK, Lee HM, Lee K, Lenon A, Leonardi M, Leong JR, Leroy N, Letendre N, Levin Y, Levine BM, Li TGF, Libson A, Littenberg TB, Lockerbie NA, Logue J, Lombardi AL, Lord JE, Lorenzini M, Loriette V, Lormand M, Losurdo G, Lough JD, Lück H, Lundgren AP, Luo J, Lynch R, Ma Y, MacDonald T, Machenschalk B, MacInnis M, Macleod DM, Magaña-Sandoval F, Magee RM, Mageswaran M, Majorana E, Maksimovic I, Malvezzi V, Man N, Mandel I, Mandic V, Mangano V, Mansell GL, Manske M, Mantovani M, Marchesoni F, Marion F, Márka S, Márka Z, Markosyan AS, Maros E, Martelli F, Martellini L, Martin IW, Martin RM, Martynov DV, Marx JN, Mason K, Masserot A, Massinger TJ, Masso-Reid M, Matichard F, Matone L, Mavalvala N, Mazumder N, Mazzolo G, McCarthy R, McClelland DE, McCormick S, McGuire SC, McIntyre G, McIver J, McManus DJ, McWilliams ST, Meacher D, Meadors GD, Meidam J, Melatos A, Mendell G, Mendoza-Gandara D, Mercer RA, Merilh E, Merzougui M, Meshkov S, Messenger C, Messick C, Meyers PM, Mezzani F, Miao H, Michel C, Middleton H, Mikhailov EE, Milano L, Miller J, Millhouse M, Minenkov Y, Ming J, Mirshekari S, Mishra C, Mitra S, Mitrofanov VP, Mitselmakher G, Mittleman R, Moggi A, Mohan M, Mohapatra SRP, Montani M, Moore BC, Moore CJ, Moraru D, Moreno G, Morriss SR, Mossavi K, Mours B, Mow-Lowry CM, Mueller CL, Mueller G, Muir AW, Mukherjee A, Mukherjee D, Mukherjee S, Mukund N, Mullavey A, Munch J, Murphy DJ, Murray PG, Mytidis A, Nardecchia I, Naticchioni L, Nayak RK, Necula V, Nedkova K, Nelemans G, Neri M, Neunzert A, Newton G, Nguyen TT, Nielsen AB, Nissanke S, Nitz A, Nocera F, Nolting D, Normandin MEN, Nuttall LK, Oberling J, Ochsner E, O'Dell J, Oelker E, Ogin GH, Oh JJ, Oh SH, Ohme F, Oliver M, Oppermann P, Oram RJ, O'Reilly B, O'Shaughnessy R, Ottaway DJ, Ottens RS, Overmier H, Owen BJ, Pai A, Pai SA, Palamos JR, Palashov O, Palliyaguru N, Palomba C, Pal-Singh A, Pan H, Pankow C, Pannarale F, Pant BC, Paoletti F, Paoli A, Papa MA, Paris HR, Parker W, Pascucci D, Pasqualetti A, Passaquieti R, Passuello D, Patricelli B, Patrick Z, Pearlstone BL, Pedraza M, Pedurand R, Pekowsky L, Pele A, Penn S, Perreca A, Phelps M, Piccinni O, Pichot M, Piergiovanni F, Pierro V, Pillant G, Pinard L, Pinto IM, Pitkin M, Poggiani R, Popolizio P, Post A, Powell J, Prasad J, Predoi V, Premachandra SS, Prestegard T, Price LR, Prijatelj M, Principe M, Privitera S, Prodi GA, Prokhorov L, Puncken O, Punturo M, Puppo P, Pürrer M, Qi H, Qin J, Quetschke V, Quintero EA, Quitzow-James R, Raab FJ, Rabeling DS, Radkins H, Raffai P, Raja S, Rakhmanov M, Rapagnani P, Raymond V, Razzano M, Re V, Read J, Reed CM, Regimbau T, Rei L, Reid S, Reitze DH, Rew H, Reyes SD, Ricci F, Riles K, Robertson NA, Robie R, Robinet F, Rocchi A, Rolland L, Rollins JG, Roma VJ, Romano R, Romanov G, Romie JH, Rosińska D, Rowan S, Rüdiger A, Ruggi P, Ryan K, Sachdev S, Sadecki T, Sadeghian L, Salconi L, Saleem M, Salemi F, Samajdar A, Sammut L, Sanchez EJ, Sandberg V, Sandeen B, Sanders JR, Sassolas B, Sathyaprakash BS, Saulson PR, Sauter O, Savage RL, Sawadsky A, Schale P, Schilling R, Schmidt J, Schmidt P, Schnabel R, Schofield RMS, Schönbeck A, Schreiber E, Schuette D, Schutz BF, Scott J, Scott SM, Sellers D, Sentenac D, Sequino V, Sergeev A, Serna G, Setyawati Y, Sevigny A, Shaddock DA, Shah S, Shahriar MS, Shaltev M, Shao Z, Shapiro B, Shawhan P, Sheperd A, Shoemaker DH, Shoemaker DM, Siellez K, Siemens X, Sigg D, Silva AD, Simakov D, Singer A, Singh A, Singh R, Singhal A, Sintes AM, Slagmolen BJJ, Smith JR, Smith ND, Smith RJE, Son EJ, Sorazu B, Sorrentino F, Souradeep T, Srivastava AK, Staley A, Steinke M, Steinlechner J, Steinlechner S, Steinmeyer D, Stephens BC, Stone R, Strain KA, Straniero N, Stratta G, Strauss NA, Strigin S, Sturani R, Stuver AL, Summerscales TZ, Sun L, Sutton PJ, Swinkels BL, Szczepańczyk MJ, Tacca M, Talukder D, Tanner DB, Tápai M, Tarabrin SP, Taracchini A, Taylor R, Theeg T, Thirugnanasambandam MP, Thomas EG, Thomas M, Thomas P, Thorne KA, Thorne KS, Thrane E, Tiwari S, Tiwari V, Tokmakov KV, Tomlinson C, Tonelli M, Torres CV, Torrie CI, Töyrä D, Travasso F, Traylor G, Trifirò D, Tringali MC, Trozzo L, Tse M, Turconi M, Tuyenbayev D, Ugolini D, Unnikrishnan CS, Urban AL, Usman SA, Vahlbruch H, Vajente G, Valdes G, Bakel NV, Beuzekom MV, Brand JFJVD, Broeck CVD, Vander-Hyde DC, Schaaf LVD, Heijningen JVV, Veggel AAV, Vardaro M, Vass S, Vasúth M, Vaulin R, Vecchio A, Vedovato G, Veitch J, Veitch PJ, Venkateswara K, Verkindt D, Vetrano F, Viceré A, Vinciguerra S, Vine DJ, Vinet J-Y, Vitale S, Vo T, Vocca H, Vorvick C, Voss D, Vousden WD, Vyatchanin SP, Wade AR, Wade LE, Wade M, Walker M, Wallace L, Walsh S, Wang G, Wang H, Wang M, Wang X, Wang Y, Ward RL, Warner J, Was M, Weaver B, Wei L-W, Weinert M, Weinstein AJ, Weiss R, Welborn T, Wen L, Weßels P, Westphal T, Wette K, Whelan JT, White DJ, Whiting BF, Williams RD, Williamson AR, Willis JL, Willke B, Wimmer MH, Winkler W, Wipf CC, Wittel H, Woan G, Worden J, Wright JL, Wu G, Yablon J, Yam W, Yamamoto H, Yancey CC, Yap MJ, Yu H, Yvert M, Zadrożny A, Zangrando L, Zanolin M, Zendri J-P, Zevin M, Zhang F, Zhang L, Zhang M, Zhang Y, Zhao C, Zhou M, Zhou Z, Zhu XJ, Zucker ME, Zuraw SE, Zweizig J, Allison J, Bannister K, Bell ME, Chatterjee S, Chippendale AP, Edwards PG, Harvey-Smith L, Heywood I, Hotan A, Indermuehle B, Marvil J, McConnell D, Murphy T, Popping A, Reynolds J, Sault RJ, Voronkov MA, Whiting MT, Castro-Tirado AJ, Cunniffe R, Jelínek M, Tello JC, Oates SR, Hu Y-D, Kubánek P, Guziy S, Castellón A, García-Cerezo A, Muñoz VF, Pulgar CPD, Castillo-Carrión S, Cerón JMC, Hudec R, Caballero-García MD, Páta P, Vitek S, Adame JA, Konig S, Rendón F, Sanguino TDJM, Fernández-Muñoz R, Yock PC, Rattenbury N, Allen WH, Querel R, Jeong S, Park IH, Bai J, Cui C, Fan Y, Wang C, Hiriart D, Lee WH, Claret A, Sánchez-Ramírez R, Pandey SB, Mediavilla T, Sabau-Graziati L, Abbott TMC, Abdalla FB, Allam S, Annis J, Armstrong R, Benoit-Lévy A, Berger E, Bernstein RA, Bertin E, Brout D, Buckley-Geer E, Burke DL, Capozzi D, Carretero J, Castander FJ, Chornock R, Cowperthwaite PS, Crocce M, Cunha CE, D'Andrea CB, Costa LND, Desai S, Diehl HT, Dietrich JP, Doctor Z, Drlica-Wagner A, Drout MR, Eifler TF, Estrada J, Evrard AE, Fernandez E, Finley DA, Flaugher B, Foley RJ, Fong W-F, Fosalba P, Fox DB, Frieman J, Fryer CL, Gaztanaga E, Gerdes DW, Goldstein DA, Gruen D, Gruendl RA, Gutierrez G, Herner K, Honscheid K, James DJ, Johnson MD, Johnson MWG, Karliner I, Kasen D, Kent S, Kessler R, Kim AG, Kind MC, Kuehn K, Kuropatkin N, Lahav O, Li TS, Lima M, Lin H, Maia MAG, Margutti R, Marriner J, Martini P, Matheson T, Melchior P, Metzger BD, Miller CJ, Miquel R, Neilsen E, Nichol RC, Nord B, Nugent P, Ogando R, Petravick D, Plazas AA, Quataert E, Roe N, Romer AK, Roodman A, Rosell AC, Rykoff ES, Sako M, Sanchez E, Scarpine V, Schindler R, Schubnell M, Scolnic D, Sevilla-Noarbe I, Sheldon E, Smith N, Smith RC, Soares-Santos M, Sobreira F, Stebbins A, Suchyta E, Swanson MEC, Tarle G, Thaler J, Thomas D, Thomas RC, Tucker DL, Vikram V, Walker AR, Wechsler RH, Wester W, Yanny B, Zhang Y, Zuntz J, Connaughton V, Burns E, Goldstein A, Briggs MS, Zhang B-B, Hui CM, Jenke P, Wilson-Hodge CA, Bhat PN, Bissaldi E, Cleveland W, Fitzpatrick G, Giles MM, Gibby MH, Greiner J, Kienlin AV, Kippen RM, McBreen S, Mailyan B, Meegan CA, Paciesas WS, Preece RD, Roberts O, Sparke L, Stanbro M, Toelge K, Veres P, Yu H-F, Blackburn L, Ackermann M, Ajello M, Albert A, Anderson B, Atwood WB, Axelsson M, Baldini L, Barbiellini G, Bastieri D, Bellazzini R, Bissaldi E, Blandford RD, Bloom ED, Bonino R, Bottacini E, Brandt TJ, Bruel P, Buson S, Caliandro GA, Cameron RA, Caragiulo M, Caraveo PA, Cavazzuti E, Charles E, Chekhtman A, Chiang J, Chiaro G, Ciprini S, Cohen-Tanugi J, Cominsky LR, Costanza F, Cuoco A, D'Ammando F, Palma FD, Desiante R, Digel SW, Lalla ND, Mauro MD, Venere LD, Domínguez A, Drell PS, Dubois R, Favuzzi C, Ferrara EC, Franckowiak A, Fukazawa Y, Funk S, Fusco P, Gargano F, Gasparrini D, Giglietto N, Giommi P, Giordano F, Giroletti M, Glanzman T, Godfrey G, Gomez-Vargas GA, Green D, Grenier IA, Grove JE, Guiriec S, Hadasch D, Harding AK, Hays E, Hewitt JW, Hill AB, Horan D, Jogler T, Jóhannesson G, Johnson AS, Kensei S, Kocevski D, Kuss M, Mura GL, Larsson S, Latronico L, Li J, Li L, Longo F, Loparco F, Lovellette MN, Lubrano P, Magill J, Maldera S, Manfreda A, Marelli M, Mayer M, Mazziotta MN, McEnery JE, Meyer M, Michelson PF, Mirabal N, Mizuno T, Moiseev AA, Monzani ME, Moretti E, Morselli A, Moskalenko IV, Negro M, Nuss E, Ohsugi T, Omodei N, Orienti M, Orlando E, Ormes JF, Paneque D, Perkins JS, Pesce-Rollins M, Piron F, Pivato G, Porter TA, Racusin JL, Rainò S, Rando R, Razzaque S, Reimer A, Reimer O, Salvetti D, Parkinson PMS, Sgrò C, Simone D, Siskind EJ, Spada F, Spandre G, Spinelli P, Suson DJ, Tajima H, Thayer JB, Thompson DJ, Tibaldo L, Torres DF, Troja E, Uchiyama Y, Venters TM, Vianello G, Wood KS, Wood M, Zhu S, Zimmer S, Brocato E, Cappellaro E, Covino S, Grado A, Nicastro L, Palazzi E, Pian E, Amati L, Antonelli LA, Capaccioli M, D'Avanzo P, D'Elia V, Getman F, Giuffrida G, Iannicola G, Limatola L, Lisi M, Marinoni S, Marrese P, Melandri A, Piranomonte S, Possenti A, Pulone L, Rossi A, Stamerra A, Stella L, Testa V, Tomasella L, Yang S, Bazzano A, Bozzo E, Brandt S, Courvoisier TJ-L, Ferrigno C, Hanlon L, Kuulkers E, Laurent P, Mereghetti S, Roques JP, Savchenko V, Ubertini P, Kasliwal MM, Singer LP, Cao Y, Duggan G, Kulkarni SR, Bhalerao V, Miller AA, Barlow T, Bellm E, Manulis I, Rana J, Laher R, Masci F, Surace J, Rebbapragada U, Cook D, Sistine AV, Sesar B, Perley D, Ferreti R, Prince T, Kendrick R, Horesh A, Hurley K, Golenetskii SV, Aptekar RL, Frederiks DD, Svinkin DS, Rau A, Kienlin AV, Zhang X, Smith DM, Cline T, Krimm H, Abe F, Doi M, Fujisawa K, Kawabata KS, Morokuma T, Motohara K, Tanaka M, Ohta K, Yanagisawa K, Yoshida M, Baltay C, Rabinowitz D, Ellman N, Rostami S, Bersier D, Bode MF, Collins CA, Copperwheat CM, Darnley MJ, Galloway DK, Gomboc A, Kobayashi S, Mazzali PA, Mundell CG, Piascik AS, Pollacco D, Steele IA, Ulaczyk K, Broderick JW, Fender RP, Jonker PG, Rowlinson A, Stappers BW, Wijers RAMJ, Lipunov V, Gorbovskoy E, Tyurina N, Kornilov V, Balanutsa P, Kuznetsov A, Buckley D, Rebolo R, Serra-Ricart M, Israelian G, Budnev NM, Gress O, Ivanov K, Poleshuk V, Tlatov A, Yurkov V, Kawai N, Serino M, Negoro H, Nakahira S, Mihara T, Tomida H, Ueno S, Tsunemi H, Matsuoka M, Croft S, Feng L, Franzen TMO, Gaensler BM, Johnston-Hollitt M, Kaplan DL, Morales MF, Tingay SJ, Wayth RB, Williams A, Smartt SJ, Chambers KC, Smith KW, Huber ME, Young DR, Wright DE, Schultz A, Denneau L, Flewelling H, Magnier EA, Primak N, Rest A, Sherstyuk A, Stalder B, Stubbs CW, Tonry J, Waters C, Willman M, E FO, Campbell H, Kotak R, Sollerman J, Smith M, Dennefeld M, Anderson JP, Botticella MT, Chen T-W, Valle MD, Elias-Rosa N, Fraser M, Inserra C, Kankare E, Kupfer T, Harmanen J, Galbany L, Guillou LL, Lyman JD, Maguire K, Mitra A, Nicholl M, Razza A, Terreran G, Valenti S, Gal-Yam A, Ćwiek A, Ćwiok M, Mankiewicz L, Opiela R, Zaremba M, Żarnecki AF, Onken CA, Scalzo RA, Schmidt BP, Wolf C, Yuan F, Evans PA, Kennea JA, Burrows DN, Campana S, Cenko SB, Giommi P, Marshall FE, Nousek J, O'Brien P, Osborne JP, Palmer D, Perri M, Siegel M, Tagliaferri G, Klotz A, Turpin D, Laugier R, Beroiz M, Peñuela T, Macri LM, Oelkers RJ, Lambas DG, Vrech R, Cabral J, Colazo C, Dominguez M, Sanchez B, Gurovich S, Lares M, Marshall JL, DePoy DL, Padilla N, Pereyra NA, Benacquista M, Tanvir NR, Wiersema K, Levan AJ, Steeghs D, Hjorth J, Fynbo JPU, Malesani D, Milvang-Jensen B, Watson D, Irwin M, Fernandez CG, McMahon RG, Banerji M, Gonzalez-Solares E, Schulze S, Postigo ADU, Thoene CC, Cano Z, Rosswog S. 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Rykoff ES, Rozo E, Hollowood D, Bermeo-Hernandez A, Jeltema T, Mayers J, Romer AK, Rooney P, Saro A, Cervantes CV, Wechsler RH, Wilcox H, Abbott TMC, Abdalla FB, Allam S, Annis J, Benoit-Lévy A, Bernstein GM, Bertin E, Brooks D, Burke DL, Capozzi D, Rosell AC, Kind MC, Castander FJ, Childress M, Collins CA, Cunha CE, D'Andrea CB, Costa LND, Davis TM, Desai S, Diehl HT, Dietrich JP, Doel P, Evrard AE, Finley DA, Flaugher B, Fosalba P, Frieman J, Glazebrook K, Goldstein DA, Gruen D, Gruendl RA, Gutierrez G, Hilton M, Honscheid K, Hoyle B, James DJ, Kay ST, Kuehn K, Kuropatkin N, Lahav O, Lewis GF, Lidman C, Lima M, Maia MAG, Mann RG, Marshall JL, Martini P, Melchior P, Miller CJ, Miquel R, Mohr JJ, Nichol RC, Nord B, Ogando R, Plazas AA, Reil K. 2016. THE REDMAPPER GALAXY CLUSTER CATALOG FROM DES SCIENCE VERIFICATION DATA Astrophysical Journal, Supplement Series, 224 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Zhang Y, Miller C, McKay T, Rooney P, Evrard AE, Romer AK, Perfecto R, Song J, Desai S, Mohr J, Wilcox H, Bermeo-Hernandez A, Jeltema T, Hollowood D, Bacon D, Capozzi D, Collins C, Das R, Gerdes D, Hennig C, Hilton M, Hoyle B, Kay S, Liddle A, Mann RG, Mehrtens N, Nichol RC, Papovich C, Sahlen M, Soares-Santos M, Stott J, Viana PT, Abbott T, Abdalla FB, Banerji M, Bauer AH, Benoit-Levy A, Bertin E, Brooks D, Buckley-Geer E, Burke DL, Rosell AC, Castander FJ, Diehl HT, Doel P, Cunha CE, Eifler TF, Fausti Neto A, Fernandez E, Flaugher B, Fosalba P, Frieman J, Gaztanaga E, Gruen D, Gruendl RA, Honscheid K, James D, Kuehn K, Kuropatkin N, Lahav O, Maia MAG, Makler M, Marshall JL, Martini P, Miquel R, Ogando R, Plazas AA, Roodman A, Rykoff ES, Sako M, Sanchez E, Scarpine V, Schubnell M, Sevilla I, Smith RC, Sobreira F, Suchyta E, Swanson MEC, Tarle G, Thaler J, Tucker D, Vikram V, da Costa LN. 2016. GALAXIES IN X-RAY SELECTED CLUSTERS AND GROUPS IN DARK ENERGY SURVEY DATA. I. STELLAR MASS GROWTH OF BRIGHT CENTRAL GALAXIES SINCE z similar to 1.2 ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL, 816 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Drake AB, Simpson C, Baldry IK, James PA, Collins CA, Ouchi M, Yuma S, Dunlop JS, Smith DJB. 2015. Evolution of Star Formation in the UKIDSS Ultra Deep Survey Field - II. Star Formation as a Function of Stellar Mass Between z=1.46 and z=0.63 Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 454 :2015-2025 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Wilcox H, Bacon D, Nichol RC, Koyama K, Zhao G-B, Rooney PJ, Kathy Romer A, Mayers JA, Terukina A, Hood R, Mann RG, Manolopoulou M, Liddle AR, Hilton M, Sahlén M, Collins CA, Mehrtens N, Miller CJ, Stott JP, Viana PTP. 2015. The XMM cluster survey: Testing chameleon gravity using the profiles of clusters Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 452 :1171-1183 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Burke C, Hilton M, Collins CA. 2015. Coevolution of brightest cluster galaxies and intracluster light using CLASH Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 449 :2353-2367 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Copperwheat CM, Steele IA, Barnsley RM, Bates SD, Bersier D, Bode MF, Carter D, Clay NR, Collins CA, Darnley MJ, Davis CJ, Gutierrez CM, Harman DJ, James PA, Knapen JH, Kobayashi S, Marchant JM, Mazzali PA, Mottram CJ, Mundell CG, Newsam A, Oscoz A, Palle E, Piascik AS, Rebolo R, Smith RJ. 2015. Liverpool telescope 2: a new robotic facility for rapid transient follow-up EXPERIMENTAL ASTRONOMY, 39 :119-165 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Böhringer H, Chon G, Bristow M, Collins CA. 2015. The extended ROSAT-ESO flux-limited X-ray galaxy cluster survey (REFLEX II): V. Exploring a local underdensity in the southern sky Astronomy and Astrophysics, 574 :1-5 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Böhringer H, Chon G, Collins CA. 2014. The extended ROSAT-ESO flux limited X-ray galaxy cluster survey (REFLEX II): IV. X-ray luminosity function and first constraints on cosmological parameters Astronomy and Astrophysics, 570 DOI Publisher Url
Hickinbottom S, Simpson CJ, James PA, Ibar E, Carter D, Boselli A, Collins CA, Davies JI, Dunne L, Eales S, Fuller C, Mobasher B, Peletier RF, Phillipps S, Smith DJB, Smith RJ, Valentijn EA. 2014. A surprising consistency between the far-infrared galaxy luminosity functions of the field and Coma Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 442 :1286-1293 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Chon G, Böhringer H, Collins CA, Krause M. 2014. Characterising superclusters with the galaxy cluster distribution Astronomy and Astrophysics, 567 DOI Publisher Url
Böhringer H, Chon G, Collins CA, Guzzo L, Nowak N, Bobrovskyi S. 2013. The extended ROSAT-ESO flux limited X-ray galaxy cluster survey (REFLEX II) II. Construction and properties of the survey Astronomy and Astrophysics, 555 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Drake AB, Simpson C, Collins CA, James PA, Baldry IK, Ouchi M, Jarvis MJ, Bonfield DG, Ono Y, Best PN, Dalton GB, Dunlop JS, McLure RJ, Smith DJB. 2013. Evolution of star formation in the UKIDSS Ultra Deep Survey Field - I. Luminosity functions and cosmic star formation rate out to z = 1.6 Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 433 :796-811 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Drake AB, Simpson C, Collins CA, James PA, Baldry IK, Ouchi M, Jarvis MJ, Bonfield DG, Ono Y, Best PN, Dalton GB, Dunlop JS, McLure RJ, Smith DJB. 2013. Evolution of Star Formation in the UKIDSS Ultra Deep Survey Field - I. Luminosity Functions and Cosmic Star Formation Rate out to z=1.6 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Viana PTP, Mehrtens N, Harrison CD, Romer AK, Collins CA, Hilton M, Hoyle B, Kay ST, Liddle AR, Mayers JA, Miller CJ, Rooney PJ, Sahlén M, Stott JP. 2013. The XMM Cluster Survey: Present status and latest results Astronomische Nachrichten, 334 :462-465 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Burke C, Collins CA. 2013. Growth of brightest cluster galaxies via mergers since z = 1 Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 434 :2856-2865 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Burke C, Collins CA, Stott JP, Hilton M. 2012. Measurement of the intracluster light at z∼1 Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 425 :2058-2068 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Balaguera-Antolínez A, Sánchez AG, Böhringer H, Collins C. 2012. Constructing mock catalogues for the REFLEX II galaxy cluster sample Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 425 :2244-2254 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Burke C, Collins C, Stott J, Hilton M. 2012. Evolution in cluster cores since z ∼ 1 Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union, 8 :172-173 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Harrison CD, Miller CJ, Richards JW, Lloyd-Davies EJ, Hoyle B, Kathy Romer A, Mehrtens N, Hilton M, Stott JP, Capozzi D, Collins CA, Deadman PJ, Liddle AR, Sahlén M, Stanford SA, Viana PTP. 2012. The XMM cluster survey: The stellar mass assembly of fossil galaxies Astrophysical Journal, 752 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Viana PTP, Da Silva A, Ramos EPRG, Liddle AR, Lloyd-Davies EJ, Romer AK, Kay ST, Collins CA, Hilton M, Hosmer M, Hoyle B, Mayers JA, Mehrtens N, Miller CJ, Sahlén M, Stanford SA, Stott JP. 2012. The XMM Cluster Survey: Predicted overlap with the Planck Cluster Catalogue Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Stott JP, Hickox RC, Edge AC, Collins CA, Hilton M, Harrison CD, Romer AK, Rooney PJ, Kay ST, Miller CJ, Sahlén M, Lloyd-Davies EJ, Mehrtens N, Hoyle B, Liddle AR, Viana PTP, Mccarthy IG, Schaye J, Booth CM. 2012. The XMM Cluster Survey: the interplay between the brightest cluster galaxy and the intracluster medium via AGN feedback Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Mehrtens N, Romer AK, Hilton M, Lloyd-Davies EJ, Miller CJ, Stanford SA, Hosmer M, Hoyle B, Collins CA, Liddle AR, Viana PTP, Nichol RC, Stott JP, Dubois EN, Kay ST, Sahlén M, Young O, Short CJ, Christodoulou L, Watson WA, Davidson M, Harrison CD, Baruah L, Smith M, Burke C, Mayers JA, Deadman P-J, Rooney PJ, Edmondson EM, West M, Campbell HC, Edge AC, Mann RG, Sabirli K, Wake D, Benoist C, Da Costa L, Maia MAG, Ogando R. 2012. The XMM Cluster Survey: Optical analysis methodology and the first data release Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Hilton M, Romer AK, Kay ST, Mehrtens N, Lloyd-Davies EJ, Thomas PA, Short CJ, Mayers JA, Rooney PJ, Stott JP, Collins CA, Harrison CD, Hoyle B, Liddle AR, Mann RG, Miller CJ, Sahlén M, Viana PTP, Davidson M, Hosmer M, Nichol RC, Sabirli K, Stanford SA, West MJ. 2012. The XMM Cluster Survey: Evidence for energy injection at high redshift from evolution of the X-ray luminosity-temperature relation Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Lloyd-Davies EJ, Romer AK, Mehrtens N, Hosmer M, Davidson M, Sabirli K, Mann RG, Hilton M, Liddle AR, Viana PTP, Campbell HC, Collins CA, Dubois EN, Freeman P, Harrison CD, Hoyle B, Kay ST, Kuwertz E, Miller CJ, Nichol RC, Sahlén M, Stanford SA, Stott JP. 2011. The XMM Cluster Survey: X-ray analysis methodology Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 418 :14-53 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Stott JP, Collins CA, Burke C, Hamilton-Morris V, Smith GP. 2011. Little change in the sizes of the most massive galaxies since z=1 MONTHLY NOTICES OF THE ROYAL ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY, 414 :445-457 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Balaguera-Antolinez A, Sanchez AG, Boehringer H, Collins C, Guzzo L, Phleps S. 2011. The REFLEX II galaxy cluster survey: power spectrum analysis MONTHLY NOTICES OF THE ROYAL ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY, 413 :386-400 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Zhang YY, Böhringer H, Finoguenov A, Ikebe Y, Matsushita K, Schuecker P, Guzzo L, Collins CA. 2011. Erratum: X-ray properties in massive galaxy clusters: XMM-Newton observations of the REFLEX-DXL sample (A&A (2006) 456 (55-74) DOI:10.1051/0004-6361:20053650) Astronomy and Astrophysics, 527 DOI
Capozzi D, Collins CA, Stott JP, Hilton M. 2011. The evolution of K and the halo occupation distribution since z= 1.5: Observations versus simulations Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Hilton M, Lloyd-Davies E, Stanford SA, Stott JP, Collins CA, Romer AK, Hosmer M, Hoyle B, Kay ST, Liddle AR, Mehrtens N, Miller CJ, Sahlen M, Viana PTP. 2010. THE XMM CLUSTER SURVEY: ACTIVE GALACTIC NUCLEI AND STARBURST GALAXIES IN XMMXCS J2215.9-1738 AT z=1.46 ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL, 718 :133-147 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Stott JP, Collins CA, Sahlen M, Hilton M, Lloyd-Davies E, Capozzi D, Hosmer M, Liddle AR, Mehrtens N, Miller CJ, Romer AK, Stanford SA, Viana PTP, Davidson M, Hoyle B, Kay ST, Nichol RC. 2010. THE XMM CLUSTER SURVEY: THE BUILD-UP OF STELLAR MASS IN BRIGHTEST CLUSTER GALAXIES AT HIGH REDSHIFT ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL, 718 :23-30 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Capozzi D, Collins CA, Stott JP. 2010. The ratio of luminous to faint red-sequence galaxies in X-ray and optically selected low-redshift clusters MONTHLY NOTICES OF THE ROYAL ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY, 403 :1274-1282 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Sahlen M, Viana PTP, Liddle AR, Romer AK, Davidson M, Hosmer M, Lloyd-Davies E, Sabirli K, Collins CA, Freeman PE, Hilton M, Hoyle B, Kay ST, Mann RG, Mehrtens N, Miller CJ, Nichol RC, Stanford SA, West MJ. 2009. The XMM Cluster Survey: forecasting cosmological and cluster scaling-relation parameter constraints MONTHLY NOTICES OF THE ROYAL ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY, 397 :577-607 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Carter D, Smith DJB, Percival SM, Baldry IK, Collins CA, James PA, Salaris M, Simpson C, Stott JP, Mobasher B. 2009. Optical and near-infrared colours as a discriminant of the age and metallicity of stellar populations MONTHLY NOTICES OF THE ROYAL ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY, 397 :695-708 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Hilton M, Stanford SA, Stott JP, Collins CA, Hoyle B, Davidson M, Hosmer M, Kay ST, Liddle AR, Lloyd-Davies E, Mann RG, Mehrtens N, Miller CJ, Nichol RC, Romer AK, Sabirli K, Sahlen M, Viana PTP, West MJ, Barbary K, Dawson KS, Meyers J, Perlmutter S, Rubin D, Suzuki N. 2009. THE XMM CLUSTER SURVEY: GALAXY MORPHOLOGIES AND THE COLOR-MAGNITUDE RELATION IN XMMXCS J2215.9-1738 AT z=1.46 ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL, 697 :436-451 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Guzzo L, Schuecker P, Boehringer H, Collins CA, Ortiz-Gil A, De Grandi S, Edge AC, Neumann DM, Schindler S, Altucci C, Shaver PA. 2009. The REFLEX galaxy cluster survey VIII. Spectroscopic observations and optical atlas ASTRONOMY & ASTROPHYSICS, 499 :357-369 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Collins CA, Stott JP, Hilton M, Kay ST, Stanford SA, Davidson M, Hosmer M, Hoyle B, Liddle A, Lloyd-Davies E, Mann RG, Mehrtens N, Miller CJ, Nichol RC, Romer AK, Sahlén M, Viana PTP, West MJ. 2009. Early assembly of the most massive galaxies. Nature, 458 :603-606 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Zheng C, Romani RW, Sako M, Marriner J, Bassett B, Becker A, Choi C, Cinabro D, DeJongh F, Depoy DL, Dilday B, Doi M, Frieman JA, Garnavich PM, Hogan CJ, Holtzman J, Im M, Jha S, Kessler R, Konishi K, Lampeitl H, Marshall JL, McGinnis D, Miknaitis G, Nichol RC, Prieto JL, Riess AG, Richmond MW, Schneider DP, Smith M, Takanashi N, Tokita K, van der Heyden K, Yasuda N, Assef RJ, Barentine J, Bender R, Blandford RD, Bremer M, Brewington H, Collins CA, Crotts A, Dembicky J, Eastman J, Edge A, Elson E, Eyler ME, Filippenko AV, Foley RJ, Frank S, Goobar A, Harvanek M, Hopp U, Ihara Y, Kahn S, Ketzeback W, Kleinman SJ, Kollatschny W, Krzesinski J, Leloudas G, Long DC, Lucey J, Malanushenko E, Malanushenko V, McMillan RJ, Morgan CW, Morokuma T, Nitta A, Ostman L, Pan K, Romer AK, Saurage G, Schlesinger K, Snedden SA, Sollerman J, Stritzinger M, Watson LC, Watters S, Wheeler JC, York D. 2008. First-year spectroscopy for the Sloan Digital Sky Survey-II supernova survey ASTRONOMICAL JOURNAL, 135 :1766-1784 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Brough S, Couch WJ, Collins CA, Jarrett T, Burke DJ, Mann RG. 2008. The luminosity-halo mass relation for brightest cluster galaxies MONTHLY NOTICES OF THE ROYAL ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY, 385 :L103-L107 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Frieman JA, Bassett B, Becker A, Choi C, Cinabro D, DeJongh F, Depoy DL, Dilday B, Doi M, Garnavich PM, Hogan CJ, Holtzman J, Im M, Jha S, Kessler R, Konishi K, Lampeitl H, Marriner J, Marshall JL, McGinnis D, Miknaitis G, Nichol RC, Prieto JL, Riess AG, Richmond MW, Romani R, Sako M, Schneider DP, Smith M, Takanashi N, Tokita K, van der Heyden K, Yasuda N, Zheng C, Adelman-McCarthy J, Annis J, Assef RJ, Barentine J, Bender R, Blandford RD, Boroski WN, Bremer M, Brewington H, Collins CA, Crotts A, Dembicky J, Eastman J, Edge A, Edmondson E, Elson E, Eyler ME, Filippenko AV, Foley RJ, Frank S, Goobar A, Gueth T, Gunn JE, Harvanek M, Hopp U, Ihara Y, Ivezic Z, Kahn S, Kaplan J, Kent S, Ketzeback W, Kleman SJ, Kollatschny W, Kron RG, Krzesinski J, Lamenti D, Leloudas G, Lin H, Long DC, Lucey J, Lupton RH, Malanushenko E, Malanushenko V, McMillan RJ, Mendez J, Morgan CW, Morokuma T, Nitta A, Ostman L, Pan K, Rockosi CM, Romer AK, Ruiz-Lapuente P, Saurage G, Schlesinger K, Snedden SA, Sollerman J, Stoughton C, Stritzinger M, SubbaRao M, Tucker D, Vaisanen P, Watson LC, Watters S, Wheeler JC, Yanny B, York D. 2008. The Sloan Digital Sky Survey-II Supernova Survey: Technical summary ASTRONOMICAL JOURNAL, 135 :338-347 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Hilton M, Collins CA, Stanford SA, Lidman C, Dawson KS, Davidson M, Kay ST, Liddle AR, Mann RG, Miller CJ, Nichol RC, Romer AK, Sabirli K, Viana PTP, West MJ. 2007. The XMM cluster survey: The dynamical state of XMMXCS J2215.9-1738 at z=1.457 ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL, 670 :1000-1009 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Zhang YY, Finoguenov A, Böringer H, Kneib JP, Smith GP, Czoske O, Soucail G, Schuecker P, Ikebe Y, Matsushita K, Guzzo L, Collins CA. 2007. Exploring massive galaxy clusters: XMM-Newton observations of two morphology unbiased samples at z ∼ 0.2 and z ∼ 0.3 ESO Astrophysics Symposia, 2007 :60-62 DOI Publisher Url
Brough S, Proctor R, Forbes DA, Couch WJ, Collins CA, Burke DJ, Mann RG. 2007. Spatially resolved kinematics and stellar populations of brightest cluster and group galaxies MONTHLY NOTICES OF THE ROYAL ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY, 378 :1507-1530 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Boehringer H, Schuecker P, Pratt GW, Arnaud M, Ponman TJ, Croston JH, Borgani S, Bower RG, Briel UG, Collins CA, Donahue M, Forman WR, Finoguenov A, Geller MJ, Guzzo L, Henry JP, Kneissl R, Mohr JJ, Matsushita K, Mullis CR, Ohashi T, Pedersen K, Pierini D, Quintana H, Raychaudhury S, Reiprich TH, Romer AK, Rosati P, Sabirli K, Temple RF, Viana PTP, Vikhlinin A, Voit GM, Zhang Y-Y. 2007. The representative XMM-Newton cluster structure survey (REXCESS) of an X-ray luminosity selected galaxy cluster sample ASTRONOMY & ASTROPHYSICS, 469 :363-377 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Zhang Y-Y, Bohringer H, Finoguenov A, Ikebe Y, Matsushita K, Schuecker P, Guzzo L, Collins CA. 2006. X-ray properties in massive galaxy clusters: XMM-Newton observations of the REFLEX-DXL sample ASTRONOMY & ASTROPHYSICS, 456 :55-74 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Stanford SA, Romer AK, Sabirli K, Davidson M, Hilton M, Viana PTP, Collins CA, Kay ST, Liddle AR, Mann RG, Miller CJ, Nichol RC, West MJ, Conselice CJ, Spinrad H, Stern D, Bundy K. 2006. The XMM cluster survey: A massive galaxy cluster at z=1.45 ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL, 646 :L13-L16 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Zhang YY, Böhringer H, Finoguenov A, Ikebe Y, Matsushita K, Schuecker P, Guzzo L, Collins CA. 2006. X-ray properties in galaxy clusters European Space Agency, (Special Publication) ESA SP, 2 :759-760
Zhang Y-Y, Boehringer H, Finoguenov A, Ikebe Y, Matsushita K, Schuecker P, Guzzo L, Collins CA. 2006. X-ray properties in massive galaxy clusters: XMM-Newton observations of the REFLEX-DXL sample DOI
Brough S, Collins CA, Burke DJ, Lynam PD, Mann RG. 2005. Environmental dependence of the structure of brightest cluster galaxies MONTHLY NOTICES OF THE ROYAL ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY, 364 :1354-1362 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Cole S, Percival WJ, Peacock JA, Norberg P, Baugh CM, Frenk CS, Baldry I, Bland-Hawthorn J, Bridges T, Cannon R, Colless M, Collins C, Couch W, Cross NJG, Dalton G, Eke VR, De Propris R, Driver SP, Efstathiou G, Ellis RS, Glazebrook K, Jackson C, Jenkins A, Lahav O, Lewis I, Lumsden S, Maddox S, Madgwick D, Peterson BA, Sutherland W, Taylor K. 2005. The 2dF Galaxy Redshift Survey: power-spectrum analysis of the final data set and cosmological implications MONTHLY NOTICES OF THE ROYAL ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY, 362 :505-534 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Hilton M, Collins C, Propris RD, Baldry IK, Baugh CM, Bland-Hawthorn J, Bridges T, Cannon R, Cole S, Colless M, Couch WJ, Dalton GB, Driver SP, Efstathiou G, Ellis RS, Frenk CS, Glazebrook K, Jackson CA, Lahav O, Lewis I, Lumsden S, Maddox SJ, Madgwick D, Norberg P, Peacock JA, Peterson BA, Sutherland W, Taylor K. 2005. The 2dF Galaxy Redshift Survey: correlation with the ROSAT-ESO Flux Limited X-ray (REFLEX) galaxy cluster survey Mon.Not.Roy.Astron.Soc., 363 :661-674 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Wake DA, Collins CA, Nichol RC, Jones LR, Burke DJ. 2005. The environmental dependence of galaxy colors in intermediate-redshift X-ray-selected clusters ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL, 627 :186-202 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Sadat R, Blanchard A, Vauclair SC, Lumb DH, Bartlett J, Romer AK, Bernard JP, Boer M, Marty P, Nevalainen J, Burke DJ, Collins CA, Nichol RC. 2005. The XMM-Newton Omega project - III. Gas mass fraction shape in high redshift clusters ASTRONOMY & ASTROPHYSICS, 437 :31-38 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Bohringer H, Schuecker P, Guzzo L, Collins CA, Voges W, Cruddace RG, Ortiz-Gil A, Chincarini G, De Grandi S, Edge AC, MacGillivray HT, Neumann DM, Schindler S, Shaver P. 2004. The ROSAT-ESO Flux Limited X-ray (REFLEX) Galaxy cluster survey - V. The cluster catalogue ASTRONOMY & ASTROPHYSICS, 425 :367-383 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Percival WJ, Burkey D, Heavens A, Taylor A, Cole S, Peacock JA, Baugh CM, Bland-Hawthorn J, Bridges T, Cannon R, Colless M, Collins C, Couch W, Dalton G, De Propris R, Driver SP, Efstathiou G, Ellis RS, Frenk CS, Glazebrook K, Jackson C, Lahav O, Lewis I, Lumsden S, Maddox S, Norberg P, Peterson BA, Sutherland W, Taylor K. 2004. The 2dF Galaxy Redshift Survey: spherical harmonics analysis of fluctuations in the final catalogue MONTHLY NOTICES OF THE ROYAL ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY, 353 :1201-1218 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Majerowicz S, Neumann DM, Romer AK, Nichol RC, Burke DJ, Collins CA. 2004. RX J0256.5+0006: A merging cluster of galaxies at z=0.36 observed with XMM-NEWTON ASTRONOMY & ASTROPHYSICS, 425 :15-32 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Blake C, Pracy M, Couch W, Bekki K, Lewis I, Glazebrook K, Baldry I, Baugh C, Bland-Hawthorn J, Bridges T, Cannon R, Cole S, Colless M, Collins C, Dalton G, Propris RD, Driver S, Efstathiou G, Ellis R, Frenk C, Jackson C, Lahav O, Lumsden S, Maddox S, Madgwick D, Norberg P, Peacock J, Peterson B, Sutherland W, Taylor K. 2004. The 2dF Galaxy Redshift Survey: the local E+A galaxy population Mon.Not.Roy.Astron.Soc., 355 :713-727 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Burgett WS, Vick MM, Davis DS, Colless M, De Propris R, Baldry I, Baugh C, Bland-Hawthorn J, Bridges T, Cannon R, Cole S, Collins C, Couch W, Cross N, Dalton G, Driver S, Efstathiou G, Ellis R, Frenk CS, Glazebrook K, Hawkins E, Jackson C, Lahav O, Lewis I, Lumsden S, Maddox S, Madgwick D, Norberg P, Peacock JA, Percival W, Peterson B, Sutherland W, Taylor K. 2004. Substructure analysis of selected low-richness 2dFGRS clusters of galaxies MONTHLY NOTICES OF THE ROYAL ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY, 352 :605-654 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Croton DJ, Farrar GR, Norberg P, Colless M, Peacock JA, Baldry IK, Baugh CM, Bland-Hawthorn J, Bridges T, Cannon R, Cole S, Collins C, Couch W, Dalton G, Propris RD, Driver SP, Efstathiou G, Ellis RS, Frenk CS, Glazebrook K, Jackson C, Lahav O, Lewis I, Lumsden S, Maddox S, Madgwick D, Peterson BA, Sutherland W, Taylor K. 2004. The 2dF Galaxy Redshift Survey: luminosity functions by density environment and galaxy type Mon.Not.Roy.Astron.Soc., 356 :1155-1167 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Magliocchetti M, Maddox SJ, Hawkins E, Peacock JA, Bland-Hawthorn J, Bridges T, Cannon R, Cole S, Colless M, Collins C, Couch W, Dalton G, de Propris R, Driver SP, Efstathiou G, Ellis RS, Frenk CS, Glazebrook K, Jackson CA, Jones B, Lahav O, Lewis I, Lumsden S, Norberg P, Peterson BA, Sutherland W, Taylor K. 2004. The 2dF galaxy redshift survey: clustering properties of radio galaxies MONTHLY NOTICES OF THE ROYAL ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY, 350 :1485-1494 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Lumb DH, Bartlett JG, Romer AK, Blanchard A, Burke DJ, Collins CA, Nichol RC, Giard M, Marty PB, Nevalainen J, Sadat R, Vauclair SC. 2004. The XMM-NEWTON Omega project - I. The X-ray luminosity-temperature relation at z > 0.4 ASTRONOMY & ASTROPHYSICS, 420 :853-872 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Wild V, Peacock JA, Lahav O, Conway E, Maddox S, Baldry IK, Baugh CM, Bland-Hawthorn J, Bridges T, Cannon R, Cole S, Colless M, Collins C, Couch W, Dalton G, Propris RD, Driver SP, Efstathiou G, Ellis RS, Frenk CS, Glazebrook K, Jackson C, Lewis I, Lumsden S, Madgwick D, Norberg P, Peterson BA, Sutherland W, Taylor K. 2004. The 2dF Galaxy Redshift Survey: stochastic relative biasing between galaxy populations Mon.Not.Roy.Astron.Soc., 356 :247 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Conway E, Maddox S, Wild V, Peacock JA, Hawkins E, Norberg P, Madgwick DS, Baldry IK, Baugh CM, Bland-Hawthorn J, Bridges T, Cannon R, Cole S, Colless M, Collins C, Couch W, Dalton G, Propris RD, Driver SP, Efstathiou G, Ellis RS, Frenk CS, Glazebrook K, Jackson C, Jones B, Lahav O, Lewis I, Lumsden S, Percival W, Peterson BA, Sutherland W, Taylor K. 2004. The nature of the relative bias between galaxies of different spectral type in 2dFGRS Mon.Not.Roy.Astron.Soc., 356 :456-474 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Propris RD, Colless M, Peacock J, Couch W, Driver S, Balogh M, Baldry I, Baugh C, Bland-Hawthorn J, Bridges T, Cannon R, Cole S, Collins C, Cross N, Dalton G, Efstathiou G, Ellis R, Frenk C, Glazebrook K, Hawkins E, Jackson C, Lahav O, Lewis I, Lumsden S, Maddox S, Madgwick D, Norberg P, Percival W, Peterson B, Sutherland W, Taylor K. 2004. The 2dF Galaxy Redshift Survey: The blue galaxy fraction and implications for the Butcher-Oemler effect Mon.Not.Roy.Astron.Soc., 351 :125 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Padilla ND, Baugh CM, Eke VR, Norberg P, Cole S, Frenk CS, Croton DJ, Baldry IK, Bland-Hawthorn J, Bridges T, Cannon R, Colless M, Collins C, Couch W, Dalton G, Propris RD, Driver SP, Efstathiou G, Ellis RS, Glazebrook K, Jackson C, Lahav O, Lewis I, Lumsden S, Maddox S, Madgwick D, Peacock JA, Peterson BA, Sutherland W, Taylor K. 2004. The 2dF Galaxy Redshift Survey: The clustering of galaxy groups Mon.Not.Roy.Astron.Soc., 352 :211 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Eke VR, Baugh CM, Cole S, Frenk CS, Norberg P, Peacock JA, Baldry IK, Bland-Hawthorn J, Bridges T, Cannon R, Colless M, Collins C, Couch W, Dalton G, Propris RD, Driver SP, Efstathiou G, Ellis RS, Glazebrook K, Jackson C, Lahav O, Lewis I, Lumsden S, Maddox S, Madgwick D, Peterson BA, Sutherland W, Taylor K. 2004. Galaxy groups in the 2dFGRS: the group-finding algorithm and the 2PIGG catalogue Mon.Not.Roy.Astron.Soc., 348 :866 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Eke VR, Frenk CS, Baugh CM, Cole S, Norberg P, Peacock JA, Baldry IK, Bland-Hawthorn J, Bridges T, Cannon R, Colless M, Collins C, Couch W, Dalton G, Propris RD, Driver SP, Efstathiou G, Ellis RS, Glazebrook K, Jackson C, Lahav O, Lewis I, Lumsden S, Maddox S, Madgwick D, Peterson BA, Sutherland W, Taylor K. 2004. Galaxy groups in the 2dFGRS: the luminous content of the groups Mon.Not.Roy.Astron.Soc., 355 :769 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Ortiz-Gil A, Guzzo L, Schuecker P, Bohringer H, Collins CA. 2004. The X-ray luminosity-velocity dispersion relation in the REFLEX cluster survey MONTHLY NOTICES OF THE ROYAL ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY, 348 :325-332 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Croton DJ, Gaztanaga E, Baugh CM, Norberg P, Colless M, Baldry IK, Bland-Hawthorn J, Bridges T, Cannon R, Cole S, Collins C, Couch W, Dalton G, Propris RD, Driver SP, Efstathiou G, Ellis RS, Frenk CS, Glazebrook K, Jackson C, Lahav O, Lewis I, Lumsden S, Maddox S, Madgwick D, Peacock JA, Peterson BA, Sutherland W, Taylor K. 2004. The 2dF Galaxy Redshift Survey: higher order galaxy correlation functions Mon.Not.Roy.Astron.Soc., 352 :1232 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Baugh CM, Croton DJ, Gaztanaga E, Norberg P, Colless M, Baldry IK, Bland-Hawthorn J, Bridges T, Cannon R, Cole S, Collins C, Couch W, Dalton G, Propris RD, Driver SP, Efstathiou G, Ellis RS, Frenk CS, Glazebrook K, Jackson C, Lahav O, Lewis I, Lumsden S, Maddox S, Madgwick D, Peacock JA, Peterson BA, Sutherland W, Taylor K. 2004. The 2dF Galaxy Redshift Survey: Hierarchical galaxy clustering Mon.Not.Roy.Astron.Soc., 351 :L44 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Croton DJ, Colless M, Gaztanaga E, Baugh CM, Norberg P, Baldry IK, Bland-Hawthorn J, Bridges T, Cannon R, Cole S, Collins C, Couch W, Dalton G, Propris RD, Driver SP, Efstathiou G, Ellis RS, Frenk CS, Glazebrook K, Jackson C, Lahav O, Lewis I, Lumsden S, Maddox S, Madgwick D, Peacock JA, Peterson BA, Sutherland W, Taylor K. 2004. The 2dF Galaxy Redshift Survey: voids and hierarchical scaling models Mon.Not.Roy.Astron.Soc., 352 :828 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
James PA, Shane NS, Beckman JE, Cardwell A, Collins CA, Etherton J, de Jong RS, Fathi K, Knapen JH, Peletier RF, Percival SM, Pollacco DL, Seigar MS, Stedman S, Steele IA. 2004. The Ha galaxy survey - I. The galaxy sample, H alpha narrow-band observations and star formation parameters for 334 galaxies ASTRONOMY & ASTROPHYSICS, 414 :23-43 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Erdogdu P, Lahav O, Zaroubi S, Efstathiou G, Moody S, Peacock JA, Colless M, Baldry IK, Baugh CM, Bland-Hawthorn J, Bridges T, Cannon R, Cole S, Collins C, Couch W, Dalton G, Propris RD, Driver SP, Ellis RS, Frenk CS, Glazebrook K, Jackson C, Lewis I, Lumsden S, Maddox S, Madgwick D, Norberg P, Peterson BA, Sutherland W, Taylor K. 2003. The 2dF Galaxy Redshift Survey: Wiener Reconstruction of the Cosmic Web Mon.Not.Roy.Astron.Soc., 352 :939 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Balogh M, Eke V, Miller C, Lewis I, Bower R, Couch W, Nichol R, Bland-Hawthorn J, Baldry IK, Baugh C, Bridges T, Cannon R, Cole S, Colless M, Collins C, Cross N, Dalton G, Propris RD, Driver SP, Efstathiou G, Ellis RS, Frenk CS, Glazebrook K, Gomez P, Gray A, Hawkins E, Jackson C, Lahav O, Lumsden S, Maddox S, Madgwick D, Norberg P, Peacock JA, Percival W, Peterson BA, Sutherland W, Taylor K. 2003. Galaxy ecology: groups and low-density environments in the SDSS and 2dFGRS Mon.Not.Roy.Astron.Soc., 348 :1355 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Burke DJ, Collins CA, Sharples RM, Romer AK, Nichol RC. 2003. The Southern SHARC catalogue: a ROSAT survey for distant galaxy clusters MONTHLY NOTICES OF THE ROYAL ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY, 341 :1093-1108 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Schuecker P, Caldwell RR, Bohringer H, Collins CA, Guzzo L, Weinberg NN. 2003. Observational constraints on general relativistic energy conditions, cosmic matter density and dark energy from X-ray clusters of galaxies and type-Ia supernovae ASTRONOMY & ASTROPHYSICS, 402 :53-63 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Madgwick DS, Hawkins E, Lahav O, Maddox S, Norberg P, Peacock J, Baldry IK, Baugh CM, Bland-Hawthorn J, Bridges T, Cannon R, Cole S, Colless M, Collins C, Couch W, Dalton G, Propris RD, Driver SP, Efstathiou G, Ellis RS, Frenk CS, Glazebrook K, Jackson C, Lewis I, Lumsden S, Peterson BA, Sutherland W, Taylor K. 2003. The 2dF Galaxy Redshift Survey: galaxy clustering per spectral type Mon.Not.Roy.Astron.Soc., 344 :847 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Schuecker P, Bohringer H, Collins CA, Guzzo L. 2003. The REFLEX galaxy cluster survey - VII. Omega(m) and sigma(8) from cluster abundance and large-scale clustering ASTRONOMY & ASTROPHYSICS, 398 :867-877 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Propris RD, Colless M, Driver S, Couch W, Peacock J, Baldry I, Baugh C, Collins C, Bland-Hawthorn J, Bridges T, Cannon R, Cole S, Cross N, Dalton GB, Efstathiou G, Ellis RS, Frenk CS, Glazebrook K, Hawkins E, Jackson C, Lahav O, Lewis I, Lumsden S, Maddox S, Madgwick DS, Norberg P, Percival W, Peterson B, Sutherland W, Taylor K. 2002. The 2dF Galaxy Redshift Survey: the luminosity function of cluster galaxies Mon.Not.Roy.Astron.Soc., 342 :725 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Hawkins E, Maddox S, Cole S, Lahav O, Madgwick D, Norberg P, Peacock J, Baldry I, Baugh C, Bland-Hawthorn J, Bridges T, Cannon R, Colless M, Collins C, Couch W, Dalton G, Propris RD, Driver S, Efstathiou G, Ellis R, Frenk C, Glazebrook K, Jackson C, Jones B, Lewis I, Lumsden S, Percival W, Peterson B, Sutherland W, Taylor K. 2002. The 2dF Galaxy Redshift Survey: correlation functions, peculiar velocities and the matter density of the Universe Mon.Not.Roy.Astron.Soc., 346 :78 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Percival WJ, Sutherland W, Peacock JA, Baugh CM, Bland-Hawthorn J, Bridges T, Cannon R, Cole S, Colless M, Collins C, Couch W, Dalton G, De Propris R, Driver SP, Efstathiou G, Ellis RS, Frenk CS, Glazebrook K, Jackson C, Lahav O, Lewis I, Lumsden S, Maddox S, Moody S, Norberg P, Peterson BA, Taylor K. 2002. Parameter constraints for flat cosmologies from cosmic microwave background and 2dFGRS power spectra MONTHLY NOTICES OF THE ROYAL ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY, 337 :1068-1080 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Norberg P, Cole S, Baugh CM, Frenk CS, Baldry I, Bland-Hawthorn J, Bridges T, Cannon R, Colless M, Collins C, Couch W, Cross NJG, Dalton G, De Propris R, Driver SP, Efstathiou G, Ellis RS, Glazebrook K, Jackson C, Lahav O, Lewis I, Lumsden S, Maddox S, Madgwick D, Peacock JA, Peterson BA, Sutherland W, Taylor K. 2002. The 2dF Galaxy Redshift Survey: the b(J)-band galaxy luminosity function and survey selection function MONTHLY NOTICES OF THE ROYAL ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY, 336 :907-931 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Schuecker P, Guzzo L, Collins CA, Bohringer H. 2002. The ROSAT-ESO Flux-Limited X-ray (REFLEX) galaxy cluster survey - VI. Constraints on the cosmic matter density from the KL power spectrum MONTHLY NOTICES OF THE ROYAL ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY, 335 :807-816 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Verde L, Heavens AF, Percival WJ, Matarrese S, Baugh CM, Bland-Hawthorn J, Bridges T, Cannon R, Cole S, Colless M, Collins C, Couch W, Dalton G, De Propris R, Driver SP, Efstathiou G, Ellis RS, Frenk CS, Glazebrook K, Jackson C, Lahav O, Lewis I, Lumsden S, Maddox S, Madgwick D, Norberg P, Peacock JA, Peterson BA, Sutherland W, Taylor K. 2002. The 2dF Galaxy Redshift Survey: the bias of galaxies and the density of the Universe MONTHLY NOTICES OF THE ROYAL ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY, 335 :432-440 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Elgarøy Ø, Lahav O, Percival WJ, Peacock JA, Madgwick DS, Bridle SL, Baugh CM, Baldry IK, Bland-Hawthorn J, Bridges T, Cannon R, Cole S, Colless M, Collins C, Couch W, Dalton G, De Propris R, Driver SP, Efstathiou GP, Ellis RS, Frenk CS, Glazebrook K, Jackson C, Lewis I, Lumsden S, Maddox S, Norberg P, Peterson BA, Sutherland W, Taylor K. 2002. New upper limit on the total neutrino mass from the 2 degree field galaxy redshift survey. Phys Rev Lett, 89 :061301 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Lahav O, Bridle SL, Percival WJ, Peacock JA, Efstathiou G, Baugh CM, Bland-Hawthorn J, Bridges T, Cannon R, Cole S, Colless M, Collins C, Couch W, Dalton G, De Propris R, Driver SP, Ellis RS, Frenk CS, Glazebrook K, Jackson C, Lewis I, Lumsden S, Maddox S, Madgwick DS, Moody S, Norberg P, Peterson BA, Sutherland W, Taylor K. 2002. The 2dF Galaxy Redshift Survey: the amplitudes of fluctuations in the 2dFGRS and the CMB, and implications for galaxy biasing MONTHLY NOTICES OF THE ROYAL ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY, 333 :961-968 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Arnaud M, Majerowicz S, Lumb D, Neumann DM, Aghanim N, Blanchard A, Boer M, Burke DJ, Collins CA, Giard M, Nevalainen J, Nichol RC, Romer AK, Sadat R. 2002. XMM-Newton observation of the distant (z=0.6) galaxy cluster RX J1120.1+4318 ASTRONOMY & ASTROPHYSICS, 390 :27-38 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Norberg P, Baugh CM, Hawkins E, Maddox S, Madgwick D, Lahav O, Cole S, Frenk CS, Baldry I, Bland-Hawthorn J, Bridges T, Cannon R, Colless M, Collins C, Couch W, Dalton G, De Propris R, Driver SP, Efstathiou G, Ellis RS, Glazebrook K, Jackson C, Lewis I, Lumsden S, Peacock JA, Peterson BA, Sutherland W, Taylor K. 2002. The 2dF Galaxy Redshift Survey: the dependence of galaxy clustering on luminosity and spectral type MONTHLY NOTICES OF THE ROYAL ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY, 332 :827-838 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Magliocchetti M, Maddox SJ, Jackson CA, Bland-Hawthorn J, Bridges T, Cannon R, Cole S, Colless M, Collins C, Couch W, Dalton G, de Propris R, Driver SP, Efstathiou G, Ellis RS, Frenk CS, Glazebrook K, Lahav O, Lewis I, Lumsden S, Peacock JA, Peterson BA, Sutherland W, Taylor K. 2002. The 2dF Galaxy Redshift Survey: the population of nearby radio galaxies at the 1-mJy level MONTHLY NOTICES OF THE ROYAL ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY, 333 :100-120 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Cruddace R, Voges W, Bohringer H, Collins CA, Romer AK, MacGillivray H, Yentis D, Schuecker P, Ebeling H, De Grandi S. 2002. The ROSAT All-Sky Survey: A catalog of clusters of galaxies in a region of 1 steradian around the south Galactic pole ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL SUPPLEMENT SERIES, 140 :239-264 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Lewis I, Balogh M, Propris RD, Couch W, Bower R, Offer A, Bland-Hawthorn J, Baldry I, Baugh C, Bridges T, Cannon R, Cole S, Colless M, Collins C, Cross N, Dalton G, Driver S, Efstathiou G, Ellis R, Frenk C, Glazebrook K, Hawkins E, Jackson C, Lahav O, Lumsden S, Maddox S, Madgwick D, Norberg P, Peacock J, Percival W, Peterson B, Sutherland W, Taylor K. 2002. The 2dF Galaxy Redshift Survey: The environmental dependence of galaxy star formation rates near clusters Mon.Not.Roy.Astron.Soc., 334 :673 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Fairley BW, Jones LR, Wake DA, Collins CA, Burke DJ, Nichol RC, Romer AK. 2002. Galaxy colours in high-redshift, X-ray-selected clusters - I. Blue galaxy fractions in eight clusters MONTHLY NOTICES OF THE ROYAL ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY, 330 :755-767 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Efstathiou G, Moody S, Peacock JA, Percival WJ, Baugh C, Bland-Hawthorn J, Bridges T, Cannon R, Cole S, Colless M, Collins C, Couch W, Dalton G, De Propris R, Driver SP, Ellis RS, Frenk CS, Glazebrook K, Jackson C, Lahav O, Lewis I, Lumsden S, Maddox S, Norberg P, Peterson BA, Sutherland W, Taylor K. 2002. Evidence for a non-zero Lambda and a low matter density from a combined analysis of the 2dF Galaxy Redshift Survey and cosmic microwave background anisotropies MONTHLY NOTICES OF THE ROYAL ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY, 330 :L29-L35 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Bohringer H, Collins CA, Guzzo L, Schuecker P, Voges W, Neumann DM, Schindler S, Chincarini G, De Grandi S, Cruddace RG, Edge AC, Reiprich TH, Shaver P. 2002. The ROSAT-ESO Flux-Limited X-ray (REFLEX) Galaxy Cluster Survey. IV. The X-ray luminosity function ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL, 566 :93-102 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Brough S, Collins CA, Burke DJ, Mann RG, Lynam PD. 2002. Evolution of brightest cluster galaxies in X-ray clusters MONTHLY NOTICES OF THE ROYAL ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY, 329 :L53-L56 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Peacock JA. 2002. Studying Large-scale Structure with the 2dF Galaxy Redshift Survey Shanks NMT. A New Era in Cosmology, 283 :19-+-19-+ Author Url
De Propris R, Couch WJ, Colless M, Dalton GB, Collins C, Baugh CM, Bland-Hawthorn J, Bridges T, Cannon R, Cole S, Cross N, Deeley K, Driver SP, Efstathiou G, Ellis RS, Frenk CS, Glazebrook K, Jackson C, Lahav O, Lewis I, Lumsden S, Maddox S, Madgwick D, Moody S, Norberg P, Peacock JA, Percival W, Peterson BA, Sutherland W, Taylor K. 2002. The 2dF Galaxy Redshift Survey: a targeted study of catalogued clusters of galaxies MONTHLY NOTICES OF THE ROYAL ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY, 329 :87-101 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Sadler EM, Jackson CA, Cannon RD, McIntyre VJ, Murphy T, Bland-Hawthorn J, Bridges T, Cole S, Colless M, Collins C, Couch W, Dalton G, De Propris R, Driver SP, Efstathiou G, Ellis RS, Frenk CS, Glazebrook K, Lahav O, Lewis I, Lumsden S, Maddox S, Madgwick D, Norberg P, Peacock JA, Peterson BA, Sutherland W, Taylor K. 2002. Radio sources in the 2dF Galaxy Redshift Survey - II. Local radio luminosity functions for AGN and star-forming galaxies at 1.4 GHz MONTHLY NOTICES OF THE ROYAL ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY, 329 :227-245 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Colless M, Dalton G, Maddox S, Sutherland W, Norberg P, Cole S, Bland-Hawthorn J, Bridges T, Cannon R, Collins C, Couch W, Cross N, Deeley K, De Propris R, Driver SP, Efstathiou G, Ellis RS, Frenk CS, Glazebrook K, Jackson C, Lahav O, Lewis I, Lumsden S, Madgwick D, Peacock JA, Peterson BA, Price I, Seaborne M, Taylor K. 2001. The 2dF Galaxy Redshift Survey: spectra and redshifts MONTHLY NOTICES OF THE ROYAL ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY, 328 :1039-1063 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Norberg P, Baugh CM, Hawkins E, Maddox S, Peacock JA, Cole S, Frenk CS, Bland-Hawthorn J, Bridges T, Cannon R, Colless M, Collins C, Couch W, Dalton G, De Propris R, Driver SP, Efstathiou G, Ellis RS, Glazebrook K, Jackson C, Lahav O, Lewis I, Lumsden S, Madgwick D, Peterson BA, Sutherland W, Taylor K. 2001. The 2dF Galaxy Redshift Survey: luminosity dependence of galaxy clustering MONTHLY NOTICES OF THE ROYAL ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY, 328 :64-70 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Percival WJ, Baugh CM, Bland-Hawthorn J, Bridges T, Cannon R, Cole S, Colless M, Collins C, Couch W, Dalton G, De Propris R, Driver SP, Efstathiou G, Ellis RS, Frenk CS, Glazebrook K, Jackson C, Lahav O, Lewis I, Lumsden S, Maddox S, Moody S, Norberg P, Peacock JA, Peterson BA, Sutherland W, Taylor K. 2001. The 2dF Galaxy Redshift Survey: the power spectrum and the matter content of the Universe MONTHLY NOTICES OF THE ROYAL ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY, 327 :1297-1306 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Baldry IK, Glazebrook K, Baugh CM, Bland-Hawthorn J, Bridges T, Cannon R, Cole S, Colless M, Collins C, Couch W, Dalton G, Propris RD, Driver SP, Efstathiou G, Ellis RS, Frenk CS, Hawkins E, Jackson C, Lahav O, Lewis I, Lumsden S, Maddox S, Madgwick DS, Norberg P, Peacock JA, Peterson BA, Sutherland W, Taylor K. 2001. The 2dF Galaxy Redshift Survey: constraints on cosmic star-formation history from the cosmic spectrum Astrophys. J., 569 :582 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Kerscher M, Mecke K, Schuecker P, Bohringer H, Guzzo L, Collins CA, Schindler S, De Grandi S, Cruddace R. 2001. Non-Gaussian morphology on large scales: Minkowski functionals of the REFLEX cluster catalogue ASTRONOMY & ASTROPHYSICS, 377 :1-16 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Cole S, Norberg P, Baugh CA, Frenk CS, Bland-Hawthorn J, Bridges T, Cannon R, Colless M, Collins C, Couch W, Cross N, Dalton G, De Propris R, Driver SP, Efstathiou G, Ellis RS, Glazebrook K, Jackson C, Lahav O, Lewis I, Lumsden S, Maddox S, Madgwick D, Peacock JA, Peterson BA, Sutherland W, Taylor K. 2001. The 2dF galaxy redshift survey: near-infrared galaxy luminosity functions MONTHLY NOTICES OF THE ROYAL ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY, 326 :255-273 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Madgwick DS, Lahav O, Baldry IK, Baugh CM, Bland-Hawthorn J, Bridges T, Cannon R, Cole S, Colless M, Collins C, Couch W, Dalton G, Propris RD, Driver SP, Efstathiou G, Ellis RS, Frenk CS, Glazebrook K, Jackson C, Lewis I, Lumsden S, Maddox S, Norberg P, Peacock JA, Peterson BA, Sutherland W, Taylor K. 2001. The 2dF Galaxy Redshift Survey: Galaxy luminosity functions per spectral type Mon.Not.Roy.Astron.Soc., 333 :133 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Cross N, Driver SP, Couch W, Baugh CM, Bland-Hawthorn J, Bridges T, Cannon R, Cole S, Colless M, Collins C, Dalton G, Deeley K, De Propris R, Efstathiou G, Ellis RS, Frenk CS, Glazebrook K, Jackson C, Lahav O, Lewis I, Lumsden S, Maddox S, Madgwick D, Moody S, Norberg P, Peacock JA, Peterson BA, Price I, Seaborne M, Sutherland W, Tadros H, Taylor K. 2001. The 2dF Galaxy Redshift Survey: the number and luminosity density of galaxies MONTHLY NOTICES OF THE ROYAL ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY, 324 :825-841 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Bohringer H, Schuecker P, Guzzo L, Collins CA, Voges W, Schindler S, Neumann DM, Cruddace RG, De Grandi S, Chincarini G, Edge AC, MacGillivray HT, Shaver P. 2001. The ROSAT-ESO flux limited X-ray (REFLEX) galaxy cluster survey. I. The construction of the cluster sample ASTRONOMY & ASTROPHYSICS, 369 :826-850 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Peacock JA, Cole S, Norberg P, Baugh CM, Bland-Hawthorn J, Bridges T, Cannon RD, Colless M, Collins C, Couch W, Dalton G, Deeley K, De Propris R, Driver SP, Efstathiou G, Ellis RS, Frenk CS, Glazebrook K, Jackson C, Lahav O, Lewis I, Lumsden S, Maddox S, Percival WJ, Peterson BA, Price I, Sutherland W, Taylor K. 2001. A measurement of the cosmological mass density from clustering in the 2dF Galaxy Redshift Survey. Nature, 410 :169-173 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Schuecker P, Bohringer H, Guzzo L, Collins CA, Neumann DM, Schindler S, Voges W, De Grandi S, Chincarini G, Cruddace R, Muller V, Reiprich TH, Retzlaff J, Shaver P. 2001. The ROSAT-ESO flux-limited X-ray (REFLEX) galaxy cluster survey - III. The power spectrum ASTRONOMY & ASTROPHYSICS, 368 :86-106 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Collins CA, Guzzo L, Bohringer H, Schuecker P, Chincarini G, Cruddace R, De Grandi S, MacGillivray HT, Neumann DM, Schindler S, Shaver P, Voges W. 2000. The ROSAT-ESO flux-limited X-ray (REFLEX) galaxy cluster survey - II. The spatial correlation function MONTHLY NOTICES OF THE ROYAL ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY, 319 :939-948 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Burke DJ, Collins CA, Mann RG. 2000. Cluster selection and the evolution of brightest cluster galaxies ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL, 532 :L105-L108 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Guzzo L, Bartlett JG, Cappi A, Maurogordato S, Zucca E, Zamorani G, Balkowski C, Blanchard A, Cayatte V, Chincarini G, Collins CA, Maccagni D, MacGillivray H, Merighi R, Mignoli M, Proust D, Ramella M, Scaramella R, Stirpe GM, Vettolani G. 2000. The ESO Slice Project (ESP) galaxy redshift survey VII. The redshift and real-space correlation functions ASTRONOMY & ASTROPHYSICS, 355 :1-16 Author Url
Romer AK, Nichol RC, Holden BP, Ulmer MP, Pildis RA, Merrelli AJ, Adami C, Burke DJ, Collins CA, Metevier AJ, Kron RG, Commons K. 2000. The Bright SHARC Survey: The cluster catalog ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL SUPPLEMENT SERIES, 126 :209-269 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Folkes S, Ronen S, Price I, Lahav O, Colless M, Maddox S, Deeley K, Glazebrook K, Bland-Hawthorn J, Cannon R, Cole S, Collins C, Couch W, Driver SP, Dalton G, Efstathiou G, Ellis RS, Frenk CS, Kaiser N, Lewis I, Lumsden S, Peacock J, Peterson BA, Sutherland W, Taylor K. 1999. The 2dF Galaxy Redshift Survey: spectral types and luminosity functions MONTHLY NOTICES OF THE ROYAL ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY, 308 :459-472 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Nichol RC, Romer AK, Holden BP, Ulmer MP, Pildis RA, Adami C, Merrelli AJ, Burke DJ, Collins CA. 1999. The Bright SHARC Survey: The X-ray cluster luminosity function ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL, 521 :L21-L24 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Reichart DE, Nichol RC, Castander FJ, Burke DJ, Romer AK, Holden BP, Collins CA, Ulmer MP. 1999. A deficit of high-redshift, high-luminosity X-ray clusters: Evidence for a high value of Omega(m)? ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL, 518 :521-532 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
De Grandi S, Bohringer H, Guzzo L, Molendi S, Chincarini G, Collins C, Cruddace R, Neumann D, Schindler S, Schuecker P, Voges W. 1999. A flux-limited sample of bright clusters of galaxies from the southern part of the ROSAT All-Sky Survey: The catalog and log N-log S-1 ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL, 514 :148-163 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
De Grandi S, Guzzo L, Bohringer H, Molendi S, Chincarini G, Collins C, Cruddace R, Neumann D, Schindler S, Schuecker P, Voges W. 1999. The X-ray luminosity function of bright galaxy clusters in the local universe ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL, 513 :L17-L20 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Ramella M, Zamorani G, Zucca E, Stirpe GM, Vettolani G, Balkowski C, Blanchard A, Cappi A, Cayatte V, Chincarini G, Collins C, Guzzo L, MacGillivray H, Maccagni D, Maurogordato S, Merighi R, Mignoli M, Pisani A, Proust D, Scaramella R. 1999. The ESO slice project (ESP) galaxy redshift survey - VI. Groups of galaxies ASTRONOMY & ASTROPHYSICS, 342 :1-14 Author Url
Collins CA. 1999. Searches for primeval galaxies CONTEMPORARY PHYSICS, 40 :1-10 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Ratcliffe A, Shanks T, Parker QA, Broadbent A, Watson FG, Oates AP, Collins CA, Fong R. 1998. The Durham/UKST Galaxy Redshift Survey - V. The catalogue MONTHLY NOTICES OF THE ROYAL ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY, 300 :417-462 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Cappi A, Zamorani G, Zucca E, Vettolani G, Merighi R, Mignoli M, Stirpe GM, Collins C, Guzzo L, Chincarini G, Maccagni D, Balkowski C, Cayatte V, Maurogordato S, Proust D, Bardelli S, Ramella M, Scaramella R, Blanchard A, MacGillivray H. 1998. The ESO Slice Project (ESP) galaxy redshift survey - IV. A discussion of systematic biases in galaxy redshift determinations ASTRONOMY & ASTROPHYSICS, 336 :445-454 Author Url
Collins CA, Mann RG. 1998. The K-band Hubble diagram for brightest cluster galaxies in X-ray clusters MONTHLY NOTICES OF THE ROYAL ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY, 297 :128-142 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Scaramella R, Guzzo L, Zamorani G, Zucca E, Balkowski C, Blanchard A, Cappi A, Cayatte V, Chincarini G, Collins C, Fiorani A, Maccagni D, MacGillivray H, Maurogordato S, Merighi R, Mignoli M, Proust D, Ramella M, Stirpe GM, Vettolani G. 1998. The ESO Slice Project [ESP] galaxy redshift survey - V. Evidence for a D=3 sample dimensionality ASTRONOMY & ASTROPHYSICS, 334 :404-408 Author Url
Vettolani G, Zucca E, Merighi R, Mignoli M, Proust D, Zamorani G, Cappi A, Guzzo L, Maccagni D, Ramella M, Stirpe GM, Blanchard A, Cayatte V, Collins C, MacGillivray H, Maurogordato S, Scaramella R, Balkowski C, Chincarini G, Felenbok P. 1998. The ESO Slice Project (ESP) galaxy redshift survey - III. The sample ASTRONOMY & ASTROPHYSICS SUPPLEMENT SERIES, 130 :323-332 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Burke DJ, Collins CA, Sharples RM, Romer AK, Holden BP, Nichol RC. 1997. The southern SHARC survey: The z = 0.3-0.7 cluster X-ray luminosity function ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL, 488 :L83-L86 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Zucca E, Zamorani G, Vettolani G, Cappi A, Merighi R, Mignoli M, Stirpe GM, MacGillivray H, Collins C, Balkowski C, Cayatte V, Maurogordato S, Proust D, Chincarini G, Guzzo L, Maccagni D, Scaramella R, Blanchard A, Ramella M. 1997. The ESO Slice Project (ESP) galaxy redshift survey .2. The luminosity function and mean galaxy density ASTRONOMY & ASTROPHYSICS, 326 :477-488 Author Url
Vettolani G, Zucca E, Zamorani G, Cappi A, Merighi R, Mignoli M, Stirpe GM, MacGillivray H, Collins C, Balkowski C, Cayatte V, Maurogordato S, Proust D, Chincarini G, Guzzo L, Maccagni D, Scaramella R, Blanchard A, Ramella M. 1997. The ESO Slice Project (ESP) galaxy redshift survey .1. Description and first results ASTRONOMY & ASTROPHYSICS, 325 :954-960 Author Url
Lumsden SL, Collins CA, Nichol RC, Eke VR, Guzzo L. 1997. The Edinburgh-Durham Southern Galaxy Catalogue .8. The cluster galaxy luminosity function MONTHLY NOTICES OF THE ROYAL ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY, 290 :119-138 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Nichol RC, Holden BP, Romer AK, Ulmer MP, Burke DJ, Collins CA. 1997. Evolution in the X-ray cluster luminosity function revisited ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL, 481 :644-659 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Collins CA, Burke DJ, Romer AK, Sharples RM, Nichol RC. 1997. On the evolution of X-ray clusters at high redshift ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL, 479 :L117-& DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Collins CA, Parkes IM, Joseph RD. 1996. Limits on H alpha emission from young galaxies MONTHLY NOTICES OF THE ROYAL ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY, 282 :903-908 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Ratcliffe A, Shanks T, Broadbent A, Parker QA, Watson FG, Oates AP, Fong R, Collins CA. 1996. The Durham/UKST galaxy redshift survey .1. Large-scale structure in the Universe MONTHLY NOTICES OF THE ROYAL ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY, 281 :L47-L52 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Furnell KE, Collins CA, Kelvin LS, Baldry IK, James PA, Manolopoulou M, Mann RG, Giles PA, Bermeo A, Hilton M, Wilkinson R, Romer AK, Vergara C, Bhargava S, Stott JP, Mayers J, Viana P. The Growth of Intracluster Light in XCS-HSC Galaxy Clusters from 0.1 < z < 0.5 Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 502 :2419-2437 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Capasso R, Mohr JJ, Saro A, Biviano A, Clerc N, Finoguenov A, Grandis S, Collins C, Erfanianfar G, Damsted S, Kirkpatrick C, Kukkola A. 2019. Erratum: Mass calibration of the CODEX cluster sample using SPIDERS spectroscopy - I. The richness-mass relation (MNRAS (2019) 486 (1594-1607) DOI: 10.1093/mnras/stz931) Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 488 :481 DOI Publisher Url
Zhang Y-Y, Boehringer H, Finoguenov A, Ikebe Y, Matsushita K, Schuecker P, Guzzo L, Collins CA. 2011. X-ray properties in massive galaxy clusters: XMM-Newton observations of the REFLEX-DXL sample (vol 456, pg 55, 2006) ASTRONOMY & ASTROPHYSICS, 527 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Conference publication
Copperwheat CM, Steele IA, Barnsley RM, Bates SD, Bode MF, Clay NR, Collins CA, Jermak HE, Knapen JH, Marchant JM, Mottram CJ, Piascik AS, Smith RJ. 2018. Liverpool telescope 2: A new robotic telescope for transient follow-up Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, 10015
Copperwheat CM, Steele IA, Barnsley RM, Bates SD, Bode MF, Clay NR, Collins CA, Jermak HE, Knapen JH, Marchant JM, Mottram CJ, Piascik AS, Smith RJ. 2016. Liverpool Telescope 2: beginning the design phase Hall HJ, Gilmozzi R, Marshall HK. GROUND-BASED AND AIRBORNE TELESCOPES VI, Conference on Ground-Based and Airborne Telescopes VI 9906 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Collins CA, Böhringer H, Bristow M, Chon G. 2014. Characterising the local void with the X-ray cluster survey REFLEX II Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union, 11 :585-588 DOI Publisher Url
Zhang YY, Bohringer H, Finoguenov A, Ikebe Y, Matsushita K, Schuecker P, Guzzo L, Collins CA. 2005. Exploring the structure of galaxy clusters: XMM-Newton observations of the REFLEX-DXL clusters at z similar to 0.3 Kaastra JS. CLUSTERS OF GALAXIES: NEW INSIGHTS FROM XMM-NEWTON, CHANDRA AND INTEGRAL, 35th COSPAR Scientific Assembly 36 :667-671 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Peacock JA, Colless M, Baldry I, Baugh C, Bland-Hawthorn J, Bridges T, Cannon R, Cole S, Collins C, Couch W, Dalton G, De Propris R, Driver S, Efstathiou G, Ellis R, Frenk C, Glazebrook K, Jackson C, Lahav O, Lewis I, Lumsden S, Maddox S, Madgwick D, Norberg P, Percival W, Peterson B, Sutherland W, Taylor K. 2005. Large-scale structure from 2dFGRS Colless M, StaveleySmith L, Stathakis R. MAPS OF THE COSMOS, 216th Symposium of the International-Astronomical-Union :77-94 Author Url
Collins CA, Heslop L, Zammit PS, Olsen I, Partridge TA, Morgan JE. 2004. Identification of distinct stem cell subpopulations in the adult satellite cell compartment NEUROMUSCULAR DISORDERS, 9th International Congress of the World-Muscle-Society 14 :614-614 Author Url
Collins C, Brough S, Burke D, Mann R, Lynam P. 2003. The evolution of Brightest Cluster Galaxies ASTROPHYSICS AND SPACE SCIENCE, Joint European and National Astronomical Meeting (JENAM 2002) 285 :51-60 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Wake DA, Collins CA, Fairley BW, Jones LR, Burke DJ, Nichol RC, Romer KA. 2002. The Butcher-Oemler effect in high redshift X-ray selected clusters Borgani S, Mezzetti M, Valdarnini R. TRACING COSMIC EVOLUTION WITH GALAXY CLUSTERS, PROCEEDINGS, Workshop on Tracing Cosmic Evolution with Galaxy Clusters 268 :305-308 Author Url
Brough S, Collins CA, Burke DJ, Lynam PD, Mann RG. 2002. The properties of BCGs in X-ray selected clusters Borgani S, Mezzetti M, Valdarnini R. TRACING COSMIC EVOLUTION WITH GALAXY CLUSTERS, PROCEEDINGS, Workshop on Tracing Cosmic Evolution with Galaxy Clusters 268 :343-344 Author Url
Peacock JA, Colless M, Peacock J, Baugh CM, Bland-Hawthorn J, Bridges T, Cannon R, Cole S, Collins C, Couch W, Cross N, Dalton G, Deeley K, De Propris R, Driver S, Efstathiou G, Ellis RS, Frenk CS, Glazebrook K, Jackson C, Lahav O, Lewis I, Lumsden S, Maddox S, Madgwick D, Norberg P, Percival W, Peterson B, Sutherland W, Taylor K. 2001. Measuring large-scale structure with the 2dF Galaxy Redshift Survey Wheeler JC, Martel H. RELATIVISTIC ASTROPHYSICS, 20th Texas Symposium on Relativistic Astrophysics 586 :245-258 Author Url
Mann RG, Collins C, Liddle A, Nichol RC, Romer K, Viana P, West M. 2001. XCS: A serendipitous galaxy cluster survey with XMM-Newton Banday AJ, Zaroubi S, Bartelmann M. MINING THE SKY, MPA/ESO/MPE Workshop on Mining the Sky :182-184 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Rogers GD, Collins CA, Moore TJT. 1999. The role of dust in galactic evolution Cepa J, Carral P. STAR FORMATION IN EARLY-TYPE GALAXIES, Meeting on Star Formation in Early-Type Galaxies 163 :265-267 Author Url
Romer AK, Nichol RC, Collins CA, Burke DJ, Holden BP, Ulmer MP, Pildis RA, Metevier A. 1998. Recent results from the SHARC Survey ASTRONOMISCHE NACHRICHTEN, X-ray Surveys Workshop - To Mark the Occasion of the 35th Anniversary of the Birth of X-Ray Astronomy and the 7th Anniversary of the First Light of ROSAT 319 :83-86 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Mann RG, Collins CA. 1998. The K-band Hubble diagram for x-ray selected brightest cluster galaxies McLean BJ, Golombek DA, Hayes JJE, Payne HE. NEW HORIZONS FROM MULTI-WAVELENGTH SKY SURVEYS, 179th Symposium of the International-Astronomical-Union on New Horizons from Multi-Wavelength Sky Surveys :339-341 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Zucca E, Vettolani G, Cappi A, Merighi R, Mignoli M, Stirpe G, Zamorani G, MacGillivray H, Collins C, Balkowski C, Alimi J, Cayatte V, Felenbok P, Maurogordato S, Proust D, Chincarini G, Guzzo L, Maccagni D, Scaramella R, Blanchard A, Ramella M. 1997. First results from the ESO Slice Project (ESP) galaxy redshift survey ASTROPHYSICAL LETTERS & COMMUNICATIONS, Workshop on Observational Cosmology - From Galaxies to Galaxy Systems 36 :245-250 Author Url
Zucca E, Vettolani G, Cappi A, Merighi R, Mignoli M, Stirpe G, Zamorani G, MacGillivray H, Collins C, Balkowski C, Alimi J, Cayatte V, Felenbok P, Maurogordato S, Proust D, Chincarini G, Guzzo L, Maccagni D, Scaramella R, Blanchard A, Ramella M. 1996. First results from the ESO slice project (ESP) ASTROPHYSICAL LETTERS & COMMUNICATIONS, Meeting on Cosmology 33 :99-104 Author Url
COLLINS CA, ROMER AK. 1994. THE SPATIAL CORRELATION FUNCTION OF GALAXY CLUSTERS - OPTICAL TO X-RAY Seitter WC. COSMOLOGICAL ASPECTS OF X-RAY CLUSTERS OF GALAXIES, NATO Advanced Study Institute on Cosmological Aspects of X-Ray Clusters of Galaxies 441 :349-361 Author Url
COLLINS CA, GUZZO L, NICHOL RC, LUMSDEN SL. 1993. THE EDINBURGH MILANO CLUSTER REDSHIFT SURVEY Chincarini G, Iovino A, Maccacaro T, Maccagni D. OBSERVATIONAL COSMOLOGY, International Symposium on Observational Cosmology 51 :90-97 Author Url
Zhang Y, Miller C, Mckay T, Rooney P, Evrard AE, Romer AK, Perfecto R, Song J, Desai S, Mohr J, Wilcox H, Bermeo A, Jeltema T, Hollowood D, Bacon D, Capozzi D, Collins C, Das R, Gerdes D, Hennig C, Hilton M, Hoyle B, Kay S, Liddle A, Mann RG, Mehrtens N, Nichol RC, Papovich C, Sahlén M, Soares-Santos M, Stott J, Viana PT, Abbott T, Abdalla FB, Banerji M, Bauer AH, Benoit-Lévy A, Bertin E, Brooks D, Buckley-Geer E, Burke DL, Rosell AC, Castander FJ, Diehl HT, Doel P, Cunha CE, Eifler TF, Neto AF, Fernandez E, Flaugher B, Fosalba P, Frieman J, Gaztanaga E, Gruen D, Gruendl RA, Honscheid K, James D, Kuehn K, Kuropatkin N, Lahav O, Maia MAG, Makler M, Marshall JL, Martini P, Miquel R, Ogando R, Plazas AA, Roodman A, Rykoff ES, Sako M, Sanchez E, Scarpine V, Schubnell M, Sevilla I, Smith RC, Sobreira F, Suchyta E, Swanson MEC, Tarle G, Thaler J, Tucker D, Vikram V, Da Costa LN. 2015. Galaxies in X-ray Selected Clusters and Groups in Dark Energy Survey Data I: Stellar Mass Growth of Bright Central Galaxies Since z~1.2 arXiv DOI
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