Journal article
Rhodes O, Rostami A, Khodadadyan A, Dunne S. 2022. Response Strategies of UK Construction Contractors to COVID-19 in the Consideration of New Projects Buildings, 12 :946-946 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Khodadadyan A, Researcher P, Mythen G, Bishop B, Assa H. 2021. Grasping the nettle? Considering the contemporary challenges of risk assessment Journal of Risk Research, 24 :1605-1618 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Khodadadyan A, Mythen G, Assa H, Bishop B. 2018. Tools and Techniques in Risk Assessment in Public Risk Management Organisations International Journal of Economics and Management Engineering, 12 :1278-1284 Author Url
Conference publication
Rostami A, Khodadadyan A, Sommerville J, Wong IL. 2015. Training provisions for risk management in smes in the UK construction industry Proceedings of the 31st Annual Association of Researchers in Construction Management Conference, ARCOM 2015, :175-184
Khodadadyan A, Rostami A. Contributions of Risk Management on SMEs’ Competitiveness in the UK Construction Industry COBRA Conference