Image of Dr Ibijoke Idowu

Dr Ibijoke Idowu

School of Civil Engineering and Built Environment

Faculty of Engineering and Technology

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Ibijoke Idowu has special interest in decarbonization technologies and application as a strategy to achieving Net Zero in the Energy sector. This would include, renewable technologies, low carbon technologies and waste conversion into energy and other valued added products. This include biomass material characterization and conversion into energy utilization. My research often involves investigating material composition, combustion properties and its performance in comparison with standard reference materials. This investigation includes using innovative technologies such as electromagnetic wave/microwave technologies in treatment of some materials.

My work requires understanding the contents and how these elements are affected by heat, thermal effects, and other environments.
Dr Idowu obtained her BSc (Hon.) in Industrial Chemistry from the University of Lagos (Nigeria) in 2003 and Masters in Environmental Management in 2009 from the same university. She continued her academic journey and obtained her PhD degree in modelling groundwater herbicide contamination within a containment from Civil Engineering department, Liverpool John Moores University in 2014.
Following completion of her PhD, she also worked as a Research Fellow, delivering research support to academic staff across faculties of Sciences, Engineering, Environmental Sciences and Law at the University of Lagos, Nigeria improving the grants attraction indices. She engaged with the Lagos State Waste Management Authority (LAWMA) Executive chairman on waste resources and management as a contract researcher and involved in numerous projects related to waste management.

Ibijoke joined LJMU in 2017 as a Research Assistant/Visiting Lecturer in the School of Built Environment, Liverpool John Moores University to provide research support on related research projects. Her research interest focusses on water contamination management with special interest in organohalogenated compounds in water source, waste management and recovery of value from waste for conversion to commercially useful products.
Her research has included published work on: the source term of 2,4 Methyl Chloro phenyl propionic acid also known as Mecoprop-P (a common herbicides active ingredient used in England) on Landfill sites, developed innovative tool to evaluate the impact of herbicide contamination in groundwater. Evaluated the waste management practice in developing countries and the challenges encountered, developed a simplified method to evaluate the quantity of waste produced in healthcare facility. In addition, she has written on issues relating to research administration and management.

She manages the Research Administration and Management Network, Africa page, one outcome of the completed funded project by the University of Lagos Central Research committee.
She has worked on notable research projects such as; Horizon 2020; Biodie2020 funded project on demonstrating a new, challenging and high FFA waste oil and fat feed in biodiesel process with improve cost, conversion and high fuel quality. Ibijoke has published a few journal papers and conference papers.

Ibijoke Idowu is currently a Senior Lecturer in School of Civil Engineering and Built Environment. She is a member of the Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC) and Chartered Institute of Waste Management (CIWM). She is a recipient of scholarship awards from Liverpool John Moores University, Central Lancashire University and research grant awards from the Central Research Committee of the University of Lagos, Liverpool John Moores University, Global Challenge Research Funds(GCRF)




2019, Liverpool John Moores University, United Kingdom, PGCERTL
2014, Liverpool John Moores University, United Kingdom, Ph.D
2008, University of Lagos, Nigeria, Masters in Environmental Management
2002, University of Lagos, Nigeria, BSc.Industrial/Engineering Chemistry

Academic appointments

Senior Lecturer, Liverpool John Moores University, 2022 - present
