Dr Rob Lyon
School of Computer Science and Mathematics
Faculty of Engineering and Technology
Email: R.Lyon@ljmu.ac.uk
Rob is a Senior Lecturer in the School of Computer Science & Mathematics at Liverpool John Moores University. He holds a PhD in machine learning gained during his time at The University of Manchester. He also holds a Masters degree in Advanced Computer Science, and an undergraduate degree in Software Development, both from the University of Liverpool. The latter was put to good use during the time Rob spent as a Software Engineer in industry. Prior to joining Edge Hill University, he spent four years as a Research Associate at the University of Manchester. Here he helped design the analytic pipeline for the world’s largest and most advanced radio telescope, the Square Kilometre Array.
2015, University of Manchester, United Kingdom, PhD in Machine Learning
2011, University of Liverpool, United Kingdom, M.Sc. in Advanced Computer Science
2008, University of Liverpool, United Kingdom, B.Sc. Software Development
Academic appointments
Senior Lecturer, School of Computer Science & Mathematics, Liverpool John Moores University, 2023 - present
Senior Lecturer, Department of Computer Science, Edge Hill University, 2019 - 2023
Research Associate, Jodrell Bank Centre for Astrophysics, University of Manchester, 2015 - 2019
Postgraduate training
Postgraduate Certificate in Teaching in Higher Education (PGCERT), United Kingdom, Edge Hill University, 2019 - 2021
Lyon R, Rattay T. 2023. Fundamentals of machine learning Kang J, Rattay T, Rosenstein B. Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence in Radiation Oncology A Guide for Clinicians :3-3 Elsevier 9780128220009 DOI Publisher Url
John K, Chowdhry AK, Lyon R, Rattay T, Strawderman R. 2023. Evaluating machine learning models: From development to clinical deployment Kang J, Rattay T, Rosenstein B. Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence in Radiation Oncology A Guide for Clinicians :164-191 Elsevier 9780128220009 DOI
Journal article
Aldraimli M, Osman S, Grishchuck D, Ingram S, Lyon R, Mistry A, Oliveira J, Samuel R, Shelley LEA, Soria D, Dwek MV, Aguado-Barrera ME, Azria D, Chang-Claude J, Dunning A, Giraldo A, Green S, Gutiérrez-Enríquez S, Herskind C, van Hulle H, Lambrecht M, Lozza L, Rancati T, Reyes V, Rosenstein BS, de Ruysscher D, de Santis MC, Seibold P, Sperk E, Symonds RP, Stobart H, Taboada-Valadares B, Talbot CJ, Vakaet VJL, Vega A, Veldeman L, Veldwijk MR, Webb A, Weltens C, West CM, Chaussalet TJ, Rattay T. 2022. Development and Optimization of a Machine-Learning Prediction Model for Acute Desquamation After Breast Radiation Therapy in the Multicenter REQUITE Cohort Advances in Radiation Oncology, 7 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Aldraimli M, Soria D, Grishchuck D, Ingram S, Lyon R, Mistry A, Oliveira J, Samuel R, Shelley LEA, Osman S, Dwek MV, Azria D, Chang-Claude J, Gutiérrez-Enríquez S, De Santis MC, Rosenstein BS, De Ruysscher D, Sperk E, Symonds RP, Stobart H, Vega A, Veldeman L, Webb A, Talbot CJ, West CM, Rattay T, Chaussalet TJ. 2021. A data science approach for early-stage prediction of Patient's susceptibility to acute side effects of advanced radiotherapy Computers in Biology and Medicine, 135 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Hosenie Z, Bloemen S, Groot P, Lyon R, Scheers B, Stappers B, Stoppa F, Vreeswijk P, De Wet S, Wolt MK, Körding E, McBride V, Le Poole R, Paterson K, Pieterse DLA, Woudt P. 2021. MeerCRAB: MeerLICHT classification of real and bogus transients using deep learning Experimental Astronomy, 51 :319-344 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Hosenie Z, Lyon R, Stappers B, Mootoovaloo A, McBride V. 2020. Imbalance learning for variable star classification Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 493 :6050-6059 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Hosenie Z, Lyon RJ, Stappers BW, Mootoovaloo A. 2019. Comparing Multiclass, Binary, and Hierarchical Machine Learning Classification schemes for variable stars Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 488 :4858-4872 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Lyon RJ, Stappers BW, Levin L, Mickaliger MB, Scaife A. 2019. A processing pipeline for high volume pulsar candidate data streams Astronomy and Computing, 28 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Michilli D, Hessels JWT, Lyon RJ, Tan CM, Bassa C, Cooper S, Kondratiev VI, Sanidas S, Stappers BW, van Leeuwen J. 2018. Single-pulse classifier for the LOFAR Tied-Array All-sky Survey Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 480 :3457-3467 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Lyon RJ. 2018. Fifty Years of Candidate Pulsar Selection - What next? Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union, 13 :25-28 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Levin L, Armour W, Baffa C, Barr E, Cooper S, Eatough R, Ensor A, Giani E, Karastergiou A, Karuppusamy R, Keith M, Kramer M, Lyon R, Mackintosh M, Mickaliger M, van Nieuwpoort R, Pearson M, Prabu T, Roy J, Sinnen O, Spitler L, Spreeuw H, Stappers BW, van Straten W, Williams C, Wang H, Wiesner K. 2018. Pulsar Searches with the SKA Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union, 13 :171-174 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Tan CM, Lyon RJ, Stappers BW, Cooper S, Hessels JWT, Kondratiev VI, Michilli D, Sanidas S. 2017. Ensemble candidate classification for the LOTAAS pulsar survey Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 474 :4571-4583 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Lyon RJ, Stappers BW, Cooper S, Brooke JM, Knowles JD. 2016. Fifty years of pulsar candidate selection: from simple filters to a new principled real-time classification approach Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 459 :1104-1123 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Hosenie Z, Bloemen S, Groot P, Lyon R, Scheers B, Stappers B, Stoppa F, Vreeswijk P, Wet SD, Wolt MK, Körding E, McBride V, Poole RL, Paterson K, Pieterse DLA, Woudt P. 2021. MeerCRAB: MeerLICHT Classification of Real and Bogus Transients using Deep Learning DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Hosenie Z, Lyon R, Stappers B, Mootoovaloo A, McBride V. 2020. Imbalance Learning for Variable Star Classification DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Hosenie Z, Lyon R, Stappers B, Mootoovaloo A. 2019. Comparing Multi-class, Binary and Hierarchical Machine Learning Classification schemes for variable stars DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Lyon RJ, Stappers BW, Levin L, Mickaliger MB, Scaife A. 2018. A Processing Pipeline for High Volume Pulsar Data Streams DOI Author Url
Michilli D, Hessels JWT, Lyon RJ, Tan CM, Bassa C, Cooper S, Kondratiev VI, Sanidas S, Stappers BW, Leeuwen JV. 2018. Single-pulse classifier for the LOFAR Tied-Array All-sky Survey DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Levin L, Armour W, Baffa C, Barr E, Cooper S, Eatough R, Ensor A, Giani E, Karastergiou A, Karuppusamy R, Keith M, Kramer M, Lyon R, Mackintosh M, Mickaliger M, Nieuwpoort RV, Pearson M, Prabu T, Roy J, Sinnen O, Spitler L, Spreeuw H, Stappers BW, Straten WV, Williams C, Wang H, Wiesner K. 2017. Pulsar Searches with the SKA DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Lyon RJ. 2017. Fifty Years of Candidate Pulsar Selection - What next? DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Lyon RJ, Stappers BW, Cooper S, Brooke JM, Knowles JD. 2016. Fifty Years of Pulsar Candidate Selection: From simple filters to a new principled real-time classification approach DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Lyon RJ, Brooke JM, Knowles JD, Stappers BW. 2013. A Study on Classification in Imbalanced and Partially-Labelled Data Streams DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Conference publication
Lyon RJ, Brooke JM, Knowles JD, Stappers BW. 2014. Hellinger Distance Trees for Imbalanced Streams 2014 22ND INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON PATTERN RECOGNITION (ICPR), :1969-1974 DOI Publisher Url
Lyon RJ, Brooke JM, Knowles JD, Stappers BW. 2013. A Study on Classification in Imbalanced and Partially-Labelled Data Streams 2013 IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON SYSTEMS, MAN, AND CYBERNETICS (SMC 2013), :1506-1511 DOI Publisher Url
Lyon R. WHY ARE PULSARS HARD TO FIND Stappers B, Brooke J, Knowles J.