Dr Daz Greenop
Public and Allied Health
Faculty of Health
Email: D.T.Greenop@ljmu.ac.uk
Telephone: 0151 231 4033
I am interested in the broad fields of health psychology, medical sociology and critical disability studies/social work. Specific interests include issues of self-care, embodiment, medicalisation and stigma particularly in relation to disability and illness. I am also involved with a number of projects at LJMU’s Centre for Collaborative Innovation in Dementia. I am particularly keen to develop qualitative and participatory methods in both research and practice with disadvantaged and marginalised groups.
2009, Liverpool John Moores University, United Kingdom, PhD
2001, University of Leicester, United Kingdom, MA
1989, Keele University, United Kingdom, BA (hons)
Fitzsimmons DA, Neiva Ganga R, Smith GM, Ali M, Greenop DT. 2023. Models of “Real World” health research: A critical review DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Journal article
Smith GM, Dixon C, Neiva Ganga R, Greenop DT. 2022. How Do We Know Co-Created Solutions Work Effectively within the Real World of People Living with Dementia? Learning Methodological Lessons from a Co-Creation-to-Evaluation Case Study International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Knight KH, Greenop D, Vickerman PP, Porcellato L. 2022. Factors Affecting the Participation of Physically Disabled Children and Young People in Out-of-School Activities in the United Kingdom: A Qualitative Study Comprehensive Child and Adolescent Nursing, 45 :92-104 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Dillon J, Greenop D, Hills M. 2016. Participation in Child Protection: a small scale qualitative study Qualitative Social Work: research and practice, 15 :70-85 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Greenop D, Glenn S. 2014. Self-care at the margins of healthcare: 'Malingering' and 'self-neglecting' cystic fibrosis patients Qualitative Social Work: research and practice, 13 :389-405 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Edwards J, Clarke A, Greenop D. 2013. Adults with cystic fibrosis - responding to a new ageing population. Chronic Illn, 9 :312-319 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Greenop D. 2011. From compliance to concordance and beyond: rhetoric, reality & qualitative research. International Journal of User-Driven Healthcare, 1 :1-13 DOI Publisher Url
Greenop D, Glenn S, Ledson M, Walshaw M. 2010. Self-care and cystic fibrosis: a review of research with adults. Health Soc Care Community, 18 :653-661 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Greenop D. 2010. Rightly Dividing the Word: Research beyond the Limits of Ethical Approval Ethics and Social Welfare, 4 :306-310 DOI Publisher Url
Medforth N, Greenop D, Lavin R, Timpson H. Monkey's Health Service: An evaluation of the implementation of resources designed to support the learning of primary school aged children in England about healthy lifestyles and NHS services. Issues in Comprehensive Pediatric Nursing, DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Neiva R, Smith G, Ali M, Stanley G, Greenop D, Fitzsimmons D. 2021. Care Home Multifactorial Fall-prevention Digital App: A Real-world Data Validation In The North West Region Of The United Kingdom online
Knight KH, Porcellato LA, Vickerman P, Greenop DT. 2014. Factors affecting UK physically disabled children and young people participating in mainstream out-of-school activities: Focus on personal care and training Association of Chief Children’s Nurses (ACCN) Symposium 2014 Jersey Public Url
Knight KH, Porcellato LA, Vickerman P, Greenop DT. 2013. Factors affecting UK physically disabled children and young people participating in mainstream out-of-school activities: the children, young people and family perspective Children’s Nursing Research Unit conference: ‘Making a difference for children and families’ Public Url
Knight KH, Porcellato L, Vickerman P, Greenop D. Factors affecting UK physically disabled children and young people participating in mainstream out-of-school activities: Focus on personal care and training. Poster Presentation: ACCN Symposium 2014 Jersey 05/09/14. Author Url
Conference publication
Neiva Ganga R, Smith GM, Greenop DT, Ali M, Fitzsimmons DA. 2020. Real-World Validation of Health Innovation: a systematic review The Conf 2020, 2019 Trinity Health and Education International Research Conference Publisher Url Public Url
Greenop D, Glenn S, Clifford D, Ledson M, Walshaw M. 2009. Self-care: a qualitative study of adults with cystic fibrosis DOI Publisher Url
Greenop D, Glenn S, Clifford D, Ledson M, Walshaw M. 2009. Reconsidering Self-care: a sociological response to CF research DOI Publisher Url
Greenop D, Walshaw M, Ledson M. 2006. Cultural restraints and barriers to physical activity for male CF adults DOI Publisher Url
Greenop DT. 2004. Distribution of the Disability Living Allowance in cystic fibrosis patients in the United Kingdom: encouragement of the sick role?
Uwamaliya P, Amoako I, Greenop D, Smith G. 2019. Impact Assessment Study (IAS) of the Primary Care (PC24) Asylum Service
Greenop DT, Smith GM. 2016. Dementia Reablement Service: an evaluation for Cheshire East Council Public Url
Greenop DT, Hughes LJ, Lavin R, Medforth N, Timpson H. Monkey’s Guide to Healthy Living and NHS Services An evaluation of the implementation of resources designed to support the learning of primary school aged children in England Author Url Public Url
Medforth N, Atkinson A, Clarke P, Connolly J, Greenop D, Huntingdon E, Kewley O, Turner G. Sex, Drugs and Risk Control: report on the small-acale evaluation of the course commissioned by St. Helens Young People's Services
Springett J, Barrett GA, Elliott I, Greenop DT, Lawless A, Newman A, Richards A. Pacesetters Workforce Development Evaluation Public Url
Greenop D. An evaluation of the Junior Mentor Project
Springett J, Woods S, Greenop D, Wainwright A, Elliot I. Single Equality Scheme Learning Sites Evaluation
Bluett R, Faulkner L, Greenop D, Welhengama G. Partnerships promoting aspirations and progression for under-represented people from the black and minority ethnic community in health and social care
Uwamaliya P, Amoako I, Greenop D, Smith G. Impact Assessment Study of the Initial Health Assessment for Newly arrived asylum seekers
Greenop D, Smith GM. 2016. Research Smith GM. Dementia Care: A Practical Approach :149-160 CRC Press. Boca Raton DOI Publisher Url
Greenop D, Glenn S. 2010. Healthcare narratives and self-care stories: Developing user-driven taxonomy for adults with cystic fibrosis. Biswas R, Mart C. User-Driven Healthcare and Narrative Medicine: Utilizing collaborative social networks and technologies. :357-375 Global Publishing
Knight KH, Porcellato L, Vickerman P, Greenop D. Factors affecting physically disabled children and young people accessing out-of-school activities – sports focus
Research Grants Awarded:
NHS England & NHS Improvement, Evaluation of the Whistleblowers Support Scheme Pilot, Grant value (£): 50000, Duration of research project: 2 years. 2020
ERDF, Health Matters - Liverpool City Region, Led by the Innovation Agency, Grahame Smith (LJMU PI), Daz Greenop (Co-I), Deborah Fitzsimmons (Co-I), Rafaela Neiva Ganga (Researcher), Mustafa Ali (Researcher), Grant value (£): 2.4 million, Duration of research project: 48 months. 2019
Urgent Care 24 (UC 24), Impact Assessment Study of the Liverpool Asylum Seeker Initial Accommodation Centre, Uwamaliya, P. , Amoako; I.O. Greenop, D. and Akinsanya,M., Grant value (£): 9,324, Duration of research project: 3 months. 2018
Damibu/SBRI Wales, Co-creating a Travel App for People living with Dementia (Phase 1), Grahame Smith (PI), Laura Kelly (Co-I), Daz Greenop (Co-I), Grant value (£): 3140.00, Duration of research project: 3 months. 2017
ERDF, Health Enterprise Hub - Innovation Exchange (HEHIE), Led by the Liverpool CCG, Grahame Smith (LJMU PI), Daz Greenop (Co-I), Echo Yeung (Co-I), Grant value (£): 3.5 million, Duration of research project: 3 years. 2016
Interreg Europe, HELIUM, Led by Brainport Eindhoven, Grahame Smith (LJMU PI), Daz Greenop (Co-I), Grant value (£): 1.7 million, Duration of research project: 48 months. 2016
Cheshire East Council, Evaluation of a Dementia Reablement Service, Grahame Smith (PI), Daz Greenop (Co-I), Grant value (£): 10000, Duration of research project: 14 months. 2015
Interreg NW Europe (IVB), Innovate Dementia, Led by Brainport Eindhoven, Grahame Smith (LJMU PI), Daz Greenop (Co-I), Denise Parker (Co-I), Grant value (£): 4.7 million, Duration of research project: 3 years and 5 months. 2012
Industrial connections:
Damibu, Co-design of a dementia travel app, http://www.damibu.com/. 2017