Rose Khatri
Public and Allied Health
Faculty of Health
Email: R.J.Khatri@ljmu.ac.uk
Telephone: 0151 231 4118
Rose Khatri is the Programme Leader for the Public Health programmes; MSc Public Health, Public Health (Addictions) and International Public Health. She is also the Education and Programme team leader in the Public Health Institute. The focus of her work is on curriculum development, teaching and supervision. Specialist teaching areas include International Health, Globalization and Public Health Policy. Rose has supervised a number of PhD projects five of which have used participatory methods of inquiry.
Research interests include Participatory Methodology, Primary Health Care/Health System Development/Workforce development in low resource settings; Public Health Practice and Professionalisation in Nepal and other low and middle income country settings; and Ageing in Nepal and other low resource settings. She is particularly interested in the international dimensions of these areas and particularly in low and middle income countries. Rose was involved on a Higher Education (HE) link programme funded by DelPHE with partners at Tribhuvan University, Nepal and University of Dhaka, Bangladesh. The focus of these links was to support curriculum development, research methods and teaching practices across all institutions. Also to develop and improve collaboration between the HE and other related state and non-state sectors including NGO’s. Themes of the research included: Gender Mainstreaming, Indigenous Health Knowledge and Women’s Health. Rose has recently joined a research team on a project called 'Dignity without Danger' which is focused on menstruation and menstrual practices in Nepal. This part of the project will be focused around impact especially related to educational and menstrual hygiene practices.
1990, University of Manchester, United Kingdom, MA (ECON), Political Development
Academic appointments
Programme Leader, Public Health, Liverpool John Moores University, 2013 - present
Senior Lecturer, Public Health, Liverpool JMU, 1991 - 2013
Journal article
Bigland C, Leavey C, Khatri RJ, Opoku N, Van Hout MC. 2023. Scoping review of women's navigation of co-morbid HIV and non-communicable disease (NCD) Health Conditions and integrated HIV/NCD health services in subsaharan Africa Journal of Sustainable Development Africa, 25 Publisher Url Public Url
Aspinwall-Roberts E, Fleming V, Khatri R, Jones PA. 2022. ‘They don’t want them to have capacity’: Multi-agency operationalisation of the Mental Capacity Act 2005 in England with adults who self-neglect Health and Social Care in the Community, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Khatri R, Van Teijlingen E, Simkhada P. 2021. The health and well-being of female labour migrants from Nepal: A Qualitative Study of Stakeholder Views Europasian Journal of Medical Sciences, 3 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Tamang P, Simkhada P, Bissell P, van Teijlingen E, Khatri R, Stephenson J. 2021. Health facility preparedness of maternal and neonatal health services: a survey in Jumla, Nepal BMC Health Services Research, 21 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Khatri RJ, Van Teijlingen E, Marahatta SB, Simkhada P, Mackay S, Simkhada B. 2021. Exploring the Challenges and Opportunities for Continuing Professional Development fo Nurses: A Qualitative Study with Senior Nurse Leaders in Nepal Journal of Manmohan Memorial Institute of Health Sciences, 7 :15-29 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Igyuse S, Van Hout MC, Khatri RJ. 2020. Factors influencing maternal health services utilization in a semi-urban community in North-Central part of Nigeria. Journal of Sustainable Development Africa, 22 :32-44 Publisher Url Public Url
Khatri R, Bishowkarma K, Bhandari TR. 2020. Professionalization of Public Health in Nepal Europasian Journal of Medical Sciences, 2 :121-127 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Bista SB, Simkhada PP, Ross-Houle K, Khatri RJ. 2018. Nepal's Response to Earthquake 2015: Experience of Emergency Responders and Humanitarian Assistance providers in Inclusive and Accessible Humanitarian Assistance Delivery Prasai M, Poudel B, Catolico G, Bhandari N. National Federation of the Disabled - Nepal, Publisher Url Public Url
Khatri RJ, Ozano KA, Simkhada P. 2018. Improving local health through community health workers in Cambodia: challenges and solutions Human Resources for Health, 16 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Khatri RJ, Ozano KA. 2017. Reflexivity, positionality and power in cross-cultural participatory action research with research assistants in rural Cambodia Educational Action Research, DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Al-Mujtaba M, Sam-Agudu N, Khatri RJ. 2016. Barriers to the practice of exclusive breastfeeding among HIV-positive mothers in sub-Saharan Africa: A scoping review of counselling, socioeconomic and cultural factors Journal of AIDS and HIV Research, 8 :70-79 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Mitchell GK, Brady K, Khatri R. 2014. "An evaluation of the Wirral Healthy Takeaways Initiative" Journal of Environmental Health Research, 14 :43-56
Parker S, Khatri R, Cook I, Pant B. 2014. Theorizing Aging in Nepal: Beyond the Biomedical Model Canadian Journal of Sociology, 39 :231-254 Publisher Url
Parker SL, Nikku BR, Khatri R. 2014. Social policy, social work and age care in Nepal: mapping services and missing links European Journal of Social Work Online, :1-16 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Elkharam W, Khatri R, Wallymamed AH, Gee I, Elhisadi T. 2013. Knowledge of and Aherence to Health Advice among Adults with diabetes in Libya Ibnosina Journal of Medicines and Biomedical Sciences, 5 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Elkharam W, Khatri RJ, Wallymahmed A, Gee I, Elhisadi T. 2013. Knowledge of and Adherence to Health Advice among Adults with Diabetes in Libya Ibnosia Journal of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences, 5 :140-147 Publisher Url Public Url
Tamang P, Simkhada P, Bissell P, van Teijlingen E, Khatri R, Stephenson J. 2021. Health facility preparedness of maternal and neonatal health services: a survey in Jumla, Nepal (vol 21, 1023, 2021) BMC HEALTH SERVICES RESEARCH, 21 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Ozano KA, Simkhada PP, Porcellato LA, Khatri RJ. 2019. Discussions around Primary Health Care and the Private Sector during the Global Symposia on Health Systems Research 2018 Publisher Url Public Url
Conference publication
Smith GM, Khatri R. 2017. Implications for educational practice - overriding the choices of mental health service users: A study examining the acute mental health nurses https://www.kuleuven.be/communicatie/congresbureau/nursingethics2017/documents/conference-book-nursing-ethics.pdf, 18th Nursing Ethics Conference & 3rd International Ethics in Care Conference :132-133
Editorial/letter to the editor
Simkhada B, Mackay S, Khatri R, Sharma CK, Pokhrel T, Marahatta S, Angell C, van Teijlingen E, Simkhada P. 2016. Continual Professional Development (CPD): Improving Quality of Nursing Care in Nepal Health Prospect: Journal of Public Health, 15 :1-3 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Teaching qualification:
HEA Fellow. 2012
Other Professional Activity:
A part of core research team for capturing discussions/ debates around primary health care and private sector during Global Symposia on Health System Research 2018 for Health System Global and Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation..