Image of Suzy Hargreaves

Suzy Hargreaves

Public and Allied Health

Faculty of Health

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Burns EJ, de Vocht F, Siqueira N, Ure C, Audrey S, Coffey M, Hare S, Hargreaves SC, Hidajat M, Parrott S, Scott L, Cook PA. 2024. An 'alcohol health champions' intervention to reduce alcohol harm in local communities: a mixed-methods evaluation of a natural experiment. :1-135 DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Hargreaves S, Harris J, Madden H, Henning S, Lincoln A, Whelan G, Lavin R, Timpson H. 2013. Sexual Health Needs Assessment Vale Royal, Cheshire

Harris J, Hargreaves S, Lincoln A, McVeigh J. 2013. HIV & AIDS in the North West of England 2012

Harris J, Hargreaves S, Lincoln A, McVeigh J. 2012. HIV & AIDS in the North West of England 2011

Harris J, Hargreaves S, Lincoln A, McVeigh J, Syed Q, Bellis M. 2012. HIV & AIDS In the North West of England 2011 Author Url

Harris J, Hargreaves S, Henning S, Lincoln A, Whelan G, Lavin R, Timpson H. Sexual Health Needs Assessment, Cheshire West and Chester

Journal article

Condon L, Hargreaves SC, Barry D, Curejova J, Morgan DL, Worrall S, Celik F, Price M. 2024. Experiences of Alcohol Use and Harm among Travellers, Roma, and Gypsies: A Participatory Qualitative Study Health and Social Care in the Community, 2024 :1-10 DOI Publisher Url Public Url

Mercer CE, Hargreaves S, Hill C, Turnbull R, Szczepura K. 2024. An exploration of factors involved in the roll out of a digital application in breast services: A case study approach Radiography, 30 :666-672 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Scott LJ, Hidajat M, Burns EJ, Ure C, Hargreaves SC, Audrey S, Coffey M, Hare S, Siqueira N, Parrott S, Cook PA, de Vocht F. 2023. Does a local Alcohol Health Champion programme have a measurable impact on health and crime outcomes? A natural experiment evaluation of Communities in Charge of Alcohol (CICA) based on triangulation of methods Addiction, 119 :499-508 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Burns EJ, Hargreaves SC, Ure C, Hare S, Coffey M, Hidajat M, Audrey S, de Vocht F, Ardern K, Cook PA. 2022. ‘A priori’ external contextual factors and relationships with process indicators: a mixed methods study of the pre-implementation phase of ‘Communities in Charge of Alcohol’ BMC Public Health, 22 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Hargreaves SC, Ure C, Burns EJ, Coffey M, Audrey S, Ardern K, Cook PA. 2022. A mixed methods analysis evaluating an alcohol health champion community intervention: How do newly trained champions perceive and understand their training and role? Health and Social Care in the Community, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Ure C, Burns EJ, Hargreaves SC, Hidajat M, Coffey M, de Vocht F, Audrey S, Hare S, Ardern K, Cook PA. 2021. How can communities influence alcohol licensing at a local level? Licensing officers’ perspectives of the barriers and facilitators to sustaining engagement in a volunteer-led alcohol harm reduction approach International Journal of Drug Policy, 98 :103412 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Ure C, Hargreaves SC, Burns EJ, Coffey M, Audrey S, Ardern K, Cook PA. 2021. An asset-based community development approach to reducing alcohol harm: Exploring barriers and facilitators to community mobilisation at initial implementation stage Health and Place, 68 :102504 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Ure C, Burns L, Hargreaves SC, Coffey M, Audrey S, Kenth K, Ardern K, Cook PA. 2020. Mobilising communities to address alcohol harm: an Alcohol Health Champion approach Perspectives in Public Health, 140 :88-90 DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Cook PA, Hargreaves SC, Burns EJ, De Vocht F, Parrott S, Coffey M, Audrey S, Ure C, Duffy P, Ottiwell D, Kenth K, Hare S, Ardern K. 2018. Communities in charge of alcohol (CICA): A protocol for a stepped-wedge randomised control trial of an alcohol health champions programme BMC Public Health, 18 DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Madden HCE, Phillips-Howard PA, Hargreaves SC, Downing J, Bellis MA, Vivancos R, Morley C, Syed Q, Cook PA. 2011. Access to HIV community services by vulnerable populations: evidence from an enhanced HIV/AIDS surveillance system. AIDS Care, 23 :542-549 DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Cook PA, Hargreaves S, Tocque K, Bellis MA. 2004. Relationship between the use of hospital services and deprivation score of place of residence among HIV-positive individuals in the north west of England. Commun Dis Public Health, 7 :319-321 Author Url
