Dr Kanayo Umeh
School of Psychology
Faculty of Health
Email: F.K.Umeh@ljmu.ac.uk
Telephone: 0151 904 6310
Highlighted publications
Venturas C, Umeh FK. 2017. Health professional feedback on HPV vaccination roll-out in a developing country Vaccine Vaccine, 35 :1886-1891 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Umeh FK, MacKay M, Mulhearn C. 2016. Information and Communication Technology, Well-being, and Ethnicity CyberPsychology, Behavior and Social Networking, 19 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Madroumi R, Umeh K, Poole H, Jones A, Brown J, Dassoufi R, Elansari N, Newson L. 2025. Dataset for "Identifying the Key Components of Social Support for Patients Living with Type 2 Diabetes: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis" DOI Public Url
Journal article
Madroumi R, Newson LM, Umeh FK, Poole H, Jones A. 2024. Identifying the key components of social support for patients living with type 2 diabetes: A protocol for a systematic review and meta-analysis of type 2 diabetes social support interventions Werfalli MM. PLoS One, 19 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Davis Le Brun S, Butchard S, Kinderman P, Umeh K, Whittington R. 2023. Applying the theory of planned behaviour to understand mental health professionals’ intentions to work using a human rights-based approach in acute inpatient settings Journal of Mental Health, 33 :326-332 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Umeh K, Adaji S, Graham L. 2023. The Unique Role of Self-Rated Health in Metabolic Syndrome and its Diagnostic Cardiometabolic Abnormalities: An Analysis of Population-Based Data Journal of Medical Psychology, 25 :7-22 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Patel T, Umeh FK, Poole H, Vaja I, Ramtoola S, Newson LM. 2021. Health professionals interface with cultural conflict in the delivery of type 2 diabetes care. Psychology & Health, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Gibson B, Umeh FK, Davies IG, Newson LM. 2021. The best possible self‐intervention as a viable public health tool for the prevention of type 2 diabetes: A reflexive thematic analysis of public experience and engagement Health Expectations, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Umeh K. 2021. Self-rated health and multimorbidity in patients with type 2 diabetes Journal of Health Psychology, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Patel T, Umeh FK, Poole H, Vaja I, Newson LM. 2021. Cultural Identity Conflict Informs Engagement with Self-Management Behaviours for South Asian Patients Living with Type-2 Diabetes: A Critical Interpretative Synthesis of Qualitative Research Studies Berrigan D. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Vaja I, Umeh F, Abayomi J, Patel T, Newson L. 2021. A grounded theory of type 2 diabetes prevention and risk perception British Journal of Health Psychology, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Whitehead AE, Umeh FK, Brockett C, Westerbeek H, Powling E, Fitton Davies K, Rudd J. 2020. Motivational differences between 5K, half marathon and full marathon participants in the UK and India. Managing Sport and Leisure, DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Whitehead AE, Umeh FK, Walsh BA, Whittaker E, Cronin CJ. 2019. Back to Netball: Motivations for participation in a female focused Netball sport program. Women in Sport and Physical Activity Journal, 27 :21-29 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Gibson B, Umeh KF, Newson L, Davies I. 2018. Efficacy of the Best Possible Self protocol in diabetes self-management: A mixed-methods approach Journal of Health Psychology, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Umeh FK, Puddephatt J-A. 2018. Personalised care in patients with chronic pain disorders: educational implications from a population-based study International Journal of Health Promotion and Education, DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Umeh FK. 2018. Mammogram history in Nigerian women: Age-related risk factors for breast cancer and educational implications SA Journal of Oncology, DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Whitehead AE, Umeh FK, Quayle L, Morley D. 2017. Mobile Technology Usage Mediates Gender Differences in Physical Activity International Journal of Sport Psychology, 48 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Umeh FK. 2017. Personal care plans and glycaemic control: the role of body mass index and physical activity British Journal of Nursing, 26 :543-551 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Umeh FK. 2017. Ethnic inequalities in doctor-patient communication regarding personal care plans: the mediating effects of positive mental wellbeing Ethnicity and Health, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Venturas C, Umeh FK. 2017. Health professional feedback on HPV vaccination roll-out in a developing country Vaccine Vaccine, 35 :1886-1891 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Umeh FK. 2017. Are ethnic disparities in HbA1c levels explained by mental wellbeing? Analysis of population-based data from the Health Survey for England Journal of Racial and Ethnic Health Disparities, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Umeh FK, MacKay M, Mulhearn C. 2016. Information and Communication Technology, Well-being, and Ethnicity CyberPsychology, Behavior and Social Networking, 19 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Umeh K, MacKay M, Le-Brun SD. 2015. Ethnic differences in diabetes prevalence and ICT use. British Journal of Nursing, 24 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Elliott G, Umeh K. 2013. Psychological issues in voluntary hospice care British Journal of Nursing, 22 :377-383 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Umeh FK, Sherratt F. 2013. Behavior change strategies under-utilised by alcohol use disorder sufferers Acoholism Treatment Quarterly, :206-223 DOI Publisher Url
Cornford CS, Umeh K, Manshani N. 2012. Heroin users' experiences of depression: a qualitative study FAMILY PRACTICE, 29 :586-592 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Conford C, Umeh K, Manshani N. 2012. Heroin users' experiences of depression: a qualitative study Family Practice, :1-1
Umeh KF. 2012. Does a credible source also need a fearful audience? Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 42 :1716-1744 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Umeh FK, Barnes J. 2012. Cognitive appraisals and smoking intentions: the role of decision making competence Journal of Smoking Cessation, 6 :144-151 DOI Publisher Url
Umeh FK, Sharps M. 2012. Psychological requirements for increased fruit and vegetable intake in young adults British Food Journal, 114 :1310-1324 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Umeh FK, Omari-Asor L. 2011. Emotional vulnerability and coping styles for resolving decisional conflict The Journal of Psychology: Interdisciplinary and Applied, 145 :297-312 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Umeh FK, Chadwick R. 2010. Early detection of testicular cancer: Revisiting the role of self-efficacy in testicular self-examination among young asymptomatic males. Journal of Behavioral Medicine, DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Umeh FK, Jones L. 2010. Mutually dependent health beliefs associated with breast self-examination in British female university students. Journal of American College Health, :126-131 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Umeh KF, Crabtree L. 2006. Is fruit and vegetable intake in children a rationalistic choice? British Food Journal, :859-874 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Hughes H, Umeh FK. 2005. Work stress differentials between NHS psychiatric and general nurses. British Journal of Nursing, :802-808 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Umeh FK. 2005. Protection motivation variables in HIV-testing: the function of motivational factors Journal of Applied Biobehavioural Research, :149-164 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Umeh KF, Stanley SJ. 2005. Effect of communicator credibility and fear on adaptive and maladaptive coping reactions to the HIV threat. Journal of Applied Biobehavioural Research, :183-198 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Umeh FK, Patel R. 2004. Theory of planned behaviour and ecstasy use: an analysis of moderator-interactions British Journal of Health Psychology, :25-38 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Umeh KF. 2004. Cognitive appraisals, maladaptive coping, and past behaviour in protection motivation Psychology & Health, :719-735 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Umeh FK. 2003. Social cognitions and past behaviour as predictors of behavioural intentions related to cardiovascular health Journal of Applied Social Psychology, :1417-1436 DOI Publisher Url
Umeh FK, Dimitrakaki V. 2003. Breast cancer detection in asymptomatic women: health beliefs implicated in secondary prevention Journal of Applied Biobehavioural Research, :96-115 DOI Publisher Url
Umeh KF. 2002. Should health behaviour models incorporate maladaptive coping mechanisms? Health Psychology Update, :30-35
Umeh FK, Cox SJ. 2002. Understanding health behaviours that require other’s cooperation. Health Psychology Update, :13-18
Umeh FK, Rogan-Gibson J. 2001. Perceptions of threat, benefits, and barriers in breast self-examination amongst young asymptomatic women British Journal of Health Psychology, :361-372 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Umeh KF, Griffiths M. 2001. Adolescent smoking: behavioural risk factors and health beliefs Education & Health, :31-33
Kanvil N, Umeh FK. 2000. Lung cancer and cigarette use: cognitive factors, protection motivation and past/current behaviour British Journal of Health Psychology, :235-248 DOI Publisher Url
Umeh KF. 1998. Coping styles as moderators of cognition-decision relations amongst adolescents Psychology & Health, :987-1003 DOI Publisher Url
Conference publication
Umeh K, Vaja I. 2019. Problematic diabetes risk evaluations in several cases of morbid obesity (obesity III: >= 40 kg/m(2)) compared to individuals with non-morbid obesity: A case-control study DIABETIC MEDICINE, 36 :111-111 Author Url
Umeh K. 2019. Blood pressure, HbA1c, lipids and mental health in adult patients with diabetes and comorbid asthma/chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and obesity: A population-based case-control study DIABETIC MEDICINE, 36 :152-152 Author Url
Newson LM, Patel T, Poole H, Umeh F. 2018. Diabetes management of South Asian people in the UK. Integrating a patient’s psychology into diabetes care: A truly patient centred care approach. INVITED SPEAKER Diabetic, Diabetes UK 2018 35 Publisher Url
Newson LM, Vaja I, Abayomi J, Umeh F. 2018. Prevention of Type 2 Diabetes in South Asians: Qualitative Study Exploring Health Beliefs, Attitudes, Values and Community Perspectives. Diabetic Med, Diabetes UK, Professional Practice Confernce, 2018 35 Author Url Publisher Url
Quayle LRJ, Umeh , Huntley T, Morley D, Knowles Z, Whitehead AE. 2017. Exploring UK Sports Coaches Knowledge and Use of Reflective Practice ICCE Global Coach Confrence
Umeh KF. 2017. A population-based study on the importance of personal care planning in glycaemic control (HbA1c/IFCC outcomes): impact of body weight and physical activity as mediating factors across patients from different age groups DIABETIC MEDICINE, 34 :13-13 Author Url
Umeh KF. 2017. Do personalised care plans help explain ethnic disparities in HbA1c levels amongst patients with diabetes and prediabetes? DIABETIC MEDICINE, 34 :123-123 Author Url
Newson LM, Patel T, Umeh F, Poole H. A participatory action research intervention to support health professionals improve communication with South Asian patients with type 2 diabetes. Diabetic Medicine, Diabetes UK 34 DOI Publisher Url
Patel T, Newson LM, umeh F, Poole H. Investigating the needs and experiences of South Asian patients with type 2 diabetes. A grounded theory approach exploring culture, religion, and the role of family members. Diabetic Medicine, Diabetes UK 34 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Vaja I, Umeh F, Abayomi J, Newson L. The Development of a Culturally Specific Intervention for the At-Risk South Asian Population. Invited Speaker. Diabetic Medicine, Supplement, Diabetes UK, Professional Practice Conference
Gibson B, Umeh FK, Davies IG, Newson LM. 2018. Positive Affect as a Buffer Against Psychopathology in Diabetes Patients: A Randomised Controlled Trial Diabetes UK, 2019 Professional Practice Conference Author Url Public Url
Books (authored)
Umeh K. 2009. Understanding Adolescent Health Behaviour Cambridge Univ Pr 9780521698023
Membership of professional bodies:
Lebe Trust, National Council for Voluntary Organisations (NCV0 member ID: MEMBER/26810)., https://www.ncvo.org.uk/?_cldee=a2FuYXlvdW1laEBnbWFpbC5jb20%3d&recipientid=contact-06dff600471beb11a813000d3ab7f90f-a91f1cea72c54a19aed99963d3b9050f&utm_source=ClickDimensions&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=Membership%3A%20Welcome%20Emails&esid=5ac56693-1f42-42de-be36-b6703e0db29e. 2021
Lebe Trust, Charity Commission for England and Wales (1190779), https://register-of-charities.charitycommission.gov.uk/charity-search/-/charity-details/5163071/full-print. 2021
Affiliate Member, International Society of Behavioural Medicine, https://www.isbm.info/. 2019
Full Member, UK Society of Behavioural Medicine, http://www.uksbm.org.uk/. 2019
Chartered Psychologist, British Psychological Society.
Fellow of the Higher Education Academy, Higher Education Academy.
Conference organisation:
Diabetes UK Professional Conference 2019, Reviewing abstract submissions. 2021
Diabetes UK Professional Conference 2020, Reviewing Abstract submissions. 2019
Public engagement:
Other, Labour party supporters, Recognition of Lebe Trust, Organiser/participant, online, BAME Labour, https://www.bamelabour.org/lebetrust. 2021
Other, Professionals, Planned webinar to discuss safety and efficacy of BNT162b2 mRNA vaccine, Organiser, Event cancelled following intervention by MHRA (regulator), Pfizer. 2021
Other, BAME people with diabetes, Blood Pressure UK is a registered charity working with Lebe Trust to raise awareness of high blood pressure, Organiser, Online, Blood Pressure UK. 2021
Other, Lebe Trust, Set up donations scheme with Virgin Money Giving for Lebe Trust, Organiser, Online donations, via Lebe Trust website, Donations, https://uk.virginmoneygiving.com/donation-web/charity?charityId=1020217&stop_mobi=yes. 2020
Other, BAME people with diabetes, Registration of Charitable incorporated organisation with Charity Commission for England and Wales, Chair, Board of Trustees, Charity Commission for England and Wales, Charity registration (Lebe Trust), https://register-of-charities.charitycommission.gov.uk/charity-search/-/charity-details/5163071/full-print. 2020
Other, University students from LJMU and Newcastle University, Voluntary eHealth work placement scheme for university students, to promote research findings relevant to BAME people with diabetes, using social media, Organiser, WFH (Working From Home), Work Placement Scheme, https://lebetrust.org/lay-health-advisers-lha/. 2020
Other, Diabetes Multidisciplinary Team, Speaking engagememnt with Diabetes Multidisciplinary Team Meeting, Invited Speaker, Alder Hey Hospital, Liverpool, Merseyside, L14 5NG, Alder Hey Hospital. 2019
Public talk or lecture, Afro-Caribbean elders, Invited speaker, Liverpool, Toxteth Town Hall, 15 High Park Street, L8 8DX, Health Watch, Lecture about diabetes, particularly in the Afro-Caribbean community, http://www.healthwatchliverpool.co.uk/. 2018
Other, Members of the public, particularly BAME groups, Community Outreach, Invited participant, Bright Park, Knotty Ash, Liverpool, Bright Park, Knotty Ash, Liverpool, Blood Donation Awareness, http://www.pathlabsupport.org/love-knotty-ash-outreach/. 2018
Other, Professionals, students, public, Research Newsletter of the Psychology and Health Group of the RCBB., Editor, Since 2018 we have published 11 editions. From 2021 the newsletter will be published online three times a year., Online, Research Newsletter, https://onedrive.live.com/?authkey=%21ACPbO736avHeaIw&id=3AD17E3A4060505D%216251&cid=3AD17E3A4060505D. 2018
Other, Staff and students, Panel discussion, Panel member, invited speaker, Liverpool SU, Room 229, John Foster Building, LJMU, Mind the gap, Panel discussion on BAME inclusion and the attainment gap. 2018
Other, Diabetes Patients attending the Diabetes UK St Helens Support Group, Meeting, Invited Speaker, United Reformed Church, King St, St Helens. WA10 2JZ at 7.30pm., Patient Support Group (St Helens), Meeting to discuss emotion and blood sugar control, https://st-helens-and-district.diabetesukgroup.org/news/septemebr-2017-newsletter. 2017
Other, Diabetes patients (Diabetes UK Wirral group), Meeting, Invited speaker, Arrowe Park Hospital and Wirral Hospitals NHS Trust - Arrowe Park and Clatterbridge - Induction Training Room, Arrowe Park Hospital (in the basement beneath Maternity Block), Patient Support Group (Wirral), Meeting to discuss my research on blood sugar control, https://wirral.diabetesukgroup.org/events/montly-meeting-details-to-be-confirmed. 2017
Research Grants Awarded:
The Co-operative Bank plc, Funding from the Community Directplus Customer Donation Fund, awarded to Lebe Trust to support its health promotion initiatives on social media. Lebe is a Community Directplus account holder. All Community Directplus account holders can apply for up to £1000 from the Customer Donation Fund to support special projects and fundraising activities., Lebe Trust, Grant value (£): 1000, Duration of research project: Indefinite. 2021
Imperial College (Sustainable Society Network), Digital technology and diabetes in ethnic minority cultures: a historical study, Grant value (£): 3000. 2014
REECH (Renewables & Energy Efficiency in Community Housing), Impact of retrofitting social housing improvements in the Liverpool City Region, Professor Andy Tattersall (PI, Lead Applicant), Helen Poole, Karen Poole, Grant value (£): 15,000. 2012
British Academy, Communication variables and breast self-examination, Grant value (£): 5000, Duration of research project: 4 years. 2003
External collaboration:
https://orcid.org/0000-0002-7968-864X, NNAMDI AZIKIWE UNIVERSITY (Dept of Psychology), Dr Valentine Ucheagwu. 2021
https://nauth.org.ng/, NNAMDI AZIKIWE UNIVERSITY TEACHING HOSPITAL NNEWI, Eric O. Umeh, Uzoamaka R. Ebubedike, Chiamaka F. Ezeugbor, Chukwuziem N. Anene. 2018
External committees:
Conscious Community Project, Alef Trust, Mentor, https://aleftrust.org/alef-applied/conscious-community-project/. 2020
Conscious Community Project, Alef Trust, Panel Member, https://aleftrust.org/alef-applied/conscious-community-project/. 2020
Conference presentation:
Blood pressure, HbA1c, lipids and mental health in adult patients with diabetes and comorbid asthma/chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and obesity: A population-based case-control study., Diabetes UK Professional Conference, Liverpool, UK, Poster presentation. 2019
Problematic diabetes risk evaluations in several cases of morbid obesity (obesity III: >= 40 kg/m(2)) compared to individuals with non-morbid obesity: A case-control study., Diabetes UK Professional Conference, Liverpool, UK, Poster presentation. 2019
Cancer, Diabetes & Psychology in Africa, MSc Health Psychology Mini Conference 2018, Liverpool John Moores University, Oral presentation. 2018
Health Psychology in Africa: A psychologists’ experiences, MSc Health Psychology Mini Conference, Liverpool John Moores University, Oral presentation. 2018
Diabetes management of South Asian people in the UK. Integrating a patient’s psychology into diabetes care: A truly patient centred care approach., Diabetes UK Professional Conference, Excel, London, Oral presentation. 2018
Prevention of Type 2 Diabetes in South Asians: Qualitative Study Exploring Health Beliefs, Attitudes, Values and Community Perspectives.Nomiated for Psychological Care Award, Diabetes UK Professional Conference, 2018., Excel, London, Oral presentation. 2018
Prevention of Type 2 Diabetes: Development of Cultural Specific Intervention for South Asian Adults at Risk., 13th UKSBM Annual Scientific Meeting: Working together for healthy living: Multidisciplinary behavioural medicine, Liverpool, UK, Oral presentation. 2017
Positive affect, diabetes, and diabetes-related outcomes: A systematic review., Division of Health Psychology Annual Conference, Cardiff, UK, Poster presentation. 2017
A population-based study on the importance of personal care planning in glycaemic control (HbA1c/IFCC outcomes): impact of body weight and physical activity as mediating factors across patients from different age groups, Diabetes UK Professional Conference, Manchester, UK, Oral presentation. 2017
Do personalised care plans help explain ethnic disparities in HbA1c levels amongst patients with diabetes and prediabetes?, Diabetes UK Professional Conference, Manchester, UK, Poster presentation. 2017
Investigating the needs and experiences of South Asian patients with Type 2 Diabetes. A Grounded Theory Approach exploring culture, religion, and the role of family members, Diabetes UK, 2017, Manchester, UK, Poster presentation. 2017
Smoking and Mobiles/PCs: A Decade-long Analysis of UK Household Data, International Convention of Psychological Science (ICPS)12-14 March 2015, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, Poster presentation. 2015
Improving Response to a Health Warning; Re-examining Source and Audience Variables, American Psychological Association Annual Conference, Boston, Massachusetts, USA, Poster presentation. 2008
Relevance of Threat-Coping Relativity in Predicting Protective Behaviour, American Psychological Association Annual Conference, Boston, Massachusetts, USA, Poster presentation. 2008
Cognitive Factors in Early Detection for Testicular Cancer: A Randomised Controlled Trial, APS (Association for Psychological Science) 20th Annual Convention May 22-25, 2008 Chicago, IL, Chicago, USA, Poster presentation. 2008
Teaching qualification:
Fellowship of the Higher Education Academy (FHEA). 2014
Editorial boards:
Journal of Solid Tumors, Editorial board member. 2011
Emerald Outstanding Paper Awards, Emerald (British Food Journal). 2007
British Journal of Nursing Awards, British Journal of Nursing. 2005