Image of Dr Amanda Boddis

Dr Amanda Boddis

Pharmacy and Biomolecular Sciences

Faculty of Science

I am a lecturer in Forensic Science at Liverpool John Moores University specialising in Forensic Chemistry.

I am the module leader for two undergraduate modules 4003FSBMOL - Forensic Chemistry and 5013GNBMOL- Skills 2 and also a Masters Module 7001FSBMOL - Trace Evidence Analysis.

In addition to this, I am also the Level 4 (Year 1 tutor) for the Forensic Science Programme, the Chair of the PBS Research Ethics Commitee, an Internal Advisor, a Cross Faculty Representative and I also organise the student trip to Romania.

My research interests include: Detection of drugs of abuse in fingermarks and the Chemical development of fingermarks on fabric.


Romanian; Moldavian; Moldovan


2009, University of East Anglia, United Kingdom, PhD "Fingerprint Analysis using Antibody-Metal particles"
2005, University of Huddersfield, United Kingdom, BSc (Hons) Forensic and Analytical Science First Class
2002, University of Huddersfield, United Kingdom, HNC Chemistry

Academic appointments

Lecturer Forensic Science, School of Pharmacy and Biomolecular Sciences, Liverpool John Moores University, 2009 - present

Postgraduate training

PGCert- Teaching, United Kingdom, Liverpool John Moores University, 2010 - 2011
