Dr Jason Birkett
Pharmacy and Biomolecular Sciences
Faculty of Science
Email: J.W.Birkett@ljmu.ac.uk
Telephone: 0151 231 2041
1996, University of Manchester, United Kingdom, PhD, Analytical Chemistry
1991, Staffordshire University, United Kingdom, BSc (hons) 1st class, Applied and Analytical Chemistry
Academic appointments
Head of Subject – Biomolecular and Forensic Sciences. Providing academic leadership and management for the Biomolecular and Forensic Sciences team across learning and teaching, research, and academic enterprise . Special interests in Analytical and Forensic Chemistry., School of Pharmacy and Biomolecular Sciences, Liverpool John Moores University, Liverpool, 2019 - present
Postgraduate training
Post Doctoral Research Fellow, United Kingdom, Imperial College London, London, 1998 - 2002
Journal article
De La Chica A, Birkett JW, Akwei CA, Lamont D, Dawnay N. 2024. Improving the forensic genetic workflow for countries with small geographical areas: What are the options and how cost effective are they? Forensic Science International: Genetics, 74 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Gilpin V, Smith RB, Birkett JW, Davis J. 2024. How 3D printing technologies could undermine law enforcement strategies targeting the production and distribution of designer drugs Science and Justice, 64 :677-687 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Khuniad C, Nahar L, Birkett JW, Ritchie KJ, Sarker SD. 2024. Composition of Amesiodendron chinense(Merr.) Hu Seed Oil and Assessment of Its Nrf2/ARE Induction Activity in AREc32 Cells Journal of Medicinal Natural Products, 1 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Polrot A, Lee S, Kirby J, Shum P, Birkett J, Sharples G. 2024. Microcosm study reveals the microbial and environmental effects on tributyltin degradation in an estuarine sediment Chemosphere, 357 :142085 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Wilson M, Al‐Hamid A, Abbas I, Birkett JW, Khan I, Harper M, Al‐Jumeily D, Assi S. 2024. Identification of diagnostic biomarkers used in the diagnosis of cardiovascular diseases and diabetes mellitus: A systematic review of quantitative studies Diabetes, Obesity and Metabolism, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Wilson M, Birkett JW, Khan I, Abbas I, Tang L, Assi S. 2023. The Detection of Biomarkers and Cocaine in Fingernails Using Attenuated Total Reflectance Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy Spectroscopy, 38 :37-44 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Blakey L, Sharples GP, Chana K, Birkett JW. 2023. Environmental assessment of gunshot residue particles in the public domain of the United Kingdom Journal of Forensic Sciences, 68 :1330-1334 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Wilson M, Assi S, Al-Jumeily D, Birkett JW, Khan I, Abbas I. 2022. Using Handheld Raman Spectroscopy Equipped with Orbital Raster Technology for Field Detection of Cocaine and its Impurities in Fingernails Spectroscopy, 37 :23-28 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Polrot A, Kirby JR, Olorunniji FJ, Birkett JW, Sharples GP. 2022. iChip increases the success of cultivation of TBT-resistant and TBT-degrading bacteria from estuarine sediment World Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology, 38 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Polrot A, Kirby JR, Birkett JW, Sharples GP. 2021. Combining sediment management and bioremediation in muddy ports and harbours: A review Environmental Pollution, 289 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Pollitt J, Christofidis G, Morrissey J, Birkett JW. 2020. Vacuum metal deposition enhancement of friction ridge detail on ballistic materials. Forensic Science International, 316 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Taylor A, Birkett JW. 2020. Pesticides in cannabis: A review of analytical and toxicological considerations Drug Testing and Analysis, 12 :180-190 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Blakey LS, Sharples GP, Chana K, Birkett JW. 2019. Fate and Behavior of Gunshot Residue: Recreational Shooter Vehicle Distribution. Journal of Forensic Sciences, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Goudsmits E, Blakey LS, Chana K, Sharples GP, Birkett JW. 2019. The analysis of organic and inorganic gunshot residue from a single sample Forensic Science International, 299 :168-173 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Christofidis G, Morrissey J, Birkett JW. 2019. A preliminary study on vacuum metal deposition as a standalone method for enhancement of fingermarks on ballistic brass materials Journal of Forensic Sciences, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Davies MJ, Birkett JW, Bolton H, Moore AM. 2019. The influence of cannabis smoke and cannabis vapour on simulated lung surfactant function under physiologically relevant conditions Surface and Interface Analysis, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Christofidis G, Morrissey J, Birkett JW. 2018. Detection of fingermarks - applicability to metallic surfaces: A literature review Journal of Forensic Sciences, 63 :1616-1627 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Blakey LS, Sharples GP, Chana K, Birkett JW. 2018. Fate and Behavior of Gunshot Residue-A Review JOURNAL OF FORENSIC SCIENCES, 63 :9-19 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Davies MJ, Birkett JW, Court O, Mottram A, Zoroaster F. 2017. The Impact of Cannabis Smoke on the Performance of Pulmonary Surfactant under Physiologically Relevant Conditions Surface and Interface Analysis, 50 :188-197 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Goudsmits E, Sharples GP, Birkett JW. 2017. Organic compositional analysis of propellant powders using monolithic material sorption extraction ( MSSE) - a feasibility study Journal of Forensic Science and Research, 1 :68-76 Publisher Url Public Url
Morrissey J, Larrosa J, Birkett JW. 2017. A preliminary evaluation of the use of gun bluing to enhance friction ridge detail on cartridge casings Journal of Forensic Identification, 67 Public Url
Davies MJ, Birkett JW, Kotwa M, Tomlinson L, Woldtinsae R. 2017. The impact of cigarette/e-cigarette vapour on simulated pulmonary surfactant monolayers under physiologically relevant conditions Surface and Interface Analysis, 49 :654-665 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Goudsmits E, Sharples GP, Birkett JW. 2016. Preliminary classification of characteristic organic gunshot residue compounds. Science and Justice, 56 :421-425 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Goudsmits E, Sharples GP, Birkett JW. 2015. Recent trends in organic gunshot residue analysis – a review. Trends in Analytical Chemistry, 74 :46-57 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Mustapha OA, Coffey M, Birkett JW. 2015. Mass balance calculations of illicit drugs in Stoke Bardolph Sewage treatment works, United Kingdom Al-Hikmah Journal of Pure & Applied Sciences, 1 :27-39 Public Url
Brown E, Dixon RA, Birkett JW. 2014. The discolouration of human teeth from archaeological contexts: Elemental analysis of a black tooth from a Roman cranium recovered from the River Witham, Lincoln, UK. Antrocom : Online Journal of Anthropology, 2014 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Birkett JW, Olajide MA, Coffey M. 2014. Fate of drugs and their metabolites in the environment Elixir Applied Chemistry, 69 :22974-22999 Public Url
Olajide MA, Coffey M, Birkett JW. 2014. Degradation of some illicit compounds in sewage sludge batch tests Elixir Applied Chemistry, 68B :22739-22751 Publisher Url Public Url
Elie MP, Baron MG, Birkett JW. 2012. Injection port silylation of γ-hydroxybutyrate and trans-hydroxycrotonic acid: conditions optimisation and characterisation of the di-tert-butyldimethylsilyl derivatives by GC-MS. Analyst, 137 :255-262 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Dalby O, Birkett JW. 2010. The evaluation of solid phase micro-extraction fibre types for the analysis of organic components in unburned propellant powders. J Chromatogr A, 1217 :7183-7188 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Dalby O, Butler D, Birkett JW. 2010. Analysis of gunshot residue and associated materials--a review. J Forensic Sci, 55 :924-943 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Braga MCB, Birkett JW, Shaw G, Lester JN. 2010. Modelling the long-term fate of mercury in a lowland tidal river. II. Calibration and comparison of two models with field data. Arch Environ Contam Toxicol, 58 :383-393 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Braga MCB, Birkett JW, Lester JN, Shaw G. 2010. Modelling the long-term fate of mercury in a lowland tidal river. I. Description of two finite segment models. Arch Environ Contam Toxicol, 58 :373-382 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Elie MP, Baron MG, Birkett JW. 2008. Enhancement of microcrystalline identification of gamma-hydroxybutyrate. J Forensic Sci, 53 :147-150 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Pert AD, Baron MG, Birkett JW. 2006. Review of analytical techniques for arson residues. J Forensic Sci, 51 :1033-1049 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Muchuweti A, Birkett JW, Chinyanga E, Zvauya R, Scrimshaw MD, Lester JN. 2006. Heavy metal content of vegetables irrigated with mixtures of wastewater and sewage sludge in Zimbabwe: Implications for human health AGRICULTURE ECOSYSTEMS & ENVIRONMENT, 112 :41-48 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Langford KH, Scrimshaw MD, Birkett JW, Lester JN. 2005. The partitioning of alkylphenolic surfactants and polybrominated diphenyl ether flame retardants in activated sludge batch tests. Chemosphere, 61 :1221-1230 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Birkett JW, Lester JN. 2005. Distribution of mercury and methylmercury in the sediments of a lowland river system PROCEEDINGS OF THE ROYAL SOCIETY A-MATHEMATICAL PHYSICAL AND ENGINEERING SCIENCES, 461 :1335-1355 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Langford KH, Scrimshaw MD, Birkett JW, Lester JN. 2005. Degradation of nonylphenolic surfactants in activated sludge batch tests. Water Res, 39 :870-876 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Gomes RL, Birkett JW, Scrimshaw MD, Lester JN. 2005. Simultaneous determination of natural and synthetic steroid estrogens and their conjugates in aqueous matrices by liquid chromatography/mass spectrometry INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY, 85 :1-14 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Gomes RL, Deacon HE, Lai KM, Birkett JW, Scrimshaw MD, Lester JN. 2004. An assessment of the bioaccumulation of estrone in Daphnia magna. Environ Toxicol Chem, 23 :105-108 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Birkett JW, Noreng JMK, Lester JN. 2002. Spatial distribution of mercury in the sediments and riparian environment of the River Yare, Norfolk, UK. Environ Pollut, 116 :65-74 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Emmerson RHC, Scrimshaw MD, Birkett JW, Lester J. 2001. Solid phase partitioning of metals in Managed Realignment soils: laboratory studies in timed soil sea-water batch mixtures APPLIED GEOCHEMISTRY, 16 :1621-1630 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Bryan ND, Jones MN, Birkett J, Livens FR. 2001. Application of a new method of analysis of ultracentrifugation data to the aggregation of a humic acid by copper(II) ions Anal. Chim. Acta, 437 :281-289
Bryan ND, Jones MN, Birkett J, Livens FR. 2001. Aggregation of humic substances by metal ions measured by ultracentrifugation Anal. Chim. Acta, 437 :291-308
Emmerson RH, Birkett JW, Scrimshaw M, Lester JN. 2000. Solid phase partitioning of metals in managed retreat soils: field changes over the first year of tidal inundation. Sci Total Environ, 254 :75-92 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Downs SG, Macleod CL, Jarvis K, Birkett JW, Lester JN. 1999. Comparison of mercury bioaccumulation in eel (Anguilla anguilla) and roach (Rutilus rutilus) from river systems in East Anglia, UK - I. Concentrations in fish tissue ENVIRONMENTAL TECHNOLOGY, 20 :1189-1200 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Downs SG, Macleod CL, Jarvis K, Birkett JW, Lester JN. 1999. Comparison of mercury bioaccumulation in eel (Anguilla anguilla) and roach (Rutilus rutilus) from river systems in East Anglia, UK - II. Sources of mercury to fish and the role of atmospheric deposition ENVIRONMENTAL TECHNOLOGY, 20 :1201-1212 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Birkett JW, Jones MN, Bryan ND, Livens FR. 1998. The effects of solution conditions on partial specific volumes of humic substances ANALYTICA CHIMICA ACTA, 362 :299-308 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Birkett JW, Jones MN, Bryan ND, Livens FR. 1997. Computer modelling of partial specific volumes of humic substances EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF SOIL SCIENCE, 48 :131-137 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Blakey LS, Sharples GP, Chana K, Birkett JW. The fate and behaviour of gunshot residue: recreational shooter distribution Australian Journal of Forensic Sciences, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Khuniad C, Nahar L, Birkett J, Ritchie KJ, Sarker SD. Chemical composition and in vitro bioactivities of Amesiodendron chinense (Merr.) Hu seed oil Journal of Natural Products Discovery, 1
De La Chica A, Birkett J, Akwei C, Lamont D, Dawnay N. Improving the forensic genetic workflow for countries with small geographical areas: What are the options and how cost effective are they? Forensic Science International: Genetics, DOI
Wilson M, Birkett J, Tang L, Abbas I, Al-Ouqaili MTSN, Khan I, Al-Jumeily OBE D, Assi S. 2023. Evaluation of Raman Spectroscopy for Diagnosing Cardiovascular Diseases and Diabetes Mellitus in Fingernails Joint Pharmaceutical Analysis Group Symposium 2023
Watson M, Birkett J, Khan I, Al-Jumeily OBE D, Assi S. 2022. Authentication of Covid-19 Vaccines using handheld Surface-enhanced Raman Spectroscopy equipped with Orbital Raster Scattering LTG Symposium
Wilson M, Tang L, Abbas I, Birkett JW, Khan I, Al-Jumeily D, Assi SULAF. 2022. Detection of Cocaine and its Impurities in Fingernails Using Palm-sized Near-infrared Spectroscopy and Machine Learning Analytics Joint Pharmaceutical Analysis Group (JPAG) Awards and Careers Fair Public Url
Wilson M, Abbas I, Tang L, Birkett JW, Khan I, Al-Jumeily D, Assi S. 2022. Field Detection of Cocaine and its Impurities in Human Fingernails Using Portable Attenuated Total-Reflectance Fourier transform Infrared Spectroscopy and Machine Learning Analytics Joint Pharmaceutical Analysis Group (JPAG) Public Url
Wilson M, Tang L, Abbas I, Birkett JW, Bonser P, Jackson I, Khan I, Al-Jumeily D, Assi S. 2022. Infrared Vs Raman Spectroscopy for the Characterisation of Cocaine and its Impurities in Human Fingernails Current Trends in Seized Drug Analysis Symposium Public Url
Assi S, Wilson M, Tang L. 2022. On the detection of cocaine in nails using attenuated total reflectance Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy CSFRE Current Trends in Seized Drug Analysis 2021
Conference publication
Wilson M, Al-Jumeily D, Abbas I, Khan I, Birkett JW, Tang L, Assi S. 2023. Palm-sized Near-Infrared Spectroscopy and Machine Learning Analytics for the Detection of Endogenous Constituents and Drugs in Human Fingernails 2023 15th International Conference on Developments in eSystems Engineering (DeSE), DeSE2022 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Wilson M, Obe DAJ, Abbas I, Khan I, Birkett J, Tang L, Assi S. 2023. Identification of Diagnostic Biomarkers for Cardiovascular Diseases and Diabetes Mellitus Through Raman Spectroscopy and Machine Learning Algorithms Proceedings - International Conference on Developments in eSystems Engineering, DeSE, :558-563 DOI Publisher Url
Watson M, Al-Jumeily OBE D, Birkett J, Khan I, Assi S. Exploring the authentication of COVID-19 vaccines using Surface-enhanced handheld Raman spectroscopy (SERS) equipped with orbital Raster scattering and machine learning 2023 15th International Conference on Developments in eSystems Engineering (DeSE) - SS9 - Advances in AI and ML for Healthcare and Medicine DOI Publisher Url
Books (edited)
2021. Understanding ballistics a primer for courts Birkett JW, Bradely D, Clews J, Goldstone C, Humphreys C, Mulvhill D, Parker M, Unsworth I. The royal society. London 978-1-78252-485-4 Publisher Url Public Url
Polrot A, Kirby JR, Birkett J, Jenkinson I, Sharples G. 2018. Steps towards the sustainable management of sediment in ports and harbours Heidkamp CP, Morrissey J. Towards Coastal Resilience and Sustainability :262-275 Routledge 9780815358633 DOI Publisher Url
Birkett J. 2002. Sources of Endocrine Disrupters Endocrine Disrupters in Wastewater and Sludge Treatment Processes CRC Press 9781566706018 DOI Publisher Url
Birkett J. 2002. Scope of the Problem Endocrine Disrupters in Wastewater and Sludge Treatment Processes CRC Press 9781566706018 DOI Publisher Url
Davies MJ, Birkett JW, ren J. 2017. Development of the Lung Biosimulator for Orally Inhaled Product (OIP) Dissolution: MRC Bid: MR/R015619/1 MRC Biomedical Catalyst,
Birkett JW, Sharples GP. Chemical profiling of gunshot residue materials from a single forensic sample: Leverhulme Trust Bid (ORPG-7080) Leverhulme Trust,
Editorial/letter to the editor
Birkett JW, Banks C. 2013. Showcasing analytical science in the forensic fight against crime Analytical Methods, 5 :5375-5375 DOI Publisher Url
Birkett JW, Ham J, Franklin A. 2006. Assessment of Lead at the Nottinghamshire Police Firearms Unit indoor firing range.
Birkett JW, Emmerson RHC, Lester JN. 2000. Pollution of Managed Realignment, Sediment Geochemistry at Orplands and Tollesbury, Essex, UK
Birkett JW, Lester JN. Mercury in the River Yare, Norfolk and its Riparian Environment.
Fredriksen M, Birkett J. Cannabis concentrates: An assessment of production, preparation and purities Cannabis concentrates: An assessment of production, preparation and purities.
Books (authored)
Birkett JW, Lester JN. 2003. Endocrine disrupters in wastewater and sludge treatment processes Birkett JW, Lester JN.
Birkett JW, Lester JN. 2003. Endocrine disrupters in wastewater and sludge treatment processes Birkett JW, Lester JN.
Lester JN, Birkett JW. Microbiology and chemistry for environmental scientists and engineers E and FN SPON
Al-Jumeily OBE D, Bradbury J, Coombs T, Tang L, Birkett J, Assi S. Rapid detection of cosmetic traces on different substrates by attenuated total reflectance Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy
Al-Jumeily OBE D, Williams O, Coombs T, Tang L, Birkett J, Jayabalan M, Assi S. On the detections of drugs spiked in different drinks using attenuated total reflection Fourier transform- infrared spectroscopy
Al-Jumeily OBE D, Bradbury J, Coombs T, Tang L, Birkett J, Assi S. Detection of lipstick traces on paper using Raman spectroscopy
Al-Jumeily OBE D, Bradbury J, Coombs T, Tang L, Birkett J, Assi S. Detection of cosmetic traces on different substrates using near-infrared spectroscopy
Al-Jumeily OBE D, Wilson M, Birkett J, Khan I, Abbas I, Tang L, Assi S. Dataset regarding solution spiked in human fingernails and measured using attenuated total reflectance-Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy
Wilson M, Al-Jumeily OBE D, Birkett J, Khan I, Abbas I, Assi S. Dataset regarding drug solution spiked in nails and measured using handheld Raman spectroscopy equipped with 785 laser wavelength and orbital raster scan
Research Grants Awarded:
FORRI PhD Studentship, Degradation of Cannabis Materials, Sulaf Assi, David Lamont, Grant value (£): £72,000 total, Duration of research project: 3 years. 2025
Gibraltar Dept. of Edcation, Development and Assessment of Evidence Screening Strategies to Support the Provision of Forensic Services in Gibraltar, Nick Dawnay (PI), JAson Birkett (Co-I), David Lamont (Co-I), Cynthia Akwei (Co - I)., Grant value (£): £36k., Duration of research project: 3 years. 2023
Merseyside police, Evaluation of methods for determination of kinetic energy in air weapons (working title). Mphil study., Grant value (£): 7,000 over 2 years, Duration of research project: 2 years (part time). 2022
Self funded (Megan Watson), Analysis of counterfeit anti-infectives and vaccines using conventional and enhanced spectroscopic techniques, Iftikhar Khan; Jason Birkett, Grant value (£): £20,000 approx. (standard PhD studentship tuition + bench fees), Duration of research project: 3 years (PhD) + 1 year writeup. 2022
Self funded student - Megan Wilson, Evaluating the Feasibility of Spectroscopic Techniques for the Detection of Drugs of Abuse and Drug Metabolites in Alternative Biological Matrices, Sulaf, Assi ( director of studies) ; Iftikhar, Khan. Jason Birkett, Grant value (£): £20,000 approx. ( standard Ph.D student ship costs ( tuition + bench fee)., Duration of research project: 3years ( PhD) + 1 year writeup. 2022
Sel;f funded ( Megan Watson), Analysis of Counterfeit anti-infectives and vaccines using conventional and enhanced spectroscopic techniques., Sulaf Assi ( director of studies), Iftikhar Khan, Jason Birkett, Grant value (£): £20,000 approx ( standard PhD studentship- tuition +bench fees), Duration of research project: 3 years (PhD) + 1 year writeup.
Editorial boards:
Emerging Trends in Drugs, Addictions, and Health – Special Issue on Toxicology of New Psychoactive Substances, Guest Editor. 2023
GSL Journal of Forensic Research, Member of Editorial Board, http://gslpublishers.org/journals/editorial-board.php?title=gsl-journal-of-forensic-research. 2017
Analyst and Analytical Methods - Security and Forensics joint edition, Guest Editor, http://pubs.rsc.org/en/Content/ArticleLanding/2013/AY/C3AY90068A#!divAbstract. 2012
Environmental Technology, Regional Editor ( UK and Europe). 2005
External PGR examinations performed:
Anglian Ruskin University, PhD, Diclazepam and its Metabolites: A Chemometric Interpretation (Ph.D). 2023
University of Ulster, PhD, Chronic wounds in the community: A smart device approach to detecting the early onset of infection (Ph.D). 2023
Flinders University, PhD, On The Integrated Analysis And Forensic Interpretation Of Gunshot Residues.(Ph.D. 2023
Brunel University, PhD, Extraction and Recovery of Metals from Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) using Both Traditional and Designer Solvents. 2021
Brunel University, PhD, Extraction and Recovery of Metals from Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) using Both Traditional and Designer Solvents. 2021
University of Kent, PhD, Novel investigations into the formation and micron-scale analysis of firearm discharge residues: Insights from experiments and modelling. 2021
University of Lincoln, PhD, Development of an Electrochemical Sensor based on a Molecularly Imprinted Polymer for the Detection of Taggant Molecules. 2021
University of Ulster, PhD, Tunable nanomaterials for controlled drug release in smart devices.. 2019
Robert Gordon University, PhD, Sustainable treatment and disposal of oilfield waste (drill mud and cuttings) onshore. 2018
University of Lincoln, PhD, Determination of origin and classification of ANFO explosivres based on their fuel composition. 2018
University of Central Lancashire, Lucas Durney, MPhil. 2015
Brunel Univeristy, PhD, Bioavailabilty of Organic contaminants in rivers.. 2015
University of Central Lancashire, Kim Quayle, MPhil. 2014
Manchester Metropolitan University, Meerna El-Sayed, MPhil. 2012
UCLAN, Ping Xiang, PhD. 2011
Cranfield Uinversity, John Bagnall, PhD. 2011
Other invited event:
External examiner appointment, Robert Gordpn University,, Ext. examiner of UG and PGT forensic science programmes.. 2021
external examiner appointment, Anglian Ruskin University, Ext. examiner of UG and PGT forensic science programmes.. 2021
Analytical Science Network, Royal Society of Chemistry, Knutsford, UK, Invited Speaker : Gunshot residue – the analysis of ‘everything’?. 2018
External examiner appointment, University of Lincoln, Chief External examiner for theErasmus Mundus Masters in Forensic Science (Nov 2012 - present). 2012
External examiner appointment, Sheffield Hallam University, External examiner for the Forensic Science UG and PG programme cluster (Sept 2012 - present). 2012
Internal Ph.D. examiner, Nottingham Trent University, Duncan Sharp – The development of smart-bandage technologies. 2009
External Examiner Appointment, Brunel University, External Examiner at Brunel University for the MSc Programmes in Environmental Management/Sciences ( 4 year term). 2009
External Examiner Appointment, Robert Gordon University, External Examiner at Robert Gordon University for the MSc in Instrumental Analytical Sciences ( 4 year term).. 2008
Internal Ph.D. examiner, Nottingham Trent University, •Lucy Ratcliffe – Proteomic strategies for protein and biomarker identification by matrix- assisted laser desorption/ionization mass spectrometry. 2006
Membership of professional bodies:
Awarded Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry (FRSC), The Royal Society of Chemistry. 2016
Chartered Chemist and Member of the Royal Society of Chemistry (CCHEM MRSC), The Royal Society of Chemistry. 1995
Teaching qualification:
Fellow of the Higher Education Teaching Academy. 2009
Conference organisation:
Forensic Analysis 2004, Member of the Organising Comittee. 2004