Dr Alex Wilshaw
School of Biological and Environmental Sciences
Faculty of Science
Email: A.Wilshaw@ljmu.ac.uk
Telephone: 0151 904 6482
2023, Liverpool John Moores University, United Kingdom, Postgraduate Diploma in Academic Practice
2013, University of Cambridge, United Kingdom, PhD Palaeoanthropology
2008, University of Cambridge, United Kingdom, BA
2022, Kays Medical, United Kingdom, FAA Level 3 Award in First Aid at Work (RQF) Qualification Code 603/2081/3
2021, Advance HE, United Kingdom, Professional Development Course for External Examiners
Conference publication
Wilshaw A. 2023. Outnumbered but not necessarily outgunned: the effects of classroom gender imbalance on student outcomes 2023: Students at the Heart Conference, Students at the Hearth Conference 2023 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Journal article
Mounier A, Van Baelen A, Crivellaro F, Rivera F, Wilshaw A, Grün R, Foley R, Mirazón Lahr M. 2022. A new Upper Pleistocene hominin calvarium from West-Turkana (Kenya) Bulletins et mémoires de la société d'anthropologie de Paris, 33 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Van Baelen A, Wilshaw A, Griffith P, Noens G, Maíllo-Fernández J-M, Foley RA, Mirazón Lahr M. 2019. Prospect Farm and the Middle and Later Stone Age Occupation of Mt. Eburru (Central Rift, Kenya) in an East African Context African Archaeological Review, 36 :397-417 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Mounier A, Correia M, Rivera F, Crivellaro F, Power R, Jeffery J, Wilshaw A, Foley RA, Lahr MM. 2018. Who were the Nataruk people? Mandibular morphology among late Pleistocene and early Holocene fisher-forager populations of West Turkana (Kenya) JOURNAL OF HUMAN EVOLUTION, 121 :235-253 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Wilshaw A, Muwonge H, Rivera F, Mirazon Lahr M. 2016. Aliel: A mid-Holocene stone platform with cairn and single pillar in West Turkana, Kenya Nyame Akuma, :51-59 Public Url
Wilshaw A. 2016. The Current Status of the Kenya Capsian. African Archaeological Review, 33 :13-27 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Mirazón Lahr M, Rivera F, Power RK, Mounier A, Copsey B, Crivellaro F, Edung JE, Maillo Fernandez JM, Kiarie C, Lawrence J, Leakey A, Mbua E, Miller H, Muigai A, Mukhongo DM, Van Baelen A, Wood R, Schwenninger J-L, Grün R, Achyuthan H, Wilshaw A, Foley RA. 2016. Inter-group violence among early Holocene hunter-gatherers of West Turkana, Kenya. Nature, 529 :394-398 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Wilshaw A. 2012. Updated provenance information for 7 LSA sites from the Central Rift Valley, Kenya Nyame Akuma, 78 Publisher Url Public Url
Lahr MM, Foley R, Crivellaro F, Fernandez JM, Wilshaw A, Copsey B, Rivera F, Mattingly D. 2011. DMP XIV: Prehistoric sites in the Wadi Barjuj, Fazzan, Libyan Sahara Libyan Studies, 42 :117-138 DOI Publisher Url
Lahr MM, Foley R, Crivellaro F, Fernandez JM, Wilshaw A, Purdon A, Halladay-Garrett C, Veldhuis D, Mattingly D. 2010. DMP XI: Preliminary results from 2010 fieldwork on the human prehistory in the Libyan Sahara Libyan Studies, 41 :133-154 DOI Publisher Url
Lahr MM, Foley R, Crivellaro F, Okumura M, Maher L, Davies T, Veldhuis D, Wilshaw A, Mattingly D. 2009. DMP VI: Preliminary results from 2009 fieldwork on the human prehistory of the Libyan Sahara Libyan Studies, 40 :133-153 DOI Publisher Url
Wilshaw A. 2018. The Out of Africa Hypothesis Trevathon W. The International Encyclopedia of Biological Anthropology, 3 Volume Set Wiley-Blackwell 9781118584422
Wilshaw A. 2018. Modern Humans, The Origins of The International Encyclopedia of Anthropology, 12 Volume Set Wiley-Blackwell 9780470657225
Wilshaw A, Mirazon Lahr M. 2018. 4. The Later Prehistory of the Turkana Basin The River Peoples and Histories of the Omo-Turkana Area :22-31 Archaeopress Archaeology 9781789690330
Wilshaw A. 2018. Hominins and First Humans in the Lower Omo Valley Clack T, Britten M. The River Peoples and Histories of the Omo-Turkana Area Archaeopress Archaeology 9781789690330 DOI Publisher Url
Wilshaw A, Lahr MM. 2018. The later prehistory of the turkana basin The River: Peoples and Histories of the Omo-Turkana Area :22-32 DOI Publisher Url
Editorial/letter to the editor
Lahr MM, Rivera F, Power RK, Moonier A, Copsey B, Crivellaro F, Edung JE, Maillo Fernandez JM, Kiarie C, Lawrence J, Leakey A, Mbuas E, Miller H, Muigai A, Mukhongo DM, Van Baelen A, Wood R, Schwenninger J-L, Grun R, Achyuthan H, Wilshaw A, Foley RA. 2016. Contesting the massacre at Nataruk Reply NATURE, 539 :E10-E11 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Wilshaw A. An Investigation into the LSA of the Nakuru-Naivasha Basin and surround, Central Rift Valley, Kenya: Technological Classifications and Population Considerations Mirazon Lahr M.
LJMU TLA Individual Teaching Excellence Award, https://www.ljmu.ac.uk/teaching-and-learning-academy/teaching-and-learning-awards/tla-2024-winners. 2024
Student Experience Award Outstanding Teacher (Science), https://www.ljmu.ac.uk/about-us/news/articles/2024/5/17/winners-announced-at-student-experience-awards-2024. 2024
Teaching qualification:
Postgraduate Diploma in Academic Practice. 2023
Postgraduate Certificate in Academic Practice. 2022
Professional Development Course for External Examiners (AdvanceHE). 2021
Public engagement:
Festival event, Local Adults and Members of the Public, Organisation, Pint of Science. 2023
FRAI, Royal Anthropological Institute. 2023
Fellow of the Higher Education Academy, AdvanceHE. 2022
External PGR examinations performed:
University of Cambridge, MPhil, A 2D Geometric Morphometric approach to the morphological diversity of European, Levantine, and African Handaxes. 2020