Dr Alexandre Gagnon
School of Biological and Environmental Sciences
Faculty of Science
Email: A.Gagnon@ljmu.ac.uk
Telephone: 0151 904 1348
Dr Alexandre Gagnon is a Reader in Climatology at Liverpool John Moores University (LJMU). He is a Geographer by training with expertise in Climatology. His research focuses on climate change impacts and societal responses. More specifically, his research aims to understand climate change and variability and their impacts on society. He is particularly interested in the connections between climatology and hydrology, notably on the impacts of climate change on water resources, as well as the risks that the built environment, including cultural heritage, is facing and adaptation of this sector to increase resilience.
Dr Gagnon completed an undergraduate degree in Environmental Geography at Concordia University, an M.Sc. in Earth and Atmospheric Sciences at the University of Alberta, and a PhD in Physical Geography at the University of Toronto. Before joining LJMU, Dr Gagnon was a Lecturer at the University of the West of Scotland. He also held a number of research fellowships and postdoctoral positions, notably at the Environmental Research Institute of the University of the Highlands and Islands, the University of Liverpool and the Scripps Institution of Oceanography of the University of California, San Diego.
Dr Gagnon is a Fellow of the Royal Geographical Society and the Royal Meteorological Society (RMetS).
Spanish; Castilian
Greek, Modern (1453-)
University of Toronto, Canada, PhD
University of Alberta, Canada, MSc
Concordia University, Canada, BSc
Academic appointments
Reader in Climatology, School of Biological and Environmental Sciences, Liverpool John Moores University, 2024 - present
Senior Lecturer in Geography (Climate Change), School of Biological and Environmental Sciences, Liverpool John Moores University, 2018 - 2024
Lecturer, University of the West of Scotland, 2007 - 2018
Highlighted publications
Appeaning Addo I, Yakubu I, Gagnon AS, Beckett CTS, Huang Y, Owusu-Nimo F, Brás AMA. 2025. Examining change and permanence in traditional earthen construction in Ghana: a case study of Tamale and Wa Built Heritage, 9 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Pall P, Gagnon AS, Bollasina MA, Zarzycki CM, Huang Y, Beckett CTS, Ramanantoanina H, Reynolds TPS. 2024. Assessing South Indian Ocean tropical cyclone characteristics in HighResMIP simulations International Journal of Climatology, 44 :4792-4808 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Sartorius JV, Geddes A, Gagnon AS, Burnett KA. 2024. Participation and co-production in climate adaptation: Scope and limits identified from a meta-method review of research with European coastal communities Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Climate Change, 15 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Van HD, Thi XAT, Le Thi VL, Van TT, Pham NT, Phong NT, Gagnon AS, Pham QB, Anh DT. 2022. Zoning the suitability of the western Mekong Delta for paddy rice cultivation and aquaculture under current and future environmental conditions Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 194 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Sesana E, Gagnon AS, Ciantelli C, Cassar JA, Hughes JJ. 2021. Climate change impacts on cultural heritage: A literature review Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Climate Change, 12 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Journal article
Appeaning Addo I, Yakubu I, Gagnon AS, Beckett CTS, Huang Y, Owusu-Nimo F, Brás AMA. 2025. Examining change and permanence in traditional earthen construction in Ghana: a case study of Tamale and Wa Built Heritage, 9 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Dahri N, Séjine H, Bouamrane A, Pham QB, Abida H, Gagnon AS, Anane M. 2025. Suitability map for solar photovoltaic desalination farms using GIS and multi-criteria decision analysis Environmental Earth Sciences, 84 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Wani OA, Mahdi SS, Yeasin M, Kumar SS, Gagnon AS, Danish F, Al-Ansari N, El‑Hendawy S, Mattar MA. 2024. Predicting rainfall using machine learning, deep learning, and time series models across an altitudinal gradient in the North-Western Himalayas Scientific Reports, 14 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Pall P, Gagnon AS, Bollasina MA, Zarzycki CM, Huang Y, Beckett CTS, Ramanantoanina H, Reynolds TPS. 2024. Assessing South Indian Ocean tropical cyclone characteristics in HighResMIP simulations International Journal of Climatology, 44 :4792-4808 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Ghosh D, Sinha S, Singh T, Gagnon A, Singh D. 2024. Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis-Based Solutions for the Installation of Photovoltaic (PV) Solar Power Plants in an Energy Deficit State of India: An Effort Toward SDG-7 (Affordable and Sustainable Energy) Transactions in GIS, 28 :2545-2556 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Bras A, Yakubu I, Mohammed H, Idowu I, Jones R, Gagnon AS, Owusu-Nimo F, Huang Y, Beckett CTS, Addo IA. 2024. Bio-stabilising earthen houses with tannins from locally available resources Case Studies in Construction Materials, 20 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Thanh PN, Le Van T, Thi XAT, Hai AN, Le Cong C, Gagnon AS, Pham NT, Anh DT, Dinh VN. 2024. Predicting drought stress under climate change in the Southern Central Highlands of Vietnam Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 196 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Dang NM, Vien LN, Tanim AH, Gagnon AS, Anh DT. 2024. A Framework Using Applied Process Analysis Methods to Assess Water Security in the Vu Gia–Thu Bon River Basin, Vietnam Sustainability (Switzerland), 16 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Parsons L, Howarth C, Gagnon A, Gummer Baron Deben JS, McCarthy K, McLachlan C, Brown D. 2024. What's in store for UK climate policy in the next five years? Reflections from environmental leaders past, present and future Geo: Geography and Environment, 11 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Sartorius JV, Geddes A, Gagnon AS, Burnett KA. 2024. Participation and co-production in climate adaptation: Scope and limits identified from a meta-method review of research with European coastal communities Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Climate Change, 15 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Nigam R, Luis AJ, Gagnon AS, Vaz E, Damásio B, Kotha M. 2024. Assessing coastal vulnerability at the village level using a robust framework, the example of Canacona in South Goa, India iScience, 27 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Shahfahad , Talukdar S, Ghose B, Islam ARMT, Hasanuzzaman M, Ahmed IA, Praveen B, Asif , Paarcha A, Rahman A, Gagnon AS, Afzal M. 2024. Predicting long term regional drought pattern in Northeast India using advanced statistical technique and wavelet-machine learning approach Modeling Earth Systems and Environment, 10 :1005-1026 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Pathak AA, Mathad AR, Gagnon AS. 2024. Integrating socio-economic variables in urban flood damage assessments: a case study of Bengaluru, India Natural Hazards, DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Phong NT, Vinh PT, Luan ND, Dung PH, Tanim AH, Gagnon AS, Lohpaisankrit W, Hoa PT, Truong PN, Vuong ND. 2023. Assessment of Water Quality During 2018-2022 in the Vam Co River Basin, Vietnam Nature Environment and Pollution Technology, 22 :1747-1763 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Taleb R, Ramanantoa H, Reynolds T, Beckett CTS, Huang Y, Rakotoarivony M, Gagnon AS, Andriamaro L. 2023. Fragility assessment of traditional wooden houses in Madagascar subjected to extreme wind loads Engineering Structures, 289 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Thanh PN, Le Van T, Minh TT, Ngoc TH, Lohpaisankrit W, Pham QB, Gagnon AS, Deb P, Pham NT, Anh DT, Dinh VN. 2023. Adapting to Climate-Change-Induced Drought Stress to Improve Water Management in Southeast Vietnam Sustainability (Switzerland), 15 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Tariq A, Yan J, Gagnon AS, Riaz Khan M, Mumtaz F. 2023. Mapping of cropland, cropping patterns and crop types by combining optical remote sensing images with decision tree classifier and random forest Geo-Spatial Information Science, 26 :302-320 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Shahfahad , Talukdar S, Naikoo MW, Rahman A, Gagnon AS, Islam ARMT, Mosavi A. 2023. Comparative evaluation of operational land imager sensor on board landsat 8 and landsat 9 for land use land cover mapping over a heterogeneous landscape Geocarto International, 38 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Nguyen NM, Do Van D, Le DT, Nguyen Q, Pham NT, Tanim AH, Gagnon AS, Wright DP, Thanh PN, Anh DT. 2022. Experimental modeling of bed morphological changes and toe erosion of emerged breakwaters due to wave-structure interactions in a deltaic coast Marine Geology, 454 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Van HD, Thi XAT, Le Thi VL, Van TT, Pham NT, Phong NT, Gagnon AS, Pham QB, Anh DT. 2022. Zoning the suitability of the western Mekong Delta for paddy rice cultivation and aquaculture under current and future environmental conditions Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 194 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Nguyen NM, San DC, Nguyen KD, Pham QB, Gagnon AS, Mai ST, Anh DT. 2022. Region of freshwater influence (ROFI) and its impact on sediment transport in the lower Mekong Delta coastal zone of Vietnam Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 194 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Singh D, Zhu Y, Liu S, Srivastava PK, Dharpure JK, Chatterjee D, Sahu R, Gagnon AS. 2022. Exploring the links between variations in snow cover area and climatic variables in a Himalayan catchment using earth observations and CMIP6 climate change scenarios Journal of Hydrology, 608 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Mahato PK, Singh D, Bharati B, Gagnon AS, Singh BB, Brema J. 2022. Assessing the impacts of human interventions and climate change on fluvial flooding using CMIP6 data and GIS-based hydrologic and hydraulic models Geocarto International, 37 :11483-11508 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Saifullah M, Adnan M, Zaman M, Wałęga A, Liu S, Khan MI, Gagnon AS, Muhammad S. 2021. Hydrological response of the kunhar river basin in pakistan to climate change and anthropogenic impacts on runoff characteristics Water (Switzerland), 13 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Tariq A, Shu H, Gagnon AS, Li Q, Mumtaz F, Hysa A, Siddique MA, Munir I. 2021. Assessing burned areas in wildfires and prescribed fires with spectral indices and sar images in the margalla hills of Pakistan Forests, 12 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Sesana E, Gagnon AS, Ciantelli C, Cassar JA, Hughes JJ. 2021. Climate change impacts on cultural heritage: A literature review Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Climate Change, 12 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Tariq A, Shu H, Kuriqi A, Siddiqui S, Gagnon AS, Lu L, Linh NTT, Pham QB. 2021. Characterization of the 2014 indus river flood using hydraulic simulations and satellite images Remote Sensing, 13 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Quirós E, Gagnon AS. 2020. Validation of flood risk maps using open source optical and radar satellite imagery Transactions in GIS, 24 :1208-1226 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Everard M, Ahmed S, Gagnon AS, Kumar P, Thomas T, Sinha S, Dixon H, Sarkar S. 2020. Can nature-based solutions contribute to water security in Bhopal? Science of the Total Environment, 723 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Mpala SC, Gagnon AS, Mansell MG, Hussey SW. 2020. Modelling the water level of the alluvial aquifer of an ephemeral river in south-western Zimbabwe Hydrological Sciences Journal, 65 :1399-1415 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Sesana E, Gagnon AS, Bonazza A, Hughes JJ. 2020. An integrated approach for assessing the vulnerability of World Heritage Sites to climate change impacts Journal of Cultural Heritage, 41 :211-224 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Sesana E, Bertolin C, Gagnon AS, Hughes JJ. 2019. Mitigating climate change in the cultural built heritage sector Climate, 7 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Roy I, Gagnon AS, Siingh D. 2019. Evaluating ENSO teleconnections using observations and CMIP5 models Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 136 :1085-1098 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Sesana E, Gagnon AS, Bertolin C, Hughes J. 2018. Adapting cultural heritage to climate change risks: Perspectives of cultural heritage experts in europe Geosciences (Switzerland), 8 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Fazey I, Moug P, Allen S, Beckmann K, Blackwood D, Bonaventura M, Burnett K, Danson M, Falconer R, Gagnon AS, Harkness R, Hodgson A, Holm L, Irvine KN, Low R, Lyon C, Moss A, Moran C, Naylor L, O'Brien K, Russell S, Skerratt S, Rao-Williams J, Wolstenholme R. 2018. Transformation in a changing climate: a research agenda Climate and Development, 10 :197-217 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Mpala SC, Gagnon AS, Mansell MG, Hussey SW. 2016. The hydrology of sand rivers in Zimbabwe and the use of remote sensing to assess their level of saturation Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, 93 :24-36 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Afzal M, Gagnon AS, Mansell MG. 2016. The impact of the variability and periodicity of rainfall on surface water supply systems in Scotland Journal of Water and Climate Change, 7 :321-339 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Afzal M, Gagnon AS, Mansell MG. 2015. The impact of projected changes in climate variability on the reliability of surface water supply in Scotland Water Science and Technology: Water Supply, 15 :736-745 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Afzal M, Gagnon AS, Mansell MG. 2015. Changes in the variability and periodicity of precipitation in Scotland Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 119 :135-159 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Gray SRJ, Gagnon AS, Gray SA, O'Dwyer B, O'Mahony C, Muir D, Devoy RJN, Falaleeva M, Gault J. 2014. Are coastal managers detecting the problem? Assessing stakeholder perception of climate vulnerability using Fuzzy Cognitive Mapping Ocean and Coastal Management, 94 :74-89 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Kunte PD, Jauhari N, Mehrotra U, Kotha M, Hursthouse AS, Gagnon AS. 2014. Multi-hazards coastal vulnerability assessment of Goa, India, using geospatial techniques Ocean and Coastal Management, 95 :264-281 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Bruno Soares M, Gagnon AS, Doherty RM. 2012. Conceptual elements of climate change vulnerability assessments: A review International Journal of Climate Change Strategies and Management, 4 :6-35 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Soares MB, Gagnon AS. 2012. Reflecting on the challenges and barriers of performing climate change vulnerability assessments in Scotland International Journal of Global Warming, 4 :346-364 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Laidler GJ, Ford JD, Gough WA, Ikummaq T, Gagnon AS, Kowal S, Qrunnut K, Irngaut C. 2009. Travelling and hunting in a changing Arctic: Assessing Inuit vulnerability to sea ice change in Igloolik, Nunavut Climatic Change, 94 :363-397 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Jones AE, Wort UU, Morse AP, Hastings IM, Gagnon AS. 2007. Climate prediction of El Niño malaria epidemics in north-west Tanzania Malaria Journal, 6 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Gagnon AS, Gough WA. 2006. East-west asymmetry in long-term trends of landfast ice thickness in the Hudson Bay region, Canada Climate Research, 32 :177-186 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Gagnon AS, Gough WA. 2005. Trends in the dates of ice freeze-up and breakup over Hudson Bay, Canada Arctic, 58 :370-382 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Gagnon AS, Gough WA. 2005. Climate change scenarios for the Hudson Bay region: An intermodel comparison Climatic Change, 69 :269-297 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Gough WA, Gagnon AS, Lau HP. 2004. Interannual variability of hudson bay ice thickness Polar Geography, 28 :222-238 DOI Publisher Url
Gagnon AS, Smoyer-Tomic KE, Bush ABG. 2002. The El Niño Southern Oscillation and malaria epidemics in South America International Journal of Biometeorology, 46 :81-89 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Gagnon AS, Gough WA. 2002. Hydro-Climatic Trends in the Hudson Bay Region, Canada Canadian Water Resources Journal, 27 :245-262 DOI Publisher Url
Gagnon AS, Bush ABG, Smoyer-Tomic KE. 2001. Dengue epidemics and the El Nino Southern Oscillation Climate Research, 19 :35-43 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Dang NM, Vien LN, Tanim AH, Gagnon AS, Nguyen PT, Tran DA. 2024. A Framework Using Applied Process Analysis Methods to Assess Water Security in the Vu Gia – Thu Bon River Basin, Vietnam MDPI AG DOI Publisher Url
Conference publication
Anh DT, Gagnon AS, Tanim AH, Wright D, Thanh PN. 2024. Predicting future salinity variability in the Ca Mau Peninsula due to Climate Change E3S Web of Conferences, 496 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Beckett CTS, Addo IA, Owusu-Nimo F, Yakubu I, Gulen Y, Ukwizagira O, Huang Y, Gagnon AS, Brás AMA. 2024. Strength and Durability of Biostabilised Ghanaian Mud Bricks 52 :132-141 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Kaas AC, Huang Y, Beckett CTS, Gagnon AS, Bollasina MA, Ramanantoanina H, Foster HA, McKee SM, Reynolds TPS. 2021. Cyclone vulnerability of traditional timber housing in coastal regions of Madagascar World Conference on Timber Engineering 2021, WCTE 2021, Publisher Url
Muir D, Dawson AG, Gagnon AS, O'Mahony C. 2014. Vulnerability and adaptation to extreme coastal flooding: An example from the south ford area, scottish outer hebrides Coasts, Marine Structures and Breakwaters 2013: From Sea to Shore - Meeting the Challenges of the Sea, 1 :22-32 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Afzal M, Mansell MG, Gagnon AS. 2011. Trends and variability in daily precipitation in Scotland Procedia Environmental Sciences, 6 :15-26 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Gagnon A, Gough WA. 2001. Intermodal comparison of the Hudson Bay region, Canada Chylek P, Lesins G. Proceedings of the First International Conference on Global Warming and the Next Ice Age, The First International Conference on Global Warming and the Next Ice Age, :182-185 Publisher Url
Xuan TL, Ba HT, Manh HL, Tanim AH, Gagnon AS, Wright DP, Anh DT. Holistic coastal protection strategies with nature-based solution for climate change adaptation in deltaic coast Water Security and Climate Change 2022 Publisher Url Public Url
Editorial/letter to the editor
Krishan G, Mishra PK, Sahoo D, Gagnon AS. 2024. Editorial: New tools and techniques for advanced water resource management Frontiers in Earth Science, 12 DOI Publisher Url
Sahu R, Singh D, Gagnon AS, Singh PK. 2021. Geo-Intelligence-Based Approach to Investigate Temporal Changes in the Length and Surface Area and Ice Velocity of Sakchum Glacier Advances in Geographical and Environmental Sciences :213-227 Springer Singapore 9789811647673 DOI Publisher Url
Singh D, Liu S, Singh TP, Gagnon AS, Thomas T, Rai SP. 2020. Under Rapid Urbanisation and Climate Change Risks Exploring Synergies and Trade-offs Between Climate Change and the Sustainable Development Goals :213-229 DOI Publisher Url
Sesana E, Bertolin C, Loli A, Gagnon AS, Hughes J, Leissner J. 2019. Increasing the Resilience of Cultural Heritage to Climate Change Through the Application of a Learning Strategy 961 :402-423 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Gagnon A, Bruno Soares M, Doherty RM. 2015. Conceptual elements of climate change vulnerability assessments: a review New Perspectives in Climate Change :37-70 Emerald Publishing Limited. Bingley, UK 9781785608797 Publisher Url
Gagnon AS, Pankaj K, Sinha S. 2020. Water resource management and climate change adaptation in Central India Publisher Url Public Url
Gagnon AS. 2020. Water resource management & supply in Central India: report of Grassroots Field Exposure session February 2019 Publisher Url Public Url
Gagnon AS, Das L, Roy I, Saha G. 2020. Climate change impacts on freshwater availability for agriculture in Sundarbans, India: report of pump priming project Publisher Url Public Url
Das L, Gagnon AS, Roy I, Saha G. 2020. Freshwater Availability for Agriculture in Sundarbans. Variability due to changes in the summer monsoon under current and climate change conditions Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Gagnon AS, Das L, Roy I. 2019. Changes in the Indian Summer Monsoon and Agriculture in Sundarbans Publisher Url Public Url
Highlighted activities
Research Grants Awarded:
Frontiers of Development, Royal Academy of Engineering, Adaptation and self-recovery solutions for housing flooding resilience in Ghana, Ana Armada Bras (PI, LJMU); Chris Beckett, Yuner Huang and Mohit Arora, University of Edinburgh; Irene Appeaning Addo, University of Ghana; Frederick Owusu-Nimo, Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology; Ibrahim Yakubu, University for Development Studies, Grant value (£): 19605, Duration of research project: 1 year/2 months. 2020
The Natural Environment Research Council for the UK partner and the Ministry of Earth Sciences for the Indian partner, The influence of the monsoon on freshwater availability for agriculture in the Sundarbans region of West Bengal, India, under current and climate change conditions, Professor Lalu Das and Professor Gautam Saha. Department of Agricultural Meteorology and Physics, Faculty of Agriculture, Bidhan Chandra Krishi Viswavidyalaya, West Bengal, India, Grant value (£): 9987 GBP for LJMU and ₹18,00,000 for the Indian partners, Duration of research project: 5 months. 2019
The Royal Society - Resilient Futures Challenge-Led Grant, Resilience of Traditional Structures in Madagascar to Cyclones in a Changing Climate (RC3), Reynolds T. (PI), Beckett C., Huang Y., Bollasina M. (University of Edinburgh); Ramanantoanina H. (Ecole Superieure U-Magis); Andriamaro L. (Conservation International); Kiluva V. (Masinde Muliro University), Grant value (£): £537,087.70, Duration of research project: 3 years/6 months. 2019
India UK Water Centre, as represented by its host organisations the Centre for Ecology & Hydrology and the Indian Institute of Tropical Meteorology, Water Resource Management and Supply in Central India, Dr Pankaj Kumar (Indian Institute of Science Education and Research (IISER), Bhopal, India) and Dr Sumit Sinha (University of Leeds, UK), Grant value (£): 15,000, Duration of research project: 7 months. 2018
Global Challenges Research Fund (GCRF) Frontier of Development Tranche 1 of the Royal Academy of Engineering, Resilience of cultural heritage to climate change in Southeast Asia, Bùi Quang Thành (Vietnam National University of Science), Witiya Pittungnapoo (Naresuan University), Ronald Twongyirwe (Mbarara University of Science and Technology), John Hughes (University of the West of Scotland), Grant value (£): 20,000, Duration of research project: 1 year. 2018
Royal Academy of Engineering, The Resilience of the Built Environment of Madagascar to Cyclones in a Changing Climate (REBEC), Huang Y., Beckett C., Reynolds T. (University of Edinburgh); Ramanantoanina H. (University Magis, Madagascar); Olweny M.R.O. (Uganda Martyrs University); Kiluva V.M. (Masinde Muliro University of Science and Technology, Kenya), Grant value (£): 20000, Duration of research project: 1 year. 2018
Professional activities
External committees:
UKRI Future Leaders Fellowships (FLF) scheme - Round 9 Sift Panel, UKRI Future Leaders Fellowships (FLF) scheme, My role involved introducing proposals to the panel, assessing them, and moderating the peer review reports and the PI responses.. 2025
Climate Change Research Group, Royal Geographical Society (with IBG), Secretary, https://www.rgs.org/research/research-groups/. 2024
Assessment Panel Meeting for Cultural Heritage Research Translated Into Climate Change Policy, Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC), Panellist. 2024
UKRI Future Leaders Fellowships (FLF) scheme - Round 8 Sift Panel, UKRI Future Leaders Fellowships (FLF) scheme, My role involved introducing proposals to the panel, assessing them, and moderating the peer review reports and the PI responses. Then, I interviewed the short-listed candidates and acted as deputy chair of the panel.. 2024
International conference on ‘Climate Change, Disaster Management and Environment Sustainability’, Department of Geography, Jamia Millia Islamia University, New Delhi, India, International Advisory Committee. 2024
Team Research Project program in natural sciences, mathematics and engineering led by established researchers from Quebec (Comité multidisciplinaire CEM B.2 Environnement), Fonds de de recherche du Québec – Nature et technologies (FRQNT)., Grant evaluation committee member, https://frq.gouv.qc.ca/programme/projet-de-recherche-en-equipe-2/. 2023
The Sea and Society, Liverpool Institute for Sustainable Coasts and Oceans (LISCO), Theme leader and steering group committee members, https://www.liverpool.ac.uk/liverpool-sustainable-coasts-and-oceans/. 2023
Resilient UK Coastal Communities and Seas Outline Assessment Panel, UKRI Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC), Panel member. My role included reading seven outline proposals, assessing them, and introducing them to the panel. The proposals were then ranked during the panel meeting to select those from PIs who will be invited to submit a full proposal.. 2023
UKRI Talent Panel College, UK Research and Innovation (UKRI), Member. My duties include participating in panels run by the UKRI Talent team, including the Future Leaders Fellowships and Innovation Scholars schemes.. 2022
Climate Change Research Group, Royal Geographical Society with IBG, Events Coordinator, https://www.rgs.org/research/research-groups/. 2020
Geospatial Conclave on ‘Application of Geospatial Technology in Water Resource Management’, The Centre for Applied Geoinformatics of the South Asian Institute for Advanced Research and Development, Advisory board member. 2020
International Conference on Water Resources, Climate Change and Sustainability, Hyderabad, India, Centre for Sustainable Development of the Institute of Public Enterprise and South Asian Institute for Advanced Research and Development, Advisory board member, http://saiard.co.in/wp-content/uploads/2019/06/IPE-SAIARD_International-Conference-Brochure_2019.pdf. 2019
Panel membership for the 'Understanding of the Impacts of Hydrometeorological Hazards in South East Asia' research programme, Natural Environment Research Council (NERC), Panel member, https://nerc.ukri.org/funding/application/assessment/panelmembership/. 2018
Advisory Board, South Asian Institute for Advanced Research and Development (SAIARD), International Advisory Board Member, http://saiard.co.in/.
Research and Innovation Committee, Scottish Alliance for Geoscience, Environment and Society (SAGES), Leader of the 'Transformations in Society and Environmental Policy' theme, https://www.sages.ac.uk/.
Editorial boards:
Scientific Reports, Editorial Board Member, https://www.nature.com/srep/. 2025
International Journal of Climate Change Strategies and Management, Editorial Advisory Board member, https://www.emeraldgrouppublishing.com/journal/ijccsm. 2024
Journal of Environmental Issues and Climate Change, Editorial Board member, https://rcsdevelopment.org/index.php/JEICC/index. 2022
Frontiers in Earth Science, Topic Editor, https://www.frontiersin.org/research-topics/37158/new-tools-and-techniques-to-advance-water-resource-management?utm_source=F-RTM&utm_medium=TED1&utm_campaign=PRD_TED1_T1_RT-TITLE. 2022
Frontiers in Climate, Editorial Board member as Review Editor (Climate Services subsection), https://www.frontiersin.org/journals/climate. 2021
Heritage, Guest Editor, Special Issue "Built Heritage Conservation and Climate Change", https://www.mdpi.com/journal/heritage/special_issues/heritage_built_climate. 2020
Other invited event:
EU TalentOn European Union Contest for early-career researchers, University of Silesia, Katowice, Poland, Expert on Adaptation to Climate Change for this flagship event as part of the celebration of the title European City of Science 2024 (ESCK 2024) received by the City of Katowice. It is a competition for young scientists (21-35 years old) from 39 European countries. Responsibility included evaluating the participants' proposals and pitches as a jury member.. 2024
Climate Emergency and Cultural Heritage in Iraq, Online, Invited talk titled: "Climate change and Cultural Heritage: Relationships, State of Knowledge and Research Priorities" to The Nahrein Network, University Collge London. 2023
Annual General Meeting of the Climate Change Research Group of the Royal Geographical Society, Online, Invited talk titled: The evolving role of a climate geographer, a personal experience.. 2023
Climate Change Focus Group, Online, Focus group on technology in Climate Change courses organised by Cambridge University Press. 2023
Fourth 2-Week Refresher Course in Disaster Management, Jamia Millia Islamia University, New Delhi, India, Invited lecture titled: "Characterising the risk of cyclonic disasters and adaptation to increase resilience", as part of a refresher course in disaster management between July 22 and August 4. 2022
Hydrological Extremes: Modeling and Mitigation Measures, Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Roorkee, India, Invited lecture titled: "Changes in drought characteristics and coping strategies in monsoonal climates" for a webinar organised by the Department of Water Resources Development and Management and the Department of Civil Engineering, both from IIT Roorkee, and the School of Energy, Geoscience, Infrastructure and Society (EGIS), Heriot-Watt University, UK, on October 27-29. 2021
COP26 roundtable on Cities, Adaptation and Resilience, Online, Participant in a roundtable organised by the British Academy, bringing together scholars, practitioners, policymakers and businesses and civil society organisations to explore adaptation and resilience in cities. 2021
Seminario Internacional de Paisaje Cultura “Paisajes que construyen Paisajes”. Segunda Jornada - Cambio Climático, Patrimonio Cultural y Comunidad, Bogota, Colombia, Invited talk by Ministry of Culture of Colombia titled: "Impacto del cambio climático en el patrimonio cultural: estado de conocimiento y progresos en la adaptación en los sitios patrimonio mundial [Climate change impacts on cultural heritage: State of knowledge and progress on adaptation at World Heritage Sites]". 2021
Inaugural Ceremony of the South Asian Institute for Advanced Research and Development (SAIRD) Centre for Climate Research and Studies & Internationa, Kolkata, India, Invited talk titled: "Building resilience to cyclones – current research and opportunities". 2020
International Webinar on Climate Change Impacts on Agricultural Water Resources, MNS-University of Agriculture, Multan, Pakistan, Invited presentation titled: "The potential of alluvial aquifers to meet agricultural water demand under climate change in a semi-arid climate". 2020
Faculty Development Programme on Climate Change and Hydrologic Extremes, Department of Civil Engineering and Water Institute, Karunya Institute of Technology and Sciences, Karunya Nagar, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India, Invited talk titled: "The water resource potential of the alluvial aquifers of ephemeral rivers in a changing climate". 2020
Managing and monitoring agricultural water demand. India UK Water Centre (IUKWC) Grassroot Field Exposure Session (GFES), 10th - 12th December 2018. Sunderbans and Kolkata, West Bengal, India, Participation in the first GFES through funding from the IUKWC. The session aimed to support collaboration between users and researchers in water science and promote the assimilation of local knowledge and users' experiences into research design to develop ideas for future India-UK water research. 2018
Symposium of Frontiers of Development: Inclusivity & Wellbeing: Coastal Communities in a 3°C World, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Royal Academy of Engineering. 2018
Integrating precipitation forecasts and climate predictions with basin-scale hydrological modelling in the Himalayas, Dehradun, Uttarakhand, India, Workshop of the India UK Water Centre. 2018
School of Engineering Infrastructure and Environment Institute (IIE) - Seminar, University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, UK, Invited talk to the IIE seminar series titled: "Assessing water availability now and in the future Ongoing research in Zimbabwe, Scotland and Spain". 2018
Symposium of Frontiers of Engineering for Development: Data, Knowledge Economy and Agriculture, Pretoria, South Africa, Royal Academy of Engineering. 2017
First meeting of the Europe Society for Rural Sociology (ESRS) Climate Change study group, James Hutton Institute, Aberdeen, UK, Invited Speaker. 2015
The Royal Environmental Health Institute of Scotland (REHIS) Annual Environmental Health Forum, Edinburgh, Scotland, UK, Invited speaker, paper title: "Climate change impacts on public health". 2014
SAGES Open Event, Royal Society of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, Scotland, UK, Talk titled: "Coastal adaptation to climate change and local public policy". 2012
Space and Atmospheric Physics Group Seminars, Imperial College, London, UK, Invited talk titled: "Climate change and variability in Scotland: From Predictability to community adaptation". 2010
El Niño, climate prediction, and the US Southwest, Department of Agronomy and Horticulture New Mexico State University Las Cruces, New Mexico, U.S.A., Invited talk. 2005
Public engagement:
Public talk or lecture, general public, Organiser, Royal Geographical Society, London, What’s in store for UK climate policy in the next five years?, In light of the UK Climate Change Strategy running 2021-2024 and a refresh expected, this event provided an opportunity to reflect on the state of UK climate policy, highlight achievements of the past five years and discuss priorities moving forward. The event began with a keynote from The Rt. Hon. The Lord Deben, Former Chair of the Climate Change Committee, and reflections from three other panellists, including Kerry McCarthy, Labour MP for Bristol East and Shadow Minister for Climate Change, Prof. Carly McLachlan, Professor of Climate and Energy Policy, Director of Tyndall Manchester, Dr Donal Brown, Director of UK Programmes, Ashden, and was followed by a panel discussion., https://www.rgs.org/. 2024
Other, Members of the Indian UK Water Centre, Webinar, Invited speaker, Wallingford, UK and Roorke, India, Sundarbans – The case of ‘water, water everywhere but not a drop to drink’?, https://iukwc.org/webinar-sundarbans-%E2%80%93-case-%E2%80%98water-water-everywhere-not-drop-drink%E2%80%99. 2020
Public talk or lecture, wider public, Invited Speaker, Part of the Galilean Society monthly science talks, which aim to promote science to the general public., The Mitchell Library, Glasgow, Scotland, United Kingdom, Science talk titled: "Vulnerability and adaptation to climate change in Scotland: Case studies from the water and coastal management sectors", http://lecturelist.org/content/view_speaker/14240. 2013
Public talk or lecture, wider public, invited speaker, Daliburgh, South Uist, Outer Hebrides, Scotland, UK, Oxfam Climate hearing. Talk titled: "Climate change and South Uist". 2009
Public talk or lecture, wider public, invited speaker, Geneva and Basel, Switzerland, Café Scientifique - Climate Change and Public Health.
Conference organisation:
Mapping the Landscape of Climate Geography, A workshop organised and funded by the Climate Change Research Group of the Royal Geographical Society, Co-organiser and session facilitator. 2022
3rd International Conference on Sustainable Development Initiatives in South East Asia, Member of organising committee, https://gocharsociety.org/new/. 2022
India UK Water Centre (IUKWC) User Engagement Initiative (UEI) Water Resource Management and Supply in Central India, UK Activity Lead, https://iukwc.org/iukwc-uei-2-water-resource-management-supply-central-india. 2019
India UK Water Centre (IUKWC) Grassroots Field Exposure Session (GFES). Water Resource Management and Supply in Central India., UK Activity Lead, https://iukwc.org/iukwc-gfes-3-water-resource-management-supply-central-india. 2019
Conference presentation:
Optimizing resilience of winter wheat to a changing climate in North Kashmir, India, RMetS Climate Change Forum - A Vision for 2050 and Implications for Action, London, UK, Poster presentation. 2022
Characterising the water supply potential of ephemeral sand rivers in southern Africa using remote sensing and hydrological modelling., 22nd WaterNet/WARFSA/GWP-SA Symposium, Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe, Oral presentation. 2021
Biological methods to increase housing resilience to flooding, World Resources Forum 2021, Switzerland, Ghana, Online, Oral presentation. 2021
Climate change and the sustainability of livelihoods in the Indian Sundarbans, Sustainable livelihoods: Water, Climate Change, and Geo-Spatial Development, Hyderabad, India, Oral presentation. 2021
Adaptive capacity of the residential construction sector of Madagascar to cyclones under climate change, Adaptation Futures 2020, 6th International Climate Change Adaptation Conference, New Delhi, India, Poster presentation. 2021
Characterising the risk of the traditional residential infrastructure of Madagascar to changing cyclonic winds using the IPCC approach, RGS-IBG Annual International Conference, London, UK, Oral presentation. 2021
Climatic and anthropogenic influences on freshwater availability in Sundarbans, India, 34th International Geographical Congress, Istanbul, Turkey, Oral presentation. 2021
Building resilience to cyclones - current research and opportunities, International e-Conference on Possibilities & Prospects of Climate Research & Studies in the Contemporary Era, Kolkata, India, Oral presentation. 2020
Vulnerability and Adaptation to Climate Change – Application of Concepts to Cultural Heritage, Newton Fund Researcher Links Regional Workshop: Flood Resilient Planning Strategies for Cultural Heritage in Southeast Asia. British Council and Thailand Research Fund, Bangkok, Thailand, Oral presentation. 2019
Spectral analyses of low flow time series in the UK and links with atmospheric circulation indices, India-UK Water Centre (IUKWC) Workshop: Advancing drought monitoring, prediction, and management capabilities, Lancaster, United Kingdom, Oral presentation. 2018
Climate variability and its influence on the resilience of water resources: Examples from Scotland, The influence of weather and climate variability on water resources management. Joint workshop organised by the EPSRC networks ReCoVER (Research in Change of Variability and Environmental Risk) and BRIM (Building Resilience into Risk Management), Exeter, United Kingdom, Oral presentation. 2017
Benefits of a bottom-up approach in assessing vulnerability to climate change and inform the adaptation process: reflections from Scotland and Ireland, 47th Conference of Irish Geographers, Belfast, Northern Ireland, Oral presentation. 2015
Coastal vulnerability, Royal Geographical Society (with IBG) Annual International Conference, Edinburgh, Scotland, UK, Oral presentation. 2012
How can we best understand society as part of the global system?, Royal Geographical Society (with IBG) Annual International Conference, Edinburgh, Scotland, UK, Oral presentation. 2012
Concept of vulnerability and adaptive capacity., CoastAdapt Conference: The Sea as Our Neighbour: Adapting to Climate Change by Coastal Communities and Habitats on Europe’s Northern Periphery, Daliburgh (South Uist, Outer Hebrides), Scotland, UK, Oral presentation. 2012
Climate change adaptation in the tourism sector: Case studies in the Scottish Highlands, Royal Geographical Society (with IBG) Annual International Conference, London, UK, Oral presentation. 2010
Environmental pressure and adaptive capacity to climate change: Case studies in the Scottish Highlands and Islands, Association of American Geographers Annual Meeting, Washington, D.C., U.S.A., Oral presentation. 2010
Adaptation to climate change by communities in the northern peripheral regions of Europe, The World Climate Conference-3 (WCC-3), Geneva, Switzerland, Oral presentation. 2009
External PGR examinations performed:
Indian Institute of Science Education and Research (IISER), Bhopal, PhD, Understanding drought dynamics and variability over India in the changing climate scenario with uncertainty assessment. 2021
Universidad de Extremadura, PhD, Aplicaciones de la teledetección en la modelización hidrológica. 2021
Research Grants Awarded:
Frontiers of Development, Royal Academy of Engineering, Adaptation and self-recovery solutions for housing flooding resilience in Ghana, Ana Armada Bras (PI, LJMU); Chris Beckett, Yuner Huang and Mohit Arora, University of Edinburgh; Irene Appeaning Addo, University of Ghana; Frederick Owusu-Nimo, Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology; Ibrahim Yakubu, University for Development Studies, Grant value (£): 19605, Duration of research project: 1 year/2 months. 2020
The Natural Environment Research Council for the UK partner and the Ministry of Earth Sciences for the Indian partner, The influence of the monsoon on freshwater availability for agriculture in the Sundarbans region of West Bengal, India, under current and climate change conditions, Professor Lalu Das and Professor Gautam Saha. Department of Agricultural Meteorology and Physics, Faculty of Agriculture, Bidhan Chandra Krishi Viswavidyalaya, West Bengal, India, Grant value (£): 9987 GBP for LJMU and ₹18,00,000 for the Indian partners, Duration of research project: 5 months. 2019
The Royal Society - Resilient Futures Challenge-Led Grant, Resilience of Traditional Structures in Madagascar to Cyclones in a Changing Climate (RC3), Reynolds T. (PI), Beckett C., Huang Y., Bollasina M. (University of Edinburgh); Ramanantoanina H. (Ecole Superieure U-Magis); Andriamaro L. (Conservation International); Kiluva V. (Masinde Muliro University), Grant value (£): £537,087.70, Duration of research project: 3 years/6 months. 2019
India UK Water Centre, as represented by its host organisations the Centre for Ecology & Hydrology and the Indian Institute of Tropical Meteorology, Water Resource Management and Supply in Central India, Dr Pankaj Kumar (Indian Institute of Science Education and Research (IISER), Bhopal, India) and Dr Sumit Sinha (University of Leeds, UK), Grant value (£): 15,000, Duration of research project: 7 months. 2018
Global Challenges Research Fund (GCRF) Frontier of Development Tranche 1 of the Royal Academy of Engineering, Resilience of cultural heritage to climate change in Southeast Asia, Bùi Quang Thành (Vietnam National University of Science), Witiya Pittungnapoo (Naresuan University), Ronald Twongyirwe (Mbarara University of Science and Technology), John Hughes (University of the West of Scotland), Grant value (£): 20,000, Duration of research project: 1 year. 2018
Royal Academy of Engineering, The Resilience of the Built Environment of Madagascar to Cyclones in a Changing Climate (REBEC), Huang Y., Beckett C., Reynolds T. (University of Edinburgh); Ramanantoanina H. (University Magis, Madagascar); Olweny M.R.O. (Uganda Martyrs University); Kiluva V.M. (Masinde Muliro University of Science and Technology, Kenya), Grant value (£): 20000, Duration of research project: 1 year. 2018
External PGR Supervision - completed students:
University of the West of Scotland, PhD, Vulnerability and adaptation of cultural heritage to climate change. 2019
University of the West of Scotland, PhD, The hydrogeological characterisation of alluvial aquifers in Zimbabwe and hydrological measurements. 2019
University of the West of Scotland, PhD, The influence of environmental factors and land use on the incidence of water-borne diseases in Scotland. 2018
University of the West of Scotland, PhD, Changes in climate variability in Scotland and its effects on the vulnerability of water supply systems. 2015
University of the West of Scotland, PhD, Performing climate change vulnerability assessments at the local level in Scotland: Challenges, analytical trade-offs, and implications for local adaptation. 2013
University of Aberdeen, PhD, Towards understanding the potential predictability of Scottish Climate. 2013
External collaboration:
http://dabane.org/, Dabane Trust, Dr Stephen Hussey.
http://home.iiserb.ac.in/~kumarp/index.html, Indian Institute of Science Education and Research, Bhopal, Dr Pankaj Kumar.
http://www.nihroorkee.gov.in/about-nih/human-resource-er-sheet/gopal-krishan, National Institute of Hydrology, Roorkee, Dr Gopal Krishan.
http://www.nihroorkee.gov.in/about-nih/human-resource-er-sheet/t-thomas, National Institute of Hydrology, Central India Hydrology Regional Centre, Dr T. Thomas.
https://research.vlu.edu.vn/persons/tran-anh-duong-47, Laboratory of Environmental Sciences and Climate Change, Institute for Computational Science and Artificial Intelligence, Van Lang University, Duong Tran Anh.
https://research-portal.uws.ac.uk/en/persons/john-hughes, School of Computing, Engineering and Physical Sciences, University of the West of Scotland, Dr John Hughes.
https://research-portal.uws.ac.uk/en/persons/kathryn-burnett, University of the West of Scotland, Dr Kathryn Burnett.
https://sig.ac.in/, Symbiosis Institute of Geo-informatics. Symbiosis International University, Dr Dharmaveer Singh.
https://www.bckv.edu.in/, Bidhan Chandra Krishi Viswavidyalaya, Professor Lalu Das.
https://www.dundee.ac.uk/people/alistair-geddes, University of Dundee, Dr Alistair Geddes.
https://www.ed.ac.uk/geosciences/people?person=3627, School of Geosciences, University of Edinburgh, Dr Massimo Bollasina.
https://www.eng.ed.ac.uk/research/institutes/iie, Institute for Infrastructure & Environment, School of Engineering, University of Edinburgh, Drs Christopher Beckett, Yuner Huang and Thomas Reynolds.
https://www.karunya.edu/civil, Karunya Institute of Technology and Sciences, Professor J. Brema.
https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Hong-Quan_Nguyen, Center of Water Management and Climate Change, Institute for Environment and Resources, Vietnam National University - Ho Chi Minh City, Assoc. Prof. Hong Quan Nguyen.
https://www.uexternado.edu.co/estudios-del-patrimonio-cultural/docentes/paula-jimena-matiz/, Universidad Externado de Colombia, Dr Paula Jimena Matiz López.
https://www.unex.es/conoce-la-uex/departamentos/ficha_personal?idDpto=Y016&personal=1&idPro=equiros, Escuela Politécnica, Universidad de Extremadura, Dr Elia Quirós Rosado.
https://www.unigoa.ac.in/faculty/mahender-kotha.html, School of Earth, Ocean and Atmospheric Sciences, Goa University, Professor Mahender Kotha.
Fellow, Royal Geographical Society.
Fellow, Royal Meteorological Society.
Member, American Meteorological Society, https://www.ametsoc.org/index.cfm/ams/.