Image of Christine Hamilton

Christine Hamilton

School of Biological and Environmental Sciences

Faculty of Science

PhD Research:

Future vulnerability and resilience of coastal landscapes, and their associated communities, infrastructure and nature conservation interests, is of increasing concern due to the combined effects of climate change and sea-level rise. Coastal stratigraphy can be used to extend knowledge of coastal change. Improving understanding of the long-term processes controlling the natural signal of coastal change is beneficial for management decisions.

My PhD research uses the Suffolk coast (UK) as a case study to reconstruct coastline evolution during the mid-to-late Holocene. Using the sediment sequences from the enclosed valleys and wetlands of Suffolk I aim to produce data recording relative sea-level changes, sediment supply and storm incidence to enhance understanding of the long-term controls on coastal system behaviour.


2014, Durham University, UK, M.Sc. Geography (by Research)
2013, University of Bristol, UK, B.Sc. Geography
