Prof Claudia Mettke-Hofmann
School of Biological and Environmental Sciences
Faculty of Science
Email: C.C.Mettke-Hofmann@ljmu.ac.uk
Telephone: 0151 231 2247
Research interests
My research field is the ‘Evolution of Cognitive Abilities in Birds’ with a strong interest in the interaction between behaviour and ecology, particularly cognitive ecology. I investigate how evolutionary forces such as ecological factors, social organization, and life-style have shaped information gathering, learning, and memory on the species, population and individual (personality traits) level. My research involves basic as well as applied research (animal welfare, conservation). I use cost/benefit considerations to predict cognitive differences on the species to the individual level and integrate behavioural and physiological methods.
Study animals:
I have worked with a variety of parrot species (>80 species) and, more recently, with old-world (warblers, tits, chats) and new-world songbirds (icterids). Currently, the Gouldian finch is my study subject.
Research projects
• Personality traits in relation to colour polymorphism in the Gouldian finch
• Neophobia in Gouldian finches
• Background preferences in Gouldian finches
• Assessing habitat requirements of the strongly declining Rusty blackbird
• Feather conditions in young corvids
Current PGR students:
• Georgina R. Eccles: Habituation processes in neophobia reactions
• Alexandra R. Hawthorn: Investigation into the causes of bad feather condition in young corvids admitted to Rehabilitation Centres
Former PGR students:
• Yvette L. Foulds (MPhil): The effectiveness of mixed species aviaries in terms of bird breeding and survival within zoological collections.
• Leah J. Williams (PhD): Leadership and personality traits in the Gouldian finch (Erythrura gouldiae); in collaboration with Dr. Andrew J. King, Department of Bioscience, College of Science, Swansea University, Swansea, UK (funded by the School of Natural Sciences & Psychology with HEFCE research allocation)
• Madeleine Scriba (PhD; external supervisor): Sleep and learning in birds; Max Planck Institute for Ornithology, Avian Sleep Group, Seewiesen, Germany; and Department of Ecology and Evolution, University of Lausanne, Switzerland
• Christina Stanley (PhD; external supervisor): A Study of Equid Sociality: its structure, complexity and the influence of individuals; School of Earth, Atmospheric and Environmental Sciences, Manchester University
• Zoltan Nemeth (PhD; external supervisor): Information acquisition and sociality among migratory birds. Department of Biological Sciences, University of Southern Mississippi, USA
1993, Free University of Berlin, Germany, PhD
1990, Free University of Berlin, Germany, Diploma (equiv. to Master) in Biology
2010, Liverpool John Moores University, United Kingdom, Postgraduate Certificate for Teaching and Learning in Higher Education
Academic appointments
Reader in Animal Behaviour, School of Natural Sciences & Psychology, Liverpool John Moores University, 2014 - present
Senior Lecturer in Animal Behaviour, School of Natural Sciences & Psychology, Liverpool John Moores University, 2007 - 2014
Research Scientist, Conservation Biology, Smithsonian Institution (SI), 2007 - 2007
Smithsonian Research Associate, Conservation Biology, Smithsonian Institution (SI), 2006 - 2012
Scientific Research position, Biological Rhythms & Behaviour, Max Planck Institute for Ornithology (MPG), 2005 - 2006
Smithsonian Fellowship, Conservation Biology, Smithsonian Institution (SI), 2004 - 2005
Scientific Research position, Biological Rhythms & Behaviour, Max Planck Institute for Ornithology (MPG), 2000 - 2004
Postgraduate training
Postdoctoral Fellow, Germany, Max Planck Reseach Centre for Ornithology, 1997 - 1999
Postdoctoral Fellow, Germany, Free University of Berlin, 1994 - 1997
Highlighted publications
Perkovic K, Mettke-Hofmann C. 2018. Colour polymorphic Gouldian finches avoid complex backgrounds but prefer simple camouflage colours over white backgrounds Applied Animal Behaviour Science, DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Stanley CR, Mettke-Hofmann C, Preziosi R. 2017. Personality in the Cockroach (Diploptera punctate): Evidence for Stability Across Developmental Stages Despite Age Effects on Boldness PLoS ONE, 12 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Nilsson ALK, Nilsson J-A, Mettke-Hofmann C. 2016. Energy Reserves, Information Need and a Pinch of Personality Determine Decision-Making on Route in Partially Migratory Blue Tits PLoS One, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
King AJ, Williams LJ, Mettke-Hofmann C. 2014. The effects of social conformity on Gouldian finch personality Animal Behaviour, 99 :25-31 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Journal article
Hofmann G, Mettke-Hofmann C. 2025. Conspicuous Animals Remain Alert When Under Cover but Do Not Differ in the Temporal Course of Vigilance from Less Conspicuous Species Animals, 15 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Hofmann G, Mettke-Hofmann C. 2024. Watch out! High vigilance at small waterholes when alone in open trees Tubelis DP. PLoS One, 19 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Larousse O, Mettke-Hofmann C. 2024. Salience Beats Individual Cue Preferences Birds, 5 :115-126 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Moise R, Eccles G, Mettke-Hofmann C. 2023. Enclosure Background Preferences Differ between Sexes and Color Morphs in the Gouldian Finch Animals, 13 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Mettke-Hofmann C. 2022. When to return to normal? Temporal dynamics of vigilance in four situations Birds, 4 :1-14 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Mettke-Hofmann C. 2022. Is vigilance a personality trait? Plasticity is key alongside some contextual consistency Lutermann HEIKE. PLoS One, 17 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Mettke-Hofmann C. 2021. Morph Composition Matters in the Gouldian Finch (Chloebia gouldiae): Involvement of Red-Headed Birds Increases Vigilance Birds, 2 :404-414 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Eccles GR, Bethell EJ, Greggor AL, Mettke-Hofmann C. 2021. Individual Variation in Dietary Wariness Is Predicted by Head Color in a Specialist Feeder, the Gouldian Finch Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, 9 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Mettke-Hofmann C, Eccles G, Greggor A, Bethell EJ. 2020. Cognition in a changing world: Red-headed Gouldian finches enter spatially unfamiliar habitats more readily than do black-headed birds Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, 8 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
O'Reilly AO, Hofmann G, Mettke-Hofmann C. 2019. Gouldian finches are followers with black-headed females taking the lead PLoS ONE, 14 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Perkovic K, Mettke-Hofmann C. 2018. Colour polymorphic Gouldian finches avoid complex backgrounds but prefer simple camouflage colours over white backgrounds Applied Animal Behaviour Science, DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Braun MP, Reinschnidt M, Datzmann T, Waugh D, Zamora R, Haebich A, Neves L, Gerlach H, Arndt T, Mettke-Hofmann C, Sauer-Guerth H, Wink M. 2017. Influences of oceanic islands and the Pleistocene on the biogeography and evolution of two groups of Australasian parrots (Aves: Psittaciformes: Eclectus roratus, Trichoglossus haematodus complex). Rapid evolution and implications for taxonomy and conservation European Journal of Ecology, 3 :47-66 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Stanley CR, Mettke-Hofmann C, Hager R, Shultz S. 2017. Social stability in semi-feral ponies: networks show inter-annual stability alongside seasonal flexibility Animal Behaviour, 136 :175-184 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Stanley CR, Mettke-Hofmann C, Preziosi R. 2017. Personality in the Cockroach (Diploptera punctate): Evidence for Stability Across Developmental Stages Despite Age Effects on Boldness PLoS ONE, 12 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Scriba MF, Gasparini J, Jacquin L, Mettke-Hofmann C, Rattenborg NC, Roulin A. 2016. The effect of food quality during growth on spatial memory consolidation in adult pigeons Journal of Experimental Biology, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Nilsson ALK, Nilsson J-A, Mettke-Hofmann C. 2016. Energy Reserves, Information Need and a Pinch of Personality Determine Decision-Making on Route in Partially Migratory Blue Tits PLoS One, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Mettke-Hofmann CCP. 2016. Avian movements in a modern world - cognitive challenges Animal Cognition, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Mettke-Hofmann C, Hamel PB, Hofmann G, Zenzal TJ, Pellegrini A, Malpass J, Garfinkel M, Schiff N, Greenberg R. 2015. Competition and habitat quality influence age and sex distribution in wintering rusty blackbirds. PLoS One, 10 :1-17 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
King AJ, Williams LJ, Mettke-Hofmann C. 2014. The effects of social conformity on Gouldian finch personality Animal Behaviour, 99 :25-31 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Mettke-Hofmann C. 2014. Cognitive ecology – ecological factors, life-styles and cognition WIREs Cognitive Science, 5 :345-360 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Scriba MF, Harmening WM, Mettke-Hofmann C, Vyssotski AL, Roulin A, Wagner H, Rattenborg NC. 2013. Evaluation of two minimally invasive techniques for electroencephalogram recording in wild or freely behaving animals. J Comp Physiol A Neuroethol Sens Neural Behav Physiol, 199 :183-189 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Mettke-Hofmann C, Winkler H, Hamel PB, Greenberg R. 2013. Migratory New World blackbirds (icterids) are more neophobic than closely related resident icterids. PLoS One, 8 :e57565 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Mettke-Hofmann CCP, Wink M, Braun M, Winkler H. 2012. Residency and a broad feeding spectrum are related to extensive spatial exploration in parrots Behavioral Ecology, 6 :1365-1375 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Williams LJ, King AJ, Mettke-Hofmann C. 2012. Colourful characters: head colour reflects personality in a social bird, the Gouldian finch, Erythrura gouldiae ANIMAL BEHAVIOUR, 84 :159-165 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Williams LJ, King AJ, Mettke-Hofmann C. 2012. Colourful characters: Head colour reflects personality in a social bird, the Gouldian finch, Erythrura gouldiae Animal Behaviour, 84 :159-165 DOI
Mettke-Hofmann C. 2012. The effect of head colour and age on personality traits in a social setting. Ethology, 118 :906-916
Mettke-Hofmann C. 2012. Head Colour and Age Relate to Personality Traits in Gouldian Finches Ethology, 118 :906-916 DOI Publisher Url
Sueur C, King AJ, Conradt L, Kerth G, Lusseau D, Mettke-Hofmann C, Schaffner CM, Williams L, Zinner D, Aureli F. 2011. Collective decision-making and fission-fusion dynamics: a conceptual framework OIKOS, 120 :1608-1617 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Greenberg R, Demarest D, Matsuoka S, Mettke-Hofmann C, Droege S, Evers D, Hamel PB, Hodgman TP, Luscier J. 2011. Understanding declines in Rusty blackbirds (Euphagus carolinus). Journal of Avian Biology, 41 :107-125
Sueur C, King AJ, Conradt L, Kerth G, Lusseau D, Mettke-Hofmann C, Schaffner CM, Williams L, Zinner D, Aureli F. 2011. Collective decision-making and fission-fusion dynamics: a conceptual framework OIKOS, 120 :1608-1617
Barnard W, Mettke-Hofmann C, Matsuoka S. 2010. Prevalence of hematozoa infections among breeding and wintering Rusty Blackbirds. Condor, 112 :849-853 DOI Publisher Url
Edmonds ST, Evers DC, O Driscoll NJ, Mettke-Hofmann C, Powell L, Cristol D, McGann AJ, Armiger JW, Lane O, Tessler D, Newell P. 2010. Geographic and seasonal variation in mercury exposure of the declining Rusty Blackbird Condor, 112 :789-799 DOI Publisher Url
Hobson KA, Greenberg R, van Wilgenburg S, Mettke-Hofmann C. 2010. Migratory connectivity in the Rusty Blackbird (Euphagus carolinus) in North America. Isotopic evidence from feathers of historic and contemporary specimens Condor, 112 :778-788 DOI Publisher Url
Mettke-Hofmann C, Sinclair P, Hamel PB, Greenberg R. 2010. Implications of prebasic and a previously undescribed prealternate molt on aging Rusty Blackbirds Condor, 112 :854-861 DOI Publisher Url
Mettke-Hofmann C, Lorentzen S, Schlicht E, Schneider J, Werner F. 2009. Spatial Neophilia and Spatial Neophobia in Resident and Migratory Warblers (Sylvia) Ethology, 115 :482-492 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Mettke-Hofmann C. 2007. Context-specific neophilia and its consequences for innovations Behavioral & Brain Sciences, 30 :419-420 DOI Publisher Url
Mettke-Hofmann C. 2007. Object exploration of garden and Sardinian warblers peaks in spring. Ethology, 113 :174-182 DOI Publisher Url
Mettke-Hofmann C, Rowe K, Hayden T, Canoine V. 2006. Effects of experience and object complexity on exploration in garden warblers (Sylvia borin). Journal of Zoology, 268 :405-413 DOI Publisher Url
Mettke-Hofmann C, Ebert C, Schmidt T, Steiger S, Stieb S. 2005. Personality traits in resident and migratory warbler species. Behaviour, 142 :1357-1375 DOI Publisher Url
Mettke-Hofmann C, Wink M, Winkler H, Leisler B. 2005. Exploration of environmental changes relates to lifestyle Behavioral Ecology, 16 :247-254 DOI Publisher Url
Mettke-Hofmann C, Gwinner E. 2004. Differential assessment of environmental information in a migratory and a non-migratory passerine Animal Behaviour, 68 :1079-1086 DOI Publisher Url
Mettke-Hofmann C, Gwinner E. 2003. Long-term memory for a life on the move. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A, 100 :5863-5866 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Mettke-Hofmann C, Winkler H, Leisler B. 2002. The significance of ecological factors for exploration and neophobia in parrots Ethology, 108 :249-272 DOI Publisher Url
Greenberg R, Mettke-Hofmann C. 2001. Ecological aspects of neophobia and neophilia in birds Current Ornithology, 16 :119-178 DOI Publisher Url
Mettke-Hofmann C. 2000. Changes in exploration from courtship to the breeding state in red-rumped parrots (Psephotus haematonotus) Behavioural Processes, 49 :139-148 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Mettke-Hofmann C. 2000. Reactions of nomadic and resident parrot species Psittacidae to environmental enrichment at the Max-Planck-Institut. International Zoo Yearbook, 37 :244-256
METTKE‐HOFMANN C. 2000. Reactions of nomadic and resident parrot species International Zoo Yearbook, 37 :244-256 DOI Publisher Url
Miller R, Slipogor V, Caspar K, Lois-Milevicich J, Reber S, Mettke-Hofmann C, Lambert M. 2024. Evolutionary drivers of neophobia across the avian clade Center for Open Science DOI Publisher Url
Editorial/letter to the editor
Mettke-Hofmann C. 2024. Effects of Enclosure Complexity and Design on Behaviour and Physiology in Captive Animals Smith A, Rose P. Animals, 14 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Mettke-Hofmann C. 2022. Neophobia Encyclopedia of Animal Cognition and Behavior :4582-4590 Springer International Publishing 9783319550640 DOI Publisher Url
Greenberg R, Demarest DW, Matsuoka SM, Mettke-Hofmann C, Evers D, Hamel PB, Luscier J, Powell LL, Shaw D, Avery ML, Hobson KA, Blancher PJ, Niven DK. 2019. 9. Understanding Declines In Rusty Blackbirds Boreal Birds of North America :107-126 University of California Press DOI Publisher Url
Mettke-Hofmann CCP. 2017. Neophobia Vonk J, Shackelford TK. Springer International Publishing DOI Publisher Url
Mettke-Hofmann C. 2010. Learning and cognition in resident and migrant birds. Zhang W, Liu H. Behavioral and Chemical Ecology :155-172 Nova Science. New York
Mettke-Hofmann C, Greenberg R. 2005. Behavioral and cognitive adaptations to long-distance migration Greenberg R, Marra PP. Birds of two Worlds: The Ecology and Evolution of Migratory Birds :114-123 Johns Hopkins University Press
Mettke-Hofmann C, Hofmann G. 2002. Breeding success and colour of nest lining material - is there a relationship? Mettke-Hofmann C, Gansloßer U. Bird Research and Breeding :137-152 Filander Verlag. Fürth
Thaler E, Pegoraro K, Mettke-Hofmann C. 2002. The influence of controlled imprinting on the behaviour of hand-raised birds. Mettke-Hofmann C, Gansloßer U. Bird Research and Breeding :125-136 Filander Verlag. Fürth
Books (authored)
Van den Elzen R, Hofmann G, Mettke-Hofmann C. 2007. Prachtfinken Nicolai J, Steinbacher J. Ulmer Verlag. Stuttgart
Books (edited)
2002. Bird Research and Breeding Mettke-Hofmann C, Gansloßer U. Filander Verlag. Fürth
Research Grants Awarded:
Association for Species Protection, Bird Protection & Bird Breeding (AZ), Who is more vigilant: red-headed or black-headed Gouldian finches?, Grant value (£): 1,225 (Euro 1,500), Duration of research project: 6 months. 2021
Arndt publisher, Vigilance in the colour polymorphic Gouldian finch in the wild, Grant value (£): 880 (Euro 1,000), Duration of research project: 6 months. 2021
Estrilda, Vigilance in colour polymorphic Gouldian finches in the wild, Grant value (£): 440 (Euro 500), Duration of research project: 6 months. 2020
Society for Tropical Ornithology (GTO), Mix Morph Effects on Vigilance in Gourdian Finches, Grant value (£): 880 (Euro 1,000), Duration of research project: 6 months. 2020
Society for Species Conservation Bird Breeding (GAV), Who is more vigilant: red-headed or black-headed Gouldian finches?, Grant value (£): 880 (Euro 1,000), Duration of research project: 6 months. 2020
Ethological Society, Mixed morphs: effects of vigilance, Grant value (£): 1737, Duration of research project: 6 months. 2020
Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour, European Conference on Behavioural biology, Grant value (£): £1000, Duration of research project: 4 days. 2017
German Ethological Society, European Conference on Behavioural Biology, Grant value (£): £880, Duration of research project: 4 days. 2017
German Ornithologists’ Society, Does head colour predict risk-taking and vigilance in wild Gouldian finches?, Grant value (£): 2906, Duration of research project: 6 months. 2017
Society for Tropical Ornithology, Beeinflusst die Kopffarbe Risikoverhalten und Aufmerksamkeit bei der Gouldamadine?, Grant value (£): 850, Duration of research project: 6 months. 2017
Society of Species Conservation and Aviculture, Beeinflusst die Kopffarbe Risikoverhalten und Aufmerksamkeit bei der Gouldamadine?, Grant value (£): 1,674.48, Duration of research project: 6 months. 2017
Liverpool John Moores University, Personality and Personal Development Planning, David McIlroy (PI), Grant value (£): 4800, Duration of research project: 2 months. 2014
Leopold Keidel medal in gold, Association of Species Protection, Bird Protection & Bird Breeding (AZ). 2021
Smithsonian Research Associate, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, DC. 2009
Smithsonian Research Associate, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, DC. 2006
Editorial boards:
Journal 'Animals', Editorial Board member, https://www.mdpi.com/journal/animals/editors#editorialboard. 2021
PLOS ONE, Section Editor. 2014
PLoSONE, Academic Editor. 2011
Conference organisation:
European Conference on Behavioural Biology, Chair of Organising Committee, https://www.ljmu.ac.uk/conferences/ECBB. 2018
Understanding declines in the Rusty blackbird (Euphagus carolinus): An indicator of wooded wetland health, Organiser. 2006
Research and Captive Propagation in Birds, Organiser. 1998
Public engagement:
Public talk or lecture, aviculturists, invited speaker, conference takes place every three years, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia, public talk about bird breeding and science to aviculturists. 2017
Public talk or lecture, aviculturists, invited speaker, monthly meetings take place with changing speakers, Liverpool, public talk about nutrition in birds to aviculturists. 2015
Public talk or lecture, aviculturists, invited speaker, Quarterly meetings take place, Hallingbury, public talk about nutrition in birds to aviculturists. 2015
Public talk or lecture, aviculturists, invited speaker, Quarterly meetings take place with changing speakers, Bramley, Public talk about nutrition in birds to aviculturists. 2015
External PGR examinations performed:
University of Cambridge, PhD, A critical evaluation of neophobia in corvids: causes, consequences and conservation implications. 2016
University of Southern Mississippi, Nemeth Zoltan, PhD, Information Acquisition and Sociality among Migratory Birds. 2010
External PGR Supervision - completed students:
University of Manchester, PhD, Influence of kinship, social bonds and genetics on animal social structure. 2015
University of Lausanne, PhD. 2013
University of Lausanne, PhD, Learning, memory and sleep in birds. 2013
University of Southern Mississippi, PhD. 2010
External collaboration:
North of England Zoological Society, Chester Zoo, Roger Wilkinson. 2011
Faculty of Life Sciences, University of Manchester, Susanne Shultz. 2011
College of Science, Swansea University, Andrew J. King. 2010
Dept. of Biology, University of Western Ontario, Canada, Christopher G. Guglielmo. 2008
Centre for Ecological and Evolutionary Synthesis Department of Biology University of Oslo, Anna Nilsson. 2007
Canadian Wildlife Service, Saskatoon, Canada, Keith Hobson. 2005
Dept. of Biology, Tufts University, Medford, MA, USA, Michael Romero. 2004
USDA, Forest Service, Mississippi, USA, Paul B. Hamel. 2003
Smithsonian Migratory Bird Center, Washington, DC, USA, Russell Greenberg. 2000
Konrad-Lorenz Institute for Comparative Ethology, Vienna, Austria, Hans Winkler. 1994
Teaching qualification:
PGCert. 2010
External committees:
Steering Committee, International Rusty Blackbird Technical Working Group, Co-chair. 2009
PhD committee, University of Southern Mississippi, Invited external supervisor. 2004
Membership of professional bodies:
member, German Zoological Society. 2007
member, European Ornithological Union. 1997
Member, German Ornithological Society. 1992
Member, German Ethological Society. 1990
Smithsonian Fellowship, Smithsonian Migratory Bird Center, Washington DC. 2004
Postdoctoral fellowship, Max Planck Institution. 1997
Postdoctoral fellowship, German Science Foundations. 1994
PhD fellowship, German Science Foundation. 1990
Other Professional Activity:
participation in a project to outline a minimum set of competencies for scientific editors led by the Ottawa Hospital Research Institute, Canada..