Dr Danny Awty-Carroll
School of Biological and Environmental Sciences
Faculty of Science
Email: D.G.AwtyCarroll@ljmu.ac.uk
2017, Institute of Biological, Environmental and Rural Sciences, United Kingdom, PhD
2007, Aberystwyth University, United Kingdom, BSc
Academic appointments
Postdoctoral research associate, School of Biological and Environmental Sciences, Liverpool John Moores University, 2023 - present
Postdoctoral Miscanthus Breeder, IBERS, Institute of Biological, Environmental and Rural Sciences, 2017 - 2022
Highlighted publications
Awty‐Carroll D, Magenau E, Al Hassan M, Martani E, Kontek M, van der Pluijm P, Ashman C, de Maupeou E, McCalmont J, Petrie G, Davey C, van der Cruijsen K, Jurišić V, Amaducci S, Lamy I, Shepherd A, Kam J, Hoogendam A, Croci M, Dolstra O, Ferrarini A, Lewandowski I, Trindade LM, Kiesel A, Clifton‐Brown J. 2023. Yield performance of fourteen novel inter- and intra-species Miscanthus hybrids across Europe GCB Bioenergy, DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Awty-Carroll D, Hauck B, Clifton-Brown J, Robson P. 2020. Allelopathic and intraspecific growth competition effects establishment of direct sown Miscanthus GCB Bioenergy, 12 :396-409 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Ashman C, Awty-Carroll D, Mos M, Robson P, Clifton-Brown J. 2018. Assessing seed priming, sowing date, and mulch film to improve the germination and survival of direct-sown Miscanthus sinensis in the United Kingdom GCB Bioenergy, 10 :612-627 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Journal article
Awty-Carroll D, Iurato A, Scordia D, Schwarz KU, Scalici G, Robson P, Mos M, Webster R, Cosentino S, Clifton-Brown J, Shafiei R. 2024. Achieving hybridisation between Miscanthus species: Commercially-scalable methods to manipulate flowering synchronisation and maximise seed yield Industrial Crops and Products, 219 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Ashman C, Awty-Carroll D, Mos M, Kam J, Guerrini S, Calder S, Clifton-Brown J. 2023. Developing Miscanthus seed plug establishment protocols with mulch film for commercial upscaling GCB Bioenergy, 15 :746-764 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Clifton-Brown J, Hastings A, von Cossel M, Murphy-Bokern D, McCalmont J, Whitaker J, Alexopoulou E, Amaducci S, Andronic L, Ashman C, Awty-Carroll D, Bhatia R, Breuer L, Cosentino S, Cracroft-Eley W, Donnison I, Elbersen B, Ferrarini A, Ford J, Greef J, Ingram J, Lewandowski I, Magenau E, Mos M, Petrick M, Pogrzeba M, Robson P, Rowe RL, Sandu A, Schwarz KU, Scordia D, Scurlock J, Shepherd A, Thornton J, Trindade LM, Vetter S, Wagner M, Wu PC, Yamada T, Kiesel A. 2023. Perennial biomass cropping and use: Shaping the policy ecosystem in European countries GCB Bioenergy, 15 :538-558 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Magenau E, Clifton‐Brown J, Parry C, Ashman C, Awty‐Carroll D, Ferrarini A, Kontek M, Martani E, Amaducci S, Davey C, Dolstra O, Jurišić V, Kam J, Trindade LM, Lewandowski I, Kiesel A. 2023. Spring emergence and canopy development strategies in miscanthus hybrids in Mediterranean, continental and maritime European climates GCB Bioenergy, DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Awty‐Carroll D, Magenau E, Al Hassan M, Martani E, Kontek M, van der Pluijm P, Ashman C, de Maupeou E, McCalmont J, Petrie G, Davey C, van der Cruijsen K, Jurišić V, Amaducci S, Lamy I, Shepherd A, Kam J, Hoogendam A, Croci M, Dolstra O, Ferrarini A, Lewandowski I, Trindade LM, Kiesel A, Clifton‐Brown J. 2023. Yield performance of fourteen novel inter- and intra-species Miscanthus hybrids across Europe GCB Bioenergy, DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Shepherd A, Awty‐Carroll D, Kam J, Ashman C, Magenau E, Martani E, Kontek M, Ferrarini A, Amaducci S, Davey C, Jurišić V, Petrie G, Al Hassan M, Lamy I, Lewandowski I, de Maupeou E, McCalmont J, Trindade L, van der Cruijsen K, van der Pluijm P, Rowe R, Lovett A, Donnison I, Kiesel A, Clifton‐Brown J, Hastings A. 2023. Novel Miscanthus hybrids: Modelling productivity on marginal land in Europe using dynamics of canopy development determined by light interception GCB Bioenergy, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Magenau E, Clifton-Brown J, Awty-Carroll D, Ashman C, Ferrarini A, Kontek M, Martani E, Roderick K, Amaducci S, Davey C, Jurišić V, Kam J, Trindade LM, Lewandowski I, Kiesel A. 2022. Site impacts nutrient translocation efficiency in intraspecies and interspecies miscanthus hybrids on marginal lands GCB Bioenergy, 14 :1035-1054 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Wu PC, Ashman C, Awty-Carroll D, Robson P, Clifton-Brown J. 2022. Optimizing seed-based Miscanthus plug plant production with supplemental heat and light, compost type and volume GCB Bioenergy, 14 :624-638 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Awty-Carroll D, Hauck B, Clifton-Brown J, Robson P. 2020. Allelopathic and intraspecific growth competition effects establishment of direct sown Miscanthus GCB Bioenergy, 12 :396-409 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Awty-Carroll D, Ravella S, Clifton-Brown J, Robson P. 2020. Using a Taguchi DOE to investigate factors and interactions affecting germination in Miscanthus sinensis Scientific Reports, 10 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Clifton-Brown J, Schwarz KU, Awty-Carroll D, Iurato A, Meyer H, Greef J, Gwyn J, Mos M, Ashman C, Hayes C, Huang L, Norris J, Rodgers C, Scordia D, Shafiei R, Squance M, Swaller T, Youell S, Cosentino S, Flavell R, Donnison I, Robson P. 2019. Breeding strategies to improve Miscanthus as a sustainable source of biomass for bioenergy and biorenewable products Agronomy, 9 :673-673 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Clifton-Brown J, Harfouche A, Casler MD, Dylan Jones H, Macalpine WJ, Murphy-Bokern D, Smart LB, Adler A, Ashman C, Awty-Carroll D, Bastien C, Bopper S, Botnari V, Brancourt-Hulmel M, Chen Z, Clark LV, Cosentino S, Dalton S, Davey C, Dolstra O, Donnison I, Flavell R, Greef J, Hanley S, Hastings A, Hertzberg M, Hsu TW, Huang LS, Iurato A, Jensen E, Jin X, Jørgensen U, Kiesel A, Kim DS, Liu J, McCalmont JP, McMahon BG, Mos M, Robson P, Sacks EJ, Sandu A, Scalici G, Schwarz K, Scordia D, Shafiei R, Shield I, Slavov G, Stanton BJ, Swaminathan K, Taylor G, Torres AF, Trindade LM, Tschaplinski T, Tuskan GA, Yamada T, Yeon Yu C, Zalesny RS, Zong J, Lewandowski I. 2018. Breeding progress and preparedness for mass-scale deployment of perennial lignocellulosic biomass crops switchgrass, miscanthus, willow and poplar GCB Bioenergy, 11 :118-151 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Clifton-Brown JC, Senior H, Purdy SJ, Horsnell R, Lankamp B, Müennekhoff AK, Virk D, Guillemois E, Chetty V, Cookson A, Girdwood S, Clifton-Brown G, Tan MLM, Awty-Carroll D, Bentley AR. 2018. Investigating the potential of novel nonwoven fabrics for efficient pollination control in plant breeding Sarma BIRINCHI. PLoS ONE, 13 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Ashman C, Awty-Carroll D, Mos M, Robson P, Clifton-Brown J. 2018. Assessing seed priming, sowing date, and mulch film to improve the germination and survival of direct-sown Miscanthus sinensis in the United Kingdom GCB Bioenergy, 10 :612-627 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Awty-Carroll D, Clifton-Brown J, Robson P. 2018. Using k-NN to analyse images of diverse germination phenotypes and detect single seed germination in Miscanthus sinensis Plant Methods, 14 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Clifton-Brown J, Hastings A, Mos M, Mccalmont JP, Ashman C, Awty-Carroll D, Cerazy J, Chiang Y-C, Cosentino S, Cracroft-Eley W, Scurlock J, Donnison IS, Glover C, Golazb I, Greef JM, Gwyn J, Harding G, Hayes C, Helios W, Hsu T-W, Huang LS, Jezowski S, Kim D-S, Kiesel A, Kotecki A, Krzyzak J, Lewandowski I, Lim SH, Liu J, Loosely M, Meyer H, Murphy-Bokern D, Nelson W, Pogrzeba M, Robinson G, Robson P, Rogers C, Scalici G, Schuele H, Shafiei R, Shevchuk O, Schwarz K-U, Squance M, Swaller T, Thornton J, Truckses T, Botnari V, Vizir I, Wagner M, Warren R, Webster R, Yamada T, Youell S, Xi Q, Zong J, Flavell R. 2016. Progress in upscaling Miscanthus biomass production for the European bio-economy with seed-based hybrids Global Change Biology Bioenergy, 9 :6-17 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Impollonia G, Croci M, Ferrarini A, Brook J, Martani E, Blandinières H, Marcone A, Awty-Carroll D, Ashman C, Kam J, Kiesel A, Trindade LM, Boschetti M, Clifton-Brown J, Amaducci S. UAV Remote Sensing for High-Throughput Phenotyping and for Yield Prediction of Miscanthus by Machine Learning Techniques Remote Sensing, 14 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Conference publication
Clifton-Brown J, Hastings A, von Cossel M, Murphy-Bokern D, McCalmont J, Whitaker J, Alexopoulou E, Amaducci S, Andronic L, Ashman C, Awty-Carroll D, Bhatia R, Breuer L, Cosentino S, Cracroft-Eley W, Donnison I, Elbersen B, Ferrarini A, Ford J, Gattinger A, Golicz K, Greef J, Ingram J, Jensen E, Kuhn U, Lewandowski I, Magenau E, Mos M, Meyer H, Kasperczyk N, Petrick M, Pogrzeba M, Pude R, Robson P, Retzler C, Rowe RL, Sandu A, Alexander , Schmitt A, Schwarz KU, Scordia D, Scurlock J, Shepherd A, Thornton J, Trindade LM, Vetter S, Wagner M, Yamada T, Kiese A. 2023. BUILDING THE POLICY ECOSYSTEM IN EUROPE FOR CULTIVATION AND USE OF PERENNIAL BIOMASS CROPS European Biomass Conference and Exhibition Proceedings, :352-362
Shepherd A, Awty-Carroll D, Kam J, Ashman C, Magenau E, Martani E, Kontek M, Ferrarini A, Amaducci S, Davey C, Al Hassan M, Jurišić V, Lamy I, Lewandowski I, de Maupeou E, McCalmont J, Trindade L, Kiesel A, Clifton-Brown J, Hastings A. 2022. Comparing miscanthus hybrids – growth and environmental impacts DOI Publisher Url
Impollonia G, Croci M, Ferrarini A, Brook J, Martani E, Blandinières H, Marcone A, Awty-Carroll D, Ashman C, Kam J, Kiesel A, Trindade LM, Boschetti M, Clifton-Brown J, Amaducci S. 2022. UAV Remote Sensing for High-Throughput Phenotyping and for Yield Prediction of <em>Miscanthus</em> by Machine Learning Techniques MDPI AG DOI Publisher Url