Dr David Jordan
School of Biological and Environmental Sciences
Faculty of Science
Email: D.W.Jordan@ljmu.ac.uk
Telephone: 0151 231 2174
Dr David Jordan teaches surveying, GIS, geophysics, remote-sensing, soil science, sensor technology, excavation skills, field science skills, numerical modelling, ground contamination science, ground-water dynamics and science communication on undergraduate and postgraduate programmes in Forensic Anthropology, Forensic Science, Geography, Civil Engineering and Journalism.
Spanish; Castilian
Catalan; Valencian
2010, University of Reading, United Kingdom, PhD Geophysics, part-time
1984, University of Aberdeen, United Kingdom, MSc Soil Science
1983, University of Bradford, United Kingdom, BSc Archaeological Science
Academic appointments
Visiting Professor, Department of Archaeology and Tourism, University of Jordan, 2012 - 2014
Research Group Leader, Archaeological Prospection, Institute of Earth Sciences, Johannes Gutenberg University of Mainz, 2009 - 2014
Lecturer in Geoarchaeology, Institute of Archaeology, University of Bern, 2006 - 2009
Visiting Lecturer and Research Fellow, University of Birmingham, 1999 - 2005
Visiting Lecturer and Research Fellow, University of Wales, Trinity Saint David, 1997 - 2000
Visiting Lecturer and Research Fellow, Department of Geography, University of Hertfordshire, 1987 - 1993
Journal article
Cootes K, Broughton D, Armstrong C, Axworthy J, Jordan D, Russ H, Carlin R. 2021. A time capsule of a time capsule: A charcoal filled pit within Poulton Chapel graveyard Cheshire History Journal, 61 :195-201 Publisher Url Public Url
Cootes KVE, Thomas M, Jordan D, Axworthy J, Carlin R. 2021. Blood is thicker than baptismal water: A late medieval perinatal burial in a small household chest International Journal of Osteoarchaeology, 31 :358-365 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Choi YJ, Lampel J, Fiedler S, Jordan D, Wagner T. 2020. A new method for the identification of archaeological soils by their spectral signatures in the vis-NIR region Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports, 33 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Abdulredha MAA, Kot P, Al Khaddar RM, Jordan D, Abdulridha A. 2018. Investigating municipal solid waste management system performance during the Arba’een event in the city of Kerbala, Iraq Environment, Development and Sustainability, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Abdulredha M, Al Khaddar RM, Jordan D, Kot P, Abdulridha A, Hashim KS. 2018. Estimating solid waste generation by hospitality industry during major festivals: a quantification model based on multiple regression Waste Management, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Foley SF, Gronenborn D, Andreae MO, Kadereit JW, Esper J, Scholz D, Pöschl U, Jacob DE, Schöne BR, Schreg R, Vött A, Jordan D, Lelieveld J, Weller CG, Alt KW, Gaudzinski-Windheuser S, Bruhn KC, Tost H, Sirocko F, Crutzen PJ. 2013. The Palaeoanthropocene - The beginnings of anthropogenic environmental change Anthropocene, 3 :83-88 DOI Publisher Url
Heinzelmann M, Jordan D, Murer C. 2010. Amiternum and the upper Aterno valley: A Sabine-Roman town and its territory Journal of Roman Archaeology, 23 :55-83 DOI Publisher Url
Jordan DW. 2009. How effective is geophysical survey? A regional review Archaeological Prospection, 16 :77-90 DOI Publisher Url
Cootes K, Axworthy J, Borrini M, Carlin R, Irish J, Jordan D, King M, Russ H, Swallow R, Thomas M, Valoriani S, Wilson FT, Petchey F. Poulton, Cheshire: The investigation of a rural chapel in an evolving medieval landscape Church Archaeology, 23 :43-54 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Cootes K, Thomas M, Axworthy J, Jordan D, Carlin R. Poulton, Cheshire. The Excavation of a Lowland Iron Age Settlement Journal of the Chester Archaeological Society, 91 :103-178
Cootes K, Axworthy J, Jordan D, Carlin R, Thomas M, Brooks I. Poulton, Cheshire: Evidence of Neolithic Activity Journal of the Chester Archaeological Society, 92 :5-12
Cootes K, Axworthy J, Jordan D, Thomas M, Carlin R, Bormetti M, Brooks I, Davenport C, Dungworth D, Elliott L, Lange P, O'Brien C, Russ H, Viner-Daniels S. Poulton, Cheshire. The Excavation of a Lowland Iron Age Settlement Journal of the Chester Archaeological Society, 91 :103-178
Conference publication
Abdulredha M, Abdulridha A, Shubbar AA, Alkhaddar R, Kot P, Jordan D. 2020. Estimating municipal solid waste generation from service processions during the Ashura religious event IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 671 DOI Publisher Url
Abdulredha MAA, Al Khaddar RM, Kot P, Jordan D, Abdulridha A. 2018. Benchmarking of the Current Solid Waste Management System in Karbala, Iraq, Using Wasteaware Benchmark Indicators World Environmental and Water Resources Congress, World Environmental and Water Resources Congress 2018 :40-48 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Abdulredha MAA, Al Khaddar RM, Jordan D, Al-Attabi AW, Alzeyadi A. 2017. Public participation in solid waste management during mega festivals: A pilot study WCST World Congress on Sustainable Technologies Proceedings 2017, World Congress on Sustainable Technologies :38-41 Publisher Url Public Url
Abdulredha MAA, Al Khaddar RM, Jordan D, Al-Attabi AW. 2017. Facing up to waste: how can hotel managers in Kerbala, Iraq, help the city deal with its waste problem? Procedia Engineering, Creative Construction Conference 2017 196 :771-778 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Abdulredha MAA, Al Khaddar RM, Jordan D, Hashim KS. 2017. The development of a waste management system in Kerbala during major pilgrimage events: determination of solid waste composition Procedia Engineering, Creative Construction Conference 2017 196 :779-784 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Abdulredha MAA, Al Khaddar RM, Jordan D. 2017. Hoteliers’ attitude towards solid waste source separation through mega festivals: A pilot study in Karbala Proceedings 3rd BUiD Doctoral Research Conference 2017, 3rd Doctoral Research Conference Publisher Url Public Url
Choi Y, Lampel J, Jordan DW, Fiedler S, Wagner T. 2017. Identification of archaeological features through spectroscopic analysis. Geophysical Research Abstracts, European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2017 19 :10213-10213 Publisher Url
Choi Y, Lampel J, Jordan D, Fiedler S, Wagner T. 2016. Detection of ‘archaeological features’ among reflectance spectra of natural soils and archaeological soils using principal component analysis Geophysical Research Abstracts, EGU 2016 18 :12933-12933
Koçak M, Mahler K-U, Berger F, Thierry-Hildenbrand B, Jordan DW. 2015. Studies on the Nabataean culture I : refereed proceedings of the International Conference on the Nabataean Culture : The Jordanian-German excavation in Petra 2012 - Methods and preliminary results Studies on the Nabataean culture I : refereed proceedings of the International Conference on the Nabataean Culture, International Conference on the Nabataean Culture
Choi Y, Lampel J, Jordan DW, Fiedler S, Wagner T. Distinguishing archaeological and non-archaeological signatures using principal component analysis Geophysical Research Abstracts, EGU 2018
Choi YJ, Lampel J, Jordan D, Fiedler S, Wagner T. 2017. Identification of buried archaeological features through spectroscopic analysis AP2017: 12th International Conference of Archaeological Prospection 12th-16th September 2017, University of Bradford :36-37
Jordan DW. 1987. The Resistivity Survey, Vilauba, Banyoles Excavaciones en la Villa Romana de Vilauba, Camos Diputacio Provincial de Girona. Girona
Jordan DW. 1983. Geophysical surveys at the site of the Villa Rustica at Vilauba and the Kiln site at Armadas, Ampurdan, Spain Geophysical Surveys 1982 University of Bradford, Department of Archaeological Sciences. Bradford, UK
Books (authored)
Davenport P, Poole C, Jordan D. 2007. Archaeology in Bath Excavations at the New Royal Baths (the Spa) and Bellott's Hospital 1998-1999
Jordan DW, Haddon-Reece D, Bayliss A. 1994. Radiocarbon dates: from samples funded by English Heritage and dated before 1981 English Heritage. London 9781850744719
Conference organisation:
Fieldwork as Therapy: An international conference., Convener and Co-organiser. 2019
Fieldwork as Therapy: A workshop to develop national Good Practice guidelines., Co-organiser. 2018
19th Annual Conference of the British Association for Biological Anthropology and Osteoarchaeology, Member of Scientific Committee, Session Chair and Session Co-convener., https://www.ljmu.ac.uk/conferences/babao. 2017
Conference presentation:
The Internet of the environment: new sensor technologies to address serious environmental problems., IEEE Workshop on IoT: Sensor Technologies, Applications & Entrepreneurship, Sensor City, Liverpool, Lecture and supporting Poster. 2017
Industrial connections:
Alstom UK, Electrical Systems collaborative development. This is a project, in actice development, to help Alstom improve various aspects of their railway power systems. Dr Jordan originally proposed a new system to collect power from 3rd-rail pickups and, separately, to map electrical resistivity distributions for railway sub-stations. The project now also includes new approaches to the power and velocity control of train driving bogies., http://www.alstom.com/uk. 2017
Megger Ltd, Collaborative project to repurpose commercial electrical test equipment, of which Megger is a leading manufacturer, for environmental survey purposes. Megger instruments lead the field in the testing of electric power distribution systems. But they can also be used for other purposes, such as mapping buried infrastructure in advance of new construction. In this collaboration Dr Jordan is exploring with Megger the potential to spin-out a related business which will create new markets for Megger and provide training for LJMU students.. 2017
Skan Chronographs and Merseyside Police (collaboration partners)., Developing systems for the accreditation of projectile velocity measurements. Police laboratories are now required to gain accreditation for their own forensic measurements. There is, however, no agreed method to accredit the measurements provided by the standard Projectile Chronographs - instruments used to measure the velocity of projectiles from guns. In this project Dr Jordan has created a method to accredit the devices using the precise radio-timing signal transmitted by the National Physics Laboratory. This is in current development to first supplement and then replace a method developed by the manufacturer with his assistence, now being tested at LJMU. The work has led Dr Jordan to a new Chronograph design which is more robust, more precise and inherently self-calibrating against NPL standards. The next step will be to develop this device to prototype for testing.. 2016
External committees:
Formby Floodwatch, Formby Parish Council, Technical advisor, http://www.formbyflood.uk/. 2017
Other invited event:
Sub-surface Security for the Government of Jordan, KADDB, Amman, Jordan, A lecture and field workshop on current and future sub-surface threat detection which Dr Jordan gave to the Jordanian Armed Forces at the invitation of General Atef Tell and Colonel Dr. Hamdan. Dr Jordan remains in touch with JAF for the purpose of future collaborations.. 2017
Membership of professional bodies:
Fellow of the Geological Society of London, The Geological Society of London, https://www.geolsoc.org.uk/. 1996
Member of the Chartered Institute of Field Archaeologists, The Chartered Institute of Field Archaeologists, http://www.archaeologists.net/. 1986
Member of the British Society of Soil Science, The British Society of Soil Science, http://www.soils.org.uk/. 1985
Other Professional Activity:
Environmental monitoring initiative. This is a major UK national and international initiative which Dr Jordan is leading, based on his own sensor development work. It has the potential to have an unusually large social and scientific impact worldwide. Dr Jordan is building a growing network of collaborators who are starting to make use of a new generation of environmental sensors which he has invented and which he is actively developing for testing and use. At present the partners include: UK Environment Agency, UK National Flood Forum, Nottingham University, Mahidol University, Royal Irrigation Department of the Government of Thailand and the UK Centre for Ecology & Hydrology (NERC). The new devices make it possible to monitor essential environmental parameters - especially the amount and behaviour of water in the ground - at very low cost and using designs which can be assembled by people with very little technical expertise anywhere in the world. The initial design of soil saturation depth sensors are already under test in Thailand as well as in the UK. The next generation will be installed in large numbers to monitor peat-bog survival and reconstruction in Malaysia. Further developments of the wider range of devices is underway with a range of funding sources both local (Formby Parish Council, Sefton Borough Council) and national (research funding council grants - equipment purchase funding, Environment Agency ...)..
Research collaboration with UCLAN at the TRACES research facility. In order to strengthen the baseline for research at the TRACES body-farm facility Dr Jordan carried out the first series of soil test pits and geophysical data recovery to build an initial model of soil functioning. This was very successful, revealing unexpected behaviours of significance to the interpretation of past research as well as the planning of future campaigns. Further survey will take place in 2018 and the site equiped for real-time soil water physical and chemical analysis using the new sensors systems which Dr Jordan has developed..
School STEM subject outreach. Dr Jordan has a close working relationship with the teaching of STEM subjects at Formby High School. In 2017 he hosted a 6th-form student who held a Nuffield Foundation grant, studying soil chemistry and plant nutrition in the laboratory at LJMU. A further Nuffield placement will be offered in 2018..