Image of Jiata Ekele

Jiata Ekele

School of Biological and Environmental Sciences

Faculty of Science

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My ResearchGate Profile


I am a PhD Researcher at the School of Biological and Environmental Sciences, Liverpool John Moores University (LJMU) , UK. My research study is focused on investigating how "Climate change alters the nutritional contents of crops." In summary, experimenting vegetable crops particularly, spinach, kale and rockets, in controlled elevated CO2 and heat stress conditions then assessing the nutritional quality of their edible parts, through a combination of biochemical analysis and an artificial digestion system coupled with cell culture models, mimicking mammalian digestion.




2023, Newcastle University, United Kingdom, MSc
2020, Kogi State University (KSU/PAAU), Nigeria, BSc (Hons)

Academic appointments

Lab/Admin Assistant, Agriculture technology, Federal Polytechnic Unwana, 2021 - 2022
