Luca Maffezzoni
School of Biological and Environmental Sciences
Faculty of Science
Email: L.Maffezzoni@2017.ljmu.ac.uk
PhD candidate in Climatology/Glaciology
A dynamic, creative and task-based graduate in Environmental Science and Technology with a bachelor's thesis in meteorology and a master's thesis in climatology/glaciology of the alpine glaciers. PhD candidate at Liverpool John Moores University in physical geography (Climatology/Glaciology) with strong knowledge and skills in Climate Modeling, Python Programming, Big Data Management, Geographic Information System (GIS) and Spatial Data Analysis. The aim of his research is to understand the impact of Extratropical Cyclones and their influence on Greenland ice sheet surface mass balance/surface energy balance and dynamics through satellite remote sensing, GIS tools and modelling. The project's Director of Study is Laura Edwards.
2015, University of MIlano Bicocca, Italy, Master`s Degree, Environmental Sciences and Technologies (Thesis in Climatology/Glaciology)
2013, University of Milano Bicocca, Italy, Bachelor`s Degree, Environmental Sciences (Thesis in Meteorology)
2020, Terrelogiche, Italia, GIS programming with Python.
2019, OSGIS Academy, Norway, GIS beginner and advanced level
2019, Royal Statistical Society, England, Identifying Trends and making Forecasts
2014, Kaplan School, United Kingdom, Certificate of achievement
Maffezzoni L. 2022. Extratropical Cyclones and their influence on Greenland Ice Sheet surface mass balance and dynamics Edwards L, Matthews T. Public Url