Prof Greg Whyte
Sport and Exercise Sciences
Faculty of Science
Email: G.Whyte@ljmu.ac.uk
Telephone: 0151 904 6264
Highlighted publications
Wilson MG, Chatard JC, Carre F, Hamilton B, Whyte GP, Sharma S, Chalabi H. 2012. Prevalence of electrocardiographic abnormalities in West-Asian and African male athletes BRITISH JOURNAL OF SPORTS MEDICINE, 46 :341-347 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Wilson M, O'Hanlon R, Prasad S, Deighan A, MacMillan P, Oxborough D, Godfrey R, Smith G, Maceira A, Sharma S, George K, Whyte G. 2011. Diverse patterns of myocardial fibrosis in lifelong, veteran endurance athletes JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSIOLOGY, 110 :1622-1626 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
O'Hanlon R, Wilson M, Wage R, Smith G, Alpendurada FD, Wong J, Dahl A, Oxborough D, Godfrey R, Sharma S, Roughton M, George K, Pennell DJ, Whyte G, Prasad SK. 2010. Troponin release following endurance exercise: is inflammation the cause? a cardiovascular magnetic resonance study JOURNAL OF CARDIOVASCULAR MAGNETIC RESONANCE, 12 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Rawlins J, Carre F, Kervio G, Papadakis M, Chandra N, Edwards C, Whyte GP, Sharma S. 2010. Ethnic Differences in Physiological Cardiac Adaptation to Intense Physical Exercise in Highly Trained Female Athletes CIRCULATION, 121 :1078-1085 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Journal article
Bott R, Zylstra J, Knight W, Whyte GP, Lane AM, Moss C, Browning M, Lagergren J, Van Hemelrijck M, Davies AR, Gossage J, Kelly M, Baker C, Taylor J, Rusu O, Evans O, Tham G, Dixon T, Hallward G, Taylor C, Maisey N, Ngan S, Lumsden A, Owczarczyk K, Qureshi A, Griffin N, Jacques A, Goh V, Green M, Deere H, Chang F, Mahadeva U, Gill-Barman B, Ong M, George S, Dunn J, Zeki S, Waters J, Cominos M, Sevitt T, Hill M, Ollala AS, Beckmann K, Gervais-Andre L, Pate J. 2025. Prehabilitation of Patients With Oesophageal Malignancy Undergoing Peri-Operative Treatment (Pre-EMPT): Outcomes From a Prospective Controlled Trial Journal of Surgical Oncology, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Barman S, Walker RC, Pucher PP, Jack S, Whyte G, Grocott M, West M, Maynard N, Underwood T, Gossage J, Davies A, OG Prehabilitation Group and AUGIS (Association of Upper GI Surg . 2024. A national survey of the provision of prehabilitation for oesophagogastric cancer patients in the UK Annals of the Royal College of Surgeons of England, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Walker RC, Barman S, Pucher PH, Singh P, Whyte G, Moore J, Huddy F, Evans O, Tham G, Zainab Noor Z, Hussey J, West MA, Jack S, Levett D, Underwood TJ, Gossage JA, Sultan J, Maynard N, Miller TE, Grocott MPW, Davies AR. 2024. Association of Upper Gastrointestinal Surgery of Great Britain and Ireland (AUGIS)/perioperative quality initiative (POQI) consensus statement on prehabilitation in oesophagogastric surgery British Journal of Surgery, 111 :znae223 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Jones H, Crozier A, George KP, Miller GD, Whyte GP, Rycroft J, Scott A, Buckley JP, McGregor G, Askew CD, Jack S, Birkett S, Broom D, Tolfrey K, Campbell A, Skelton DA, Steenkamp L, Savage J, Green DJ. 2024. Establishment of Clinical Exercise Physiology as a regulated healthcare profession in the UK: A Progress Report BMJ Open Sport & Exercise Medicine, 10 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Knight W, Moore JL, Whyte GP, Zylstra J, Lane AM, Pate J, Gervais-Andre L, Maisey N, Hill M, Tham G, Lagergren J, Kelly M, Baker C, Van Hemelrijck M, Goh V, Gossage J, Browning M, Davies AR. 2023. Prehabilitation exercise before oesophagectomy: long-term follow-up of patients declining/withdrawing from the program British Journal of Surgery, 110 :1668-1672 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Smith JL, Deighton K, Innes AQ, Holl M, Mould L, Liao Z, Doherty P, Whyte G, King JA, Deniszczyc D, Kelly BM. 2023. Improved clinical outcomes in response to a 12-week blended digital and community-based long-COVID-19 rehabilitation programme Frontiers in Medicine, 10 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Zylstra J, Whyte GP, Beckmann K, Pate J, Santaolalla A, Gervais-Andre L, Russell B, Maisey N, Waters J, Tham G, Lagergren J, Green M, Kelly M, Baker C, Van Hemelrijck M, Goh V, Gossage J, Browning M, Davies A. 2022. Exercise prehabilitation during neoadjuvant chemotherapy may enhance tumour regression in oesophageal cancer: results from a prospective non-randomised trial BRITISH JOURNAL OF SPORTS MEDICINE, 56 :402-+ DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Parnell M, Foweather L, Whyte G, Dickinson J, Gee I. 2021. Associations between Second-Hand Tobacco Smoke Exposure and Cardiorespiratory Fitness, Physical Activity, and Respiratory Health in Children International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Jones H, George KP, Scott A, Buckley JP, Watson PM, Oxborough D, Thijssen DHJ, Graves LEF, Whyte GP, McGregor G, Naylor LH, Rosenberg M, Askew CD, Green DJ. 2021. Charter to establish clinical exercise physiology as a recognised allied health profession in the UK: a call to action BMJ Open Sport & Exercise Medicine, 7 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Pedlar CR, Myrissa K, Barry M, Khwaja IG, Simpkin AJ, Newell J, Scarrott C, Whyte GP, Kipps C, Baggish AL. 2021. Medical encounters at community-based physical activity events (parkrun) in the UK BRITISH JOURNAL OF SPORTS MEDICINE, 55 :1420-+ DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Parnell M, Gee I, Foweather L, Whyte G, Knowles ZR. 2021. Children of Smoking and Non-Smoking Households’ Perceptions of Physical Activity, Cardiorespiratory Fitness, and Exercise Children, 8 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Kelly B, Innes A, Holl M, Mould L, Powell S, Burns D, Doherty P, Whyte G, King J, Deniszczyc D. 2021. Scalable modEls of Community rehAbilitation for Individuals Recovering From COVID:19 reLated illnEss: A Longitudinal Service Evaluation Protocol-"SeaCole Cohort Evaluation" Frontiers in Public Health, 9 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Buckley BJR, Thijssen DHJ, Murphy RC, Graves LEF, Cochrane MA, Gillison F, Crone D, Wilson PM, Whyte G, Watson PM. 2020. Pragmatic evaluation of a co-produced physical activity referral scheme: A UK quasi-experimental study BMJ Open, 10 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Parnell M, Gee I, Foweather L, Whyte G, Knowles ZR, Dickinson J. 2019. The impact of environmental tobacco smoke exposure on cardiorespiratory fitness in children: A pilot study. International Journal of Environmental Impacts., 2 :240-248 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Molphy J, Dickinson JW, Chester NJ, Loosemore M, Whyte G. 2019. The Effects of Inhaled Terbutaline on 3-km Running Time-Trial Performance International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance, 14 :822-828 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Lacey J, Corbett J, Forni L, Hooper L, Hughes F, Minto G, Moss C, Price S, Whyte G, Woodcock T, Mythen M, Montgomery H. 2019. A multidisciplinary consensus on dehydration: definitions, diagnostic methods and clinical implications ANNALS OF MEDICINE, 51 :232-251 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Buckley BJR, Thijssen D, Murphy R, Graves LEF, Whyte G, Gillison F, Crone D, Wilson PM, Hindley D, Watson PM. 2019. Preliminary effects and acceptability of a co-produced physical activity referral intervention Health Education Journal, 78 :869-884 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Merlini M, Whyte G, Marcora S, Loosemore M, Chester N, Dickinson J. 2019. Improved Sprint Performance With Inhaled Long-Acting Β2-Agonists Combined With Resistance Exercise. International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance, 14 :1344-1349 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Buckley B, Thijssen DHJ, Murphy RC, Graves LE, Whyte G, Gillison F, Crone D, Watson PM, Wilson P. 2018. Making a move in exercise referral: co-development of a physical activity referral scheme Journal of Public Health, 40 :e586-e593 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Zylstra J, Boshier P, Whyte GP, Low DE, Davies AR. 2018. Peri-operative patient optimization for oesophageal cancer surgery - From prehabilitation to enhanced recovery BEST PRACTICE & RESEARCH CLINICAL GASTROENTEROLOGY, 36-37 :61-73 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Buckley BJR, Watson PM, Murphy RC, Graves LEF, Whyte G, Thijssen DHJ. 2018. Carotid Artery Function Is Restored in Subjects With Elevated Cardiovascular Disease Risk After a 12-Week Physical Activity Intervention. Canadian Journal of Cardiology, 35 :23-26 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Angell PJ, Green DJ, Lord R, Gaze D, Whyte G, George KP. 2018. Acute cardiovascular responses to resistance exercise in anabolic steroids users: A preliminary investigation Science and Sports, 33 :339-346 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Molphy J, Dickinson JW, Chester NJ, Loosemore M, Whyte G. 2017. The Effect of 400 µg Inhaled Salbutamol on 3 km Time Trial Performance in a Low Humidity Environment. Journal of Sports Science and Medicine, 16 :581-588 Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Eijsvogels TMH, Oxborough D, O'Hanlon R, Sharma S, Prasad S, Whyte G, George KP, Wilson MG. 2017. Global and regional cardiac function in lifelong endurance athletes with and without myocardial fibrosis. European Journal of Sport Science, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Bott R, Zylstra J, Whyte G, Davies A. 2017. Exercise Prehabilitation during Neoadjuvant Cancer Treatment in Patients with Gastrointestinal and Thoracic Cancer: A Systematic Review Gastrointestinal Cancer: Research & Therapy, 2 Publisher Url Public Url
Levai IK, Hull JH, Loosemore M, Greenwell J, Whyte G, Dickinson JW. 2016. Environmental influence on the prevalence and pattern of airway dysfunction in elite athletes RESPIROLOGY, 21 :1391-1396 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Dickinson J, Hu J, Chester N, Loosemore M, Whyte G. 2015. The Impact of Inhaled Salbutamol on Repeated Sprint Ability in Pre- Fatigued Soccer Players Journal of Sports Medicine & Doping Studies, 05 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Utomi V, Oxborough D, Ashley E, Lord R, Fletcher S, Stembridge M, Shave R, Hoffman MD, Whyte G, Somauroo J, Sharma S, George KP. 2015. The impact of chronic endurance and resistance training upon the right ventricular phenotype in male athletes EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSIOLOGY, 115 :1673-1682 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Burden RJ, Pollock N, Whyte GP, Richards T, Moore B, Busbridge M, Srai SK, Otto J, Pedlar CR. 2015. Effect of intravenous iron on aerobic capacity and iron metabolism in elite athletes Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, 47 :1399-1407 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Beedie C, Mann S, Jimenez A, Kennedy L, Lane AM, Domone S, Wilson S, Whyte G. 2015. Death by effectiveness: exercise as medicine caught in the efficacy trap! British Journal of Sports Medicine (BJSM), 50 :323-324 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Riding NR, Sheikh N, Adamuz C, Watt V, Farooq F, Whyte G, George K, Drezner JA, Sharma S, Wilson MG. 2015. Comparison of three current sets of electrocardiographic interpretation criteria for use in screening athletes Heart, 101 :384.-390 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Dickinson J, Molphy J, Chester N, Loosemore M, Whyte G. 2014. The Ergogenic Effect of Long-term Use of High Dose Salbutamol CLINICAL JOURNAL OF SPORT MEDICINE, 24 :474-481 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Dickinson J, Hu J, Chester N, Loosemore M, Whyte G. 2014. Impact of Ethnicity, Gender, and Dehydration on the Urinary Excretion of Inhaled Salbutamol With Respect to Doping Control CLINICAL JOURNAL OF SPORT MEDICINE, 24 :482-489 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Burden RJ, Morton K, Richards T, Whyte GP, Pedlar CR. 2014. Is iron treatment beneficial in, iron-deficient but non-anaemic (IDNA) endurance athletes? A systematic review and meta-analysis BRITISH JOURNAL OF SPORTS MEDICINE, 49 :1389-1397 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Dickinson J, Hu J, Chester N, Loosemore M, Whyte G. 2014. Acute Impact of Inhaled Short Acting B-2-Agonists on 5 Km Running Performance Journal of Sports Science and Medicine, 13 :271-279 Author Url
Utomi V, Oxborough D, Ashley E, Lord R, Fletcher S, Stembridge M, Shave R, Hoffman MD, Whyte G, Somauroo J, Sharma S, George K. 2014. Predominance of normal left ventricular geometry in the male 'athlete's heart' HEART, 100 :1264-1271 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Utomi VS, Oxborough D, Whyte G, Somauroo J, George K. 2014. A comprehensive technical assessment of the Athlete's Heart: "The Morganroth Hypothesis" re-visited CARDIOVASCULAR RESEARCH, 103 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Angell PJ, Ismail TF, Jabbour A, Smith G, Dahl A, Wage R, Whyte G, Green DJ, Prasad S, George K. 2014. Ventricular structure, function, and focal fibrosis in anabolic steroid users: a CMR study EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSIOLOGY, 114 :921-928 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Molphy J, Dickinson J, Hu J, Chester N, Whyte G. 2014. Prevalence of bronchoconstriction induced by eucapnic voluntary hyperpnoea in recreationally active individuals. J Asthma, 51 :44-50 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Whyte G. 2014. Age, sex and (the) race: Gender and geriatrics in the ultra-endurance age Extreme Physiology and Medicine, 3 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Weiler R, Allardyce S, Whyte GP, Stamatakis E. 2014. Is the lack of physical activity strategy for children complicit mass child neglect? British Journal of Sports Medicine, 48 :1010-1013 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Weiler R, Allardyce S, Whyte GP, Stamatakis E. 2013. Is the lack of physical activity strategy for children complicit mass child neglect? British Journal of Sports Medicine (BJSM), 48 :1010-1013 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Utomi V, Oxborough D, Whyte GP, Somauroo J, Sharma S, Shave R, Atkinson G, George K. 2013. Systematic review and meta-analysis of training mode, imaging modality and body size influences on the morphology and function of the male athlete's heart. Heart, 99 :1727-1733 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Riding NR, Sharma S, Salah O, Khalil N, Carre F, George KP, Hamilton B, Chalabi H, Whyte GP, Wilson MG. 2013. Systematic echocardiography is not efficacious when screening an ethnically diverse cohort of athletes in West Asia EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF PREVENTIVE CARDIOLOGY, 22 :263-270 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Lahart IM, Lane AM, Hulton A, Williams K, Godfrey R, Pedlar C, Wilson MG, Whyte GP. 2013. Challenges in maintaining emotion regulation in a sleep and energy deprived state induced by the 4800km ultra-endurance bicycle race; the Race Across AMerica (RAAM) Journal of Sports Science and Medicine, 12 :481-488 Author Url
Riding NR, Salah O, Sharma S, Carré F, George KP, Farooq A, Hamilton B, Chalabi H, Whyte GP, Wilson MG. 2013. ECG and morphologic adaptations in Arabic athletes: Are the European Society of Cardiology's recommendations for the interpretation of the 12-lead ECG appropriate for this ethnicity? British Journal of Sports Medicine, 48 :1138-1143 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Chan-Dewar F, Gregson W, Whyte G, King J, Gaze D, Carranza-García LE, Legaz-Arrese A, George K. 2013. Cardiac electromechanical delay is increased during recovery from 40km cycling but is not mediated by exercise intensity Scandinavian Journal of Medicine and Science in Sports, 23 :224-231 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Godfrey R, Theologou T, Dellegrottaglie S, Binukrishnan S, Wright J, Whyte G, Ellison G. 2013. The effect of high-intensity aerobic interval training on postinfarction left ventricular remodelling. BMJ Case Rep, 2013 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Green DJ, Rowley N, Spence A, Carter H, Whyte G, George K, Naylor LH, Cable NT, Dawson EA, J Thijssen DH. 2013. Why isn't flow-mediated dilation enhanced in athletes? Med Sci Sports Exerc, 45 :75-82 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Chan-Dewar F, Gregson W, Whyte G, Gaze D, Waterhouse J, Wen J, George K. 2013. Do the effects of high intensity 40 km cycling upon left ventricular function and cardiac biomarker during recovery vary with time of day? J Sports Sci, 31 :414-423 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Chan-Dewar F, Gregson W, Whyte G, Gaze D, Waterhouse J, Wen J, George K. 2013. Do the effects of high intensity 40 km cycling upon left ventricular function and cardiac biomarker during recovery vary with time of day? Journal of Sports Sciences, 31 :414-423 DOI
Pedlar CR, Whyte GP, Burden R, Moore B, Horgan G, Pollock N. 2013. A case study of an iron-deficient female olympic 1500-m runner International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance, 8 :695-698 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Dickinson J, Drust B, Whyte G, Brukner P. 2013. Screening English Premier League football players for exercise-induced bronchoconstriction :341-346 DOI
Ismail TF, Hsu L-Y, Angell PJ, Jabbour A, Greve AM, Gonçalves C, Gulati A, Hewins B, Smith G, Wage R, Dahl AL, Roughton M, Whyte G, George K, Pennell DJ, Arai AE, Prasad SK. 2013. Effects of anabolic steroid use on myocardial perfusion in body-builders: a quantitative cardiovascular magnetic resonance Study Journal of Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance, 15 :P145-P145 DOI Publisher Url
Ismail TF, Angell PJ, Jabbour A, Smith G, Wage R, Hewins B, Mistry N, Dahl AL, Clark S, Cowley B, George K, Whyte G, Pennell DJ, Prasad SK. 2012. Cardiac effects of anabolic steroid use amongst recreational body builders - a CMR study Journal of Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance, 14 DOI Publisher Url
Whyte G, George K. 2012. Exercise and the heart Dialogues in Cardiovascular Medicine, 17 :7-27
Ismail TF, Angell P, Jabbour A, Mistry N, Wage R, Smith G, Gatehouse P, Firmin D, George K, Whyte G, Pennell D, Prasad S. 2012. Impact of Anabolic Steroid Use on the Cardiac Interstitium in Recreational Bodybuilders: a T-1-Mapping Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance Study CIRCULATION, 126 Author Url
Rowley NJ, Green DJ, George K, Thijssen DHJ, Oxborough D, Sharma S, Somauroo JD, Jones J, Sheikh N, Whyte G. 2012. Peripheral vascular structure and function in hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. Br J Sports Med, 46 Suppl 1 :i98-103 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Angell PJ, Chester N, Sculthorpe N, Whyte G, George K, Somauroo J. 2012. Performance enhancing drug abuse and cardiovascular risk in athletes: implications for the clinician. Br J Sports Med, 46 Suppl 1 :i78-i84 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Wilson MG, Sharma S, Carre F, Charron P, Richard P, O'Hanlon R, Prasad SK, Heidbuchel H, Brugada J, Salah O, Sheppard M, George KP, Whyte G, Hamilton B, Chalabi H. 2012. Significance of deep T-wave inversions in asymptomatic athletes with normal cardiovascular examinations: practical solutions for managing the diagnostic conundrum BRITISH JOURNAL OF SPORTS MEDICINE, 46 :51-58 DOI Author Url
George K, Whyte GP, Green DJ, Oxborough D, Shave RE, Gaze D, Somauroo J. 2012. The endurance athletes heart: acute stress and chronic adaptation. Br J Sports Med, 46 Suppl 1 :i29-i36 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Riding NR, Salah O, Sharma S, Carre F, O'Hanlon R, George KP, Hamilton B, Chalabi H, Whyte GP, Wilson MG. 2012. Do big athletes have big hearts? Impact of extreme anthropometry upon cardiac hypertrophy in professional male athletes BRITISH JOURNAL OF SPORTS MEDICINE, 46 :90-97 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Hamilton B, Levine BD, Thompson PD, Whyte GP, Wilson MG. 2012. Debate: Challenges in sports cardiology; US versus European approaches British Journal of Sports Medicine, 46 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Whyte G, Somauroo J, Wilson M, Sharma S. 2012. T-wave inversions and the role of de-training in the differentiation of athlete's heart from pathology: is 6 months too long? BMJ Case Rep, 2012 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Wilson MG, Whyte GP. 2012. Is life-long exercise damaging to the heart? British Journal of Sports Medicine, 46 :623-624 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Rowley NJ, Dawson EA, Hopman MTE, George KP, Whyte GP, Thijssen DHJ, Green DJ. 2012. Conduit Diameter and Wall Remodeling in Elite Athletes and Spinal Cord Injury MEDICINE AND SCIENCE IN SPORTS AND EXERCISE, 44 :844-849 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Rowley NJ, Dawson EA, Hopman MTE, George KP, Whyte GP, Thijssen DHJ, Green DJ. 2012. Conduit diameter and wall remodeling in elite athletes and spinal cord injury Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, 44 :844-849 DOI Author Url
Wilson MG, Carré F, Salah O, Sharma S, Prasad SK, Whyte GP, Hamilton B, Chalabi H. 2012. Significance of deep T-wave inversions in an asymptomatic athlete with a family history of sudden death: addendum--full sporting disqualification. Clin J Sport Med, 22 :284-287 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Riding N, Salah O, Hamilton B, Chalabi H, Carre F, Sharma S, Brouas R, George KP, Whyte GP, Wilson MG. 2012. Do Big Athletes Have Big Hearts? MEDICINE AND SCIENCE IN SPORTS AND EXERCISE, 44 :241-241 Author Url
Angell PJ, Chester N, Green DJ, Shah R, Somauroo J, Whyte G, George K. 2012. Anabolic steroid use and longitudinal, radial, and circumferential cardiac motion. Med Sci Sports Exerc, 44 :583-590 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Oxborough D, Sharma S, Shave R, Whyte G, Birch K, Artis N, Batterham AM, George K. 2012. The right ventricle of the endurance athlete: The relationship between morphology and deformation Journal of the American Society of Echocardiography, 25 :263-271 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Angell P, Chester N, Green D, Somauroo J, Whyte G, George K. 2012. Anabolic steroids and cardiovascular risk. Sports Med, 42 :119-134 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Wilson MG, Chatard JC, Carre F, Hamilton B, Whyte GP, Sharma S, Chalabi H. 2012. Prevalence of electrocardiographic abnormalities in West-Asian and African male athletes BRITISH JOURNAL OF SPORTS MEDICINE, 46 :341-347 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
George K, Spence A, Naylor LH, Whyte GP, Green DJ. 2011. Cardiac adaptation to acute and chronic participation in endurance sports. Heart, 97 :1999-2004 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Dickinson J, Hu J, Chester N, Drust B, Whyte G, Loosemore M. 2011. The physiological effect of 800 mcg and 1600 mcg inhaled salbutamol during a football specific treadmill run at high ambient temperatures. Br J Sports Med, 45 :A19-A20 DOI Publisher Url
Hu J, Dickinson J, Chester N, Drust B, Whyte G, Loosemoore M. 2011. The effect of 800 μg and 1600 μg inhaled salbutamol on FEV1 in non-asthmatic football players. Br J Sports Med, 45 :A20 DOI Publisher Url
Godfrey R, O'Hanlon R, Wilson M, Buckley J, Sharma S, Whyte G. 2011. Underlying cause discovered for a prior idiopathic AMI. BMJ case reports, 2011
Dickinson J, McConnell A, Whyte G. 2011. Diagnosis of exercise-induced bronchoconstriction: eucapnic voluntary hyperpnoea challenges identify previously undiagnosed elite athletes with exercise-induced bronchoconstriction. Br J Sports Med, 45 :1126-1131 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Wilson M, O'Hanlon R, Prasad S, Oxborough D, Godfrey R, Alpendurada F, Smith G, Wong J, Basavarajaiah S, Sharma S, Nevill A, Gaze D, George K, Whyte G. 2011. Biological markers of cardiac damage are not related to measures of cardiac systolic and diastolic function using cardiovascular magnetic resonance and echocardiography after an acute bout of prolonged endurance exercise. Br J Sports Med, 45 :780-784 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Thijssen DHJ, Rowley N, Padilla J, Simmons GH, Laughlin MH, Whyte G, Cable NT, Green DJ. 2011. Relationship between upper and lower limb conduit artery vasodilator function in humans. J Appl Physiol (1985), 111 :244-250 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Wilson MG, O'Hanlon R, Prasad SK, Sharma S, George K, Whyte G. 2011. Reply to: do marathon runners face an "ominous" risk of myocardial fibrosis? EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSIOLOGY, 111 :1227-1229 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Wilson M, O'Hanlon R, Prasad S, Deighan A, MacMillan P, Oxborough D, Godfrey R, Smith G, Maceira A, Sharma S, George K, Whyte G. 2011. Diverse patterns of myocardial fibrosis in lifelong, veteran endurance athletes JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSIOLOGY, 110 :1622-1626 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Rowley NJ, Dawson EA, Birk GK, Cable NT, George K, Whyte G, Thijssen DHJ, Green DJ. 2011. Exercise and arterial adaptation in humans: uncoupling localized and systemic effects JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSIOLOGY, 110 :1190-1195 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Pedlar CR, Burden R, Hill J, Whyte GP. 2011. Physiological Responses To Simulated Anti-gravity During Treadmill Running MEDICINE AND SCIENCE IN SPORTS AND EXERCISE, 43 :779-780 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Godfrey R, O'Hanlon R, Wilson M, Buckley J, Sharma S, Whyte G. 2011. Underlying cause discovered for a prior idiopathic AMI. BMJ Case Rep, 2011 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Wilson MG, Chatard JC, Hamilton B, Prasad SK, Carré F, Whyte GP, Chalabi H. 2011. Significance of deep T-wave inversions in an asymptomatic athlete with a family history of sudden death Clinical Journal of Sport Medicine, 21 :138-140 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Williams K, George K, Hulton A, Godfrey R, Lahart I, Wilson MG, Charlesworth S, Warburton D, Gaze D, Whyte G. 2011. A unique case series of novel biomarkers of cardiac damage in cyclists completing the 4800 km Race Across America (RAAM). Curr Med Chem, 18 :3446-3451 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Lane AM, Wilson MG, Whyte GP, Shave R. 2011. Physiological Correlates of Emotion-Regulation During Prolonged Cycling Performance APPLIED PSYCHOPHYSIOLOGY AND BIOFEEDBACK, 36 :181-184 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Shave R, Baggish A, George K, Wood M, Scharhag J, Whyte G, Gaze D, Thompson PD. 2010. Exercise-Induced Troponin Elevation Not Necessarily a Benign Phenomenon Reply JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN COLLEGE OF CARDIOLOGY, 56 :2145-2146 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Wilson M, O'Hanlon R, Basavarajaiah S, George K, Green D, Ainslie P, Sharma S, Prasad S, Murrell C, Thijssen D, Nevill A, Whyte G. 2010. Cardiovascular function and the veteran athlete EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSIOLOGY, 110 :459-478 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Rowley NJ, Tarperi C, Whyte G, Baraldo A, Cevese A. 2010. Cardiac, Vascular And Metabolic Changes During Recovery From Resistance Effort Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, 42 :97-98 DOI Publisher Url
O'Hanlon R, Wilson M, Wage R, Smith G, Alpendurada F, Wong J, Dahl A, Oxborough D, Godfrey R, Sharma S, Roughton M, George K, Pennell D, Whyte G, Prasad S. 2010. Troponin release following endurance exercise: Is inflammation the cause? A cardiovascular magnetic resonance study Journal of Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance, 12 DOI
Oxborough D, Whyte G, Wilson M, O'Hanlon R, Birch K, Shave R, Smith G, Godfrey R, Prasad S, George K. 2010. A Depression in Left Ventricular Diastolic Filling following Prolonged Strenuous Exercise is Associated with Changes in Left Atrial Mechanics JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN SOCIETY OF ECHOCARDIOGRAPHY, 23 :968-976 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Privett SE, George KP, Whyte GP, Cable NT. 2010. The effectiveness of compression garments and lower limb exercise on post-exercise blood pressure regulation in orthostatically intolerant athletes. Clin J Sport Med, 20 :362-367 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Privett SE, George KP, Middleton N, Whyte GP, Cable NT. 2010. The effect of prolonged endurance exercise upon blood pressure regulation during a postexercise orthostatic challenge. Br J Sports Med, 44 :720-724 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Chan-Dewar F, Oxborough D, Shave R, Gregson W, Whyte G, George K. 2010. Left ventricular myocardial strain and strain rates in sub-endocardial and sub-epicardial layers before and after a marathon. Eur J Appl Physiol, 109 :1191-1196 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Sharma S, Papadakis M, Whyte G. 2010. Chronic ultra-endurance exercise: implications in arrhythmogenic substrates in previously normal hearts HEART, 96 :1255-1256 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Shave R, Baggish A, George K, Wood M, Scharhag J, Whyte G, Gaze D, Thompson PD. 2010. Exercise-induced cardiac troponin elevation: evidence, mechanisms, and implications. J Am Coll Cardiol, 56 :169-176 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
O'Hanlon R, Wilson M, Wage R, Smith G, Alpendurada FD, Wong J, Dahl A, Oxborough D, Godfrey R, Sharma S, Roughton M, George K, Pennell DJ, Whyte G, Prasad SK. 2010. Troponin release following endurance exercise: is inflammation the cause? a cardiovascular magnetic resonance study JOURNAL OF CARDIOVASCULAR MAGNETIC RESONANCE, 12 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Hulton AT, Lahart I, Williams KL, Godfrey R, Charlesworth S, Wilson M, Pedlar C, Whyte G. 2010. Energy expenditure in the Race Across America (RAAM). Int J Sports Med, 31 :463-467 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Rawlins J, Carre F, Kervio G, Papadakis M, Chandra N, Edwards C, Whyte GP, Sharma S. 2010. Ethnic Differences in Physiological Cardiac Adaptation to Intense Physical Exercise in Highly Trained Female Athletes CIRCULATION, 121 :1078-1085 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Chan-Dewar F, Oxborough D, Shave R, Gregson W, Whyte G, Noakes T, George K. 2010. Evidence of increased electro-mechanical delay in the left and right ventricle after prolonged exercise. Eur J Appl Physiol, 108 :581-587 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
George KP, Naylor LH, Whyte GP, Shave RE, Oxborough D, Green DJ. 2010. Diastolic function in healthy humans: non-invasive assessment and the impact of acute and chronic exercise. Eur J Appl Physiol, 108 :1-14 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Shave R, Baggish A, George K, Wood M, Scharhag J, Whyte G, Gaze D, Thompson PD. 2010. Reply Journal of the American College of Cardiology, 56 :2145-2146 DOI Author Url
Whyte G. 2010. Sports and cardiac function 1: Exercise is a potent stressor on the heart European Heart Journal, 31 :6-8 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Whyte G. 2010. Sports and cardiac function II: To screen or not to screen athletes for cardiac problems? European Heart Journal, 31 :136-138 Author Url
de Noronha SV, Sharma S, Papadakis M, Desai S, Whyte G, Sheppard MN. 2009. Aetiology of sudden cardiac death in athletes in the United Kingdom: a pathological study HEART, 95 :1409-1414 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Oxborough D, Batterham AM, Shave R, Artis N, Birch KM, Whyte G, Ainslie PN, George KP. 2009. Interpretation of two-dimensional and tissue Doppler-derived strain (epsilon) and strain rate data: is there a need to normalize for individual variability in left ventricular morphology? EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF ECHOCARDIOGRAPHY, 10 :677-682 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Lahart IM, Whyte G, Wilson M, Lane A, Godfrey R, Hulton A, Williams K, Charlesworth S, Twigg H, Pedlar C, Ball R. 2009. The Race Across America: A Cycle Race Or A Sleep Deprivation Challenge? Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, 41 :58-58 DOI Publisher Url
Pedlar CR, Godfrey R, Whyte GP. 2009. The Effect Of Sleeping In A Normobaric Hypoxic Tent For One Week Upon Sleep Quality Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, 41 :241-241 DOI Publisher Url
Williams KL, Whyte GP, Hulton AT, Godfrey R, Laharte I, Mathew W, S C, Gaze DC, Twigg H, Lane A, Warburton D, Ball R, George K. 2009. New Cardiac Biomarkers In The Investigation Of Exercise Induced Cardiac Damage Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, 41 :53-54 DOI Publisher Url
Hulton AT, Lahart I, Williams KL, Godfrey R, Charlesworth S, Twigg H, Wilson M, Lane A, Pedlar C, Whyte G. 2009. Energy Intake And Expenditure During An Ultra Endurance Event - Race Across America Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, 41 :316-316 DOI Publisher Url
Wilson M, O'Hanlon R, Smith G, Alpendurada F, Wong J, Oxborough D, Godfrey R, George K, Gaze D, Prasad S, Whyte G. 2009. Assessment Of Cardiac Inflammation And Injury Following Prolonged Exercise Using Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance (CMR) Imaging Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, 41 :30-30 DOI Publisher Url
Reilly T, Morris T, Whyte G. 2009. The specificity of training prescription and physiological assessment: a review. J Sports Sci, 27 :575-589 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Shave R, George K, Whyte G, Middleton N, Hart E, Artis N, Oxborough D. 2009. A comparison of Doppler, tissue Doppler imaging, and strain rate imaging in the assessment of postexercise left ventricular function APPLIED PHYSIOLOGY NUTRITION AND METABOLISM-PHYSIOLOGIE APPLIQUEE NUTRITION ET METABOLISME, 34 :33-39 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Williams K, Gregson W, Robertson C, Datson N, Whyte G, Murrell C, Wilson L, Ainslie P, Ross E, Shave R, Gaze D, George K. 2009. Alterations in left ventricular function and cardiac biomarkers as a consequence of repetitive endurance cycling EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF SPORT SCIENCE, 9 :97-105 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Whyte G, Sheppard M, George K, Shave R, Prasad S, O'Hanlon R, Sharma S. 2009. Post-mortem evidence of idiopathic left ventricular hypertrophy and idiopathic interstitial myocardial fibrosis: is exercise the cause? BMJ Case Rep, 2009 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Whyte G, Whyte G, Stephens N, Senior R, George K, Shave R, Wilson M, Sharma S. 2009. Treat the patient not the blood test: the implications of an increase in cardiac troponin after prolonged endurance exercise. BMJ Case Rep, 2009 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Whyte G, Godfrey R, O'Hanlon R, Wilson M, Buckley J, Sharma S. 2009. Acute myocardial infarction in the presence of normal coronaries and the absence of risk factors in a young, lifelong regular exerciser. BMJ Case Rep, 2009 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Wilson M, O'Hanlon R, Prasad S, Basavarajaiah S, Stephens N, Senior R, Shaw A, Sharma S, Whyte G. 2009. Myocardial fibrosis in an veteran endurance athlete. BMJ Case Rep, 2009 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Godfrey RJ, Whyte GP, Buckley J, Quinlivan R. 2009. The role of lactate in the exercise-induced human growth hormone response: evidence from McArdle disease BRITISH JOURNAL OF SPORTS MEDICINE, 43 :521-525 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
O' Hanlon R, Whyte GP, Smith G, Alpendurada F, Wong J, Wilsonl M, Oxborough D, Godfrey R, George K, Dahl A, Gaze D, Pennell DJ, Prasad SK. 2009. Cardiovascular magnetic resonance imaging for the assessment of cardiac inflammation and injury following prolonged exercise Journal of Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance, 11 DOI Publisher Url
Whyte GP. 2008. Clinical significance of cardiac damage and changes in function after exercise Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, 40 :1416-1423 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Middleton N, George K, Whyte G, Gaze D, Collinson P, Shave R. 2008. Cardiac Troponin T Release Is Stimulated by Endurance Exercise in Healthy Humans JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN COLLEGE OF CARDIOLOGY, 52 :1813-1814 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Dawson EA, Whyte GP, Black MA, Jones H, Hopkins N, Oxborough D, Gaze D, Shave RE, Wilson M, George KP, Green DJ. 2008. Changes in vascular and cardiac function after prolonged strenuous exercise in humans. J Appl Physiol (1985), 105 :1562-1568 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Loosemore M, Knowles CH, Whyte GP. 2008. Amateur boxing and risk of chronic traumatic brain injury: Systematic review of observational studies British Journal of Sports Medicine, 42 :564-567 Author Url
Loosemore M, Knowles CH, Whyte GP. 2008. Amateur boxing and risk of chronic traumatic brain injury: systematic review of observational studies BRITISH JOURNAL OF SPORTS MEDICINE, 42 :864-867 DOI Author Url
Papadakis M, Whyte G, Sharma S. 2008. Preparticipation screening for cardiovascular abnormalities in young competitive athletes BMJ, 337 :806-811 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
George K, Shave R, Warburton D, Scharhag J, Whyte G. 2008. Exercise and the heart: can you have too much of a good thing? Med Sci Sports Exerc, 40 :1390-1392 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Shave R, George K, Whyte G, Hart E, Middleton N. 2008. Postexercise changes in left ventricular function: The evidence so far MEDICINE AND SCIENCE IN SPORTS AND EXERCISE, 40 :1393-1399 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Whyte GP, Stephens N, Senior R, Peters N, O'Hanlon R, Sharma S. 2008. Differentiation of RVOT-VT and ARVC in an elite athlete. Med Sci Sports Exerc, 40 :1357-1361 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Batterham A, Shave R, Oxborough D, Whyte G, George K. 2008. Longitudinal plane colour tissue-Doppler myocardial velocities and their association with left ventricular length, volume, and mass in humans EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF ECHOCARDIOGRAPHY, 9 :542-546 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Basavarajaiah S, Boraita A, Whyte G, Wilson M, Carby L, Shah A, Sharma S. 2008. Ethnic Differences in Left Ventricular Remodeling in Highly-Trained Athletes. Relevance to Differentiating Physiologic Left Ventricular Hypertrophy From Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy Journal of the American College of Cardiology, 51 :2256-2262 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Dawson EA, Black MA, Jones H, Hopkins N, Shave R, George KP, Wilson M, Whyte G, Green DJ. 2008. Impact Of The London Marathon On Brachial Artery Flow-Mediated Vasodilation MEDICINE AND SCIENCE IN SPORTS AND EXERCISE, 40 :S90-S91 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Simpson RJ, Cosgrove C, Ingram LA, Florida-James GD, Whyte GP, Pircher H, Guy K. 2008. Senescent T-lymphocytes are mobilised into the peripheral blood compartment in young and older humans after exhaustive exercise Brain, Behavior, and Immunity, 22 :544-551 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Hewitt JA, Whyte GP, Moreton M, Van Someren KA, Levine TS. 2008. The effects of a graduated aerobic exercise programme on cardiovascular disease risk factors in the NHS workplace: A randomised controlled trial Journal of Occupational Medicine and Toxicology, 3 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Whyte G, Sheppard M, George K, Shave R, Wilson M, Prasad S, O'Hanlon R, Sharma S. 2008. Post-mortem evidence of idiopathic left ventricular hypertrophy and idiopathic interstitial myocardial fibrosis: is exercise the cause? Br J Sports Med, 42 :304-305 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Basavarajaiah S, Wilson M, Whyte G, Shah A, McKenna W, Sharma S. 2008. Prevalence of Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy in Highly Trained Athletes. Relevance to Pre-Participation Screening Journal of the American College of Cardiology, 51 :1033-1039 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Wilson MG, Basavarajaiah S, Whyte GP, Cox S, Loosemore M, Sharma S. 2008. Efficacy of personal symptom and family history questionnaires when screening for inherited cardiac pathologies: the role of electrocardiography BRITISH JOURNAL OF SPORTS MEDICINE, 42 :207-211 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Ingham SA, Carter H, Whyte GP, Doust JH. 2008. Physiological and performance effects of low- versus mixed-intensity rowing training Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, 40 :579-584 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Whyte GP, George K, Shave R, Middleton N, Nevill AM. 2008. Training induced changes in maximum heart rate. Int J Sports Med, 29 :129-133 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Ingham SA, Whyte GP, Pedlar C, Bailey DM, Dunman N, Nevill AM. 2008. Determinants of 800-m and 1500-m running performance using allometric models Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, 40 :345-350 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Scharhag J, Shave R, George K, Whyte G, Kindermann W. 2008. "Exercise-induced increases in cardiac troponins in endurance athletes: A matter of exercise duration and intensity?" CLINICAL RESEARCH IN CARDIOLOGY, 97 :62-63 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Pedlar CR, Whyte GP, Godfrey RJ. 2008. Pre-acclimation to exercise in normobaric hypoxia European Journal of Sport Science, 8 :15-21 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Hart E, Shave R, Middleton N, George K, Whyte G, Oxborough D. 2007. Effect of preload augmentation on pulsed wave and tissue Doppler echocardiographic indices of diastolic function after a marathon JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN SOCIETY OF ECHOCARDIOGRAPHY, 20 :1393-1399 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Shave R, George KP, Atkinson G, Hart E, Middleton N, Whyte G, Gaze D, Collinson PO. 2007. Exercise-induced cardiac troponin T release: A meta-analysis MEDICINE AND SCIENCE IN SPORTS AND EXERCISE, 39 :2099-2106 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Basavarajaiah S, Wilson M, Whyte G, Shah A, Behr E, Sharma S. 2007. Prevalence and significance of an isolated long QT interval in elite athletes EUROPEAN HEART JOURNAL, 28 :2944-2949 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Lane AM, Whyte GP, George K, Shave R, Stevens MJ, Barney S. 2007. Marathon: A fun run? Mood state changes among runners at the London marathon :261-270
Lloyd JC, Pedlar CR, Lane AM, Whyte GP. 2007. Mood state changes during an expedition to the South Pole: A case study of a female explorer :217-231
Basavarajaiah S, Wilson M, Naghavi R, Whyte G, Turner M, Sharma S. 2007. Physiological upper limits of left ventricular dimensions in highly trained junior tennis players British Journal of Sports Medicine, 41 :784-788 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Loosemore M, Knowles CH, Whyte GP. 2007. Amateur boxing and risk of chronic traumatic brain injury: Systematic review of observational studies British Medical Journal, 335 :809-812 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Dickinson J, Whyte G, McConnell A. 2007. Inspiratory muscle training: a simple cost-effective treatment for inspiratory stridor BRITISH JOURNAL OF SPORTS MEDICINE, 41 :694-695 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Middleton N, Shave R, George K, Whyte G, Hart E, Oxborough D, Forster J, Gaze D. 2007. Altered left ventricular diastolic filling following a marathon is a reproducible phenomenon INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CARDIOLOGY, 122 :87-89 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Whyte G, Stephens N, Senior R, George K, Shave R, Wilson M, Sharma S. 2007. Treat the patient not the blood test: the implications of an increase in cardiac troponin after prolonged endurance exercise. Br J Sports Med, 41 :613-615 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Simpson RJ, Florida-James GD, Cosgrove C, Whyte GP, Macrae S, Pircher H, Guy K. 2007. High-intensity exercise elicits the mobilization of senescent T lymphocytes into the peripheral blood compartment in human subjects Journal of Applied Physiology, 103 :396-401 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Simpson RJ, Florida-James GD, Whyte GP, Black JR, Ross JA, Guy K. 2007. Apoptosis does not contribute to the blood lymphocytopenia observed after intensive and downhill treadmill running in humans Research in Sports Medicine, 15 :157-174 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Whyte GP, Sheppard M, George KP, Shave RE, Wilson M, Stephens N, Senior R, Sharma S. 2007. Arrhythmias and the athlete: mechanisms and clinical significance EUROPEAN HEART JOURNAL, 28 :1399-1400 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Ingham SA, Carter H, Whyte GP, Doust JH. 2007. Comparison of the oxygen uptake kinetics of club and olympic champion rowers Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, 39 :865-871 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Nevill AM, Ingham SA, Pedlar C, Dunman N, Whyte G. 2007. Identifying the Optimal Determinants of Elite 800m and 1500m Running Performance Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, 39 :S206-S206 DOI Publisher Url
Whyte G. 2007. The Clinical Significance of Exercise-Induced Cardiac Fatigue and Damage Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, 39 :60-60 DOI Publisher Url
Dickinson JW, Whyte G, FACSM AM. 2007. Screening Elite Athletes For EIA Increases The Prevalence Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, 39 :S29-S30 DOI Publisher Url
Middleton N, Shave R, George K, Hart E, Gaze D, Whyte G, Atkinson G. 2007. Post-Exercise Cardiac TVoponin T Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, 39 :S286-S286 DOI Publisher Url
Dawson EA, Shave R, Whyte G, Ball D, Selmer C, Jans O, Secher NH, George KP. 2007. Preload maintenance and the left ventricular response to prolonged exercise in men EXPERIMENTAL PHYSIOLOGY, 92 :383-390 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Middleton N, Shave R, George K, Whyte G, Simpson R, Florida-James G, Gaze D. 2007. Impact of repeated prolonged exercise bouts on cardiac function and biomarkers MEDICINE AND SCIENCE IN SPORTS AND EXERCISE, 39 :83-90 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Simpson RJ, Florida-James GD, Whyte GP, Middleton N, Shave R, George K, Guy K. 2007. The effects of marathon running on expression of the complement regulatory proteins CD55 (DAF) and CD59 (MACIF) on red blood cells EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSIOLOGY, 99 :201-204 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Nevill AM, Whyte GP, Holder RL, Peyrebrune M. 2007. Are there limits to swimming world records? INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SPORTS MEDICINE, 28 :1012-1017 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Pedlar CR, Lane AM, Lloyd JC, Dawson J, Emegbo S, Whyte GP, Stanley N. 2007. Steep profiles and mood states during an expedition to the South Pole WILDERNESS & ENVIRONMENTAL MEDICINE, 18 :127-132 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Hart E, Dawson E, Rasmussen P, George K, Secher NH, Whyte G, Shave R. 2006. beta-Adrenergic receptor desensitization in man: insight into post-exercise attenuation of cardiac function JOURNAL OF PHYSIOLOGY-LONDON, 577 :717-725 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Hart E, Dawson E, Rasmussen P, George K, Secher NH, Whyte G, Shave R. 2006. β-Adrenergic receptor desensitization in man: Insight into post-exercise attenuation of cardiac function Journal of Physiology, 577 :717-725 DOI
Oxborough D, Shave R, Middleton N, Whyte G, Forster J, George K. 2006. The impact of marathon running upon ventricular function as assessed by 2D, Doppler, and tissue-Doppler echocardiography ECHOCARDIOGRAPHY-A JOURNAL OF CARDIOVASCULAR ULTRASOUND AND ALLIED TECHNIQUES, 23 :635-641 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Ashley EA, Kardos A, Jack ES, Habenbacher W, Wheeler M, Kim YM, Froning J, Myers J, Whyte G, Froelicher V, Douglas P. 2006. Angiotensin-Converting Enzyme Genotype Predicts Cardiac and Autonomic Responses to Prolonged Exercise Journal of the American College of Cardiology, 48 :523-531 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
George K, Shave R, Oxborough D, Whyte G, Dawson E. 2006. Longitudinal and radial systolic myocardial tissue velocities after prolonged exercise. Appl Physiol Nutr Metab, 31 :256-260 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Whyte GP, Harries M, Dickinson J, Polkey MI. 2006. Breathless in the bath. Br J Sports Med, 40 :554-555 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Nevill A, Whyte G. 2006. Projection of world running records - Response MEDICINE AND SCIENCE IN SPORTS AND EXERCISE, 38 :1195-1195 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Middleton N, Shave R, George K, Whyte G, Forster J, Oxborough D, Gaze D, Collinson P. 2006. Novel application of flow propagation velocity and ischaemia-modified albumin in analysis of postexercise cardiac function in man EXPERIMENTAL PHYSIOLOGY, 91 :511-519 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Shave R, George K, Oxborough D, Whyte G, Middleton N, Hart E. 2006. Longitudinal, Radial and Circumferential 2-D Cardiac Strain Imaging in Healthy Subjects Following a Marathon MEDICINE AND SCIENCE IN SPORTS AND EXERCISE, 38 :S321-S321 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Middleton N, Shave R, George K, Whyte G, Hart E, Forster J, Oxborough D, Gaze D. 2006. Alterations in Left Ventricular Function are Repeated Consistently within the Same Cohort Following Two Separate Marathons MEDICINE AND SCIENCE IN SPORTS AND EXERCISE, 38 :S321-S322 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Hart EC, Shave R, George K, Oxborough D, Middleton N, Whyte G. 2006. Effect of Preload Augmentation on Indices of Left Ventricular Diastolic Function following a Marathon MEDICINE AND SCIENCE IN SPORTS AND EXERCISE, 38 :S323-S323 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Wilson MG, Sharma S, Whyte G, Lane A, Turner M, Basavarajaiah S. 2006. Cardiac Structure and Function in Pre-Post Pubertal Highly Trained Athletes MEDICINE AND SCIENCE IN SPORTS AND EXERCISE, 38 :S323-S324 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Nevill AM, Whyte G. 2006. Will Women Ever Run (or Walk) Faster than Men in Long-Distance Endurance Events? MEDICINE AND SCIENCE IN SPORTS AND EXERCISE, 38 :S528-S528 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Privett SE, Whyte GP, George KP, Mulcahy JM, Cable NT. 2006. Pre- and Post-Exercise Orthostatic Stress: Effect of Compression Trousers and Heel-Raises MEDICINE AND SCIENCE IN SPORTS AND EXERCISE, 38 :S194-S194 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Simpson RJ, Florida-James GD, Whyte GP, Guy K. 2006. The effects of intensive, moderate and downhill treadmill running on human blood lymphocytes expressing the adhesion/activation molecules CD54 (ICAM-1), CD18 (β
Whyte GP, Stephens N, Sharma S, McKenna W, Senior R. 2006. Arrhythmogenic Right Ventricular Cardiomyopathy in an Elite Black Athlete Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, 38 :S136-S136 DOI Publisher Url
Middleton N, Shave R, George K, Whyte G, Hart E, Atkinson G. 2006. Left ventricular function immediately following prolonged exercise: A meta-analysis MEDICINE AND SCIENCE IN SPORTS AND EXERCISE, 38 :681-687 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Whyte G. 2006. The Physiology Of Training and The Environment :163-190 DOI Publisher Url
Godfrey R, Whyte G. 2006. Training Specificity :23-43 DOI Publisher Url
Carbon RJ, Whyte G, Budgett R, McConnell AK. 2006. Medical Conditions and Training :191-228 DOI Publisher Url
Dickinson JW, Whyte GP, McConnell AK, Nevill AM, Harries MG. 2006. Mid-expiratory flow versus FEV1 measurements in the diagnosis of exercise induced asthma in elite athletes. Thorax, 61 :111-114 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Dickinson JW, Whyte GP, McConnell AK, Harries MG. 2006. Screening elite winter athletes for exercise induced asthma: a comparison of three challenge methods. Br J Sports Med, 40 :179-182 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Whyte G. 2006. Preface The Physiology of Training, DOI Publisher Url
Pedlar CR, Howatson G, Whyte GP, Godfrey RJ, Macutkiewicz D. 2005. Simulating moderate altitude using normobaric hypoxia with commercially available hypoxic gas generators High Altitude Medicine and Biology, 6 :346-347 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
George K, Oxborough D, Forster J, Whyte G, Shave R, Dawson E, Stephenson C, Dugdill L, Edwards B, Gaze D. 2005. Mitral annular myocardial velocity assessment of segmental left ventricular diastolic function after prolonged exercise in humans. J Physiol, 569 :305-313 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Nevill AM, Whyte G. 2005. Are there limits to running world records? Med Sci Sports Exerc, 37 :1785-1788 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Stephenson C, McCarthy J, Vikelis E, Shave R, Whyte G, Gaze D, George K. 2005. Effect of weightlifting upon left ventricular function and markers of cardiomyocyte damage. Ergonomics, 48 :1585-1593 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Shave RE, Whyte GP, George K, Gaze DC, Collinson PO. 2005. Prolonged exercise should be considered alongside typical symptoms of acute myocardial infarction when evaluating increases in cardiac troponin T HEART, 91 :1219-1220 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Dickinson JW, Whyte GP, McConnell AK, Harries MG. 2005. Impact of changes in the IOC-MC asthma criteria: a British perspective. Thorax, 60 :629-632 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Lane AM, Whyte GP, Terry PC, Nevill AM. 2005. Mood, self-set goals and examination performance: The moderating effect of depressed mood Personality and Individual Differences, 39 :143-153 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Dawson EA, Shave R, George K, Whyte G, Ball D, Gaze D, Collinson P. 2005. Cardiac drift during prolonged exercise with echocardiographic evidence of reduced diastolic function of the heart EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSIOLOGY, 94 :305-309 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Pedlar C, Whyte G, Emegbo S, Stanley N, Hindmarch I, Godfrey R. 2005. Acute sleep responses in a normobaric hypoxic tent. Med Sci Sports Exerc, 37 :1075-1079 DOI Author Url
George KP, Middleton N, Shave R, Oxborough D, Forster J, Whyte G. 2005. The Impact Of Prolonged Exercise On Right Ventricular Function: A Tissue-doppler Study MEDICINE AND SCIENCE IN SPORTS AND EXERCISE, 37 :S416-S416 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Shave R, George K, Middleton N, Gaze D, Whyte G. 2005. Is Exercise Induced Cardiac Damage Related To Ischemia? MEDICINE AND SCIENCE IN SPORTS AND EXERCISE, 37 :S92-S92 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Middleton N, Shave R, George K, Forster J, Oxborough D, Whyte G. 2005. Doppler Tissue Imaging And Flow Propagation Velocity Reveal Impaired Left Ventricular Filling Following A Marathon MEDICINE AND SCIENCE IN SPORTS AND EXERCISE, 37 :S93-S93 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Privett SE, Whyte GP, George KP, Cable NT. 2005. The Effect Of Maximal Exercise On Post-exertional Blood Pressure Control In Athletes With And Without Orthostatic Intolerance MEDICINE AND SCIENCE IN SPORTS AND EXERCISE, 37 :S314-S314 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
George KP, Middleton N, Shave R, Oxborough D, Forster J, Whyte G. 2005. The Impact Of Prolonged Exercise On Right Ventricular Function Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, 37 :S416-S416 DOI Publisher Url
Privett SE, Whyte GP, George KP, Cable NT. 2005. The Effect Of Maximal Exercise On Post-exertional Blood Pressure Control In Athletes With And Without Orthostatic Intolerance Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, 37 :S314-S314 DOI Publisher Url
Whyte GP, Stephens N, Senior R, Sharma S, Shave RE, McKenna WJ. 2005. Misdiagnosis Of Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy In An Elite Athlete Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, 37 :S131-S131 DOI Publisher Url
Shave R, George K, Middleton N, Gaze D, Whyte G. 2005. Is Exercise Induced Cardiac Damage Related To Ischemia? Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, 37 :S92-S92 DOI Publisher Url
Pedlar CR, Whyte GP, Dawson J, Emegbo S, Macutkiewicz D. 2005. Identifying Individual Responses To Moderate Altitude Amongst Elite GB Speedskaters Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, 37 :S469-S469 DOI Publisher Url
Middleton N, Shave R, George K, Forster J, Oxborough D, Whyte G. 2005. Doppler Tissue Imaging And Flow Propagation Velocity Reveal Impaired Left Ventricular Filling Following A Marathon Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, 37 :S93-S93 DOI Publisher Url
Lane AM, Whyte GP, Shave R, Barney S, Stevens M, Wilson M. 2005. Mood disturbance during cycling performance at extreme conditions Journal of Sports Science and Medicine, 4 :52-57 Author Url
Shave R, Whyte G, George K. 2005. Diastolic performance after prolonged exercise - Response MEDICINE AND SCIENCE IN SPORTS AND EXERCISE, 37 :165-165 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Whyte G, George K, Shave R, Dawson E, Stephenson C, Edwards B, Gaze D, Oxborough D, Forster J, Simspon R. 2005. Impact of marathon running on cardiac structure and function in recreational runners CLINICAL SCIENCE, 108 :73-80 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Kasikcioglu E, Shave R, Whyte G, George K. 2005. Diastolic performance after prolonged exercise [2] (multiple letters) Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, 37 :164-165 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Godfrey RJ, Ingham SA, Pedlar CR, Whyte GP. 2005. The detraining and retraining of an elite rower: A case study Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport, 8 :314-320 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Simpson RJ, Wilson MR, Black JR, Ross JA, Whyte GP, Guy K, Florida-James GD. 2005. Immune alterations, lipid peroxidation, and muscle damage following a hill race Canadian Journal of Applied Physiology, 30 :196-211 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
George K, Whyte G, Stephenson C, Shave R, Dawson E, Edwards B, Gaze D, Collinson P. 2004. Postexercise left ventricular function and cTnT in recreational marathon runners. Med Sci Sports Exerc, 36 :1709-1715 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Whyte G, Reilly T. 2004. Exercise and the environment JOURNAL OF SPORTS SCIENCES, 22 :884-885 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Godfrey RJ, Whyte G, McCarthy J, Nevill A, Head A. 2004. The validity of capillary blood sampling in the determination of human growth hormone concentration during exercise in men BRITISH JOURNAL OF SPORTS MEDICINE, 38 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Shave R, Dawson E, Whyte G, George K, Nimmo M, Layden J, Collinson P, Gaze D. 2004. The impact of prolonged exercise in a cold environment upon cardiac function MEDICINE AND SCIENCE IN SPORTS AND EXERCISE, 36 :1522-1527 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
George KP, Dawson E, Shave RE, Whyte G, Jones M, Hare E, Gaze D, Collinson P. 2004. Left ventricular systolic function and diastolic filling after intermittent high intensity team sports. Br J Sports Med, 38 :452-456 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Whyte GP, George K, Sharma S, Firoozi S, Stephens N, Senior R, McKenna WJ. 2004. The upper limit of physiological cardiac hypertrophy in elite male and female athletes: the British experience EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSIOLOGY, 92 :592-597 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Shave R, Dawson E, Whyte G, George K, Gaze D, Collinson P. 2004. Altered cardiac function and minimal cardiac damage during: Prolonged exercise MEDICINE AND SCIENCE IN SPORTS AND EXERCISE, 36 :1098-1103 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Whyte GP, George K, Nevill A, Shave R, Sharma S, McKenna WJ. 2004. Left ventricular morphology and function in female athletes: A meta-analysis INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SPORTS MEDICINE, 25 :380-383 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
George KP, Oxborough D, Forster J, Whyte G, Shave R, Stephenson C, Dawson E. 2004. Tissue-Doppler Analysis of Left Ventricular Systolic and Diastolic Function After a Marathon Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, 36 :S331-S331 DOI Publisher Url
Whyte GP, George K, Shave R, Claire S, Ellen D, Oxborough D, Edwards B. 2004. Cardiac Function Following a Marathon in Recreational Runners Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, 36 :S331-S331 DOI Publisher Url
Shave R, Whyte G, George K, Stephenson C, Dawson E, Oxborough D, Forster J, Gaze D. 2004. Cardiac Damage in Recreational London Marathon Runners Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, 36 :S331-S331 DOI Publisher Url
Shave R, Whyte G, George K. 2004. Myocardial stress after competitive exercise in professional road cyclists MEDICINE AND SCIENCE IN SPORTS AND EXERCISE, 36 :738-738 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Whyte G, Stephens N, Sharma S, Shave R, Budgett R, McKenna WJ. 2004. Spontaneous atrial fibrillation in a freestyle skier. Br J Sports Med, 38 :230-232 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Shave RE, Dawson E, Whyte G, George K, Gaze D, Collinson P. 2004. Effect of prolonged exercise in a hypoxic environment on cardiac function and cardiac troponin T BRITISH JOURNAL OF SPORTS MEDICINE, 38 :86-88 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Whyte G, Stephens N, Budgett R, Sharma S, Shave RE, McKenna WJ. 2004. Exercise induced neurally mediated syncope in an elite rower: a treatment dilemma. Br J Sports Med, 38 :84-85 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Egan E, Giacomoni M, Reilly T, Cable NT, Whyte G. 2003. Menstrual dysfunction in elite ice hockey players preparing For the 2002 winter Olympics :214-226 DOI
Egan E, Reilly T, Whyte G, Giacomoni M, Cable NT. 2003. Disorders of the menstrual cycle in elite female ice hockey players and figure skaters BIOLOGICAL RHYTHM RESEARCH, 34 :251-264 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Whyte G, George K, Stephenson C, Shave R, Dawson E, Edwards B, Gaze D. 2003. EVIDENCE OF CARDIAC MYOCYTE DAMAGE IN RECREATIONAL RUNNERS AFTER THE LONDON MARATHON Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, 35 :S120-S120 DOI Publisher Url
Shave R, Whyte G, Dawson E, George K, Gaze D, Collinson P. 2003. THE IMPACT OF PROLONGED EXERCISE UPON MARKERS OF CARDIAC FUNCTION AND DAMAGE Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, 35 :S120-S120 DOI Publisher Url
George K, Whyte G, Stephenson C, Dawson E, Shave R, Edwards B. 2003. IMPACT OF AGE AND FINSIHING TIME ON LV FUNCTION POSTMARATHON Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, 35 :S120-S120 DOI Publisher Url
Dawson E, George K, Shave R, Whyte G, Ball D. 2003. Does the human heart fatigue subsequent to prolonged exercise? SPORTS MEDICINE, 33 :365-380 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Lane A, Hewston R, Redding E, Whyte GP. 2003. Mood changes following modern-dance classes Social Behavior and Personality, 31 :453-460 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Godfrey RJ, Madgwick Z, Whyte GP. 2003. The exercise-induced growth hormone response in athletes Sports Medicine, 33 :599-613 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
George K, Whyte GP, Redding E, Wilson M, Lane A, Firoozi S. 2003. Electrocardiographic and echocardiographic findings in contemporary dancers Journal of Dance Medicine and Science, 7 :91-95 DOI Publisher Url
Ingham SA, Whyte GP, Jones K, Nevill AM. 2002. Determinants of 2,000 m rowing ergometer performance in elite rowers European Journal of Applied Physiology, 88 :243-246 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Sharma S, Maron BJ, Whyte G, Firoozi S, Elliott PM, McKenna WJ. 2002. Physiologic limits of left ventricular hypertrophy in elite junior athletes: Relevance to differential diagnosis of athlete's heart and hypertrophic cardiomyopathy JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN COLLEGE OF CARDIOLOGY, 40 :1431-1436 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Shave RE, Dawson E, Whyte G, George K, Ball D, Gaze DC, Collinson PO. 2002. Evidence of exercise-induced cardiac dysfunction and elevated cTnT in separate cohorts competing in an ultra-endurance mountain marathon race INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SPORTS MEDICINE, 23 :489-494 DOI Author Url
Whyte GP, Shave RE, Dawson E, George KP, Gaze D, Collinson PO. 2002. LEFT VENTRICULAR FUNCTION FOLLOWING PROLONGED EXERCISE IN NORMOBARIC HYPOXIA. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, 34 :S286-S286 DOI Publisher Url
Shave RE, Whyte GP, Dawson E, George KP, Gaze D, Collinson PO. 2002. EVIDENCE OF SECONDARY CARDLAC DAMAGE FOLLOWING PROLONGED EXERCISE IN HYPOXIA. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, 34 :S286-S286 DOI Publisher Url
Shave R, Dawson E, Whyte G, George K, Ball D, Collinson P, Gaze D. 2002. The cardiospecificity of the third-generation cTnT assay after exercise-induced muscle damage MEDICINE AND SCIENCE IN SPORTS AND EXERCISE, 34 :651-654 DOI Author Url
Dawson E, Shave R, Whyte G, George K, Ball D, Collinson P, Holland M. 2002. Cardiac dysfunction in man following prolonged exercise at two different ambient temperatures JOURNAL OF PHYSIOLOGY-LONDON, 539 :57P-58P Author Url
Shave RE, Dawson E, Whyte G, George K, Ball D, Gaze DC, Collinson PO. 2002. Evidence of exercise-induced cardiac dysfunction and elevated cTnT in separate cohorts competing in an ultra-endurance mountain marathon race 23 :489-494 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Shave R, Dawson E, Whyte G, George K, Ball D, Collinson P, Gaze D. 2002. The cardiospecificity of the third-generation cTnT assay after exercise-induced muscle damage 34 :651-654 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Martin L, Doggart AL, Whyte GP. 2001. Comparison of physiological responses to morning and evening submaximal running Journal of Sports Sciences, 19 :969-976 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Koller A, Mertelseder S, Moser H, Whyte G, Atkinson G, Nevill AM, Lucia A, Chicharro JL. 2001. Is exercise-induced myocardial injury self-abating? [2] Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, 33 :852-853 DOI Publisher Url
Shave R, Whyte G, Siemann A, Doggart L. 2001. The effects of sodium citrate ingestion on 3,000-meter time-trial performance. J Strength Cond Res, 15 :230-234 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Whyte GP, Nevill A, George K, Shave R, Sharma S, McKenna WJ. 2001. A META-ANALYTICAL EXAMINATION OF DIFFERENTIAL CARDIAC RE-MODELLING AND UPPER NORMAL LIMITS IN THE ATHLETES?? HEART Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, 33 :S20-S20 DOI Publisher Url
Nevill AM, Lane AM, Kilgour LJ, Bowes N, Whyte GP. 2001. Stability of psychometric questionnaires Journal of Sports Sciences, 19 :273-278 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
George K, Sharma S, Batterham A, Whyte G, McKenna W. 2001. Allometric analysis of the association between cardiac dimensions and body size variables in 464 junior athletes. Clin Sci (Lond), 100 :47-54 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Martin L, Whyte GP. 2001. Reply to comments from S. A. Taylor - Comparison of critical swimming velocity and velocity at lactate threshold in elite triathletes. Int J Sports Med 2000; 21 : 366-368 - re: Martin L, Whyte GP INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SPORTS MEDICINE, 22 :83-83 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Sharma S, Elliott PM, Whyte G, Mahon N, Virdee MS, Mist B, McKenna WJ. 2000. Utility of metabolic exercise testing in distinguishing hypertrophic cardiomyopathy from physiologic left ventricular hypertrophy in athletes JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN COLLEGE OF CARDIOLOGY, 36 :864-870 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Martin L, Whyte GP. 2000. Comparison of critical swimming velocity and velocity at lactate threshold in elite triathletes International Journal of Sports Medicine, 21 :366-368 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Whyte G, Lumley S, George K, Gates P, Sharma S, Prasad K, McKenna WJ. 2000. Physiological profile and predictors of cycling performance in ultra-endurance triathletes. J Sports Med Phys Fitness, 40 :103-109 Author Url
Whyte GP, George K, Sharma S, Lumley S, Gates P, Prasad K, McKenna WJ. 2000. Cardiac fatigue following prolonged endurance exercise of differing distances. Med Sci Sports Exerc, 32 :1067-1072 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Whyte G. 2000. Electrocardiographic changes in "elite" athletes - Author's reply BRITISH JOURNAL OF SPORTS MEDICINE, 34 :153-153 Author Url
Martin L, Whyte GP. 2000. Does critical swimming velocity represent the velocity at lactate threshold in elite triathletes? Journal of Sports Sciences, 18 :36
Batterham AM, George KP, Whyte G, Sharma S, McKenna W. 1999. Scaling cardiac structural data by body dimensions: A review of theory, practice, and problems INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SPORTS MEDICINE, 20 :495-502 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Sharma S, Whyte G, Elliott P, Padula M, Kaushal R, Mahon N, McKenna WJ. 1999. Electrocardiographic changes in 1000 highly trained junior elite athletes BRITISH JOURNAL OF SPORTS MEDICINE, 33 :319-324 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Whyte GP, Sharma S, George K, McKenna WJ. 1999. Exercise gas exchange responses in the differentiation of pathologic and physiologic left ventricular hypertrophy MEDICINE AND SCIENCE IN SPORTS AND EXERCISE, 31 :1237-1241 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Whyte G, Sharma S, George K, McKenna WJ. 1999. Alterations in cardiac morphology and function in elite multi-disciplinary athletes. Int J Sports Med, 20 :222-226 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
George KP, Whyte G, Batterham A, Sharma S, McKenna W. 1999. THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN LEFT VENTRICULAR MASS AND BODY SIZE IN MALE ATHLETES Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, 31 :S151-S151 DOI Publisher Url
Whyte GP, George K, Gates P, Lumley S, Sharma S, Prasad K, McKenna WJ. 1999. CARDIAC FATIGUE FOLLOWING ULTRA - ENDURANCE TRIATHLONS. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, 31 :S393-S393 DOI Publisher Url
George KP, Gates PE, Whyte G, Fenoglio RA, Lea R. 1999. Echocardiographic examination of cardiac structure and function in elite cross trained male and female Alpine skiers BRITISH JOURNAL OF SPORTS MEDICINE, 33 :93-98 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Prasad K, Sharma S, Whyte G, George K, Gates P, Fredericks S, Holt DW, McKenna WJ. 1998. Are serum creatine kinase isoforms and troponin-T useful markers of altered cardiac function after strenuous exercise? CIRCULATION, 98 :431-432 Author Url
Prasad K, Sharma S, Whyte G, George K, Gates P, Fredericks S, Holt DW, McKenna W. 1998. Altered cardiac function after strenuous exercise is reflected by changes in serum creatine kinase isoforms and troponin-T Heart, 79
Draper N, Whyte G, George K, Davies B. 1998. Alterations in Left Ventricular Morphology and Function Following Multi-Activity Training. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, 30 :15-15 DOI Publisher Url
Conference publication
Zylstra J, Davies AR, Pate J, Tham G, Maisey N, Baker CR, Kelly M, Gossage J, Browning M, Whyte G. 2019. Feasibility Of Exercise Prehabilitation During Neo-adjuvant Chemotherapy In Oesophago-gastric Cancer Surgery MEDICINE AND SCIENCE IN SPORTS AND EXERCISE, Annual Meeting of the American-College-of-Sports-Medicine (ACSM) 51 :427-427 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Buckley B, Thijssen D, Murphy R, Graves L, Whyte G, Gillison F, Wilson P, Crone D, Hindley D, Watson P. 2018. An evidence-based, co-developed physical activity referral scheme: A mixed methods pilot trial JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL ACTIVITY & HEALTH, 15 :S166-S167 Author Url
Varney J, Lawson R, Williams T, Copeland R, Brannan M, Lane A, Kennedy L, Beedie C, Whyte G, Jimenez A, Sandercock G, Hare D, Wade M, Lucas A, Broughton L, Mann S. 2018. Moving at scale: Promising practice and practical guidance on evaluation of physical activity programmes in the UK JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL ACTIVITY & HEALTH, 15 :S151-S151 Author Url
Eijsvogels TM, Oxborough D, O'Hanlon R, Sharma S, Prassad S, Whyte G, George K, Wilson M. 2017. Global And Regional Cardiac Function In Lifelong Endurance Athletes With And Without Myocardial Fibrosis MEDICINE AND SCIENCE IN SPORTS AND EXERCISE, Annual Meeting of the American-College-of-Sports-Medicine (ACSM) 49 :718-718 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Dickinson JW, Levai I, Hull J, Whyte G. 2017. Posture During Exercise Effects Breathing Pattern And Reports Of Dyspnoea MEDICINE AND SCIENCE IN SPORTS AND EXERCISE, Annual Meeting of the American-College-of-Sports-Medicine (ACSM) 49 :599-599 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Levai IK, Massaroni C, Hull J, Whyte G, Silvestri S, Dickinson JW. 2017. Optoelectronic Plethysmography Characterises Thoracic Excursion In The Evaluation Of Dysfunctional Breathing (DB) MEDICINE AND SCIENCE IN SPORTS AND EXERCISE, Annual Meeting of the American-College-of-Sports-Medicine (ACSM) 49 :653-653 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Levai IK, Hull JH, Whyte G, Dickinson JW. 2016. Structural validity of the Nijmegen questionnaire in physically active young adults 4.1 Clinical Physiology, Exercise and Functional Imaging, ERS International Congress 2016 abstracts :PA2199-PA2199 DOI Publisher Url
Levai IK, Hull JH, Whyte G, Dickinson JW. 2016. Relationship between dysfunctional breathing and exercise-induced bronchoconstriction in athletic populations 4.1 Clinical Physiology, Exercise and Functional Imaging, ERS International Congress 2016 abstracts :PA1585-PA1585 DOI Publisher Url
Levai IK, Massaroni C, Hull JH, Whyte G, Silvestri S, Winters S, Dickinson JW. 2016. Optoelectronic plethysmography (OEP) in the assessment of dysfunctional breathing (DB) in athletes 4.1 Clinical Physiology, Exercise and Functional Imaging, ERS International Congress 2016 abstracts :PA2248-PA2248 DOI Publisher Url
Burden RJ, Higgins J, Whyte GP, Pedlar CR. 2016. Modelling Red Cell Population Dynamics and Iron Status in Elite Endurance Athletes MEDICINE AND SCIENCE IN SPORTS AND EXERCISE, Annual Meeting of the American-College-of-Sports-Medicine (ACSM) 48 :366-366 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Burden RJ, Pollock N, Richards T, Whyte GP, Pedlar CR. 2015. A Case Study Of 5 Elite Runners: Ferritin Does Not Identify Iron Deficiency In Non-anaemic Athletes MEDICINE AND SCIENCE IN SPORTS AND EXERCISE, 47 :803-804 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Levai IK, Dickinson JW, Loosemore M, Greenwell J, Hull JH, Whyte G. 2014. IMPACT OF ENVIRONMENTAL DIFFERENCES IN THE PREVALENCE OF AIRWAY DYSFUNCTION IN ELITE ATHLETES: GB BOXING VS. GB SWIMMING THORAX, Meeting of the British-Thoracic-Society 69 :A3-A3 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Molphy J, Chester NJ, Dickinson J, Loosemore M, Whyte G. 2014. The Effect of 2 mg and 4 mg Inhaled Terbutaline on 3 km Running Time Trial Performance in Males and Females MEDICINE AND SCIENCE IN SPORTS AND EXERCISE, 61st Annual Meeting of the American-College-of-Sports-Medicine 46 :526-526 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Levai IK, Dickinson JW, Loosemore M, Hull JH, Whyte G. 2014. Prevalence Of Exercise-Induced Bronchoconstriction (EIB) In Great British (GB) Boxers MEDICINE AND SCIENCE IN SPORTS AND EXERCISE, 61st Annual Meeting of the American-College-of-Sports-Medicine 46 :742-742 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Riding N, Salah O, Sharma S, Carre F, George K, Hamilton B, Chalabi H, Whyte G, Wilson MG. 2013. Including Routine Echocardiography Alongside The Electrocardiogram When Screening High-level Athletes Is Not Economically Effective MEDICINE AND SCIENCE IN SPORTS AND EXERCISE, 60th Annual Meeting of the American-College-of-Sports-Medicine 45 :643-643 Author Url
Molphy J, Dickinson J, Chester N, Loosemoore M, Whyte G. 2013. The Ergogenic Effect of Chronic High Dose Salbutamol MEDICINE AND SCIENCE IN SPORTS AND EXERCISE, 60th Annual Meeting of the American-College-of-Sports-Medicine 45 :291-291 Author Url
Dickinson JW, Chester N, Hu J, Drust B, Loosemore M, Whyte G. 2013. Play On: The Impact Of Inhaled Salbutamol On Soccer Performance In Males And Females MEDICINE AND SCIENCE IN SPORTS AND EXERCISE, 60th Annual Meeting of the American-College-of-Sports-Medicine 45 :562-562 Author Url
Chester N, Dickinson J, Hu J, Loosemore M, Whyte G. 2013. The Impact Of Ethnicity, Gender And Dehydration On The Urinary Excretion Of Inhaled Salbutamol MEDICINE AND SCIENCE IN SPORTS AND EXERCISE, 60th Annual Meeting of the American-College-of-Sports-Medicine 45 :563-563 Author Url
Whyte GP, Dickinson J, Chester N, Hu J, Drust B, Loosemore M. 2013. The Ergogenic And Pharmokinetics Impact Of Short Acting beta 2-agonist On 5 Km Time Trial Performance MEDICINE AND SCIENCE IN SPORTS AND EXERCISE, 60th Annual Meeting of the American-College-of-Sports-Medicine 45 :570-570 Author Url
Oxborough D, Shave R, Whyte G, Birch K, Artis N, George K, Sharma S. 2011. THE RIGHT VENTRICLE OF THE ENDURANCE ATHLETE: THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN MORPHOLOGY AND DEFORMATION HEART, Annual Conference of the British-Cardiovascular-Society (BCS) 97 :A95-A96 DOI Author Url
Cosgrove C, Simpson RJ, Florida-James GD, Whyte GP, Guy K. 2007. KLRG1 and CD57 are expressed on a greater proportion of CD8+T lymphocytes from older subjects compared to those from younger subjects IMMUNOLOGY, 120 :66-66 Author Url
Guy K, Simpson RJ, Whyte GP, Middleton N, Shave R, George K, Florida-James GD. 2005. The effects of marathon running on red blood cell haemolysis and cell membrane expression of the GPI-anchored complement regulatory proteins CD55 (DAF) and CD59 (MACIF) BRAIN BEHAVIOR AND IMMUNITY, 7th Symposium of the International-Society-for-Exercise-and-Immunology 19 :484-484 Author Url
George KP, Oxborough D, Forster J, Whyte G, Shave R, Stephenson C, Dawson E. 2004. Tissue-Doppler analysis of left ventricular systolic and diastolic function after a marathon MEDICINE AND SCIENCE IN SPORTS AND EXERCISE, Annual Meeting of the American-College-of-Sports-Medicine 36 :S331-S331 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Whyte GP, George K, Shave R, Claire S, Ellen D, Oxborough D, Edwards B. 2004. Cardiac function following a Marathon in recreational runners MEDICINE AND SCIENCE IN SPORTS AND EXERCISE, Annual Meeting of the American-College-of-Sports-Medicine 36 :S331-S331 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Shave R, Whyte G, George K, Stephenson C, Dawson E, Oxborough D, Forster J, Gaze D. 2004. Cardiac damage in recreational London marathon runners MEDICINE AND SCIENCE IN SPORTS AND EXERCISE, Annual Meeting of the American-College-of-Sports-Medicine 36 :S331-S331 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Egan E, Reilly T, Giacomoni M, Whyte G. 2003. Menstrual dysfunction in elite ice hockey players preparing for the 2002 Winter Olympics JOURNAL OF SPORTS SCIENCES, 12th Commonwealth International Sport Conference 21 :318-319 Author Url
Shave R, Dawson E, Whyte G, George K, Gaze D, Collinson P. 2003. Evidence of cardiac and skeletal muscle damage during a simulated half ironman triathlon JOURNAL OF SPORTS SCIENCES, 12th Commonwealth International Sport Conference 21 :335-336 Author Url
Whyte G, Shave R, George K, Dawson E, Gaze D, Collinson P. 2003. Duration-dependent presentation of exercise-induced cardiac damage JOURNAL OF SPORTS SCIENCES, 12th Commonwealth International Sport Conference 21 :338-339 Author Url
Lane AM, Whyte GP, Shave R, Wilson M. 2003. Mood state responses during intense cycling JOURNAL OF SPORTS SCIENCES, 12th Commonwealth International Sport Conference 21 :352-353 Author Url
Shave R, Dawson E, Whyte G, George K, Ball D. 2002. Markers of cardiac damage after 2 days of prolonged endurance exercise JOURNAL OF SPORTS SCIENCES, Annual Conference of the British-Association-of-Sport-and-Exercise-Sciences (BASES) 20 :58-58 Author Url
Pedlar C, Dickinson J, Van Someren K, Whyte G, Godfrey R. The acute exhaled nitric oxide response and 5km performance in normobaric hypoxia in highly trained athletes Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, American College of Sports Medicine :S527 DOI Publisher Url
Dickinson J, Whyte G, McConnell A, Harries M. Impact of the International Olympic Committee – Medical Commission change in asthma diagnosis – a British perspective Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, American College of Sports Medicine :S229 DOI Publisher Url
Editorial/letter to the editor
Beedie C, Whyte G, Lane AM, Cohen E, Raglin J, Hurst P, Coleman D, Foad A. 2017. 'Caution, this treatment is a placebo. It might work, but it might not': why emerging mechanistic evidence for placebo effects does not legitimise complementary and alternative medicines in sport British Journal of Sports Medicine (BJSM), 52 :817-818 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Pedlar C, Whyte G. 2016. Performing in extreme environments Strength and Conditioning for Sports Performance :519-535
Whyte G. 2006. Modern Pentathlon Winter EM, Sciences BAOSAE. Sport and exercise physiology testing guidelines :165-172 Taylor & Francis 9780415361408
Whyte G. 2006. Chapter 8 The physiology of training and the environment The Physiology of Training :163-190 Elsevier DOI
Whyte G, Diaper N. 2006. Chapter 3 The physiology of tapering The Physiology of Training :45-60 Elsevier DOI
Godfrey R, Whyte G. 2006. Chapter 2 Training specificity The Physiology of Training :23-43 Elsevier DOI
Books (authored)
Whyte G. 2011. Swimming for Exercise Firefly Books Ltd 9781554078226
Whyte G, Sharma S. 2010. Practical ECG for Exercise Science and Sports Medicine 9780736081948
Whyte G. 2010. Swim for Life 9781856269018
Whyte G. 2009. Fit in 5 9780736082716
Whyte G. 2008. Get Fit Not Fat 9781856267861
Whyte G. 2006. The Physiology of Training :1-245
Whyte GP, Harries M, Williams C. 2005. ABC of sports and exercise medicine BMJ Books 9780727918130
Whyte G. The Physiology of Training 978-0-443-10117-5 DOI Publisher Url
Editorial boards:
British Journal of Sports Medicine, Editorial Board Member. 2010
British Medical Journal - Case Studies, Editorial Board Member.
Fellow of the British Association of Sport and Exercise Science (FBASES), British Association of Sport and exercise Medicine (BASES). 2010
Fellow of the American College of Sports Medicine (FACSM), American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM). 2004