Dr Gus Ryrie
Sport and Exercise Sciences
Faculty of Science
Email: A.Ryrie@ljmu.ac.uk
Telephone: 0151 231 5296
Dr Gus Ryrie (Senior Lecturer in Sport Coaching) is an academic member of staff with teaching duties in the School of Sport and Exercise Sciences. Gus teaches on the Undergraduate and Postgraduate Sport Coaching programmes, across a range of practical and theory based modules. His main area of interest is exploration of the coaching process from a psycho-social perspective. Gus’ research interests are related to this area. Research topics include: how community sport coaches define their role(s) in different settings (for example, sports clubs, in-school coaching and coaching disabled participants) and methods to support effective coach development in community settings.
In addition to this academic role, Gus is the University Armed Forces Champion where he promotes and supports the Armed Forces Covenant. In particular, supporting service leavers and their families who wish to undertake Higher Education.
2017, University of Chester, United Kingdom, PhD -, Socio-Psychology/Sport Coaching
2005, University College Chester, United Kingdom, MSc Applied Sport and Exercise Psychology
1999, Chester College of Higher Education, United Kingdom, BA (Hons) Sport Science with History
Academic appointments
External Examiner - Foundation Degree Sport Coaching and Fitness, University of Ulster, 2023 - present
Senior Lecturer, Sport and Exercise Sciences, Liverpool John Moores, 2020 - present
External Examiner - BSc Disability Sport Coaching, University of Worcester, 2020 - 2023
External Examiner - Sport Coaching, University of Cumbria, 2017 - 2020
Senior Lecturer, School of Sport Studies, Leisure and Nutrition, Liverpool John Moores University, 2010 - 2020
Teaching/Research Assistant, Faculty of Education, Community and Leisure, Liverpool John Moores University, 2008 - 2010
Highlighted publications
Cronin CJ, Ryrie A, Huntley T, Hayton JW. 2017. 'Sinking and swimming in disability coaching': an autoethnographic account of coaching in a new context Qualitative Research in Sport, Exercise and Health, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Cronin C, Ryrie A. 2024. Youth Sport Coaching Girginov V, Marttinen R. Routledge Resources Online: Sports Studies Routledge DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Ryrie A, Lafferty M. 2019. 'Its not just part of my life, it is my life': The paradoxical identities of a community judo coach Gale L, Ives B. Sports coaching in the community: Developing knowledge and insight Manchester Metroplitan University. Manchester
Allen J, Chapman R, Nichol A, Whitehead AE, Johns K, Carroll M, Hayton J, Lascu A, Hall E, Potrac P, Ryrie A, Cronin C. 2024. Challenges and Opportunities for Community Sport Coach Development: An appreciative inquiry project Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Cronin C, Champ F, Gherardi M, Hardwick A, Huntley DT, Lewis C, Rongen F, Ryrie A, Tod D, Whitehead A. 2022. Care for Coaches: Mixed experiences, varied needs, and care ‘infrastructure’ to support the coaching ‘workforce’ Care for Coaches: Mixed experiences, varied needs, and care ‘infrastructure’ to support the coaching ‘workforce’ :1-40
Huntley T, Whitehead A, Cronin C, Williams C, Ryrie A, Townsend R. 2019. Pan-European Work Force Audit (Output 1) and Best Practice Case Study (Output 2) Report. The Experiences of Coaches in Paralympic and Disability Sport Author Url Publisher Url
Journal article
Cronin CJ, Ryrie A, Huntley T, Hayton JW. 2017. 'Sinking and swimming in disability coaching': an autoethnographic account of coaching in a new context Qualitative Research in Sport, Exercise and Health, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Roberts SJ, Ryrie A. 2014. Socratic case-method teaching in sports coach education: reflections of students and course tutors Sport, Education & Society, 1 :63-79 DOI
Roberts SJ, Reeves MJ, Ryrie A. 2014. The influence of physical activity, sport and exercise motives among UK based university students Journal of Further & Higher Education, DOI Publisher Url
Ryrie A, Cullinane D, Roberts SJ. 2013. The use of technological based assessment in developing the self-directed learner: a case study in sport coaching Innovations in Practice, 8 :100-109
Roberts SJ, Fairclough SJ, Ryrie A, Sharpe L. 2012. A computer-based observational analysis of physical education teachers and youth sport coaches pedagogic behaviour International Journal of Performance Analysis in Sport,, 3 :498-506 DOI
Conference publication
Whitehead AE, Morley DM, Quayle L, Reeves M, Ryrie A. 2016. How the UK population are using technology to engage in Sport and or Physical Activity http://naspspa.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/06/2016-NASPSPA-Abstract-Supplement-6-13-16.pdf, NASPSPA Author Url
Ryrie A, Cullinane D, Roberts S, Reeves MJ. 2015. Empowering self-directed learning in undergraduate students: A case study for sport coach education 10th ICCE Global Coach Conference
Ryrie A, Money J, Fairclough SJ, Holland E. Understanding fundamental movement skills in primary and special education school settings: the perspectives of teachers and sports coaches. British Educational Research Association (BERA),
Ryrie A, Roberts SJ, Reeves, M . Developing pedagogy and practice: supporting and assessing sports coaching students with electronic technologies 16th Annual SEDA Conference 2011: Using Technology to Enhance Learning
Ryrie A, Lafferty ME, Wheeler, T. How do I define what I do? Issues and perspectives of community youth sport coaches (Oral Presentation) 9th ICCE Global Coach Conference
Ryrie A, Cronin C, Huntley T, Hayton J. 'Sinking and swimming in disability coaching': A narrative of coaching in a new context ICCE 11th Global Coach Conference
Ryrie A, Lafferty ME, Wheeler T. 2015. Empowering performance and development in elite sport settings: The explicit and implicit role of the coach (Poster Presentation) 10th ICCE Global Coaching Conference
Ryrie A, Lafferty ME, Wheeler T. Professional role complexity: The perspectives of community youth sport coaches (Poster Presentation) 9th ICCE Global Coach Conference
Ryrie A. Sport coaching in a community setting: How do community sport coaches' define their role? Lafferty ME, Wheeler TJ.
Other invited event:
BeFore Anti-Bullying Education For Sports Coaches - Keynote Presentation, Dublin City University, ‘Developing contextual relevant coach research beyond practice – Co-creation and effective dissemination’ https://antibullyingcentre.ie/project/before/. 2024
UK Coaching Research Conference, Derby County Football Club, Becoming an Effective Coach of Disabled Performers. 2020
Cluster for Research into Coaching (CRiC) 5th International Conference 2019, Worcester, Think Aloud and Sport Coaching Seminar. 2019
External PGR examinations performed:
University of Central Lancashire, Professional Doctorate, To develop a coherent theoretically grounded relational mentoring framework to support the National FA Coach Mentor Programme’. 2024
University of Central Lancashire, Professional Doctorate, Exploring the dynamics of the talent development environment in professional rugby academies. 2023
Research Grants Awarded:
England Rugby Football League, 'Watch Aloud' - Measuring parental sideline behaviour, Amy Whitehead (P1), Danny Cullinane, Colum Cronin, Gus Ryrie, Katie Fitton-Davies, Vicci Boyd, Colin Lewis, Amy Hardwick, Grant value (£): £21,000, Duration of research project: 9 months. 2022
LJMU’s Research England QR Enhancing Research Culture fund (internal allocation), The personal impact of (re)classification in Disability Sport, Dr Nicola Robinson, Grant value (£): 5,553, Duration of research project: 6 months. 2022
UK Coaching, Caring Cultures in Sport Coaching, Amy Whitehead (LJMU), David Tod (LJMU), Francesca Champ (LJMU), Angus Ryrie (LJMU), Colin Lewis (LJMU), Fieke Rongen (Leeds Beckett University), Tabo Huntley (LJMU)., Grant value (£): £15, 000, Duration of research project: 7 Months. 2021
Sports Coach UK, Coaching & new technology, Grant value (£): 12,000, Duration of research project: 8 months. 2015
Erasmus Plus, Erasmus Plus, Para-Disability Coach Education and Learning Project- Enhancing Para-disability sport coaches' learning, mobility and employment with reference to a Para-Disability European Sport Coaching Framework and Massive Open Online Course, LJMU Team: Dr Amy Whitehead, Professor Philip Vickerman, Dr Colum Cronin, Dr Gus Ryrie, Ms Catherine Walker, Dr Nicola Rowley and Dr James Rudd, Grant value (£): £334,355, Duration of research project: 3 years. 2018, Grant value (£): 334, 355.
Conference presentation:
Using ‘Think Aloud’ to reflect on mentor practice: A collaborative action research approach in grassroots football, International Council for Coaching Excellence, Global Coaching Conference, Tokyo, Poster presentation. 2019
Fellowship of the Higher Education Academy, HEA. 2010