Image of Prof Mark Hollands

Prof Mark Hollands

Sport and Exercise Sciences

Faculty of Science

I am a Professor of Movement Neuroscience and Deputy Head of the Research Institute for Sport and Exercise Sciences, Liverpool John Moores University.


I completed my undergraduate Physiology degree at the University of Bristol and stayed to undertake post-graduate research as a member of David Armstrong's Motor Control Group. After receiving my PhD in 1997, I was awarded a prestigious Wellcome Trust Prize International Travelling Research Fellowship to study Biomechanics techniques with the late Professor Aftab Patla in the Gait and Posture Lab, in the Kinesiology Department at Waterloo. On returning to the UK in 2001, I spent one year studying patients with balance disorders working in collaboration with Professor Adolfo Bronstein at Charing Cross Hospital (Imperial College, London). In 2002 I was appointed a Lectureship (UK equivalent to Assistant Professor) in the School of Sport and Exercise Sciences, University of Birmingham and moved to LJMU as a Reader in Sensorimotor Neuroscience in April 2012.
My main research goals are: first, to determine the mechanisms underlying the sensory motor transformations serving locomotion and how they are adversely affected by the aging process and disease and second, to apply knowledge of these mechanisms to the development of novel diagnostic tests, technologies and rehabilitation techniques for improving functional mobility and preventing falls in frail individuals.


1997, University of Bristol, United Kingdom, PhD
1993, University of Bristol, United Kingdom, BSc

Academic appointments

Professor of Movement Neuroscience and Deputy Head of Research Institute, Research Institute for Sport and Exercise Sciences, Liverpool John Moores University, 2018 - present
Reader in Sensorimotor Neuroscience and Deputy Head of Research Institute, Research Institute for Sport and Exercise Sciences, Liverpool John Moores University, 2015 - 2018
Lecturer in Motor Control, Sport and Exercise Sciences, University of Birmingham, 2002 - 2012

Postgraduate training

Wellcome Trust International Prize Travelling Research Fellow, United Kingdom, Imperial College, 2001 - 2002
Wellcome Trust International Prize Travelling Research Fellow, Canada, University of Waterloo, 1999 - 2001

Highlighted publications

Thomas NM, Skervin TK, Foster RJ, Parr JVV, Carpenter MG, O'Brien TD, Maganaris CN, Baltzopoulos V, Lees C, Hollands MA. 2021. Influence of step-surface visual properties on confidence, anxiety, dynamic stability, and gaze behaviour in young and older adults. Human Movement Science, 77 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Stamenkovic A, Hollands MA, Stapley PJ. 2021. Constancy of Preparatory Postural Adjustments for Reaching to Virtual Targets Across Different Postural Configurations. Neuroscience, 455 :223-239 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Parr JVV, Foster RJ, Wood G, Hollands MA. 2020. Children With Developmental Coordination Disorder Exhibit Greater Stepping Error Despite Similar Gaze Patterns and State Anxiety Levels to Their Typically Developing Peers Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 14 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Thomas N, Skervin T, Foster RJ, O'Brien TD, Carpenter M, Maganaris CN, Baltzopoulos V, Lees C, Hollands MA. 2020. Optimal lighting levels for stair safety: influence of lightbulb type and brightness on confidence, dynamic balance and stepping characteristics Experimental Gerontology, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Hollands MA, Curzon-Jones B. 2018. Route previewing results in altered gaze behaviour, increased self-confidence and improved stepping safety in both young and older adults during adaptive locomotion Experimental Brain Research, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Conference publication

Debelle H, Hollands M, Foster R, Wood G, Maganaris C, O'Brien T. 2024. Children with developmental coordination disorder walk cautiously and resist forward-falling perturbations better than typical, but do not improve with practice Gait & Posture, 113 :53-54 DOI Publisher Url

Vanbuel L, Bunn L, Hollands M, Lavrysen A, Feys P, Marsden J. 2016. Oculomotor re-training in people with progressive Multiple Sclerosis and cerebellar signs: A proof of concept study MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS JOURNAL, 32nd Congress of the European-Committee-for-Treatment-and-Research-in-Multiple-Sclerosis (ECTRIMS) 22 :393-394 Author Url


de Thysebaert I, Ackermans T, Francksen N, Thomas NM, Hollands M, O’Brien T, McCrum C, Meijer K, Maganaris C. 2023. Gaze Behaviour of Older Adults During Stair Negotiation: The Effect of Step Dimensions. Center for Open Science DOI Publisher Url

Journal article

Skervin TK, Thomas NM, Schofield AJ, Hollands MA, Maganaris CN, O’Brien TD, Baltzopoulos V, Foster RJ. 2023. Accuracy and Precision of a Novel Photogate System to Measure Toe Clearance on Stairs Sensors, 23 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Hollands M, Khobkhun F, Ajjimaporn A, Robins R, Richards J. 2022. The Effects of Constraining Head Rotation on Eye and Whole-Body Coordination During Standing Turns at Different Speeds. Journal of Applied Biomechanics, 38 :301-311 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Khobkhun F, Hollands MA, Tretriluxana J, Srivanitchapoom P, Richards J, Amornpan A. 2022. Benefits of Task-Specific Movement Program on En Bloc Turning in Parkinson's Disease: A Randomized Controlled Trial Verheyden GEERT. Physiotherapy Research International, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Francksen N, Ackermans T, Holzer D, Maganaris C, Hollands M, Roys M, O'Brien T. 2022. Underlying mechanisms of fall risk on stairs with inconsistent going size Applied Ergonomics, 101 DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Skervin TK, Thomas NM, Schofield AJ, Hollands MA, Maganaris CN, O'Brien TD, Baltzopoulos V, Foster RJ. 2021. Using a stair horizontal-vertical illusion to increase foot clearance over an inconsistently taller stair-riser PLoS One, 16 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Khobkhun F, Hollands MA, Richards J. 2021. The Effect of Different Turn Speeds on Whole-Body Coordination in Younger and Older Healthy Adults Sensors, 21 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Skervin TK, Thomas NM, Schofield AJ, Hollands MA, Maganaris CN, Foster RJ. 2021. The next step in optimising the stair horizontal-vertical illusion: Does a perception-action link exist in older adults? Experimental Gerontology, 149 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Thomas NM, Skervin TK, Foster RJ, Parr JVV, Carpenter MG, O'Brien TD, Maganaris CN, Baltzopoulos V, Lees C, Hollands MA. 2021. Influence of step-surface visual properties on confidence, anxiety, dynamic stability, and gaze behaviour in young and older adults. Human Movement Science, 77 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Stamenkovic A, Hollands MA, Stapley PJ. 2021. Constancy of Preparatory Postural Adjustments for Reaching to Virtual Targets Across Different Postural Configurations. Neuroscience, 455 :223-239 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Parr JVV, Foster RJ, Wood G, Thomas NM, Hollands MA. 2020. Children With Developmental Coordination Disorder Show Altered Visuomotor Control During Stair Negotiation Associated With Heightened State Anxiety Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 14 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Nardone A, Svehlik M, Rhodes J, Hollands M. 2020. Perspective on the Clinical Impact of Instrumented Motion Analysis by the Gait and Posture Affiliate Society Presidents GAIT & POSTURE, 82 :106-107 DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Khobkhun F, Hollands K, Hollands M, Ajimaporn A. 2020. Effectiveness of Exercise-Based Rehabilitation for the Treatment of Axial Rigidity in People with Parkinson’s Disease: A Scoping Review Physical Therapy Reviews, 25 :283-291 DOI Publisher Url Public Url

Chayasit P, Hollands MA, Hollands K, Boonsinsukh R. 2020. Characteristics of Voluntary-induced Stepping Response in Persons with Stroke compared with those of healthy Young and Older Adults. Gait and Posture, 82 :75-82 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Parr JVV, Foster RJ, Wood G, Hollands MA. 2020. Children With Developmental Coordination Disorder Exhibit Greater Stepping Error Despite Similar Gaze Patterns and State Anxiety Levels to Their Typically Developing Peers Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 14 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Chyasti P, Hollands MA, hollands K, boonsinsukh R. 2020. Immediate Effect of Voluntary-induced Stepping Response Training on Protective Stepping in Persons with Chronic Stroke: A Randomized Controlled Trial Disability and Rehabilitation, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Ackermans TMA, Francksen NC, Lees C, Papatzika F, Arampatzis A, Baltzopoulos V, Lisboa P, Hollands MA, O'Brien TD, Maganaris CN. 2020. Prediction of balance perturbations and falls on stairs in older people using a biomechanical profiling approach: A 12-month longitudinal study. Journals of Gerontology Series A, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Francksen NC, Ackermans TMA, Holzer D, Ebner SA, Maganaris CN, Hollands MA, Karamanidis K, Roys M, O'Brien TD. 2020. Negotiating stairs with an inconsistent riser: Implications for stepping safety Applied Ergonomics, 87 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Khobkhun F, Hollands MA, Richards J, Ajjimaporn A. 2020. Can We Accurately Measure Axial Segment Coordination during Turning Using Inertial Measurement Units (IMUs)? Sensors, 20 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Thomas N, Skervin T, Foster RJ, O'Brien TD, Carpenter M, Maganaris CN, Baltzopoulos V, Lees C, Hollands MA. 2020. Optimal lighting levels for stair safety: influence of lightbulb type and brightness on confidence, dynamic balance and stepping characteristics Experimental Gerontology, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Ackermans TMA, Francksen NC, Casaña-Eslava RV, Lees C, Baltzopoulos V, Lisboa PJG, Hollands MA, O'Brien TD, Maganaris CN. 2020. Stair negotiation behaviour of older individuals: Do step dimensions matter? Journal of Biomechanics, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Ackermans TMA, Francksen NC, Casaña-Eslava RV, Lees C, Baltzopoulos V, Lisboa PJG, Hollands MA, O'Brien TD, Maganaris CN. 2019. A novel multivariate approach for biomechanical profiling of stair negotiation. Experimental Gerontology, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Stamenkovic A, Stapley P, Robins R, Hollands MA. 2018. Do Postural Constraints Affect Eye, Head and Arm Coordination? Journal of Neurophysiology, 120 :2066-2082 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Hollands MA, Curzon-Jones B. 2018. Route previewing results in altered gaze behaviour, increased self-confidence and improved stepping safety in both young and older adults during adaptive locomotion Experimental Brain Research, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Robins RK, Hollands MA. 2017. The effects of constraining vision and eye movements on whole-body coordination during standing turns Experimental Brain Research, 235 :3593-3603 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

schofield AJ, curzon-jones B, Hollands MA. 2016. Reduced sensitivity for visual textures affects judgments of shape-from-shading and step climbing behaviour in older adults Experimental Brain Research, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Jimenez S, Hollands MA, Palmisano S, Kim J, Markoulli M, McAndrew D, Stamenkovic A, Walsh J, Bos S, Stapley PJ. 2016. AGE-RELATED EFFECTS OF INCREASING POSTURAL CHALLENGE ON EYE MOVEMENT ONSET LATENCIES TO VISUAL TARGETS Experimental Brain Research, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Hollands KL, Pelton TA, van der Veen S, Alharbi S, Hollands MA. 2016. A novel and simple test of gait adaptability predicts gold standard measures of functional mobility in stroke survivors. Gait & posture, 43 :170-175 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Wright RL, Peters DM, Robinson PD, Watt TN, Hollands MA. 2014. Older adults who have previously fallen due to a trip walk differently than those who have fallen due to a slip GAIT & POSTURE, 41 :164-169 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Stanley J, Hollands M. 2014. A novel video-based paradigm to study the mechanisms underlying age- and falls risk- related differences in gaze behaviour during walking Ophthalmic and Physiological Optics, 34 :459-469 DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Reed-Jones JG, Reed-Jones RJ, Hollands MA. 2014. Is the size of the useful field of view affected by postural demands associated with standing and stepping? NEUROSCIENCE LETTERS, 566 :27-31 DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Young WR, Hollands MA. 2012. Newly acquired fear of falling leads to altered eye movement patterns and reduced stepping safety: a case study. PLoS One, 7 :e49765-e49765 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Wright RL, Peters DM, Robinson PD, Sitch AJ, Watt TN, Hollands MA. 2012. Differences in axial segment reorientation during standing turns predict multiple falls in older adults. Gait Posture, 36 :541-545 DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Young WR, Hollands MA. 2012. Evidence for age-related decline in visuomotor function and reactive stepping adjustments. Gait Posture, 36 :477-481 DOI Author Url Publisher Url

ó Hartaigh B, Loerbroks A, Thomas GN, Engeland CG, Hollands MA, Fischer JE, Bosch JA. 2012. Age-dependent and -independent associations between depression, anxiety, DHEAS, and cortisol: from the MIPH Industrial Cohort Studies (MICS). Psychoneuroendocrinology, 37 :929-936 DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Hollands KL, Pelton TA, Tyson SF, Hollands MA, van Vliet PM. 2012. Interventions for coordination of walking following stroke: systematic review. Gait Posture, 35 :349-359 DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Young WR, Wing AM, Hollands MA. 2012. Influences of state anxiety on gaze behavior and stepping accuracy in older adults during adaptive locomotion Journals of Gerontology - Series B Psychological Sciences and Social Sciences, 67 B :43-51 DOI

Reed-Jones J, Reed-Jones R, Hollands M. 2011. Seated, standing, and stepping: Is the size of the useful field of view constant? Journal of Vision, 11 :106-106 DOI Publisher Url

Zietz D, Johannsen L, Hollands M. 2011. Stepping characteristics and Centre of Mass control during stair descent: Effects of age, fall risk and visual factors Gait.Posture., 34 :279-284 DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Young WR, Hollands MA. 2010. Can telling older adults where to look reduce falls? Evidence for a causal link between inappropriate visual sampling and suboptimal stepping performance. Exp Brain Res, 204 :103-113 DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Hollands KL, van Vliet P, Zietz D, Wing A, Wright C, Hollands MA. 2010. Stroke-related differences in axial body segment coordination during preplanned and reactive changes in walking direction. Exp Brain Res, 202 :591-604 DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Hollands KL, Hollands MA, Zietz D, Wing AM, Wright C, van Vliet P. 2010. Kinematics of turning 180 degrees during the timed up and go in stroke survivors with and without falls history. Neurorehabil Neural Repair, 24 :358-367 DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Chapman GJ, Hollands MA. 2010. Age-related differences in visual sampling requirements during adaptive locomotion. Exp Brain Res, 201 :467-478 DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Reed-Jones RJ, Hollands MA, Reed-Jones JG, Vallis LA. 2009. Visually evoked whole-body turning responses during stepping in place in a virtual environment. Gait Posture, 30 :317-321 DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Heneghan NR, Hall A, Hollands M, Balanos GM. 2009. Stability and intra-tester reliability of an in vivo measurement of thoracic axial rotation using an innovative methodology Man.Ther., 14 :452-455 DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Reed-Jones R, Reed-Jones J, Vallis LA, Hollands M. 2009. The effects of constraining eye movements on visually evoked steering responses during walking in a virtual environment Exp.Brain Res., 197 :357-367 DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Zietz D, Hollands M. 2009. Gaze behavior of young and older adults during stair walking J.Mot.Behav., 41 :357-365 DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Anastasopoulos D, Ziavra N, Hollands M, Bronstein A. 2009. Gaze displacement and inter-segmental coordination during large whole body voluntary rotations Exp.Brain Res., 193 :323-336 DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Sklavos S, Anastasopoulos D, Ziavra N, Hollands MA, Bronstein AM. 2008. Foot rotation contribution to trunk and gaze stability during whole-body mediated gaze shifts: a principal component analysis study. Prog Brain Res, 171 :347-351 DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Chapman GJ, Hollands MA. 2007. Evidence that older adult fallers prioritise the planning of future stepping actions over the accurate execution of ongoing steps during complex locomotor tasks. Gait Posture, 26 :59-67 DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Chapman GJ, Hollands MA. 2006. Evidence for a link between changes to gaze behaviour and risk of falling in older adults during adaptive locomotion. Gait Posture, 24 :288-294 DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Chapman GJ, Hollands MA. 2006. Age-related differences in stepping performance during step cycle-related removal of vision. Exp Brain Res, 174 :613-621 DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Anastasopoulos D, Ziavra N, Hollands MA, Bronstein AM. 2005. 6.1A Multi-segmental coordination during voluntary turning in humans Gait & Posture, 21 :S33-S33 DOI Publisher Url

Hollands MA, Ziavra NV, Bronstein AM. 2004. A new paradigm to investigate the roles of head and eye movements in the coordination of whole-body movements. Exp Brain Res, 154 :261-266 DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Hollands MA, Patla AE, Vickers JN. 2002. "Look where you're going!": gaze behaviour associated with maintaining and changing the direction of locomotion. Exp Brain Res, 143 :221-230 DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Sorensen KL, Hollands MA, Patla E. 2002. The effects of human ankle muscle vibration on posture and balance during adaptive locomotion. Exp Brain Res, 143 :24-34 DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Hollands MA, Sorensen KL, Patla AE. 2001. Effects of head immobilization on the coordination and control of head and body reorientation and translation during steering. Exp Brain Res, 140 :223-233 DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Hollands MA, Marple-Horvat DE. 2001. Coordination of eye and leg movements during visually guided stepping. J Mot Behav, 33 :205-216 DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Crowdy KA, Hollands MA, Ferguson IT, Marple-Horvat DE. 2000. Evidence for interactive locomotor and oculomotor deficits in cerebellar patients during visually guided stepping. Exp Brain Res, 135 :437-454 DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Hollands MA, Sorensen KL, Patla AE. 2000. The effects of head immobilization on the co-ordination and control of head, trunk and com reorientation during a direction change task Archives of Physiology and Biochemistry, 108 :38 Author Url

Garwicz M, Marple-Horvat DE, Hollands MA, Armstrong DM. 1998. Receptive fields and neuronal discharge patterns of mossy fibres and Purkinje cells in cat cerebellar C3 zone during forelimb reaching EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF NEUROSCIENCE, 10 :304-304 Author Url

Marple-Horvat DE, Hollands MA, Crowdy KA, Criado JM, Armstrong DM. 1998. Role of the cerebellum in visually guided stepping JOURNAL OF PHYSIOLOGY-LONDON, 509P :29S-29S Author Url

MarpleHorvat DE, Garwicz M, Hollands MA, Criado JM, Armstrong DM. 1997. Neuronal activity in microzones of the cerebellar c3 zone in the cat during a visually guided reach-retrieval task. JOURNAL OF PHYSIOLOGY-LONDON, 504P :P64-P65 Author Url

Marple-Horvat DE, Gilbey SL, Hollands MA. 1996. A method for automatic identification of saccades from eye movement recordings. J Neurosci Methods, 67 :191-195 DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Hollands MA, Marple-Horvat DE. 1996. Visually guided stepping under conditions of step cycle-related denial of visual information. Exp Brain Res, 109 :343-356 DOI Author Url Publisher Url

MarpleHorvat DE, Criado JM, Hollands MA, Armstrong DM. 1996. The lateral cerebellum and visually guided stepping JOURNAL OF PHYSIOLOGY-LONDON, 493P :S9-S9 Author Url

Hollands MA, Marple-Horvat DE, Henkes S, Rowan AK. 1995. Human Eye Movements During Visually Guided Stepping. J Mot Behav, 27 :155-163 DOI Author Url Publisher Url


Khobkhun F, Hollands M, Richards J. A Comparison of Turning Kinematics at Different Amplitudes during Standing Turns between Older and Younger Adults Applied Sciences, 12 :5474-5474 DOI Publisher Url Public Url


Weerdesteyn V, Hollands KL, Hollands MA. 2018. Gait adaptability Handbook of Clinical Neurology 159 :135-146 DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Hollands MA, hollands K, rietdyk S. 2017. Visual Control of Adaptive Locomotion and Changes Due to Natural Ageing barbieri F, vitorio R. Locomotion and Posture in Older Adults The Role of Aging and Movement Disorders :55-72 Springer 9783319489803 DOI Publisher Url

Hollands M, Hollands K, Rietdyk S. 2017. Visual control of adaptive locomotion and changes due to natural ageing Locomotion and Posture in Older Adults: The Role of Aging and Movement Disorders :55-72 DOI Publisher Url

External PGR examinations performed:

Liverpool South Bank University, PhD, Virtual reality obstacle crossing: adaptation, retention and transfer to the physical world. 2023

Imperial College, PhD, Cortical Contribution to postural control. 2023

Brunel University, PhD, Anna Fielding: The Effects of Anxiety, Ageing, and Neurodegenerative Disease on Visual Reweighting for Postural Control. 2021

University of Durham, PhD, Rachel Mowbry Sensorimotor Development: A Whole-Body Perspective. 2020

Research Grants Awarded:

NIHR Allied Research Collaboration North West Coast PhD Studentship, Evaluating the feasibility of installing Visual Adaptations in the Built Living Environment of older adults to prevent falls, Richard Foster (PI), Grant value (£): 71754, Duration of research project: thre years. 2023

The ART (Ageing Research Translation) of Healthy Ageing Network, Developing an Implementation Framework for Stair Falls Interventions, Richard Foster (PI), Grant value (£): 9955, Duration of research project: 1 year. 2023

The ART (Ageing Research Translation) of Healthy Ageing Network, Developing an Implementation Framework for Stair Falls Interventions., Emma Mulliner (PI) Tom O'brien, Grant value (£): 9955.26, Duration of research project: 6 months. 2023

Dunhill Medical Trust, Using body worn sensors to inform data-driven home modifications with the aim of reducing falls risk in older adults £266738, Grant value (£): 266738. 2022

The Waterloo Foundation, Can Trip and Slip Recovery Training Reduce the Risk of Falls for Children with Developmental Coordination Disorder: A Proof-of-Principle Study, Tom O'Brien (PI), Grant value (£): 64953, Duration of research project: 1 year. 2022

The Waterloo Foundation, Can training children with DCD where to look during walking reduce their risk of trips and falls? £55600, Richard Foster (LJMU) Greg Wood (MMU), Grant value (£): £55600, Duration of research project: 1 year. 2019

Liverpool Clinical Commissioning Group, Visual modifications of the home environment to reduce falls in older adults (VISMOD) £27205 Rich Foster PI, Richard Foster is PI, Grant value (£): 27205, Duration of research project: 6 months. 2019

Dunhill Medical Trust, Looking in the right places to prevent stair falls in older adults £134,797, Costis Maganaris, Vasilios Balzopoulos, Thomas O'Brien, Caroline Lees, Grant value (£): £134,797, Duration of research project: 3 years. 2016

National Institute for Health Research Stroke Research Network, Grant Development, NIHR Efficacy and Mechanisms Evaluation grant application writing group, Kristen Hollands, Richard Baker (Salforld University(, Sara RTyson (Manchester Unibersity), Grant value (£): 2500. 2014

International progressive MS alliance, The effects of oculomotor retraining on upper and lower limb function in progressive MS. A proof of concept study., Jonathan Marsden, Peter Feys,, Grant value (£): 55000, Duration of research project: 1 year. 2014


Vice Chancellor's Award for the promotion of EDI in Research & Knowledge Exchange (Faculty Winner), LJMU, 2021

External committees:

Promotions panel Department of Kinesiology, Wilfrid Laurier University, Canada, External reviewer for promotion to Full Professor. 2021

Past-president International Society of Posture and Gait Research, International Society of Posture and Gait Research, Past-president and chair of Nominations Committee. 2020

Department of Kinesiology promotions committee, Brock University, Canada, Reviewer for tenure/promotion. 2019

President of International Society of Posture and Gait Research, International Society of Posture and Gait Research, President. 2018

College of Reviewers, The Canadian Institutes of Health Research, Panel member. 2016

Vice-president of International Society of Posture and Gait Research, International Society of Posture and Gait Research, Vice-President, 2016

Treasurer of International Society of Posture and Gait Research, International Society for Posture and Gait Research, Treasurer, 2014

Executive Board, International Society for Posture and Gait Research. 2012

Other Professional Activity:

Member of School EDI Research Sub-Committee. 2020

Chair of Faculty of Science Research Degree Subcommittee. 2020

Deputy Head of RISES (postgraduate research). 2014

Postgraduate Admissions and Progressions tutor for School of Sports and Exercise Sceinces. 2014

Conference organisation:

Co-chair of World Congress of the International Society for Posture and Gait Research, Meeting co-chair, 2015

Editorial boards:

Gait and Posture, Editorial board member.
