Dr Martin Eubank
Sport and Exercise Sciences
Faculty of Science
Email: M.R.Eubank@ljmu.ac.uk
Telephone: 0151 904 6240
Dr Martin Eubank is Subject Head and Principal Lecturer in Sport Psychology in the School of Sport and Exercise Sciences at Liverpool John Moores University, and is also the Programme Director of the School’s Professional Doctorate in Sport and Exercise Psychology. Martin is a Health and Care Professions Council Registered Sport and Exercise Psychologist, Associate Fellow of the British Psychological Society (AFBPsS) and current Chair of the BPS Stage 2 Qualification in Sport and Exercise Psychology. Martin has several research interests, including the professional identity, growth and development of Sport Psychology practitioners, the active ingredients in Sport Psychology service delivery, and the anxiety and career transition experiences of practitioners and other populations in sport.
Highlighted publications
Wadsworth N, McEwan H, Lafferty M, Eubank MR, Tod D. 2021. Stories of Critical Moments Contributing to the Development of Applied Sport Psychology Practitioners Sport Psychologist, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Champ F, Ronkainen N, Tod D, Eubank A, Littlewood M. 2020. A tale of three seasons: a cultural sport psychology and gender performativity approach to practitioner identity and development in professional football QUALITATIVE RESEARCH IN SPORT EXERCISE AND HEALTH, 13 :847-863 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Tod D, McEwan H, Chandler C, Eubank MR, Lafferty M. 2020. The Gravitational Pull of Identity: Professional Growth in Sport, Exercise, and Performance Psychologists Journal of Sport Psychology in Action, 11 :233-242 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
McEwan H, Eubank MR, Tod D. 2019. The Rocky Road to Individuation: Sport Psychologists’ Perspectives on Professional Development Psychology of Sport and Exercise, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Tod D, Hardy J, Lavallee D, Eubank MR, Ronkainen NJ. 2019. Practitioners’ Narratives Regarding Active Ingredients in Service Delivery: Collaboration-Based Problem Solving Psychology of Sport and Exercise, 43 :350-358 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Tod DA, Eubank MR, (Vana) Hutter RI. 2017. Professional Development for Sport Psychology Practice Current Opinion in Psychology, 16 :134-137 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Chandler C, Eubank MR, Nesti MS, Tod D. 2016. Personal Qualities of Effective Sport Psychologists: Coping with Organisational Demands in High Performance Sport. International Journal of Sport Psychology, 47 :297-317 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Chandler C, Eubank MR, Nesti MS, Cable T. 2014. Personal qualities of effective Sport Psychologists: A Sports Physician Perspective. Physical Culture and Sport. Studies and Research, 61 :28-38
Journal article
McGinty-Minister K, Champ FM, Eubank ME, Littlewood MA, Whitehead A. 2023. Stakeholder conceptualisations of mental health and mental illness in English Premier League Football academies Managing Sport and Leisure, DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Burnell L, Ong CW, Pitt T, Butt J, Eubank MR. 2023. Exploring the perceived benefits of engaging with Spotlight personality profiling in performance domains. Sport and Exercise Psychology Review, 18 :76-95 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Sant B, Nesti MS, Eubank M. 2022. The effect of Mindfulness Training on Sport Injury Anxiety during rehabilitation MCAST Journal of Applied Research and Practice, 6 :73-87 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Wadsworth N, McEwan H, Lafferty M, Eubank MR, Tod D. 2021. A Systematic Review Exploring the Reflective Accounts of Applied Sport Psychology Practitioners International Review of Sport and Exercise Psychology, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
McGreary M, Morris R, Eubank M. 2021. Retrospective and concurrent perspectives of the transition into senior professional female football within the United Kingdom Psychology of Sport and Exercise, 53 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Wadsworth N, McEwan H, Lafferty M, Eubank MR, Tod D. 2021. Stories of Critical Moments Contributing to the Development of Applied Sport Psychology Practitioners Sport Psychologist, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Porter S, Ronkainen N, Sille R, Eubank M. 2021. An Existential Counseling Case Study: Navigating Several Critical Moments With a Professional Football Player Case Studies in Sport and Exercise Psychology, 5 :106-113 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Champ FM, Ronkainen NJ, Littlewood MA, Eubank M. 2020. Supporting Identity Development in Talented Youth Athletes: Insights from Existential and Cultural Psychological Approaches Journal of Sport Psychology in Action, 11 :219-232 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Champ F, Ronkainen N, Tod D, Eubank A, Littlewood M. 2020. A tale of three seasons: a cultural sport psychology and gender performativity approach to practitioner identity and development in professional football QUALITATIVE RESEARCH IN SPORT EXERCISE AND HEALTH, 13 :847-863 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
McGreary M, Eubank MR, Birch P, Whitehead AE. 2020. Thinking Aloud. A qualitative analysis of stressors and coping responses in cricket bowlers during a competitive match. Qualitative Research in Sport, Exercise and Health, 13 :972-989 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Tod D, McEwan H, Chandler C, Eubank MR, Lafferty M. 2020. The Gravitational Pull of Identity: Professional Growth in Sport, Exercise, and Performance Psychologists Journal of Sport Psychology in Action, 11 :233-242 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
McGreary M, Eubank MR, Morris R, Whitehead AE. 2020. Thinking Aloud: Stress and Coping in Junior Cricket Batsmen during Challenge and Threat States Perceptual and Motor Skills, 127 :1095-1117 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Sille RA, Turner MJ, Eubank MR. 2020. “Don’t Be Stupid, Stupid!” Cognitive-Behavioral Techniques to Reduce Irrational Beliefs and Enhance Focus in a Youth Tennis Player Case Studies in Sport and Exercise Psychology, 4 :40-51 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Wadsworth N, Paszkowec B, Eubank MR. 2020. One-to-one support with a professional Rugby League Player: A case for referral? Case Studies in Sport and Exercise Psychology, 4 :1-7 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Lafferty M, Hemmings B, Katz J, Cunliffe M, Eubank MR. 2019. Many roads can lead to Rome – Supervisors perspectives on successful supervision and its challenges Sport and Exercise Psychology Review, 15 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Eubank MR, Holder T, Lowry R, Manley A, Maynard I, McCormick A, Smith J, Thelwell R, Woodman T, Lafferty M. 2019. All roads lead to Rome, but Rome wasn’t built in a day. Advice on QSEP navigation from the ‘Roman Gods’ of assessment! Sport and Exercise Psychology Review, 15 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Drew K, Morris R, Tod D, Eubank MR. 2019. A meta-study of qualitative research on the junior-to-senior transition in sport Psychology of Sport and Exercise, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
McEwan H, Eubank MR, Tod D. 2019. The Rocky Road to Individuation: Sport Psychologists’ Perspectives on Professional Development Psychology of Sport and Exercise, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Tod D, Hardy J, Lavallee D, Eubank MR, Ronkainen NJ. 2019. Practitioners’ Narratives Regarding Active Ingredients in Service Delivery: Collaboration-Based Problem Solving Psychology of Sport and Exercise, 43 :350-358 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Eubank MR, Forshaw MJ. 2018. Professional Doctorates for Practitioner Psychologists: Understanding the territory and its impact on programme development. Studies in Continuing Education, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Forshaw MJ, Tod DA, Eubank MR. 2018. Conducting a systematic review: demystification for trainees in health psychology. Health Psychology Update, 27 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Swettenham L, Eubank MR, Won D, Whitehead AE. 2018. Investigating Stress and Coping During Practice and Competition in Tennis using Think Aloud International Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Tod DA, Eubank MR, (Vana) Hutter RI. 2017. Professional Development for Sport Psychology Practice Current Opinion in Psychology, 16 :134-137 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Eubank MR, Nesti MS, Littlewood MA. 2017. A Culturally Informed Approach to Mental Toughness Development in High Performance Sport International Journal of Sport Psychology, 48 :206-222 DOI Author Url Public Url
Tod D, Eubank MR. 2017. Conducting a systematic review: Demystification for trainees in sport and exercise psychology Sport and Exercise Psychology Review, 13 Publisher Url Public Url
Tod D, Eubank M. 2017. Conducting a systematic review: Demystification for trainees in sport and exercise psychology Sport & Exercise Psychology Review, 13 :65-72 DOI Publisher Url
Eubank MR. 2016. Commentary: Blurred lines: Performance Enhancement, Common Mental Disorders and Referral in the U.K. Athletic Population. Frontiers in Psychology, 7 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Eubank MR. 2016. Trainee learning experiences for the demonstration of practitioner competence: A commentary on the commentary. Sport and Exercise Psychology Review, 12 Publisher Url Public Url
Chandler C, Eubank MR, Nesti MS, Tod D. 2016. Personal Qualities of Effective Sport Psychologists: Coping with Organisational Demands in High Performance Sport. International Journal of Sport Psychology, 47 :297-317 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Morris R, Tod D, Eubank MR. 2016. From Youth Team to First Team: An Investigation into the Transition Experiences of Young Professional Athletes in Football International Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Tod D, Eubank MR, Nesti MS. 2015. Its good to talk...ramble on... Sport and Exercise Psychology Review, 11 :71-78 Publisher Url Public Url
Tod D, Eubank M, Nesti M. 2015. Ramble on… Sport & Exercise Psychology Review, 11 :71-78 DOI Publisher Url
Mitchell T, Richardson D, Nesti M, Eubank M, Midgley A, Littlewood M. 2014. Exploring Athletic Identity in Elite Level English Youth Football:A Cross Sectional Approach Journal of Sports Sciences, 32 :1294-1299 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Eubank MR, Nesti M, Cruickshank A. 2014. Understanding high performance sport environments: Impact for the professional training and supervision of Sport Psychologists. Sport and Exercise Psychology Review, 10 DOI Publisher Url
Chandler C, Eubank MR, Nesti MS, Cable T. 2014. Personal qualities of effective Sport Psychologists: A Sports Physician Perspective. Physical Culture and Sport. Studies and Research, 61 :28-38
Briegal Jones R, Knowles ZR, Eubank M, Gianoulatos K, Elliot D. 2013. A Preliminary Investigation into the Effect of Yoga Practice on Mindfulness and Flow in Elite Youth Swimmers The Sport Psychologist, 27 :349-359 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Wilson G, Fraser WD, Sharma A, Eubank M, Drust B, Morton JP, Close GL. 2013. Markers of bone health, renal function, liver function, anthropometry and perception of mood: a comparison between Flat and National Hunt Jockeys. Int J Sports Med, 34 :453-459 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Lafferty M, Eubank MR. 2013. Getting started and assessing trainee progression in the Qualification in Sport and Exercise Psychology Sport and Exercise Psychology Review, 9 :5-10 DOI Publisher Url
Eubank MR. 2013. Evidencing and assessing trainee competence on the Qualification in Sport and Exercise Psychology: The Consultancy Case Study Sport and Exercise Psychology Review, 9 :11-14
Eubank MR. 2013. Assessing and defending trainee competence on the Qualification in Sport and Exercise Psychology: The Oral Assessment Interview Sport and Exercise Psychology Review, 9 :37
Eubank MR. 2013. Professional training experiences on the Qualification in Sport and Exercise Psychology: A Supervisor and Candidate perspective Sport and Exercise Psychology Review, 9 :45-60
Eubank MR, Hudson J. 2013. The future of professional training for professional competence. Sport and Exercise Psychology Review, 9 :61-65
Nesti M, Littlewood M, O'Halloran L, Eubank M, Richardson D. 2012. Critical Moments in Elite Premiership Football: Who Do You Think You Are? Physical Culture and Sport. Studies and Research., 56 :23-32 DOI Publisher Url
Wilson G, Chester N, Eubank M, Crighton B, Drust B, Morton JP, Close GL. 2012. An alternative dietary strategy to make weight while improving mood, decreasing body fat, and not dehydrating: a case study of a professional jockey. Int J Sport Nutr Exerc Metab, 22 :225-231 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Eubank MR, Cain A. 2012. Qualifications Board Update: HPC Approval and beyond. Sport and Exercise Psychology Review, 8(1) :84-88
Wilson G, Chester N, Eubank M, Crighton B, Morton J, Close G. 2012. An alternate dietary strategy to make weight improves mood, decreases body-fat and removes the necessity for dehydration: A case study from a professional UK jockey. International Journal of Sport Nutrition & Exercise Metabolism, Author Url
Eubank MR, Niven A, Cain A. 2011. Training routes to registration as a Chartered Sport and Exercise Psychologist Sport and Exercise Psychology Review, 5 :47-50
Lim HBT, Atkinson G, Karageorghis CI, Eubank MM. 2009. Erratum: Effects of differentiated music on cycling time trial (International Journal of Sports Medicine (2009) 30 (435-442)) International Journal of Sports Medicine, 30 :555 DOI Publisher Url
Eubank MR, Cain A. 2009. Looking to the future of DSEPTC Sport and Exercise Psychology Review, 5 :39-43
Lim H, Karageorghis C, Atkinson G, Eubank M. 2009. Effects of differentiated music on cycling time trial. International Journal of Sports Medicine, 30 :1-8
Knowles Z, Tyler G, Gilbourne D, Eubank M. 2006. Reflecting on reflection: Exploring the practice of sports coaching graduates. Reflective Practice, :163-180 DOI Publisher Url
Atkinson G, Wilson D, Eubank M. 2004. Effects of music on work-rate distribution during a cycling time trial INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SPORTS MEDICINE, 25 :611-615 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Eubank M, Collins D, Smith N. 2002. Anxiety and ambiguity: It's all open to interpretation JOURNAL OF SPORT & EXERCISE PSYCHOLOGY, 24 :239-253 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Eubank M, Collins D, Smith N. 2000. The influence of anxiety direction on processing bias JOURNAL OF SPORT & EXERCISE PSYCHOLOGY, 22 :292-306 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Eubank M, Collins D. 2000. Coping with pre- and in-event fluctuations in competitive state anxiety: a longitudinal approach. J Sports Sci, 18 :121-131 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Eubank M, Collins D, Lovell G, Dorling D, Talbot S. 1997. Individual temporal differences in precompetition anxiety and hormonal concentration Personality and Individual Differences, 23 :1031-1039 DOI Publisher Url
Nesti MS. Personal Qualities of Effective Sport Psychologists: A Sport Physician Perspective Psychology of Sport and Exercise, DOI Publisher Url
Porter S, Pitt T, Eubank M, Butt J, Thomas O. An Expert Understanding of the Single Session Mindset Journal of Systemic Therapies, Publisher Url
Butt J, Breckon J, Eubank M. 2023. COGNITIVE BEHAVIORAL THERAPY Routledge Handbook of Applied Sport Psychology: a Comprehensive Guide for Students and Practitioners, Second Edition :163-173 DOI Publisher Url
Tod D, Eubank M, McEwan HE, Chandler C, Lafferty M. 2021. Supervision Sport, Exercise and Performance Psychology :350-362 Oxford University PressNew York DOI Publisher Url
Eubank M, Morris R, Cunliffe M. 2020. Cognitive therapy approaches Applied Sport, Exercise, and Performance Psychology: Current Approaches to Helping Clients :52-69 DOI Publisher Url
Chandler C, Steptoe K, Eubank M. 2020. ASSESSING THE IMPACT OF PSYCHOLOGY PROVISION IN ELITE YOUTH SOCCER The Psychology of Soccer :234-246 DOI Publisher Url
Morris R, Tod D, Eubank MR. 2017. “It’s the end of the world as we know it (and I feel fine)” - The use of Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy (REBT) to increase function and reduce irrational beliefs of an injured athlete Turner M, Bennett R. Rational Emotive Behavioural Therapy in Sport and Exercise Routledge 978-1138688452 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Eubank MR, Tod D. 2015. Helping Ron with Burnout and Career-Transition Global Practices and Training in Applied Sport, Exercise and Performance Psychology DOI
Eubank MR, Tod D, Andersen M. 2014. International perspectives: Training and supervision in the United Kingdom and Australia. Cremades JG, Tashman LS. Becoming a sport, exercise, and performance psychology professional: a global perspective :324-330 Psychology Press. DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Tod D, Eubank MR, Andersen MB. 2014. International perspectives: Training and supervision in the United Kingdom and Australia Becoming a Sport, Exercise, and Performance Psychology Professional: A Global Perspective :324-330 DOI
Eubank M, Gilbourne D. 2003. Stress, performance and motivation theory Science and Soccer: Second Edition :214-229 DOI
Knowles ZR, Borrie Z. 2003. Coaching Science and Soccer Reilly T, Williams AM. Science and soccer :187-198 9780415262323 DOI Publisher Url
Tod D, Eubank M, Brewer B. Theoretical Orientations in Service Delivery Applied Sport, Exercise, and Performance Psychology Current Approaches to Helping Clients DOI Publisher Url
Eubank M, Lafferty M, Breslin G. The British Psychological Society Qualifications in Sport and Exercise Psychology Stage 2 Developing a Sport Psychology Consultancy: A toolkit for Students and Trainees DOI Publisher Url
Eubank M, Wagstaff C, McCarthy P. Professional Doctorates in Sport and Exercise Psychology Developing a Sport Psychology Consultancy: A toolkit for Students and Trainees DOI Publisher Url
Butt J, Breckon J, Eubank M. Cognitive Behavioural Therapy in Sport Psychology Handbook of Applied Sport Psychology
Eubank M, Morris R, Cunliffe M. Cognitive therapy approaches Applied Sport, Exercise, and Performance Psychology :53-69 Taylor & Francis DOI
Buck T, Morris R, Eubank M. 2022. Professional support provision experiences and reflections in elite sport in the UK: Enhancing mental health literacy and clinical referral systems for current and retired elite athletes.
Editorial/letter to the editor
Eubank M, Ronkainnen N, Tod D. 2021. New Approaches to Identity in Sport Journal of Sport Psychology in Action, 11 :215-218 DOI Publisher Url
Butt J, Laffert M, Breslin G, Lowry R, Britton D, Barker J, Eubank MR. 2020. Supporting Youth Athletes during Covid-19: Guidance for parents and guardians. Publisher Url Public Url
Books (authored)
Eubank MR, Tod D. 2016. How to Become a Sport and Exercise Psychologist Routledge DOI Publisher Url
Conference publication
Lim HBT, Atkinson G, Karageorghis CI, Eubank MR. 2009. Effects of Differentiated Music on Cycling Time Trial INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SPORTS MEDICINE, 6th International Conference on Sport, Leisure and Ergonomics 30 :435-442 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Eubank M, Collins D. 1998. The anxiety direction construct: State or trait, factor or artefact? Journal of Sports Sciences, 16 :77-78
Eubank MR, Collins DJ, Lovell GP, Dorling D, Talbot S. 1996. Temporal patterning of competitive state anxiety and hormonal concentration in marathon canoeists Journal of Sports Sciences, 14 :26-27
Morris R, Tod DA, Eubank MR. From youth team to first team: An investigation into the transition experiences of young professional athletes in football
Books (edited)
Applied Sport, Exercise, and Performance Psychology Current Approaches to Helping Clients Tod D, Eubank M. DOI Publisher Url
Applied Sport, Exercise, and Performance Psychology Current Approaches to Helping Clients Tod D, Eubank M. DOI Publisher Url
Associate Fellow, British Psychological Society. 2012
Membership of professional bodies:
Registered Sport Psychologist, Health Professions Council. 2009
Chartered Psychologist, British Psychological Society. 2008