CCTV privacy notice

Information you need to know

The Campus Support (Security) department is part of Liverpool John Moores University. See further information on the institution.

Liverpool John Moores University is the Data Controller.

Our Data Protection Officer can be contacted at

LJMU takes your privacy very seriously. This privacy notice explains how we use your personal information and your rights regarding that information. We will always use your data as set out in the principles of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and all current Data Protection Legislation. We are committed to being transparent about how we collect and use your data and to meeting our data protection obligations.

For information about how the wider University uses personal data please see the Privacy Notice section of our website.

The type of information we are collecting

The University collects CCTV images and recordings via a number of different camera types across the estate.

The reason why we are collecting your data and the legal basis for this

LJMU will collect personal data from you for several reasons and will at all times do so in compliance with the principles of the GDPR, and for one of the legal basis set out in Article 6 of the Regulation.

We are processing your data under the Article 6 provisions for Legitimate Interests - where we feel the processing is otherwise to our benefit and is proportionate to its effect on the data subjects’ rights.

Those legitimate interests are as follows:

  • To help reduce the fear of crime.
  • To help prevent and/or detect crime and disorder and provide evidential material.
  • To assist with the apprehension and prosecution of alleged offenders
  • To assist in the overall management of safety and security at the University
  • To investigate allegations of non-compliance with the University’s rules and regulations, particularly those applicable to staff and students
  • To enhance community safety and assist in developing the economic well-being of the University area
  • To assist with traffic management
  • To assist the Local Authority in its enforcement and regulatory functions within the University area
  • To assist in supporting civil proceedings which may help prevent and detect crime
  • To assist in the training of Security Managers, the police and others involved in the use of the System

The source of this personal data

The University’s estate comprises several buildings, car parks and other public areas across Mount Pleasant, City and IM Marsh Campuses. We operate a Closed-Circuit Television (CCTV) system across our estate. The CCTV System is made up of the following separate systems:

  • The Primary CCTV System, located in the Security Control Centre, which consists of cameras at all Campuses

The Primary CCTV System consists of internal and external cameras installed at strategic locations. Some of the cameras are fully operational with pan, tilt and zoom facilities; others are fixed cameras, images from which are presented in the same location. The Primary CCTV System is fully managed by authorised Security staff from the Control Centre within City Campus. There are secondary monitoring stations in the sports centre and IM Marsh Campus. These secondary monitoring stations are for authorised staff at each location to monitor feeds from cameras situated in those locations.

If you visit any part of the University estate or public areas in its immediate vicinity, your image and your movements may be captured by our CCTV System. You may be captured on more than one camera throughout your visit.

Who has access to this data

Your personal data will be used only by relevant LJMU staff where the data is necessary for them to undertake their designated role.

Examples of relevant staff may include.

  • LJMU Security
  • Student Governance
  • Safety Health and Environment team
  • HR
  • Gym Supervisors and managers (Live Feed)

We share your information with a range of external organisations and bodies, some of which are processing personal data on our behalf. We only share your personal data with another person or organisation where the law allows us to do so and we consider it to be appropriate under the circumstances.

The external parties we may share information with include the following:

  • Government agencies and authorities, including the police and DWP for the prevention and detection of crime, apprehension and prosecution of offenders, the collection of tax or duty and safeguarding national security, among other things.
  • Executive agencies or non-departmental public bodies such as UK Visas and Immigration, HM Revenue and Customs and the Health and Safety Executive.
  • Insurance companies and solicitors where they make a lawful request for CCTV footage for the purposes of investigating insurance claims involving their insured parties or other legal claims, such as personal injury claims, relating to their clients.
  • Contractors who manage construction or other projects on, in or near University premises who make a lawful request for CCTV footage to investigate health and safety incidents or other similar incidents.
  • Internal and external auditors to provide assurance that the University is following its risk management, governance and internal control processes and to independently inspect our financial statements and records.
  • Companies or organisations acting on our behalf: We use data processors who are third parties who provide elements of services for us. We have contracts in place with our data processors. This means that they cannot do anything with your personal information unless we have instructed them to do it. They will hold it securely and retain it for the period we instruct.

For how long does the University keep your data?

Footage recorded via our CCTV System, including via body worn video devices, will be retained for up to 30 days, following which it will be automatically overwritten or deleted.

Footage which has been viewed and downloaded because it may be required for evidential purposes e.g. because it shows a potential incident, will be retained for a maximum of six months, then it will be deleted.

Footage which has been downloaded because we have been informed it relates to a security incident and it has either been used as evidence for LJMU purposes or provided to a third party such as the police as evidence, will be retained for six years.

Your rights

As a data subject, you have a number of rights under the legislation including the right to request:

  • Access to and obtain a copy of your data on request, this may be in a portable electronic format;
  • The University to change incorrect or incomplete data if you think that it is inaccurate or out of date
  • The University to delete or stop processing your data, for example where the data is no longer necessary or legally required for the purposes of processing
  • If your personal data has been provided by consent, you have a right to withdraw that consent at any time.

Please be aware that there a number of exemptions to these rights. If you would like to exercise any of these rights, please contact the Data Protection Officer.

Transfers of data outside the UK

Generally, we do not send your personal data outside the UK. However, in some specific cases we may transfer the personal data we collect to countries outside the UK in order to perform our contract with you/or a contract with another organisation that requires your personal data i.e. a collaboration agreement with a university based outside of the UK. Where we do this, we will ensure that your personal information is protected by way of an ‘adequacy regulation’ with the UK or by putting alternative appropriate measures in place to ensure that your personal information is treated by those third parties in a way that is consistent with and which respects the UK laws on data protection. For example model contractual clauses, data sharing/data processing agreement and binding corporate rules (where applicable).

Automated decision making

We will not make any decisions about you automatically using a computer, based on your personal data. All decisions affecting you will be taken by a human.

The Information Commissioner’s Office

You have the right to complain to The Information Commissioner if you believe that our processing of your personal data does not meet our data protection obligations. The Information Commissioner can be contacted:

Post: Information Commissioners Office, Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire, SK95AF.

Telephone: 0303 123 1113.

Email: contact can be made by accessing