Applied Computing Research Group
The Group focuses on the application of computing to real-world problems through research and industrial projects.
Applied Computing Research Group was established in 2010 by Prof. Dhiya Al-Jumeily, led by Prof. Abir Hussain and currently, is led by Dr Hoshang Kolivand. Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Augmented/Virtual Reality(AR/VR) are changing everything with the help of Data Science and Machine Learning. We are going to face a new world that AI will be the heart of, and AR/VR its eyes. The Group is a multidisciplinary team that develops novel approaches and applications in the areas of Artificial Intelligence, Data Science, Machine Learning and Visualisation. By developing these novel approaches and applications, the Group is able to facilitate personalisation and interpretation of data for specific user needs and to minimise the cognitive burden of information overload.
The Group develops software and hardware solutions for a variety of domains, from commercial and industrial solutions to experimental evaluation. The Applied Computing Research Group also enhances the Faculty’s knowledge of software engineering.
The Applied Computing Research Group attracts research funding from various sources in the UK and the European Union, including from industry, research councils and charitable foundations. For example, the Group received substantial grants from the British Council Research Grant, KTPs, Newton funds, International funds and the Merseyside Fire and Rescue Service.
The Group supports a wide range of research interests and the number of research students who have joined the Group’s vibrant community has grown steadily.
Research achievements
The group is active in several research project and organising conferences and events. In August 2017, the group organised the leading International Conference on Intelligent Computing in Liverpool for the first time. In 2018 organised 5th International Conference on Interactive Digital Media in Liverpool and several other conferences word-widely.
Another key success for the Applied Computing Research Group is the International Conference Series on Developments in eSystems Engineering DeSE, which the Group founded and has organised since 2007.
Although medical research is advancing at a rapid rate, governments and budgets are not. So there is a need for developing systems that can support health care and streamline the health care process. Researchers within the Group have published many papers within this area of research, in particular at the International Joint Conference on Neural Networks in Ireland and an International Conference on Intelligent Computing.
Our members
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Contact the Applied Computing Research Group
If you’d like to ask a question or find out more about information about this Group, please contact the team using the details below.
Contact: Dr. Hoshang Kolivand
Email: H.Kolivand@ljmu.ac.uk
Telephone: 0151 231 2009
Applied Computing Research Group
School of Computer Science and Mathematics
Faculty of Technology and Environment
Liverpool John Moores University
James Parsons Building
Byrom Street
L3 3AF
Faq Items
Selected Publications
Umeokafor N, Evangelinos K, Windapo A. 2020. Strategies for improving complex construction health and safety regulatory environments International Journal of Construction Management, DOI Publisher Url
Umeokafor N. 2020. Why copied or transposed safety, health and well-being legislation and standards are impracticable and irrelevant in developing economies Policy and Practice in Health and Safety, 18 :41-54 DOI Publisher Url
Umeokafor N, Windapo A, Evangelinos K. 2019. Causal inferences of external?contextual domains on complex construction, safety, health and environment regulation Safety Science, 118 :379-388 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Umeokafor N. 2018. An investigation into public and private clients’ attitudes, commitment and impact on construction health and safety in Nigeria Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, 25 :798-815 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Umeokafor N. 2016. Approaches, drivers and motivators of health and safety self-regulation in the Nigerian construction industry : a scoping study Architectural Engineering and Design Management, 12 :460-475 DOI Publisher Url
Nooripour R, Hosseinian S, Hussain AJ, Annabestani M, Maadal A, Radwin LE, Hassani-Abharian P, Pirkashani NG, Khoshkonesh A. 2021. How Resiliency and Hope Can Predict Stress of Covid-19 by Mediating Role of Spiritual Well-being Based on Machine Learning Journal of Religion and Health, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Khan W, Crocket K, Oshea J, Hussain A, Khan B. 2020. Deception in the Eyes of Deceiver: A Computer Vision and Machine Learning Based Automated Deception Detection Expert Systems with Applications, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Kleanthous N, Hussain A, Khan W, Liatsis P. 2020. A new machine learning based approach to predict Freezing of Gait Pattern Recognition Letters, DOI Author Url Public Url
Khan W, Hussain A, Alaskar H, Shamsa TB, Ghali F, Al-Jumeily D, Al-Shamma’a A. 2020. Prediction of Flood Severity Level Via Processing IoT Sensor Data Using Data Science Approach IEEE Internet of Things Magazine, Public Url
Khan W, Hussain A, Kuru K, Al-askar H. 2020. Pupil Localisation and Eye Centre Estimation using Machine Learning and Computer Vision Sensors, 20 :3785-3785 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Khalaf M, Alaskar H, Hussain AJ, Shamsa TB, Maamar Z, Buyya R, Liatsis P, Khan W, Tawfik H, Al-Jumeily D. 2020. IoT-enabled Flood Severity Prediction via Ensemble Machine Learning Models IEEE Access, DOI Author Url Public Url
Ahmed Z, Hussain A, Khan W, Baker T, Al-Askar H, Lunn J, Liatsis P, Al-Jumeily D, Al-Shabandar R. 2020. Lossy and Lossless Video Frame Compression: A Novel Approach for the High-Temporal Video Data Analytics Remote Sensing, DOI Author Url Public Url
Al-Maytami BA, Fan P, Hussain A, Shamsa TB, Liatsis P. 2019. A Task Scheduling Algorithm with Improved Makespan Based on Prediction of Tasks Computation Time algorithm for Cloud Computing IEEE Access, DOI Author Url Public Url
Al-Maytami B, Fan P, Hussain A, Shamsa T, Liatsis P. 2019. An Efficient Queries Processing Model Based on Multi Broadcast Searchable Keywords Encryption (MBSKE) Ad Hoc Networks, DOI Author Url Public Url
McWhirter PR, Hussain A, Al-Jumeily D, Steele I, Vellasco M. 2019. Classifying Periodic Astrophysical Phenomena from non-survey optimized variable-cadence observational data Expert Systems with Applications, 131 :94-115 DOI Author Url Public Url
Al-Shabandar R, Hussain A, Liatsis P, Keight R. 2019. Detecting At-Risk Students with Early Interventions Using Machine Learning Techniques IEEE Access, 7 :149464-149478 DOI Author Url Public Url
Alloghani M, Alani MM, Al-Jumeily D, Shamsa TB, Mustafina J, Hussain A, Kaky AJ. 2019. A Systematic Review on the Status and Progress of Homomorphic Encryption Technologies Journal of Information Security and Applications, 48 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Hashim K, Kot P, Salah Z, Reham A, Al Khaddar R, Shaw A, Al-Jumeily D, Al-Jefery M. 2020. Energy efficient electrocoagulation using baffle-plates electrodes for efficient Escherichia Coli removal from Wastewater Journal of Water Process Engineering, 33 DOI Author Url Public Url
Hurst W, Curbelo Montañez CA, Shone N, Al-Jumeily D. 2020. An Ensemble Detection Model using Multinomial Classification of Stochastic Gas Smart Meter Data to Improve Wellbeing Monitoring in Smart Cities IEEE Access, 8 :7877-7898 DOI Author Url Public Url
Alsadhan A, Hussain A, Liatsis P, Alani M, Tawfik H, Kendrick P, Francis H. 2019. Locally Weighted Classifiers for Detection of Neighbour Discovery Protocol DDoS and Replayed Attacks Transactions on Emerging Telecommunications Technologies, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Aljaaf A, Tonder LV, Mallucci C, Al-Jumeily D, Hussain A, Alloghani M. 2019. Patients Attitude to Technology A Way to Improve Hydrocephalus Management and Follow up Using Smartphone Intelligent Application Journal of Medical Systems, DOI Author Url Public Url
Hussain A, Al-Jumeily D, Aljaaf A, Radi N. 2018. Backpropagation Approach Supported by Image Compression Algorithm for the Classification of Chronic Condition Diseases IEEE/ACM Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics, DOI Author Url
Al-Kafri AS, Sudirman S, Hussain A, Al-Jumeily D, Natalia F, Meidia H, Afriliana N, Al-Rashdan W, Bashtawi M, Al-Jumaily M. 2019. Boundary Delineation of MRI Images for Lumbar Spinal Stenosis Detection through Semantic Segmentation using Deep Neural Networks IEEE Access, 7 :43487-43501 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Alaskar H, Hussain A, Al-Aseem N, Liatsis P, Al-Jumeily D. 2019. Application of Convolutional Neural Networks for Automated Ulcer Detection in Wireless Capsule Endoscopy Images Sensors (Basel, Switzerland), 19 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Hussain A, Al-Jumeily D, Al-Askar H, Radi N. 2016. Regularized dynamic self-organized neural network inspired by the immune algorithm for financial time series prediction Neurocomputing, 188 :23-30 DOI Author Url Public Url
Natalia F, Meidia H, Afriliana N, Young JC, Yunus RE, Al-Jumaily M, Al-Kafri A, Sudirman S. 2020. Automated measurement of anteroposterior diameter and foraminal widths in MRI images for lumbar spinal stenosis diagnosis PLOS ONE, 15 :e0241309-e0241309 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Liu L, Wang R, Xie C, Yang P, Wang F, Sudirman S, Liu W. 2020. Deep Learning based Automatic Multi-Class Wild Pest Monitoring Approach using Hybrid Global and Local Activated Features IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, DOI Public Url
Liu L, Wang R, Xie C, Yang P, Wang F, Sudirman S, Liu W. 2019. PestNet: An End-to-End Deep Learning Approach for Large-Scale Multi-Class Pest Detection and Classification IEEE Access, 7 :45301-45312 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Al-Kafri AS, Sudirman S, Hussain A, Al-Jumeily D, Natalia F, Meidia H, Afriliana N, Al-Rashdan W, Bashtawi M, Al-Jumaily M. 2019. Boundary Delineation of MRI Images for Lumbar Spinal Stenosis Detection through Semantic Segmentation using Deep Neural Networks IEEE Access, 7 :43487-43501 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Song C, Sudirman S, Merabti M. 2012. A robust region-adaptive dual image watermarking technique Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation, 23 :549-568 DOI Author Url
Natalia F, Meidia H, Afriliana N, Young JC, Yunus RE, Al-Jumaily M, Al-Kafri A, Sudirman S. 2020. Automated measurement of anteroposterior diameter and foraminal widths in MRI images for lumbar spinal stenosis diagnosis PLOS ONE, 15 :e0241309-e0241309 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Ur Rahman H, Merabti M, Llewellyn-Jones D, Sudirman S, Ghani A. 2020. Structuring communities for sharing human digital memories in a social P2P network Peer-to-Peer Networking and Applications, 13 :1629-1642 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Song C, Wang H, Zhang W, Sudirman S, Zhu H. 2020. A blockchain based Buyer-seller Watermark Protocol with Trustless Third party Recent Advances in Electrical and Electronic Engineering, DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Natalia F, Meidia H, Afriliana N, Young JC, Sudirman S. 2020. Contour evolution method for precise boundary delineation of medical images TELKOMNIKA (Telecommunication, Computing, Electronics and Control), 18 :1621-1632 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Sahisnu JS, Natalia F, Ferdinand FV, Sudirman S, Ko C-S. 2020. Vaccine prediction system using ARIMA method ICIC Express Letters, Part B: Applications, 11 :567-575 DOI Public Url
Liu L, Wang R, Xie C, Yang P, Wang F, Sudirman S, Liu W. 2020. Deep Learning based Automatic Multi-Class Wild Pest Monitoring Approach using Hybrid Global and Local Activated Features IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, DOI Public Url
Rathnasiri P, Jayasena S, Siriwardena M. 2020. Assessing the Applicability of Green Building Information Modelling for Existing Green Buildings International Journal of Design and Nature and Ecodynamics, 15 :763-776 DOI
Kendrick P, Shamsa TB, Maamar Z, Hussain A, Buyya R, Al-Jumeily D. 2018. An Efficient Multi-Cloud Service Composition Using A Distributed Multiagent-based, Memory-driven Approach IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Computing, DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Al-Shabandar R, Hussain A, Keight R, Liatsis P. 2018. Analyzing Learners Behavior in MOOCs: An Examination of Performance and Motivation Using a Data-Driven Approach IEEE Access, 6 :73669-73685 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
McWhirter P, Steele I, Hussain A, Al-Jumeily D, Vellasco M. 2018. GRAPE: Genetic Routine for Astronomical Period Estimation Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 479 :5196-5213 DOI Author Url Public Url
Kendrick P, Criado N, Hussain A, Randles M. 2018. A Self-Organising Multi-Agent System For Decentralised Forensic Investigations Expert Systems with Applications, 102 :12-26 DOI Author Url Public Url
Hind J, Lisboa P, Hussain A, Al-Jumeily D. A Novel Approach to Detecting Epistasis using Random Sampling Regularisation IEEE/ACM Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics, DOI Author Url Public Url
Hughes G, Dobbins C. 2015. The Utilization of Data Analysis Techniques in Predicting Student Performance in Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) Research and Practice in Technology Enhanced Learning (RPTEL): Special Issue on Emerging Trends for Open Access Learning, 10 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Taylor MJ, Baskett M, Hughes GD, Wade SJ. 2007. Using soft systems' methodology for computer game design Systems Research and Behavioural Science, 24 :359-368 DOI Author Url
Hughes G, Al-Jumeily D, Hussain A. 2010. Supporting Cloud Computing management through an object mapping declarative language Proceedings - 3rd International Conference on Developments in eSystems Engineering, DeSE 2010, :175-181 DOI
Hughes G, Al-Jumeily D, Hussain A. 2009. A Declarative Language Framework for Cloud Computing Management AlJumeily D, Nagar AK, Tawfik H, Hussain A, Lisboa P. 2009 Second International Conference on Development in E-Systems Engineering (DESE 2009), 2nd International Conference on Developments in eSystems Engineering :279-284 DOI Author Url
Ahmed Z, Hussain A, Khan W, Baker T, Al-Askar H, Lunn J, Liatsis P, Al-Jumeily D, Al-Shabandar R. 2020. Lossy and Lossless Video Frame Compression: A Novel Approach for the High-Temporal Video Data Analytics Remote Sensing, DOI Author Url Public Url
Fergus P, Hussain A, Al-Jumeily D, kaky A, Lunn J. 2017. A Data Science and Machine Learning Approach to Measure and Monitor Physical Activity in Children Neurocomputing, DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Fergus P, Hussain AJ, Hearty J, Fairclough S, Boddy L, Mackintosh K, Stratton G, Ridgers N, Al-Jumeily D, Aljaaf AJ, Lunn J. 2016. A machine learning approach to measure and monitor physical activity in children Neurocomputing, 228 :220-230 DOI Author Url Public Url
Lunn J, Khalaf M, Hussain A, Al-Jumeily D, Pich A, McCarthy S. 2016. The use of serious gaming for Open Learning environments Knowledge Management and E-Learning: An International Journal, 8 :39-54 Publisher Url Public Url
Al-Jumeily D, Hussain A, Abuelmaatti O, fergus P, Lunn J. 2016. An open learning system for special needs education Knowledge Management and E-Learning, 8 :153-169 Public Url
Al-Jumeily D, Hussain AJ, Abuelmaatti O, Fergus P, Lunn J. 2016. An open learning system for special needs education Knowledge Management and E-Learning, 8 :68-85 Public Url
Al-jumeily D, Hussain A, Alghamdi M, Dobbins C, Lunn J. 2015. Educational crowdsourcing to support the learning of computer programming Research and Practice in Technology Enhanced Learning (RPTEL): Special Issue on Emerging Trends for Open Access Learning, 10 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Datta S, Mahfouf M, Zhang Q, Chattopadhyay PP, Sultana N. 2016. Imprecise knowledge based design and development of titanium alloys for prosthetic applications Journal of The Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials, 53 :350-365 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Zhang Q, Mahfouf M, Panoutsos G, Beamish K, Liu X. 2015. Multiobjective optimal design of friction stir welding considering quality and cost issues Science and Technology of Welding and Joining, 20 :607-615 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Zhang Q, Mahfouf M. 2011. A hierarchical Mamdani-type fuzzy modelling approach with new training data selection and multi-objective optimisation mechanisms: A special application for the prediction of mechanical properties of alloy steels Applied Soft Computing, 11 :2419-2443 DOI Author Url
Zhang Q, Mahfouf M. 2010. A nature-inspired multi-objective optimisation strategy based on a new reduced space searching algorithm for the design of alloy steels Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, 23 :660-675 DOI Author Url
Yuan Z, Liu J, Zhang Q, Liu Y, Yuan Y, Li Z. 2021. Prediction and optimisation of fuel consumption for inland ships considering real-time status and environmental factors Ocean Engineering, 221 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Novoth S, Zhang Q, Ji K, Yu D. 2021. Distributed Formation Control for Multi-Vehicle Systems With Splitting and Merging Capability IEEE Control Systems Letters, 5 :355-360 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Yuan Z, Liu J, Liu Y, Yuan Y, Zhang Q, Li Z. 2020. Fitting Analysis of Inland Ship Fuel Consumption Considering Navigation Status and Environmental Factors IEEE Access, 8 :187441-187454 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Yuan Z, Liu J, Liu Y, Zhang Q, Liu RW. 2020. A multi-task analysis and modelling paradigm using LSTM for multi-source monitoring data of inland vessels Ocean Engineering, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Liu J, Zhang Q, Liu X. 2020. Understanding handling performance of rugby balls under wet conditions: analysis of finger-ball friction International Journal of Performance Analysis in Sport, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Liu J, Liu X, Zhang Q. 2020. A new training method for leg explosive power in taekwondo and its data-driven predictive models Isokinetics and Exercise Science, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Freyre-Echevarría A, Alanezi A, Martínez-Díaz I, Ahmad M, Abd El-Latif AA, Kolivand H, Razaq A. 2020. An External Parameter Independent Novel Cost Function for Evolving Bijective Substitution‐Boxes Symmetry, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Kolivand H, Rahim MS, Sunar MS, Fata AZA, Wren C. 2020. An integration of enhanced social force and crowd control models for high-density crowd simulation Neural Computing and Applications, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Kolivand H, Joudaki S, Sunar MS, Tully D. 2020. A new framework for sign language alphabet hand posture recognition using geometrical features through artificial neural network (part 1) Neural Computing and Applications, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Yousefi F, Kolivand H, Shamsa TB. 2020. SaS-BCI: A New Strategy to Predict Image Memorability and use Mental Imagery as a Brain-Based Biometric Authentication Neural Computing and Applications, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Al-Khafajiy M, Shamsa TMSB, Chalmers C, Asim M, Kolivand H, Fahim M, Waraich A. 2019. Remote Health Monitoring of Elderly Through Wearable Sensors Multimedia Tools and Applications, 78 :24681-24706 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Kolivand H, Saba T, Rahman A, Fern B, Rahim S. 2019. A New Leaf Venation Detection Technique for Plant Species Classification Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering, 44 :3315-3327 DOI Author Url Public Url
Al-Khafajiy M, Kolivand H, Shamsa T, Tully D, Waraich A. 2019. Smart Hospital Emergency System Via Mobile-based Requesting Services Multimedia Tools and Applications, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Rehman A, Abbas N, Saba T, Rahman SIU, Mehmood Z, Kolivand H. 2018. Classification of acute lymphoblastic leukemia using deep learning Microscopy Research and Technique, 81 :1310-1317 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Kolivand H, Sunar MS, Saba T, Ali H. 2018. ReLiShaft: realistic real-time light shaft generation taking sky illumination into account Multimedia Tools and Applications, :1-20 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Rehman A, Abbas N, Saba T, Mahmood T, Kolivand H. 2018. Rouleaux red blood cells splitting in microscopic thin blood smear images via local maxima, circles drawing, and mapping with original RBCs Microscopy Research and Technique, 81 :737-744 DOI Author Url Public Url
Rad AE, Rahim MSM, Kolivand H, Norouzi A. 2018. Automatic computer-aided caries detection from dental x-ray images using intelligent level set Multimedia Tools and Applications, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Kolivand H, El Rhalibi A, Sunar MS, Saba T. 2018. ReVitAge: Realistic Virtual Heritage Taking Shadows and Sky Illumination into Account Journal of Cultural Heritage, DOI Author Url Public Url
Kolivand H, Billinghurst M, Sunar MS. 2016. LivePhantom: Retrieving Virtual World Light Data to Real Environments PLOS ONE, 11 DOI Author Url Public Url
Burke C, Rashman M, Wich S, Symons A, Theron C, Longmore S. 2019. Optimising observing strategies for monitoring animals using drone-mounted thermal infrared cameras International Journal of Remote Sensing, 40 :439-467 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Tsapparellas G, Jin N, Dai X, Fehringer G. 2020. Laplacian Scores-Based Feature Reduction in IoT Systems for Agricultural Monitoring and Decision-Making Support Sensors, 20 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Shahrokhi A, Noori S. 2018. Favorable plug shape of an aerospike nozzle in design, over and under expansion conditions Journal of Computational and Applied Research in Mechanical Engineering, 8 :1-14 DOI
Botha JDM, Shahroki A, Rice H. 2017. An implementation of an aeroacoustic prediction model for broadband noise from a vertical axis wind turbine using a CFD informed methodology Journal of Sound and Vibration, 410 :389-415 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Shahrokhi A, Jahangirian A. 2007. An efficient aerodynamic optimisation method using a Genetic Algorithm and a surrogate model Proceedings of the 16th Australasian Fluid Mechanics Conference, 16AFMC, :475-480
Al-Khafajiy Mohammed, Otoum S, Shamsa TB, Asim M, Maamar Z, Aloqaily M, Taylor Mark, Randles Martin. 2020. Intelligent Control and Security of Fog Resources in Healthcare Systems via a Cognitive Fog Model ACM Transactions on Internet Technology, DOI Public Url
Al-Khafajiy M, Shamsa TB, Asim M, Guo Z, Ranjan R, Longo A, Puthal D, Taylor M. 2020. COMITMENT: a Fog Computing Trust Management Approach Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing, 137 :1-16 DOI Author Url Public Url
Taylor MJ, Baskett M, Reilly D, Ravindran S. 2019. Game theory for computer games design Games and Culture, 14 :843-855 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Taylor, M., Appleton, D., Oakford, G., Fielding, J. (2021) Population trends and fire prevention in Merseyside UK, Fire Technology, accepted for publication 17/12/2020
Taylor, M., Reilly, D., Wren, C. (2020) Internet of things support for marketing activities, Journal of Strategic Marketing, 28, 2, 149-160
Taylor MJ, Kwasnica V, Reilly D, Ravindran S. 2019. Game theory modelling of retail marketing discount strategies Marketing Intelligence and Planning, 37 :555-566 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Taylor MJ, Appleton D, Keen G, Fielding J. 2019. Assessing the effectiveness of fire prevention strategies Public Money and Management, 39, 6, 418 – 427,
DOI Author Url Public Url
Dean, E., Taylor, M., Francis, H., Appleton, D., Jones, M. (2018) An exploration of alcohol related fire incidences, Journal of Risk Research, 21, 10, 1217-1232
Dean E, Taylor MJ, Francis H, Lisboa P, Appleton D, Jones M. 2017. A methodological framework for geographic information systems development Systems Research and Behavioral Science, 34 :759-772 DOI Author Url Public Url
Dean E, Taylor MJ, Reilly D. 2017. Internet of Things cooking safety Fire Risk Management Journal, October 2017 :19-22 Public Url
Dean E, Taylor MJ, Francis H, Clark A. 2016. An exploration of community and culture related fire injury risks, UKAIS Conference, Oxford University, Oxford, UK, 12-13th April 2016Public Url
Men L, Bryan-Kinns N, Bryce L. 2019. Designing spaces to support collaborative creativity in shared virtual environments Carroll J. PeerJ Computer Science, 5 :e229-e229 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Ma Z, Poslad S, Bigham J, Zhang X, Men L. 2017. A BLE RSSI ranking based indoor positioning system for generic smartphones 2017 Wireless Telecommunications Symposium (WTS), 2017 Wireless Telecommunications Symposium (WTS) DOI Author Url
Men L, Bryan-Kinns N. LeMo: Supporting Collaborative Music Making in Virtual Reality 2018 IEEE 4th VR Workshop on Sonic Interactions for Virtual Environments (SIVE) DOI
Men L, Bryan-Kinns N. LeMo: Exploring Virtual Space for Collaborative Creativity C&C '19: Proceedings of the 2019 on Creativity and Cognition, ACM Creativity and Cognition 2019 :71-82 DOI Publisher Url
Men L, Bryan-Kinns N, Hassard AS, Ma Z. 2017. The impact of transitions on user experience in virtual reality 2017 IEEE Virtual Reality (VR) Author Url
Bhih A, Johnson P, Randles M. 2019. An optimisation tool for robust community detection algorithms using content and topology information Journal of Supercomputing, 76 :226-254 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Bhih A, Johnson P, Randles M. 2019. Decentralised iterative approaches for community clustering in the networks The Journal of Supercomputing, 75 :4894-4917 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Mahyoub M, Randles M, Shamsa T, Yang P. 2018. Comparison Analysis of Machine Learning Algorithms to Rank Alzheimer’s Disease Risk Factors by Importance Developments in E-systems Engineering (DeSE) DOI Author Url
Mahyoub M, Randles M, Baker T, Yang P. 2018. Effective Use of Data Science Toward Early Prediction of Alzheimer's Disease The 16th IEEE International Conference on Smart City (SmartCity-2018) DOI Author Url
Nguyen QH, Johnson P, Nguyen TT, Randles M. 2018. Optimised Indoor Positioning for static mode smart devices using BLE Personal, Indoor, and Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC), 2017 IEEE 28th Annual International Symposium on, 28th Annual IEEE International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Randles M, Johnson P. 2017. Internet of Things Eco-systems: Assured Interactivity of Devices and Data through Cloud Based Team Work Second International conference on Internet of Things, Data and Cloud Computing (ICC'17) DOI Public Url
Khan W, Crocket K, Oshea J, Hussain A, Khan B. 2020. Deception in the Eyes of Deceiver: A Computer Vision and Machine Learning Based Automated Deception Detection Expert Systems with Applications, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Khan W, Hussain A, Khan SA, Al-Jumailey M, Nawaz R. 2020. Association Learning Between the COVID-19 Infections and Global Demographic Characteristics Using the Class Rule Mining and Pattern Matching Royal Society Open Science, Author Url
Khan W, Hussain A, Kuru K, Al-askar H. 2020. Pupil Localisation and Eye Centre Estimation using Machine Learning and Computer Vision Sensors, 20 :3785-3785 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Ahmed Z, Hussain A, Khan W, Baker T, Al-Askar H, Lunn J, Liatsis P, Al-Jumeily D, Al-Shabandar R. 2020. Lossy and Lossless Video Frame Compression: A Novel Approach for the High-Temporal Video Data Analytics Remote Sensing, DOI Author Url Public Url
Kuru K, Ansell D, Khan W, Halil Yetgin. 2019. Analysis and Optimisation of Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Swarms in Logistics: An Intelligent Delivery Platform IEEE Access, 7 :15804-15831 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Bilal M, Khan W, Muggleton J, Rustighi E, Jenks H, Pennock SR, Atkins PR, Cohn A. 2018. Inferring the most probable maps of underground utilities using Bayesian mapping model Journal of Applied Geophysics, Elsevier, 150 :52-66 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Kuru K, Khan W. 2018. Novel hybrid object-based non-parametric clustering approach for grouping similar objects in specific visual domains Applied Soft Computing, Elsevier, 62 :667-701 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Khan W, Kuru K. 2017. An Intelligent System for Spoken Term Detection That Uses Belief Combination IEEE Intelligent Systems, 32 :70-79 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Alaskar H, Hussain AJ, Khan W, Tawfik H, Trevorrow P, Liatsis P, Sbaï Z. 2020. A data science approach for reliable classification of neuro-degenerative diseases using gait patterns Journal of Reliable Intelligent Environments, 6 :233-247 DOI
Khan W, Crocket K, Oshea J, Hussain A, Khan B. 2020. Deception in the Eyes of Deceiver: A Computer Vision and Machine Learning Based Automated Deception Detection Expert Systems with Applications, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Kleanthous N, Hussain A, Khan W, Liatsis P. 2020. A new machine learning based approach to predict Freezing of Gait Pattern Recognition Letters, DOI Author Url Public Url
Khan W, Hussain A, Khan SA, Al-Jumailey M, Nawaz R. 2020. Association Learning Between the COVID-19 Infections and Global Demographic Characteristics Using the Class Rule Mining and Pattern Matching Royal Society Open Science, Author Url
Yan D, Sheng Y, Mao X. 2019. Pencil drawing video rendering using convolutional networks (Codes Available) https://github.com/Kanata-Bifang/CNN-for-video-transfer Computer Graphics Forum (a PG'19 paper), 38 :91-102 DOI Author Url Public Url
Li R, Shi X, Sheng Y, Zhang G. 2019. A new area-based convexity measure with distance weighted area integration for planar shapes Computer Aided Geometric Design (a GMP'19 paper, acceptance rate around 22%), 71 :176-189 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Shen Q, Sheng Y, Chen C, Zhang G, Ugail H. 2018. A PDE patch-based spectral method for progressive mesh compression and mesh denoising The Visual Computer, 34 :1563-1577 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Li R, Liu L, Sheng Y, Zhang G. 2017. A heuristic convexity measure for 3D meshes The Visual Computer(a CGI'17 paper, acceptance rate is 20%), 33 :903-912 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Sheng Y, Willis P, Castro GG, Ugail H. 2011. Facial geometry parameterisation based on Partial Differential Equations Mathematical and Computer Modelling, 54 :1536-1548 DOI
Sheng Y, Sourin A, Castro GG, Ugail H. 2010. A PDE method for patchwise approximation of large polygon meshes The Visual Computer (a CGI'10 paper, acceptance rate < 23%), 26 :975-984 DOI
Sheng Y, Sadka AH, Kondoz AM. 2008. Automatic single view-based 3-D face synthesis for unsupervised multimedia applications IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, 18 :961-974 DOI
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Research Funding
Royal Academy of Engineering, Newton Research Collaboration Programme- RCP1617/5/67, “A Data Science Approach for the Detection of Variable Light Sources in Uneven Time-Domain Astronomy”, (2016-2017), £6000, Sep 2016
Research Grant for sponsoring full PhD study, Al Kawarizmi International College, Abu Dhabi, UAE (code: R263022), £52,350, Sep 2014
British Council Research Grant, "Developing Research and Curricula for the University of Anbar" in collaboration with LJMU, Reference (A/02417-DFID DelPHE-Iraq). (Code: R263016), £50,072, Jan 2011
Ministry of Higher Education (Iraq), "Scientific research experimentation”.(Code: R263017), £51,000, 2011-Present
KTP Between New Mind Ltd and LJMU project: “the use of Data Analytics in the tourism industry”, (Jan2016-Jan2017), £60,000, Jan2016
KTP Renscon and LJMU Project: “Enhancing the usability and functionality of Lincus”, (2016- 2019) Still to be approved, £180,000, October 2015
TSB Innovation Vouchers in partnership with Magnex Exercise Technology Ltd, UK. , £5,000, Aug 2014
Bespoke Training for CCTV Forensic (Abu Dhabi Police Force, UAE)- Five days course. (Code: J263030), £12,500, Mar 2014
Three professional training courses for (Merseyside Fire and Rescue) (Two Days for each)(.NET, SQL Server, C#) (Code: G263008), £8,000, Apr 2013
One Month Bespoke Training for Computer Security and Forensics (Kuwaiti Police Force, Kuwait) (Code: G263009), £11,340, May 2013
Teaching and Research training Programme for Academics (20 days), Anbar University, Iraq (Code: G263003), £44,955, Nov 2011
Teaching and Research training Programme for Academics (20 days), Anbar University, Iraq (Code: G263005), £35,952, Oct 2011
Consultancy support for academic quality control, Al khawarizmi International College, UAE (2008 to 2011). (Code-J263019), £160,000, Sep 2011
Database Development and Alteration for Everyman Theatre, Liverpool, UK, £1,500, Aug 2008
Development of an embedded system for R. Baker Electrical Ltd, UK (Code: J263029), £1,200, Mar 2011
Website Development and training, Developing part of the intelligent aspect of the website for the company, TQMI Ltd, Runcorn, UK., £940, Sep 2010
Consultancy and support for programme development and accreditation, British Arab University, UAE. (Invoice No-SINV100000013187), £12,937, Jan 2009
Professional Training Courses in .NET Dev., Liverpool. (Jan 2007), £29,250, 2007
Development and delivery of Oracle 8i Database for Cotton Exchange, Liverpool, UK, £1,500, Aug 2001
Online Archival of Working-Class Writings Project. Collaboration between scholars at LJMU, Brunel, Manchester and Reading., £50,000, May 2011
Teaching Company Scheme Partner with SCI Limited (Cheshire), Supported by: Department of Trade and Industry (100%), 3-Year project., £66,320, June 2005
KTP partner with Matheson and Horan Associates Limited”, UK (3-Year Project), supported by: European Social Fund (100%), £108,723, March 2008
KTP partner with Bridisco Limited, UK. 3-Year project, supported by: Dep. of T and I (50%) and EPSRC -Collaborative Training Accounts (50%), £44,696, June 2008
Innovation Voucher: This Partnership is supported by: Northwest Development Agency (70%) and Budgie Transport (30%) (Code: J263020), £10,000, May 2010
Innovation Voucher: This Partnership is supported by Northwest D. Agency (70%) and Code-wizard Company (30%) (Code: J263025), £10,000, January 2011
Innovation Voucher: This partnership is supported by the Northwest D. Agency (70%) and Lewis Reed Group (30%) (Code: J263026), £10,000, January 2011
Innovation Voucher: This partnership is supported by Train North West Limited, UK and Northwest D. Agency (100%) (Code: J2630014), £3,000, Sep 2009
Innovation Voucher: This partnership is supported by Employer Solutions Ltd, UK and Northwest D. Agency (100%) (Code: J263008), £3,000, June 2009
Innovation Voucher: This partnership is supported by George Bethel Ltd, Stockport, UK and Northwest D. Agency (100%) (Code: J2630010), £3,000, Aug 2009
Innovation Voucher: This partnership is supported by Expert Language Solutions, UK and Northwest D. Agency (100%) (Code: J263009), £3,000, July 2009
Innovation Voucher: This partnership is supported by Opal Consulting Ltd, UK and Northwest Development Agency (100%) (Code: J263006), £3,000, June 2009
Innovation Voucher: This partnership is supported by MS Finance Ltd, Liverpool, UK and Northwest D. Agency (100%) (Code: J263007), £3,000, March 2009
Innovation Voucher: This partnership is supported by JMC Business Consulting, UK and Northwest D. Agency (100%) (Code: J263005), £3,000, Mar 2009
Recruiting 22 PhD International Students in the last 7 Years
(Countries: Iraq, UAE, Libya, KSA, Oman, Kuwaiti, Qatar, Iran, Malaysia, China) - CHANGE 25 Students, £594,000, 2008-2015
Recruiting 15 MSc International Students in the last 7 Years, £130,000, 2008-2015
The 2+2 Programme with Babylon University, Babylon, Iraq (First Cohort–15 students over 2 Years), £300,000, Started Aug 2014
KTP11965– AMF Precision Engineering Limited (Grant £180,000 from Innovate UK / AMF) (2020)
Merseyside Fire and Rescue Service Customer Insight Project (Grant £44,000 from MFRS contestable research fund) (2012 - 2013)
Merseyside Fire and Rescue Service, Fire incident reduction partnership project (Grant £77,716 from UK Department of Communities and Local Government customer-led transformation programme) (2010 – 2012)
KTP007286– Merseyside Fire and Rescue Service (Grant £83,000 from TSB / MFRS) (2009 – 2010)
REF 2014 Impact case study (highest level of impact in Computer Science and Faculty of Engineering and Technology)
Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA): Research and Innovation Staff Exchange (RISE), ID: 871163, ‘Reliable electronics for tomorrow’s active systems’, 777,400 Euro with 170,200 Euro to LJMU. 02/2020 - 01/2024
Newton Fund Institutional Links Grant (ID: 332397914), ‘Green electronics: sustainability in modern electronics manufacture by improving the environmental resilience through introduction of novel materials forensically analysed for future reliability’, £149,796, in partnership with UniMAP Malaysia, 04/2018 - 03/2020
NSFC grant (Grant No. 61674121), ‘Study on diagnosis of embedded flaws in modern IC packages using scanning acoustic microscopy’, 650,000 CNY, PI. Applied in collaboration with a team in XUST as a visiting professor. 01/2017 - 12/2020
Shaanxi Provincial Key Research and Development Program (Grant No. 2018ZDCXL-GY-06-04), ‘Research on intelligent survey robot in coal mining’, 900,000 CNY, PI. Applied in collaboration with a team in XUST as a visiting professor. 01/2018 – 12/2020
EU TETRACOM grant, ‘IP DIME: Image processing to detect hidden defects in manufactured electronics systems’, 124,000 Euro, 04/2015 - 03/2016
EU TETRACOM grant, ‘3DAP-TIME: 3D acoustic processing to inspect manufactured electronics’, 65,000 Euro, Co-I. 09/2014 - 03/2015
IeMRC Doctoral Training Award grant (set up and supported by EPSRC), ‘Fusion of ultrasound and X-ray data for inspection of modern microelectronic packages’, £30,000, 09/2009 - 08/2012
EPSRC standard grant (EP/G004358/1), ‘Super resolution acoustic time-frequency domain imaging techniques for the 3D evaluation of next generation microelectronic packages and systems’, £201,873, 09/2008 - 08/2010
Enhancing Human Performance in Complex Socio-Technical Systems: Developing and Implementing New Training and Assessment Solutions for Improved Safety (ENHANCE). Funded through the European Union Horizon 2020, Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions, Research and Innovation Staff Exchange (RISE). LJMU received £145,000 of the total project budget of €1 million (2019-2022).
Strengthening the development of sustainable connectivity in North West Europe for freight and logistics with the support of ICT innovative solutions (WEASTflows). Funded through the Interreg IVB North West Europe Programme. LJMU received £320,000 of the €4.5 million total project budget (2011-2015).
Enabling security and risk-based operation of container line supply chains under high uncertainties. Funded through the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC). LJMU received £247,000 of the £315,000 total project budget (2008-2012).
Lookout awareness of distractions: the creation of a distraction evaluation ratio (LADDER). Funded through the Maritime Research and Innovation UK (MarRI-UK) body. Received the total project budget of £170,000 (2019-2022).
The impact of sea motion on personnel working as engineers on windfarms (SPEW). Funded through the Research England Quality-Related Research Strategic Priorities Fund (QR-SPF). Received the total project budget of £10,000 (2021-2021).
Global Challenges Research Fund, “Sustainable mining of construction materials from river and its impact on local community”, 2019. Value = £4900 (4.9K). Role as Principal Investigator (PI).
The Great British Sasakawa Foundation., “Joint exchange visit for continuing a small research project with Miyagi University, Japan”, 2019. Value = £1600 (1.6K), Role as PI.
A Diawa Foundation, “Joint exchange visit in Japan for initiating a joint research between LJMU and Miyagi University, Sendai, Japan”, 2018. Value= £2500 (2.5K). Role as PI
The Higher Education Funding Council for England (HEFCE), “Development of degree apprenticeship under HEFCE phase 1: Degree Apprenticeships Development, 2016. Total Value=£406000. Roles as Co-investigator.
A consultancy work from a company Deepdale Solution, Development of a programme for structural design of steel curtain frame at Teesside University”, 2011, Value= £35000 (35K). My role as Co-investigator
A research grant from the University Research Fund, “A study for pedagogical change and the learning needs of Engineering Students”, 2010. Value= £5000 (5K). My role was as Co-investigator.
A research grant from Middlesbrough Council, “Developing a visual simulation model for the Middlehaven regeneration project for local council”, 2009. Value = £25000 (25K). My role as Co-investigator.
A research grant from a company Mota-Engil, A study of road construction optimisation and visualisation model”, 2008. Value=£20000 (20K). My role as Co-investigator
£36K from College of Policing (joint with LJMU Maths Dept.) to model Missing Persons Behaviour, 2017.