Seminar Series 2019 to 2020

October 2019

9 Oct: 1.00-2.00pm

Room: B004

Megan Bettinson (LJMU Doctoral Student)

"The menu of safeguarding things": Local Authority Prevent Officers understandings of the Prevent duty and Fundamental British values

November 2019

21 November: 12.00-1.00pm

Room: B002

Dr Ian Sadler (LJMU)

What’s in a word? Practices associated with ‘feedforward’ in higher education

January 2020

15 January: 3.00pm

Room: B014

Dr Dawne Irving-Bell, (Edge Hill University)

The formation of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics Teacher Identities: Pre-service teacher’s perceptions

22 January: 1.00-2.00pm

Room: B014 

Professor Gisela Schulze and Anna-Maria Spittel, (Department of Special Educational Needs and Rehabilitation, Carl von Ossietzky University)

Absenteeism and Drop-Out 

February 2020

12 February: 4.00pm

Room: C105

Suzanne Culshaw (University of Hertfordshire)

The experience of struggling as a teacher: Reflections on an arts-based research methodology

March 2020

11 March: 4.00pm

Room: C105

Prof. Sally Elton-Chalcraft (University of Cumbria)

Is promoting British Values is a politicization of the curriculum what should schools and teacher educators do?

April 2020

22 April: 1.00pm (Postponed until further notice)

Room: B004

Dr Geert Thyssen (LJMU) 

Odorous Childhoods and Scented Worlds of Learning: A Sensory History of Health and Outdoor Education Initiatives in Western Europe (1900s-1960s)

May 2020

13 May: 11:00am

Dr Simone Krueger-Bridge (LJMU)

An Introduction to the award of PhD by Published Work

June 2020

9 June: 09:30am

Professor David Carless (University of Hong Kong)

Students generating and using feedback in online learning environments

30 June: 14:00

Professor Chris Brown (Durham University)

Research-informed teaching practice: What is it and how can we use networks to make such practice a reality?

July 2020

8 July: all day

Dr Gary Motteram, Dr Peter Kahn, Prof Lesley Gourlay and PhD student presentations

Online International Doctoral Research Conference in Education

22 July, 14:00

Julia Long (LJMU)

Adding insult to injury: Epistemic injustice and academic dis/ableism in doctoral education