Advice from our graduates and student officers to our first year students
From student life to friends and relationships, words of wisdom to our news students.
From student life to friends and relationships, words of wisdom to our news students.
The representations of women in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths) roles is improving, but there’s work to be done. As of 2018, WISE Campaign (Women into Science and Engineering) announced that the UK is on track to have one million women working in the field by 2020. These statistics are encouraging, and demonstrate an improvement in opportunities shown to young women who pursue the career path.
LJMU has created five Associate Dean positions across the faculties and one for Professional Services to support the university in driving forward the EDI agenda.
Our Armed Forces Champion wants to hear about the experiences of students who have served in the military or are reservists.
Our work experience programme is looking for expressions of interest from staff and teams across the university for a Year 10 pupil to undertake a placement within your department.
World Health Organization (WHO) has confirmed that LJMU’s Public Health Institute (PHI) will continue to be recognised as a WHO Collaborating Centre for Violence Prevention.
Liverpool City Council will shortly begin the process of demolishing the Churchill Way flyovers.
Student volunteers to collect for the charity over the Remembrance period - now until 11 November.
Professor Lip is close collaborator with the Faculty of Health, the School of Sport & Exercise Science and the School of Computing & Mathematics.
Three decades of research excellence earn Professor honour at conference in India