Why study this course with LJMU?
- Foundation year degree - this is a four year programme
- You will study media institutions such as the BBC and Netflix and the cultures of production and consumption that surround them
- You will develop professional writing skills, learn to communicate with a range of audiences, and critically reflect on what you produce
- WATCH: Hear from one of our graduates Rubi, an influential content creator
- We focus on theoretical and critical study as well as transferable skills development
- You will be taught by research-active staff and learn from media and cultural industry guest speakers
- Emphasis on employability and work-based learning from the start of your degree
- Our graduates go on to careers such as journalism, marketing, education, public relations and more
About your course
The media have a major impact on how we understand our world, ourselves and other people. The BA (Hons) in Media, Culture, Communication at Liverpool John Moores University enables you to analyse the social, cultural and political importance of the mass media, everyday culture, and the communications industries.
This BA (Hons) course offers a variety of modules covering aspects of the media, culture and communications industries with a focus on employability, career development and critical skills. The course will teach you how to write and research for a range of audiences, both academic and professional. Our students enjoy the broad range of the programme, which expands their choices after graduation, while allowing them to specialise in their own areas of interest as they progress. We examine industries like film, television and games, sectors like advertising, public relations, journalism and publishing, and aspects of everyday culture like consumerism, identity and social media.
The programme is designed with your future employability in mind. You'll develop transferable skills in research, communication, problem solving, teamwork and independent working. Although we focus on theoretical and critical study, our students work on current case studies that are developed with employers, and work-related learning is designed into all levels of study. Many students undertake exciting and rewarding placements, internships and work experience during their programme.
Foundation Year
The Foundation Year is ideal if you have the interest and ability to study for a degree, but do not have the qualifications to enter directly onto the Media, Culture, Communication honours degree programme yet.
Once you pass the Foundation Year (level 3) you will progress directly onto the first year of the honours degree. If you are a full-time UK student, you will qualify for student financial support for the full duration of your course (subject to eligibility criteria).
Course modules
What you will study on this degree
Further guidance on modules
Modules are designated core or optional in accordance with professional body requirements, as applicable, and LJMU’s Academic Framework Regulations. Whilst you are required to study core modules, optional modules provide you with an element of choice. Their availability may vary and will be subject to meeting minimum student numbers.
Where changes to modules are necessary these will be communicated as appropriate.
Core modules
Preparing for Academic Success
30 credits
30 credits
This module provides you with the integrated skills required for academic success. It will enhance your knowledge and understanding of the terminology and expectations associated with higher education study and you will learn to identify, understand and demonstrate academic research, writing and referencing techniques.
Module topics will likely (but not wholly) include the following:
- Higher Education terminology and expectations
- Sourcing appropriate academic reading and resources
- Independent learning skills
- Academic Reading skills
- Writing skills
- Critical thinking skills
- Referencing skills
- Digital competency skills
Investigating Liverpool
30 credits
30 credits
This module will provide you with the necessary skills to develop a Liverpool focussed research project from your subject perspective. You will identify and locate relevant source material; outline how this source material can be used as a foundation for your research project and write a coherent piece of academic work which evidences understanding of Liverpool. The module will help you to develop an independent approach to learning and is likely (but not wholly) to address the following:
- Scouse exceptionalism and the portrayal of scousers
- Hillsborough
- Slavery
- Migrant Liverpool
- Liverpool riots
- Liverpool culture
- Educating Liverpool
- Policing Liverpool
- Media representations of Liverpool
War: Conflict in the Humanities and Social Sciences
30 credits
30 credits
This module introduces you to key themes and perspectives in Humanities and Social Science through the cross disciplinary study of representations of, and responses to, war. It will include regular assessment tasks in order to support a structured approach to learning.
Peace: the Pursuit of Harmony in Humanities and Social Science
30 credits
30 credits
This module aims to develop your understandings of society at peace through a multi-disciplinary approach in humanities and social science. The assessment tasks will enable you to focus on a subject area which will facilitate your selection of a pathway for Level 4.
Core modules
Studying Culture
20 credits
20 credits
What exactly is 'culture? How have people defined it, or made judgements about it? Why is it important to our everyday lives? How have researchers tried to study culture and what it means to people? This module aims to answer these questions!
Media Texts
20 credits
20 credits
This module will enable you to analyse the social, cultural and political importance of the mass media in precise ways. Centrally positioned as leisure resources and tools of citizenship, the media have a major impact on how we understand our world, ourselves and other people. At the same time, the media cannot be taken as simply offering windows on the world; the image of reality that we get from television, radio, music, press, the internet and film is more accurately understood as a construction whose version of reality is influenced as much by economic, political and aesthetic factors as it is by the world in which we live. This module will introduce you to a range of methods for studying media texts, and their relevance for an understanding of contemporary socio-cultural debates.
Media Institutions and Audiences
20 credits
20 credits
This module introduces you to the study of the institutions that produce our media and the audiences that consume them. We will consider broadcast media institutions and examine the tensions that are created when trying to serve the public interests of citizens and the private interests of shareholders. Current institutional case studies include the BBC and the birth of radio, ITV and the early years of television and the rise of Sky in an era of apparent deregulation. We will then move on to examine what audiences may take from their consumption of media and how we can go about researching them. We will consider a range of topics including early research into media effects, uses and gratifications theory, the encoding/decoding model and ethnographic studies of domestic media consumption.
Professional Writing
20 credits
20 credits
Professional writers produce content for audiences. On this module you will develop your writing skills to a professional standard to produce an original portfolio of writing, containing a feature, review, news story and podcast. You will also critically reflect upon your work and the influence of your practice on the content you have produced. On the module you will learn about: attribution and referencing; editing and proof-reading; writing to meet a brief; various forms of journalistic practice, e.g. print, online, podcasts.
Introduction to Media and Cultural Industries
20 credits
20 credits
This module will introduce a range of key debates and approaches to the study of media, culture and communication. It will assist you in developing the conceptual and critical language necessary for studying media and cultural practice. The module will explore aspects of self-awareness in relation to personal development, employability and career planning.
Communicating Politics and Protest
20 credits
20 credits
This module introduces you to a range of techniques for the analysis of political activism and political communication. It pays particular attention to new and emerging methods of communicating information on a variety of social and digital media platforms. It will look at key moments during the development of social media and net platforms such as the Arab Spring, and the Black Lives Matter and #MeToo movements. The module will assess how online and social media have transformed political communication and empowered grassroots activists to become involved in major political issues.
Core modules
Public Communication
20 credits
20 credits
Public Communication is a work-based learning module about advertising and its role in awareness raising, communicating information and persuasion. We will introduce you to the study of advertising as persuasive communication and you will examine both theoretical and popular responses to advertising as a cultural form and develop critical analytical skills to deconstruct it. We will then move on to the world of Public Information Campaigns (PICs), those not-for-profit campaigns that encourage us to eat healthily, to drive soberly and to engage in sexual activity safely. You will be briefed by a real-world client about a Public Information Campaign they want you to develop. You will then work in campaign teams to design and then pitch a campaign in response to the client brief.
Analysing Entertainment Media
20 credits
20 credits
Analysing Entertainment Media is a module that focuses on contemporary popular television, the institutions that produced it, the content it offers and how we consume it according to a range of socio-cultural contexts. You will explore key scholarly work in Television Studies and examine this work in relation to a range of case studies, around issues such as: television and celebrity, television and fandom, the rise of television formats, new forms of documentary, television genre in the age of hybridity, the use of ordinary people on television, the representation of social issues in soaps, and the rise of post-network brands such as Netflix and Amazon Prime.
Research Methods
20 credits
20 credits
This module enables you to use primary sources in the investigation of historical and contemporary cultural and communication practices, focusing on how digital archives can enhance your approaches to research. By reflecting upon and critiquing the research process, you develop an understanding of the different stages involved in building a research project, coming to appreciate a variety of analytical methods for examining media, culture and communication texts and practices. You will be introduced to various research methods and given the opportunity to begin to apply a number of these methods for yourself.
Media and Cultural Theory
20 credits
20 credits
Media and Cultural Theory offers you the opportunity to trace the theoretical roots of our subject area and to develop skills and knowledge around theorising, critique and analysis. We take key terms such as hegemony, post-feminism, structuralism and postmodernism and seek to understand how they came to be so vital to the study of media, culture and communication. We deal with core issues such as race, class, gender politics, and how media and culture are sites for the reproduction and transformation of power relations. Along the way we will offer you the opportunity to critique and apply these ideas in the theorisation and analysis of media texts and cultural practices. The module culminates with you developing an essay plan and research essay based on your own analysis and theorisation of a case study media text of your choice.
Optional modules
Public Relations
20 credits
20 credits
The module examines a distinct field of communications practice, that of public relations but its not just a module for students with PR in mind as a career option. Were all familiar with the concept and the language of spin. PR practices have become pervasive: tactics that we see people engaging in all the time, from politicians to reality TV celebrities. This module enables you both to critique what goes on in the name of public relations and also to make creative use of its tools and practices. Central to the module is the idea of producing effective communication in our case, effective, persuasive writing. We think about how organisations go about doing this: how they cope with challenges that threaten their reputation, and how they take advantage of opportunities to build up their reputation.
Popular Journalism: Research in Practice
20 credits
20 credits
Magazines are a popular form of journalism, read by many thousands and often staffed by freelance writers. In this module you will both critically evaluate journalistic practice, in contemporary publications like Vogue, Cosmopolitan and When Saturday Comes, and produce professional standard copy for real-world audiences. The module focuses upon contemporary industry practice with an emphasis on lifestyle and feature journalism. You will examine a range of issues that influence the production and consumption of popular journalism. You will undertake research for your own professional-standard portfolio of original reviews and features which meet the professional demands of real-world publications.
Study Year Abroad - MCC
120 credits
120 credits
The aim is to provide students with an additional year of study at an approved overseas partner that will compliment their programme at LJMU. This is an additional year of full-time study at an approved higher education institution. The modules to be studied must be agreed in advance, and must be appropriate for the student's programme of study. Assuming successful completion of this year, mark-bearing credit will be awarded by the Faculty Recognition Group. The grade conversion scale to be used will be made available in advance of the year abroad.
Study Semester Abroad - MCC
60 credits
60 credits
The aim is to provide student with a semester of study at an approved overseas partner that will replace one semester of their LJMU programme at level 5.This is a semester of full-time study at an approved higher education institution which will replace one semester of level 5 study at LJMU. The modules to be studied must be agreed in advance, and must be an appropriate substitute for the modules being replaced. Assuming successful completion of this semester, mark-bearing credit will be awarded by the Faculty Recognition Group. The grade conversion scale to be used will be made available in advance of the year abroad.
Mediating Popular Culture
20 credits
20 credits
From Spotify to podcasting, the rise of digital media technologies has seemingly led to an ever-expanding range of ways to engage with popular culture. This module questions how far these developments have led to transformations in our experiences of popular cultural texts. For example, how is engaging with a podcast different to listening to radio? In what ways has YouTube transformed our consumption of music videos? Paying particular attention to popular music, the module explores the implications of the mediation of music across a range of technological forms, including: radio, podcasting, video games, television, narrative and documentary film, YouTube and social media.
Core modules
Culture and Identity
20 credits
20 credits
There are few more persistent or lively areas of debates in the modern world than those that cover questions of identity. At some point in our lives, identity matters to us all. Thinking through identity entails questions of politics, of feeling, of emotion, of social relationships and cultural representation. Identity is rarely about just one thing, because none of us are just one thing just gendered, just classed, just raced, etc. Culture is a key site for the making and contesting of identities. Culture and Identity is about how we try to negotiate our place in the world at different points and in different contexts. We will explore approaches to identity through a series of case studies, such as: television representation of classed identities, self-reflexivity in reality television, psychoanalysis and filmic representation, music as a resource of self-identity, and media sport and national identity.
Media Policy and Regulation
20 credits
20 credits
The module explores historical shifts in the ethics of media production and consumption in the light of changes in policy and regulation, new technologies and changes in media ownership and communication. It highlights how an appreciation of regulatory and legal contexts can enable us to gain insights into complex contemporary debates regarding issues such as the distribution of offensive media content, unethical journalistic practice, and the balance between freedom of speech and the protection of privacy.
Optional modules
Crime, Horror and the Media
20 credits
20 credits
Within this module you will develop critical, analytical and evaluative skills appropriate to the textual and contextual study of crime and horror in the media. You will begin to identify and critically evaluate the social and cultural roots of given examples of crime and horror media. You will develop a critical understanding of crime and horror media and the historical and industrial contexts of their production and consumption
40 credits
40 credits
The dissertation module requires you to undertake a sustained piece of academic analysis on a self-selected topic and present this in a proper academic form. You will demonstrate a thorough understanding of theoretical and methodological issues relevant to your chosen subject of study. The dissertation module will move through three key phases: proposal development, researching and data collection, and writing up and re-drafting. It enables you to pursue in-depth research on a topic that enthuses you and offer new insights on this.
Sport, Crime and Politics: Critical Sociological Analyses
20 credits
20 credits
This module adopts various sociological and critical criminological approaches in the understanding of sport in contemporary societies. You will look at issues relating to recent transformations, prejudices and cultural cohesion in the world of sport, focusing in particular on developments relating to issues such as racism, nationalism, globalisation and gender prejudice. The module will also be centrally concerned with the transformation of sport in the light of ongoing changes to a consumerist society.
Digital Writing
20 credits
20 credits
This module is about becoming an excellent writer who can produce content suited to the digital environment. This environment can vary hugely, including writing for personal and professional purposes, on behalf of organisations, and as produced by a range of individuals, from global celebrities to ordinary people blogging from their bedrooms. We will critically and creatively explore notions of voice, originality, community, and the desire to share, and examine how audiences are attracted to content in an increasingly competitive attention economy. The module involves tasks where you will be analysing, producing, and editing writing suitable for a range of careers and audiences.
Mediating Diversity
20 credits
20 credits
This module aims to equip you to explore, interpret, and analyse representations of diversity and diverse identities in the media. The module will present a range of themes and topics alongside case studies of media and cultural texts that represent and mediate key issues in contemporary culture to enable students to critically engage with diverse representations in media, culture and communication texts. Case studies will be used to explore key themes and issues. These currently include: representations of democracy in the UK/US; reporting conflict(s); representing Pride & LGBTQIA Communities; femininities & masculinities; the Black Lives Matter movement; #MeToo and gender power relations; disability and migration.
Social and Digital Media
20 credits
20 credits
This module seeks to explore social and digital media theory and practice. We will examine the rise of new platforms an+C985:C1597d forms of storytelling and then examine the stories that they frame and narrate about various groups and individuals. We will engage in some social and digital media practice which will critically interrogate its own construction and challenge modes of representation commonly found in popular social and digital media spaces. We will explore social and digital media through a range of case studies, including: Hashtag activism; Game streaming; Fan commentaries; Instagram influencer marketing; ephemeral media forms: TikTok and Snapchat; online sports talk and the political economy of Twitter.
Screen Media
20 credits
20 credits
Within this module you will have the opportunity to develop critical, analytical and evaluative skills appropriate to the textual study of screen media. You will begin to identify and critically evaluate the discursive roots of given examples drawn from screen media. This will further provide you the opportunity to develop a critical understanding of screen media narratives and their historical contexts.
Britain, Brexit, Europe and the Media
20 credits
20 credits
This module highlights the relationships between politicians and the media and the role of the media as a primary space for political agenda setting. The module will look at the political structures in Britain, including what devolution has meant for people in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. It will encourage you to engage closely with the political economy of the news media in Britain and the role that it plays in political communication. It will address the historically often jingoistic and patriotic nature of the English-based national news media and how that led to the grotesque caricatures of other nationalities and identities from the 19th century onwards. This ultimately led to the Euro-sceptic tradition in British newspapers which developed from the 1980s, just a decade after Britain had entered Europe, to the heated media and public debates leading up to Britain’s exit from the European Union following the Brexit referendum of 2016.
Media and Cultural Industries
40 credits
40 credits
This module will enable you to identify and develop transferable skills relevant to the enhancement of employability. You will foster initiative through an evaluative approach to the assessment of work experience or career planning in the context of academic career planning. This will require you to produce a sustained and evidenced piece of critical reflection.
Popular Fiction and Publishing
20 credits
20 credits
This module poses the question: why is popular fiction popular, and how does it maintain that popularity across a range of narrative media, including books, films, TV, comics and even games? This module offers you the opportunity to analyse storytelling across a variety of commercial narrative media forms. We currently examine two case studies - the genres of detective fiction and the thriller and consider how they adapt to changing cultural climates from the 19th century to the present day. We also analyse the production and consumption of popular fiction within the context of creative, economic and institutional imperatives, to see how publishers, film companies, and other makers and distributors of media predict and fail to predict - what will be popular.
Professional accreditation
We have worked with a range of organisations, including: The Liverpool Comedy Trust, Tate Liverpool, Sound City, The British Music Experience, BBC Radio Merseyside, Open Eye Galley, Merseyside Police, the NHS, ITV Studios, Everyman Theatre, the Museum of Liverpool and the Liverpool Against Racism Festival.
Your Learning Experience
Excellent facilities and learning resources
We adopt an active blended learning approach, meaning you will experience a combination of face-to-face and online learning during your time at LJMU. This enables you to experience a rich and diverse learning experience and engage fully with your studies. Our approach ensures that you can easily access support from your personal tutor, either by meeting them on-campus or via a video call to suit your needs.
Teaching is via a combination of lectures, seminar-workshops, peer presentations, online activities and film screenings, and you are expected to spend a significant proportion of your time in private study, using our virtual learning environment, Canvas, as well as our archives and special collections. There will also be opportunities for online discussion with staff and your fellow students.
Work-related Learning
Work-based learning is a vital part of this degree and gives you a taste of what its really like to work in the media and cultural industries. You will not only get to practise skills you have learnt on the course, but you will also be able to add the experience to your CV, giving you a head start when you eventually enter the competitive job market.
In fact many of our graduates have been offered a full-time position by their placement employer on the strength of successful work experience. Past students have worked with Sky Sports, Liverpool Echo, Juice FM, Odeon Cinema, the Everyman Theatre, National Museums and Galleries on Merseyside and the BBC.
Dedicated personal tutor, plus study skills support
We believe that one-to-one support during your studies is vital, and for this reason you will be assigned a personal tutor from the minute you enrol at LJMU. They will arrange meetings with you to discuss course-related issues, monitor progress and help you formulate your future career plans. You will also receive support in finding and securing a work placement.
Assessment varies depending on the modules you choose, but will usually include a combination of exams and coursework.
We acknowledge that all students perform differently depending on how they are assessed, which is why we use a combination of innovative assessment methods. These include exams (seen/unseen), essays, log books and diaries, group and individual presentations, research projects, work-based learning reports and other forms of continuous assessment including response papers, blogs, organised debates and seminars.
Constructive feedback from your tutors is designed to help you identify your strengths as well as the areas that may need further attention, and is provided by email, in writing or verbally through seminars, tutorials and personal development planning sessions.
Where you will study
What you can expect from your School
The School of Humanities and Social Science offers an ideal environment in which to expand your knowledge and horizons. Situated on Mount Pleasant in the new ‘Knowledge Quarter ' of Liverpool, the School is home to five subject areas: English, History, International Relations, Sociology, and Media, Culture & Communication. It has a lively programme of cross-disciplinary research seminars, conferences, visits from international scholars and public events. Research from the School is recognised nationally and worldwide.
Course tutors

Dr Steven Spittle
- Programme Leader
Steve leads the Media, Culture, Communication programme team at LJMU. He has over two decades of experience developing and delivering media programmes. His research interests focus on the role of media as resources for identity formation, with a particular interest in video games, advertising and factual television. Steve leads and teaches modules on screen media analysis, consumer culture, culture and identity and media and cultural theory. Steve is a member of the University's Academic Board and he is an experienced External Examiner in UK and international contexts. He has recently successfully franchised the BA (Hons) Media, Culture Communication programme to Westford University College in Dubai.
Lecturer/Senior Lecturer
The Media, Culture and Communication degree at LJMU has allowed me to utilise my creativity in ways that no other degree could have. Over the three years, I was constantly encouraged to build upon my pre-existing skills and learn new ones. Plus, I was inspired to explore off-beat topics that would push me to think outside of the box and eventually alter my view of the world for the better. I'm eternally grateful that I opted for this wide-ranging degree because it helped me realise that I'm perfectly capable of taking on a variety of roles within the creative fields. Ergo, I would recommend this degree to any imaginative thinkers who want to keep their options open.
Career paths
The programme is co-developed with employers and so work-related learning, case studies and projects are geared towards ensuring graduate have the skills and confidence to enter the jobs market.
We are proud that the paths followed by our graduates are so varied. Our former students are to be found working in occupations including:
- advertising and marketing
- museums
- arts administration and publishing
- television production
- print and digital journalism
- teaching
- content creation
- media and marketing start-ups
- charity and third sector communication roles
Some decide to further their studies at postgraduate level, in either theoretical or critical areas or in vocational subjects such as journalism or marketing. This includes our own MA in Mass Communications programme.
Student Futures - Careers, Employability and Enterprise Service
A wide range of opportunities and support is available to you, within and beyond your course, to ensure our students experience a transformation in their career trajectory. Every undergraduate curriculum includes Future Focus during Level 4, an e-learning resource and workshop designed to help you to develop your talents, passion and purpose.
Every student has access to Careers Zone 24/7, LJMU's suite of online Apps, resources and jobs board via the LJMU Student Futures website.
Tuition fees and funding
- Foundation first year:
- £5,760
- Second and subsequent years:
- £9,535
The fees quoted above cover registration, tuition, supervision, assessment and examinations as well as library membership and student IT support with access to printed, multimedia and digital resources including programme-appropriate software and on campus Wi-Fi.
Financial Support
The University offers a range of scholarships to support students through their studies. You'll find all the information you need on our specialist funding pages, including details of the Student Support Fund and other activities to support with the cost of living.
Additional Costs
In addition to fees, students should also keep in mind the cost of:
- Accommodation
- Travel costs including those for placements, visas and travel for studying abroad and field trips unless paid for by LJMU
- Stationery, IT equipment, professional body membership and graduation gown hire
The University reserves the right to increase tuition fees in accordance with any changes to the maximum allowable fees set by the UK Parliament. In the event of such a change, any fee increase will be subject to a maximum cap of 10% of the total course cost as originally stated at the time of your offer.
Entry requirements
Please choose your qualifications below to view requirements
Grades/points required from qualifications: DDD-CDD (72-80)
Work out how many UCAS points your qualifications are worth by visiting the UCAS Tariff Calculator.
Qualification requirements
GCSEs and equivalents
Evidence of Grade 4 or grade C or above in English Language and Mathematics/ Numeracy on their application form.
GCSE Equivalences accepted:
• Key Skills Level 2 in English/Maths
• NVQ Level 2 Functional skills in Maths and English Writing and or Reading
• Skills for Life Level 2 in Numeracy/English
• Higher Diploma in Maths/English
• Northern Ireland Essential Skills Level 2 in Communication or Application of Number
• Wales Essential Skills Level 2 in Communication or Application of Number
A levels
DDD-CDD. Maximum of 20 AS points accepted.
Extended Diploma: MMP
Access awards
Acceptable on its own and combined with other qualifications
Pass overall with a minimum of 72 points
International Baccalaureate
24 IB Diploma points.
International Baccalaureate
Acceptable on its own and combined with other qualifications.
Irish awards
Irish Higher - Acceptable on its own and combined with other qualifications
T levels
Acceptable on its own and combined with other qualifications.
How to apply
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The university reserves the right to withdraw or make alterations to a course and facilities if necessary; this may be because such changes are deemed to be beneficial to students, are minor in nature and unlikely to impact negatively upon students or become necessary due to circumstances beyond the control of the university. Where this does happen, the university operates a policy of consultation, advice and support to all enrolled students affected by the proposed change to their course or module.
Further information on the terms and conditions of any offer made, our admissions policy and the complaints and appeals process.