IRP Practitioner and Research seminar series

Our “IRP Practitioner and Research” seminar series runs throughout the academic year and invites academics and practitioners to give papers on any topic related to politics, global current affairs, and the history of international relations. In 2021/2022 we had talks on a wide range of topics, including Ekaterina Chertkovskaya (Lund University) on the idea of degrowth as a challenge to our current socio-ecological order, Tsui Chin Kuei (National Chung-Hsing University) on Asian medicine and conflict resolution, and Jack Sugden (LJMU) on sport for peace and development, as well as paper from our very own Paul Anderson (LJMU) on the impact of coronavirus on the British state.

The series is an excellent opportunity to showcase ground-breaking research and encourage dialogue between academics, students, and practitioners. If you are interested in giving a paper as part of the series, please contact Jan Ludvigsen at

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