DisSPA membership

Membership of the DisSPA network is now open to individuals and organisations who are committed to increasing the provision of inclusive and empowering sport and physical activity opportunities for people with disability. We offer three membership options:

LJMU members

Staff, current students and alumni who work in or have a strong interest in disability sport and physical activity and a desire to be actively involved in the network.

External members

External partners working in disability sport and physical activity or those who are involved in developing disability-related policies locally, regionally, nationally and internationally who desire to be actively involved in the network.

Allies of the network

Internal and external partners who are supportive of the network, who would like to be informed of its activities but are not able, at this time, to be actively involved. Allies can be local, regional or national.

To register your interest in joining the network, email: disspanetwork@ljmu.ac.uk.

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