Net carbon zero by 2035

LJMU is committed to becoming net carbon zero by 2035.

That is the key sustainability target set out in the LJMU Climate Action Plan.

The plan is the first part of a four-phase approach and establishes our goals and priorities for the next 10 years and how we will measure our progress and success.

The Climate Action Plan is made up of targets and performance indicators across five themes: leadership and governance; teaching; research; community engagement; and campus management.

Leadership and governance

Our ambition is to achieve a net zero carbon future by 2035. We will lead by example to communicate, prioritise, fund and deliver actions to achieve that.


Our ambition is to embed pro-environmental behaviour to lower our impact. We will engage and equip students and staff to meet sustainable development goals and to raise carbon awareness.


Our ambition is to mitigate climate change impacts for societal benefit. We will collaborate and share our climate change, sustainability and low carbon research expertise.

Community engagement

Our ambition is to promote positive climate action. We will support our civic partnerships, local businesses, community groups and our students to engage in positive climate action.

Campus management

Our ambition is to mitigate our climate impact and enhance our sustainability. We will decarbonise our estate, increase our biodiversity, enhance the sustainability of our procurement supply chain and lower our carbon emissions.

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