LJMU announces Honorary Fellowships for Summer Graduation

Close up shot of Fellowship gowns

Liverpool John Moores University has announced recipients of thirteen Honorary Fellowships that will be conferred during its graduation ceremonies in July 2017.

The prestigious titles are awarded to those that have made an outstanding contribution to society or an outstanding achievement by an individual in a given field that resonates with the ethos of the University and city of Liverpool.

The Fellowship of the University is an association of individuals who are closely connected with the work of the University and our Fellows play an active role in the life of the University by delivering guest lectures, hosting events, helping with projects and in some cases mentoring and supporting individual or groups of students.

Vice-Chancellor Professor Nigel Weatherill said: “The Honorary Fellows each represent a diversity of professions and an impact of achievements that truly reflects our modern, pioneering university. They are chosen as they are an inspiration to both our students and staff and I look forward to their participation in the life of the University through our Fellowship.”

LJMU Honorary Fellowships will be conferred on:

Image of Denise Barrett-BaxendaleDenise Barrett-Baxendale - Deputy Chief Executive, Everton Football Club. Denise will receive the fellowship for her outstanding contribution to charity and community engagement in Liverpool. An alumna of the university, Denise was awarded an MBE in 2014 for Services to the Community of Merseyside.

Image of David Carter

David Carter - Chief Executive, Whitechapel Centre. David will receive the Fellowship for outstanding contribution to supporting the homeless and charity services in Liverpool. He has worked at the charity, which supports rough sleepers, those living in temporary accommodation and those at risk of becoming homeless for 20 years. The Centre was awarded the Freedom of the City in 2016 and is currently one of LJMU's corporate charities.

Zia Chaudhry - Barrister and interfaith relations campaigner.  Zia will receive the fellowship for outstanding contribution to community and interfaith relations. The Liverpool barrister is former Chair of Merseyside Council of Faiths and Founder of the 'Just your Average Muslim project', as well as the Spirit of Cordoba project, which promotes understanding and raises awareness of Muslim history, culture and achievements. Zia was awarded an MBE for services for interfaith relations in 2015.

Larry DeNardis  - Regent, Connecticut State University system and former Congressman and former President of the University of New Haven. Larry will receive the Fellowship for outstanding achievement in creating transatlantic academic opportunities. Larry was instrumental in establishing the transatlantic alliance between LJMU and Southern Connecticut State University which will see 50 students undertake a study abroad semester in 2017-2018.

Image of Mark Featherstone-WittyMark Featherstone-Witty - Founding Principal and CEO, LIPA. Mark will receive his award for outstanding achievement in the creation and development of performing arts education. Aside from LIPA, this has included The BRIT School in London, LIPA Primary School, LIPA Sixth Form College and, hopefully, a LIPA High School in future. Mark was awarded an OBE for contributing to UK higher education and given a Knighthood by the King of Norway for his contribution to Norwegian learning.

Image of Canon Ruth GouldCanon Ruth Gould -Artistic Director, DaDaFest.  Ruth will receive the fellowship for outstanding achievement in developing arts and culture in the arts sector locally, nationally and internationallyA pioneer of the arts, Ruth has worked through her career to bring about social change and artistic enrichment, empowering artists and cultural organisations to promote high quality disability and deaf arts from diverse cultural perspectives. She was awarded an MBE in 2017 in recognition of her work.

Image of Linda Grant Linda Grant - Novelist. - Linda will receive the fellowship for outstanding contribution to literature. One of Britain's leading fiction writers, she is the author of seven novels and four works of non-fiction. She is the winner of the Orange Prize for Fiction and the South Bank Show Award and has been shortlisted for the Man Booker Prize. She was born in Liverpool and her novels deal with the immigrant experience in the first half of the twentieth century.

Image of Ulrich HoppeUlrich Hoppe - Director General of the German-British Chamber of Industry and Commerce.  Ulrich will receive his fellowship for his outstanding contribution to European business cooperation. The ‘German-British Chamber of Industry & Commerce’ was founded in 1971 and is a business-to-business organisation promoting trade and investment between the UK and Germany. Ulrich is a firm believer that international trade and investment can create prosperity for all.

Image of Daniel Libeskind

Daniel Libeskind –Architect. Daniel will receive the Fellowship for outstanding contribution to international architecture. A Polish-American Architect, with a global reputation for cultural architecture including the Imperial War Museum, The Jewish Museum Berlin and Ground Zero. Daniel visited LJMU in 2016, to address an event in support of children’s charities in Syria and Israel.

Image of Lou McGrathLou McGrath – Co-founder of the UK charity, Mines Advisory Group that conducts humanitarian clearance of landmines and unexploded munitions. He was a founding member of the International Campaign to Ban Landmines which received the 1997 Nobel Peace Prize.

 Lou will receive the Fellowship for outstanding achievements in campaigning and awareness raising. Born in Liverpool, Lou has dedicated his life to improving the lives of those living in regions blighted by war, since founding MAG in 1989.  His work has saved the lives of countless inhabitants of war zones worldwide. He received the OBE in 2007 for his work in landmine clearance.

Image of Anykia OnouraAnyika Onuora  - Athlete and Olympian. Anyika will receive the fellowship for outstanding achievement in elite sports. She is one of Britain's elite athletes - competing at three Olympics (2008, 2012, and 2016) and winning a Bronze medal in Rio for the Women's 400m relay. Born and schooled in Liverpool, Anyika grauated in Economics from LJMU in 2008 and was in the very first class of scholars in the LJMU’s Sports Scholarship programme in 2004.

Image of Datuk Dr Noel Robert

Datuk Dr. Noel Robert - Principal and Director of YPC International College, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. For outstanding contribution to international education focusing primarily on the lower income group in Malaysia. LJMU's partnership with YPC was 10 years old last year, marked by a visit from the Chancellor and Vice-Chancellor.

Image of Roger Webster

Roger Webster - Former Executive Dean of APSS and Professor of Literary Studies at LJMU. Roger will receive the fellowship for outstanding contribution to arts and cultural education. Roger has most recently been working on a history of the University, to be published this July.

Corporate Awards:

The University also announced two special Corporate Awards for organisations that have had a deep impact on the city and their communities:

Liverpool Metropolitan Cathedral

For outstanding contribution to faith and community in Liverpool

Celebrating its 50th anniversary this year. This is the major Catholic Cathedral in the north of England and as well as being a centre of Catholic worship it welcomes more than 350,000 visitors a year. The Cathedral plays an important role in the civic life of the city and the wider region and over the years has worked closely with other faith partners, charities and cultural organisations engaging in all aspects of community life.

St Vincent’s School for the Blind and Partially Sighted 

For outstanding contribution to community engagement and education. St Vincent's is over 100 years old and was awarded Freedom of the City of Liverpool last year, in recognition of its long history of being one of the most important schools in the country for the visually impaired. The school does amazing work encouraging its young people to have a sense of achievement, responsibility, mutual respect and independence, and strives to fully integrate its pupils into society. 

Work is currently underway progressing an education and enterprise village on the St Vincent’s School campus, providing space for business start-ups and entrepreneurs in return for giving business experience to older school pupils. The School has collaborated with LJMU and will deliver a school-based model of teacher training for the mandatory qualification required as a teacher of the blind from September 2017 sharing best practice to the next generation. The access to sports, innovation and education for the visually impaired being developed at St Vincents is being sent to schools for the blind around the world through the 'sightbox' project in collaboration with Rotary International @sightboxuk


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