LJMU fashion students design Pretty Green Psychedelic Parkas for Liverpool store

LJMU fashion students design Pretty Green Psychedelic Parkas

Psychedelic parkas designed by fashion graduates from the Liverpool School of Art and Design will be on display at Pretty Green’s store in Liverpool One.

The designs created by Harriet Law, Amie Dolphin and Amelia Francesca Smith were chosen as winners in a fashion competition, which aimed to support up and coming talent.

Pretty Green collaborated with LJMU to develop the competition for fashion students and created a specific brief to fit the brand’s music heritage.

The final-year design students were supplied with a technical drawing of a classic parka and asked to use the theme of ‘Psychedelia’ to customise the design in a creative and unusual way.

The designs were sent to Creative Director Pat Salter at Pretty Green who chose his top three, with the winners sent an original Pretty Green parka in a colour of their choice to customise.

Creative Director at Pretty Green Pat Salter said: 

Pretty green thoroughly enjoyed collaborating with such talented individuals on this project. 

“I personally found the experience of meeting the students and judging their incredible efforts both exciting and inspiring.

“It was a great opportunity for us to see the parka interpreted by new minds and the customisations and diversity of what the students produced was really great to see.”

He added:

"The winners work shone out from the group and Pretty Green are proud to have them on display in our Liverpool store.

“We will endeavour to work together alongside the university in the future championing talent in its early stages and hopefully giving the students a platform to showcase their talents to a wider audience.”

The finished designs will be on display in the window of the Pretty Green store in Liverpool One for Graduate Design Week from Tuesday May 29.

Programme leader for fashion at LJMU Andrew Ibi said

"This collaboration with Pretty Green was an excellent opportunity for our students to engage with a high-profile menswear brand and consider designing for the menswear market – in many cases for the first time.

“We were delighted that the students were able to meet the Pretty Green team in Liverpool, discuss their design work with them and benefit from professional advice on how to progress.

“We look forward to seeing the winning parkas on display in the Liverpool One branch of Pretty Green.”

This year’s fashion graduates will also be showcasing their work at a catwalk show to be held at Hinterlands, Mann Street in the Baltic Triangle. Shows will take place at 4pm and 7pm on Tuesday 29 May.

For more information about the fashion show email: lsad@ljmu.ac.uk or call 0151 904 1216.


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