LJMU developing climate institute

LJMU is developing proposals to launch our own climate institute and we want to involve staff who can help it make an impact.

Inspired by our Climate Action Plan and first submission to the Times Higher Education Impact Rankings, we want to co-create a meaningful and high-impact institute looking at climate change and the transition to a more sustainable future.

Our next step is to bring together colleagues with a research, knowledge exchange and impact profile who are able to demonstrate their work in climate or climate change and broader sustainability transitions. 

Supporting Sustainable Development Goals

In particular, we are keen to involve staff who can help accelerate our impact in support of the Sustainable Development Goals that the university has identified in its submission to the Times Higher Education SDG Impact Rankings:  

  • SDG 13 Climate action (as the focal point)
  • SDG 3 Good health and wellbeing
  • SDG 4 Quality education
  • SDG 12 Responsible consumption and production
  • SDG 15 Life on land
  • SDG 16 Peace, justice and strong institutions
  • SDG 17 Partnership for the goals

Workshop for staff

We are holding an action-oriented and fast-paced design sprint to help form the application for the new institute.

The session will be held on Wednesday 22 November 2023 between 9.30am and 12.30pm.

The structure of the morning will include:

  • Connecting across faculties, schools, and directorates for future working
  • Making sense of our track record and impacts so far (e.g. publications, projects, impact case studies)
  • Identifying a unique focus and key strategies for the Institute (with reference to similar and aspirational comparators)
  • Shaping the future of the new Institute including its leadership and governance
  • Setting next steps for the application

In rounds of sense making and interpreting data together, sprinters will analyse information to inform the next steps of the application. The session is facilitated by Professor Tony Wall (Liverpool Business School) and Professor Jason Kirby (School of Biological and Environmental Sciences). 

To book your space, please complete this expression of interest form. 


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