Professor Raphaela Kane

Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Faculty of Health)
Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Faculty of Science)
Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Faculty of Engineering and Technology)

Professor Raphaela Kane is the Pro-Vice-Chancellor for the Faculty of Health, the Faculty of Science and the Faculty of Engineering and Technology at Liverpool John Moores University. She relocated from Dublin City University where she held the post of Director of Academic Practice.

Professor Kane has a clinical background specialising in Accident and Emergency nursing in both the UK and Ireland. She has enjoyed an extensive clinical and senior management career in the NHS in London for 15 years undertaking further studies in nursing and education. Professor Kane has enjoyed a variety of roles in higher education and completed her PhD in Dublin City University. She values the relationship between education, research and innovation for the benefit of public health and population outcomes, for healthcare practice and patient care, ensuring that it is central to the work of the Faculty of Health and collaborative partnerships.

In addition to her membership of the Liverpool City Region Health and Life Sciences Board, Professor Kane is a member of the Liverpool Health Partners Board, the Innovation Agency and represents Liverpool John Moores University as a founding partner of the Pandemic Institute. She is the Chair of the Cheshire and Mersey Consortium Board made up of Faculty of Health leaders from Liverpool John Moores University, University of Liverpool, Edge Hill and the University of Chester and she represents all four Higher Education Institutes at the regional NHS forum. Professor Kane is a member of the National Council of Deans, the North West Council of Deans and holds a range of associated committee memberships. She is also an appointed Governor at Liverpool Universities Foundation Trust. Realising the collective strength of the regional Higher Education Institutes, the health and life science sector and community bodies is of particular interest to Professor Kane and essential to health outcomes in the city region and beyond.

Internal to Liverpool John Moores University, Professor Kane works closely with colleagues in Human Resources and Student Services in leading the health and wellbeing strategy for staff and students, she contributes to a range of committees and has recently been appointed as the Deputy Chair of Academic Board.

Professor Kane was conferred with a Professorship at Liverpool John Moores University in 2016 in recognition of the impact she has demonstrated in nursing and healthcare leadership.


Professor Kane can be contacted via her Executive Support Officer, Helen Guest on 0151 231 2964 or email

Raphaela's staff profile

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