St Georges and Lime St


A leading history department in the country, LJMU History has a 93% student satisfaction rating for teaching in the 2023 National Students Survey.

Housed within the John Foster Building, on the doorstep of the world famous Georgian Quarter, in the heart of one of the United Kingdom's most historically important cities, Liverpool John Moores University's History Department specialises in modern history, delivering a suite of fascinating modules within an innovative programme of study, which includes a Bachelor of Arts in History, Bachelor of Arts in History and English Literature and an MA in Modern History. The department also houses LJMU's Centre for Modern and Contemporary History, which supports a range of externally funded research projects and local, national and international collaborations with other higher education institutions, historical societies and museums.

History is a multi-faceted and varied subject that can take you in many directions. At one level you will learn about the Victorian city, the regulation of war, and the growth and development of Latin America but you will also discover a great deal more than this. The pursuit of history trains you to think in certain ways, to ask important questions, and it places you in the modern world. The pursuit of knowledge for knowledge's sake is a worthwhile and valuable thing that a University facilitates but it also enables you to grow personally. The art of history is telling persuasive stories and the skills associated with that will enable you to command attention beyond the classroom. Our graduates emerge as convincing, tenacious and resilient individuals ready to forge their way in the world.

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