Research in Sociology
We seek to produce a sociology that combines rigorous research methods and analytical theory, and that is public-facing and fully engaged with Liverpool as a global city and the wider community, both within the UK and beyond.
The Department of Sociology is recognised for its conceptually driven empirical research and its applied approach to sociology, and this sociological policy focus is reflected in the ways it works in partnership with a range of private, public and third-sector organisations.
For example, the department currently works with the Vienna Institute for Dialogue and Co-operation, Fairplay, Football Supporters Europe, European Gay & Lesbian Sport Federation, CiC - Fair Connections (Global), Fair Connections Foundation, Liverpool World Centre, RASA, Safe Space, Tender, Tara Women's Group/DCWC, Steps Foundation, Classrooms in the Clouds, AFC Liverpool, Asylum Link, Merseyside Peace Network, and Adult Education group.
The Department of Sociology has extensive collaborations with European and international researchers and networks, particularly Nepal, India, Brussels and Paraguay.
The Department has a record of success in securing a diverse portfolio of research income from the UK Research Councils, British Academy, European Commission, Erasmus+, DFiD, Big Lottery, European Social Fund, HEFCE and charities.
Journals and Book Series edited from the Department include Journal of World Popular Music (opens in a new tab), The Football Collective (opens in a new tab), and Transcultural Music Studies (opens in a new tab).
Staff in the Department are on a wide range of Editorial Boards, including Max Weber Studies (opens in a new tab), Journal of Tribal Studies (opens in a new tab), Sociology (opens in a new tab), Sociology of Sport Journal (opens in a new tab), Soccer and Society (opens in a new tab), Sport and Communication (opens in a new tab), Sociological Research Online (opens in a new tab), Palgrave Series of Relational Sociology (opens in a new tab), Football Research in an Enlarged Europe (opens in a new tab), Ethnomusicology Forum (opens in a new tab) and Journal of Popular Music Education (opens in a new tab).
Postgraduate Research
The Department has a thriving community of postgraduate researchers.
We offer a stimulating research environment for postgraduate researchers, with supervisory expertise in contemporary sociology, in particular the below research strands. Seminars in the sociology discipline and the related research centres provide a regular forum for postgraduate students to engage with cutting-edge research. Our research methods courses provide training in qualitative, quantitative and mixed methods and are available to all postgraduates, and we are committed to equipping our postgraduate research students with broader transferrable skills, including teaching experience.
Research Strands
Research in the Sociology Department is organised into five research groupings which reflect contemporary concerns.